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Scrappy Mechanic / BedWars

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BedWars is's second game based on a Minecraft mod. However, these mechanics make it hard for players to truly enjoy the game and present an barrier to the game's popularity, especially since the game went out of Beta post-Season 1:

Ongoing Issues

  • Kits. These powerful classes allow players to get unique powers from them. However, they way they are implemented has created multiple complaints, namely the fact that instead of being limited to "fun" modes such as Lucky Block and etc., they are allowed in every mode, which includes Ranked, which is supposed to be the game's competitive mode. As a result, Ranked Mode became less of an test of skill and more of a "test of how much you can suck up to the devs by paying them to get access to high ranks". Further increasing this sentiment is with the conclusion of the Beta season of Ranked Mode, there were no announcements on how Kits would be handled for Ranked Mode, essentially confirming that they have no plans to prevent access to Kits in Ranked Mode, to the lack of surprise of players. Even more bizarre is that Sky Wars and Gun Game doesn't support kits at all, making it more jarring. It got so bad that when Kits were announced for their next game, Prop Hunt, it was instantly met with derision, though unlike them they're only purchased with in-game currency and not Robux. When Rift Royale introduced Operators, basically the equivalent of Kits, much like Prop Hunt, they could be only be purchased using in-game currency as well. Only time will tell if a similar system is introduced to help those that rely on free rotation.
  • You're given no compensation if you start out with less teammates in certain modes such as Duels and Squads. Tends to be quite annoying if you're playing against complete squads, and is a major reason why Duels is considered That One Level. Making matters worse is that if your teammates quit on you, they get no punishment for such an act, aside from losing out from some XP if they don't use the /hub command. This eventually got so bad that an update later downright disabled the /hub command, and later made it harder for players to use commands while in team chat, though that hasn't stopped players from ALT+F4ing the heck outta there. Eventually, an update which properly punished players for raqequitting early on in a Ranked match with guaranteed accuracy was released before the Lassy rework, but this also had the unintended side-effect for forcing players to either go through the match alone (which is hard) or risk losing a lot of XP, and other modes still have a ragequitting problem.
  • The Diamond Generator upgrades drops diamonds for the player. However, for some reason, unlike the Tier 3 Generator which gives out an Emerald for every player standing on it, the Diamond Generator upgrades drops a diamond for one person at a time. This can be downright frustrating if you just happen to be near an base upgrade, but a player somehow gets the diamond and refuses to give it to you.
  • While the Clan features have been positively received, the Clan announcement, name, and message censor system- not so much. While it does tell you that your message is filtered and thus cannot be used, it doesn't specify where the censored part is, much the annoyance of a player who wants to create a clan only to find out that their message was censored and no indicator what parts of it was censored.
  • In a response to the rush meta, the bed alarm was added to the game, alerting all teammates that the bed is under attack. Unfortunately, the alert radius is so small that it's not possible to figure it out until it's too late, and even without that, it tends to be considered to be a waste of diamonds in the early game where all teams are strapped for resources, and not even viable in the late game, as most likely all the teams will be equipped with high-end equipment that can easily destroy blocks.
  • The Metal Detector Kit is able to find items with the metal detector, and if they're lucky enough, they can get an instant 4 diamonds for their tier 1 generator. Problem is, while it is able to detect where the items are, the height at where they are located at is not given to the player, leading them to run circles around the area where the item supposedly located but not realizing it's above or below them, which can heavily hinder them.
  • In the higher tiers, at least, Ranked Mode XP is notoriously hard to get. If you lose once, there's a good chance that it will subtract a massive amount of XP from you, making an entire week's worth of progress all for nothing, as demonstrated by CircleToonsHD here. To make matters even worse, you can sometimes lose XP even if you win, though this was later fixed. This can be easily be mitigated by quitting before a loss, though this will get you called out by players as a scrub, and later, this exploit was nerfed, making it so that losing always reduces XP, which is extremely frustrating for players who unfairly lose because of some hackers. Absolutely no one is pleased with this system.
  • The Anti-Cheat is notorious for affecting innocent players rather than actual cheaters. For example, one of the reasons why the Speed Potion was nerfed because it made the player very quick to the point where they could accidentally trigger the anti-cheat, and even without it, it's not common to see players suddenly teleporting right at the opponent rather than retreating from them, resulting in a Cycle of Hurting. After a protest involving this, combined with, bizarrely enough, people threatening to leak spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home, the developers had to issue an hotfix that reduced the anti-cheat to tolerable levels, but this had the side effect of making hackers completely unstoppable as a result, and any attempts to fix the anti-cheat are met with derision from players who hate being unfairly targeted by the anti-cheat and players who dislike hackers and want a tighter anti-cheat.
    • This problem grew worse thanks to a certain discovery made by DarkViper and KonekoKitten, where if you call out the hacker's cheating, they will use a script that reports you many times until you get banned. While this problem isn't unique to BedWars, this seems to be the most notable occurrence due to the massive amount of hackers plaguing it.


  • Knockback. This mechanic is the absolute reason why bows and Vulcan are hated so much: You're pushed across a distance whenever you're hit, and due to the rather buggy melee mechanics, this means that a bow user can use right in point blank range to give some distance, ensuring they will never hit. Meanwhile, Vulcans can use their sentries to completely lockdown an entire area, and the turret's low damage doesn't matter when they can knockback multiple enemies to their doom. While there are ways to avoid this, such as building bigger bridges and walls, this tends to be time-consuming, and the cheapest ones tend to be straight lines, making it easy for a bow user to get a kill. This mechanic is the reason why players consider bow users and Vulcan rather cheap, and is the major reason why bows have been hit hard with the nerf bat with Archer being hit the hardest. An later update introduced the Anti-Knockback enchantment, finally putting a rest to this issue, at least until it popped up again when the Anti-Knockback enchantment was removed (though this was completely overshadowed by the massively overpowered Life Drain enchantment).
  • Upon dying and being able to respawn, you're able to go the spectator camera. Unfortunately, the camera tends to point to anywhere but your base, making it impossible to know if your bed is being attacked or not. Eventually, this was changed so now the cam now spectates your killer instead, making it easier to know where they're headed to (Unless if you kill yourself either by accident or on purpose without outside assistance, in which case, the former happens).
