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High Tier Scrappy / BedWars

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Most kits in BedWars face accusations of being Pay-to-Win, but some are considered much more Pay-to-Win than others.

  • Bows are notorious for having one of the most successful gimmicks they have such as dealing Knockback from a massive range, and the Archer exemplifies all these traits and takes it to new levels, since the Archer is able to deal additional projectile damage, and also has a unique weapon associated with them, the Tactical Crossbow, which is basically a downright better version of the Crossbow as not only does it deal bigger damage than the Crossbow, but is also able to be obtained before grabbing the Bow. These combined with how insanely overpowered bows are in the gameplay meta as of July 11, 2021, made them not disliked because of their gameplay, but because of how simply bland it is, many consider Archer to be a boring character that only gets wins because of how overpowered bows are, resulting in one of the most hated kits in the game, to the point where merely wearing the skin is enough to get the teams you aren't on to call a massive Enemy Mine against you to prevent the Archer from getting the Tactical Crossbow in time, and players actively dread the kit would be put in free rotation, which it finally did on July 12, 2021, and while it was paired with nerfs such as decreasing the damage dealt and increase of Emeralds needed to get the Crossbow, increasing the reload times, this still wasn't enough as player immediately swarmed the servers with arrows flying over the place. As an aside note, try looking at the game's official Discord server and checked the pinned message of the fan art channel (which usually only appear when a fan art gets 30+ stars). Note that an artwork calling for the nerf of Archer is pinned with over 100 stars. Eventually, a third nerf took place, which once again increasing the reload times of the crossbows, but also finally addressing the major issue of knockback by nerfing it altogether, finally making it so you don't have to purchase Shielder to counter the class.
  • Vanessa is basically Archer times three (no pun intended): While she doesn't have an additional damage increase and the Tactical Crossbow, she makes up for it by firing three arrows when fully charging her attack. Oh, and she can do this with an unupgraded bow. Oh, and if she gets the Crossbow? You better pray that she doesn't spot you in time or else be flung over into an Bottomless Pit. So overpowered was this kit, that it received a nerf by reducing the charge amount time on the crossbow, though that hasn't stopped some players from achieving insane feats with her. The Anti-Knockback enchantment kit also hurt her viability a bit, since knockback is a major trait among bows, though players still see her as overpowered due to the aforementioned Enchantments, especially Fire.
  • Raven was initially considered annoying but counterable due to his main weapons, being Ravens, requiring one emerald for each one, thus making him only a threat in the late-game where Team Gen 3 is available. However, with the advent of the Enchanting Table, the Raven skyrocketed from being annoying to being majorly despised among highly-skilled players, because the raven's damage consist of poison damage that consist of ignoring 70% of armor, but when combined with an fire enchantment, which ignores armor, this makes them capable of killing people in two hits in succession, and is absolutely bad news to those without a bed, cause the moment the Raven has hit you with his ravens twice, you're pretty much dead, and the only counter to him, the Eldertree, is considered a endangered species due to nerfs and more prominent kits able to counter it hard. Long story short: Unless you managed to kill off the Raven for good before he destroys your bed or all beds get destroyed, expect an instant loss! Thankfully, it did not take long for to notice this, and made an exception regarding that Raven can no longer use their ravens to inflict both Poison and Fire damage at the same time, but it didn't take long for player to also realize that both Static damage and Ravens can also stock up, not to mention it also has the benefit of area-of-effect as well, making the Raven incredibly overpowered regardless.
  • Baker. On the surface, the Baker can produce Health Apples for 30 iron and Speed Pies for 2 emeralds. Naturally, as the game progresses, unless if taken care of quickly, once the Baker gets an Tier 3 Team Generator upgrade, he is notorious for being completely unstoppable. Speed Pies allow him to move as fast as an Grim Reaper, Health Apples can heal him well enough to shrug off any injures from attacks he escaped from. Oh, and they aren't exclusive to him either: He can share it with his teammates as well, especially if said teammate happens to be an Barbarian with an Rageblade or a well-fed Aery, making under the right conditions, a complete brutal curb-stomp. The Speed Pie is so potent that even bow-users are unable to keep up with them. The only counters to him is other Bakers and Freiya, since her Frostbite debuff stacks with upgrades, most notably Fire, and even then she has to be careful when approaching the Baker.
  • Grim Reaper. Even if you exclude the fact that they can use Bows, they're going to still create a bunch of ruckus regardless of your stance on them. They're agreed to have essentially one gimmick- kill a player, reap their soul for invisibility and healing. However, this gimmick works so well that they essentially serve as a Beef Gate against other players who are forced to either quickly prepare resources before getting killed by the Reaper, or risk being stuck in a Cycle of Hurting as the Grim Reaper reaps their soul, kills a player, takes another one, and repeat. They're so infamous that even a nerf wasn't enough to stop them (reduced healing), due to their invisibility gimmick working for them very well, with their only disadvantage that they can't use knockback for a cheap soul since it'll go out of bounds, and no additional nerfs were introduced for the kit, much to the community's chagrin.
  • Any kit that allows players to leap distances, such as Yuzi, Jade, and Void Regent. Having the ability to leap great distances with their weapons is very contentious, because they essentially allow them to pursue weakened players or pull off Hit-and-Run Tactics with ease, though Yuzi gets the worst of the vitriol, since she discards Jade's massive launching ability and Void Regent's healing with the Void Axe for being able to launch her self with Daos, which is essentially Chinese swords, and given that she can lunge with an Emerald sword, it goes as well as you think. Not helping matters is that Yuzi is available to all players permanently who paid for her, unlike Jade and Void Regent who were limited. Unsurprisingly, this got them all hit with an nerf bat which forbade them from buying Telepearls, though they're still hated for being able to evade with Balloons as well. An later update on April 8th, 2022 also nerfed their jumping distance and increased their cooldown (with the exception of Yuzi, since her Dao swords are more expensive to compensate), finally bringing an end to Jade and Void Regent's reign of terror, until for some reason, the nerf to them being unable to use Telepearls was reverted, bringing them back to high-tier hatred once more.
  • Remember all the complaints Raven had about his poison stacking with other effects such as Static? Well, Conqueror also has this problem. On paper, his kit makes it look like he's a Support Party Member, with each of his Banners granting an effect normally gained from forging, such as Anti-Knockback. In practice, they went above and beyond regarding it, for one reason- The fire banner stacks with the Static Enchantment, meaning everyone who gets hit by an combination of Fire and Static enchantment is already doomed, since it goes on forever unlike the Raven's poison. Combine that with a snowball, and you pretty much got a high-tier late-game kit. And unlike the majority of these kits on the high-tier spectrum, he's available for everyone for free provided they level their Season 4 Battle Pass to 40.
