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Nightmare Fuel / A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked. You have been warned.

  • Phillip's death. Where do we even start?
    • Alright, so imagine a psychopathic killer controlling you regardless of your mind being aware of it. Now imagine that... but said psychopathic killer has cut open your hands and feet is using your tendons to control you like a marionette on top of that.
    • Made worse with the sight of an enlarged Freddy controlling Phillip from the sky. Also dips into Tear Jerker territory, as the rest of the teens are forced to watch Phillip fall to his death from far away and scream out his name, clearly scared out of their minds for him.
  • The scene where Kristen snaps out of her dream with the killer bathroom fixtures, and realizes she's got a bleeding wrist and a bloody razor blade in her hand. Maybe it's just paranoia talking, but for a split second she's so disoriented, she may not have been sure she hadn't genuinely gone crazy and slashed her own wrist while hallucinating. At least you can fight Freddy, but your own insanity...
  • The concept introduced that Freddy absorbs the souls of his victims and puts them in an And I Must Scream state.
  • Nancy keeping vigil over a comatose Joey; "Let him go, you bastard!" Freddy's reply - COME AND GET HIM BITCH - is carved into Joey's chest for her to see.
  • The "worm Freddy" scene. He would've swallowed Kristen whole were it not for Nancy coming to the rescue.
  • "Let's get high." Cue a bunch of track mark "mouths" opening on Taryn's arms and Freddy injecting them with his syringe claws. What follows is a highly disturbing Sound-Only Death as Taryn screams in agony and Freddy makes an orgasmic expression.
  • Poor Joey. He is a mute and cannot scream for help, which makes it all the scarier as he tries to wake everybody up to help Phillip, which leads to the scene mentioned above.
  • The opening sequence avoided retreading what the first two films had done by making it clear at the start that Freddy is a very real and immediate threat, and this isn't a Freddy who was just beginning another killing spree. This was Freddy after he'd already killed and tormented several teenagers, and we're not even told just how long this had been going on or when it even started.
  • This was the first film in which Freddy's kills became character-specific, preying on their own weaknesses and insecurities. While even some of those deaths are still kind of narmy, it's handled a thousand time better than in later films.
  • Nancy's death. The audience knows it's coming, but it's still terrifying because she's hugging her father, letting her guard down for a split-second... and then he gets her. Oh, and the moment Freddy drops his disguise—there's no jokes, no one-liners, just absolute rage as he simply tells her to die.
  • A non-Freddy related horror moment was Lorenzo the Hate Sink orderly trying to get Taryn back on drugs so he could take advantage of her, and cruelly taunting her when she tells him she'll report him to his superiors by telling her no one would listen to an ex-junkie mental patient. In a series full of fantasy horror, the horror of an orderly trying to take advantage of the children he's supposed to look after stands out.
  • When Jennifer is flipping through TV channels, she lands on what seems to be an ordinary talk show... until the host suddenly screams at his guest and pulls out Freddy's glove in a rather effective Jump Scare.
    "May I ask you a question?"
