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Tear Jerker / A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked. You have been warned.

  • When Kristen and Nancy first meet, Kristen is violently fighting back against the nurses trying to sedate her. She tearfully begins reciting the nursery rhyme about Freddy and is too scared to finish the last line, but Nancy does it for her, making her presence known. The quiet, almost horrified way Nancy asks Kristen where she heard the rhyme is just heartbreaking.
    Kristen: (brandishing a scalpel and sobbing) Five, six, grab your crucifix. Seven, eight, better stay up late. N-Nine, ten… never… never…!
    Nancy: Never sleep again. (slowly approaches Kristen) Where did you learn that rhyme? (gently takes the scalpel away and hugs her)
  • Taryn is killed by Freddy via a heroin overdose, a cruel death given she was a recovered addict.
  • The death of Nancy Thompson. Kristen's whining scenes may seem a little Narmy, but when she promises to dream Nancy into a "beautiful dream", it brings the waterworks. Even worse, what did Nancy in was her desire to finally make peace with her estranged father, which Freddy used as a cruel trick.
  • Big, snarky tough guy Kincaid spends his night in the Panic Room curled up in a corner, singing the same doggerel rhyme to himself over and over to keep awake. For all his macho, stoic posing in front of the others, the poor kid is still only a scared teen in a dark place, alone.
  • Neil's ultimate decision to help in the climax is preceded by a somber scene where he looks at a picture of himself and two of his patients having fun in a park. Those patients are the same two kids whom Freddy has just killed.
  • Everyone talking about the death of their plucky friend Phillip is a very grim and serious scene, particularly when Will insists it wasn't a sleepwalking accident, recounting how Phillip was awake and screamed all of the way down.
    • Phillip's death itself is pretty sad. They all witness it and try in vain to save him, unable to do anything except scream his name and beg for him to stop before watching him fall.
  • Nancy's funeral is a pretty disheartening scene. The remaining Dream Warriors look mournful and grim, and Neil has to run away to keep from breaking down in front of the others. Even a Spear Carrier funeral attendee the audience has never met before (about the right age to be a cousin or college acquaintance of Nancy) is crying in a deeply affected way.
