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Sandbox / N-Word Privileges Wick Check

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Wick Check input (100 examples)

  1. Music.XUS Band: Averted in "Los Angeles".
  2. Film.The Defiant Ones: Joker does not have them, which is what starts the fight in the prisoner transport truck, which is what leads to the crash and their escape.
  3. Series.Chappelles Show: Nigga, this show loved playing with this. Case in point: "The Niggar Family", about a (white) family with a very unlikely last name. Also subverted in the extended Paul Mooney interview for "Ask a Black Dude" in the season 1 DVD special features. After Mooney ends his answer to Stephen King's question by saying that he wrote a horror film called "Niggas in School", one of the white guys off camera repeats the title while laughing, which makes Mooney laugh as well.
  4. Film.Rush Hour: Innocently Insensitive: Lee finds out the hard way that "What's up, my nigga?" is not a good way to break the ice in a bar full of black patrons (at least when you're not black yourself). The guys who attack Lee then find out the hard way that when a guy played by Jackie Chan makes that mistake, it's best to just let it slide.
  5. YMMV.Drawn Together: Broken Base: The show itself is either hilarious or relies way too much on shock humor and doesn't take advantage of its premise. While pretty much everyone and everything is a target, the abundance of Jewish jokes in particular tend to divide viewers: some think it's just a straight example of N-Word Privileges, while others feel it's outright anti-Semitism. The character I.S.R.A.E.L. in The Movie has been criticized as going beyond "knocking your own" and just ending up as one long anti-Semitic joke.
  6. TheBigBangTheory.Season Seven: When watching Star Wars: Episode I, Penny agrees with the others that Jar-Jar Binks is stupid, only for them to get offended and Raj saying that only they are allowed to do that.
  7. WebVideo.The Annotated Series: Jump Scare: Pure audio variation - at the very end of Out Friend, Martin, the DiC Vanity Plate has the "DiC!" replaced with a ridiculously loud "NIGGERS!"
  8. WebVideo.Anime House: Discussed in Episode 6, as after Vegeta calls out Frieza for constantly calling him a monkey, Frieza states it's perfectly fine since he's half black now, thanks to his new Black Frieza form from the Dragon Ball Super manga.
  9. YMMV.Kendrick Lamar: "Auntie Diaries" features Kendrick using the word "faggot" as a way to point out his early years of ignorance over the word in order to illustrate how he learned to be more careful with it, in particular with two people he knew who came out as transgender, and criticize the usage of said word in hip-hop culture, even providing an argument over N-Word Privileges. While this point got across to many, there are still some who only fixate on Kendrick saying "faggot" and feel he's being homophobic in the song, despite a huge chunk of the LGBT community not only praising the song but pointing out that Kendrick still makes a strong point despite the usage of the word.
  10. Characters.South Park Family Members: Straight Gay: Implied, in the episode "It Hits the Fan", when Jimbo wasn't bleeped when he said the word "fag" when Mr. Garrison mentions gay people's N-Word Privileges when it comes to that particular word.
  11. LetsPlay.Tessellating Hexagons: Sir Swears-a-Lot: Tess swears quite a bit. Particularly in reviews of Eurovision songs he doesn't like. Tess: Because potatoes are my motherfucking spirit animal...*beat*...Bitch. He does seem to draw the line when it comes to N-Word Privileges, though. Alex will not hesitate to swear, either. Tess: Don't make me censor your arse.
  12. Music.Threepac: He comically assumed he had this, and made full use of it.
  13. Creator.Nileseyy Niles: The N-word is dropped a few times in his videos.
  14. Recap.Big Mouth S 04 E 2 The Hugest Period Ever: Brought up by Lena and Quinta to Missy, where they say Missy can say it. However, Missy note who is still voiced by Jenny Slate at the time says it's not ok for her to say that word.
  15. SaturdayNightLive.Tropes Q To Z: Sarcasm Mode: Seth Meyers on Weekend Update every other line: (re: Justin Bieber's mugshot) "Well THIS looks like the face of a man who's learned his lesson!" Michael Che's style of handling Weekend Update is two-thirds this and one-third N-Word Privileges. Sometimes both at once. Colin: A merit-based system is contrary to the ideals of America. My Irish ancestors didn't come to America because they were the best and the brightest; they came here because God took their potatoes away. Michael: At least they had a choice. President Trump said... (Beat due to massive audience reaction)
  16. VideoGame.Mafia III: Averted. The black jerkass headwaiter in service of Olivia Marcano, who Lincoln works for in disguise during Remy Duvall's eulogy is absolutely loathed by his employees for calling everyone a nigger. Played straight with the other black characters who only use it as part of a joke (the Black Mob) or to call out attention to an issue (Cassandra saying all the cops sees in Lincoln is a big nigger with guns).
  17. Funny.Botchamania: After subscribing to the WWE Network, one of the first things Maffew did was "road test" it. In that he cued up the infamous Harlem Heat promo wherein Booker T says "Hulk Hogan, we comin' for YOU, nigga!" In the past it was clumsily dubbed over, if not bleeped out altogether; here he wanted to see if it was left unedited. And indeed, the clip is unedited. This causes Maffew and his buddies to cheer.
  18. Recap.Ash Vs Evil Dead S 1 E 1 El Jefe: Mr. Roper believes he's within his right to call Ash a retard because his gardener is a huge one.
  19. Music.Dead Kennedys: Averted with "Holiday in Cambodia" for the purpose of mocking white liberals who think they're immune to racism: "Braggin' that you know how the niggers feel cold" "And the slums got so much soul" Also in "We've Got a Bigger Problem Now" as a Take That! to racist Reagan supporters: Ku Klux Klan will control you Still, you'll think it's natural Nigger knocking for the master race Still, you wear the happy face (As an aside, it should perhaps be noted that drummer D.H. Peligro is African-American; though he didn't play on either the single or the album version of "Holiday in Cambodia," he did play on "We've Got a Bigger Problem Now." Additionally, this trope is generally played straight when either Jello or the Kennedys perform "Holiday in Cambodia" these days, as the lyrics are generally Bowdlerised).
  20. BigBrother.US Tropes: The huge controversey surrounding N-Word Privileges in Big Brother 15. While you would never be able to tell by watching the show, anyone who watches the live feeds can assure you these are some of the most foul-mouth, bigoted houseguests ever. There have been huge petitions to expel some of the worst offenders from the house, and it even cost 3 houseguests their jobs.
  21. TruthInTelevision.D To F: Foreign-Looking Font: They exist, but because they often have racist implications or are used in racialized imagery, using them is often a very bad idea unless you're part of the culture that the font is aping from. For example: Wonton is considered racist by many, depending on who is using it and for what reason. Others like Lithos, German Gothic, Neuland, etc. could also have this reaction, especially in certain contexts.
  22. Series.Treme: Again, Davis. Or so he thinks, until he ends up getting the crap kicked out of him by someone who overheard him. Ironically, in the scene where he gets punched out for this he was quoting Antoine word for word rather than throw it around casually. Delmond is offended by New Yorkers saying the same negative things about New Orleans that he always does. "I get to say that. They don't!"
  23. Film.The FP: Fun with Acronyms: In this movie, "nigga" is an acronym that means Never Ignorant, Gettin' Goals Accomplished. This wasn't something invented for the movie (Tupac Shakur used it as a song title), but it hasn't really caught on, and a few reviewers have suggested that the movie uses this convention solely so that it can have white people saying the n-word.
  24. LetsPlay.Chuggaaconroy: Several times, he's claimed he's allowed to make fun of the French because he's part French himself. In Super Paper Mario, he then goes on to say that pretty much all the stereotypes are true.
  25. Funny.Family Guy Seasons 13 To 14: Peter and Quagmire get themselves fired the same way Paula Deen did, by saying the one word you can't say on TV... (cut to everyone at the Clam) Cleveland: You could have just quit the show. (end of episode)
  26. YMMV.Pulp Fiction: Values Dissonance: Having the only gay characters in the movie be sadistic rapists would get a lot more criticism in the present day, as would Jimmy's liberal use of the N-word around Jules.
  27. Characters.What We Do In The Shadows 2019 Supernatural Creatures: Everything Is Racist: He angrily complains to Colin Robinson about how "trolling" is a racial slur against trolls, and that he doesn't want Colin Robinson to repeat it. He ends up using it himself at one point.
  28. Series.Never Mind The Buzzcocks: Country Matters: Mark: When he left The Skids, Stuart Adamson went on to become a Big Country member. And we all do remember. Discussed in Simon's first episode as permanent host. He calls Patrick Kielty one, which guest Anthea Turner objects to, claiming he can't say the word because he hasn't got one. Simon: So I can't say it? But I haven't got an umbrella...
  29. WebVideo.Profound Moments In Left 4 Dead 2: "Does this mean I can say the N word without getting in trouble?" "NOOOOO"
  30. Literature.A Passage To India: Politically Incorrect Villain: Comes with the territory. Besides the day-to-day bigotry and discrimination, several English characters (particularly Major Callendar) use racial slurs to describe the Indians as tensions heat up (Fielding knows things have gotten bad when he learns that other Englishmen in Chandrapore started calling Indians "niggers"). Several characters express casual antisemitism as well, including Ronny who at one point blames the protests on Jewish agitators. Of course, the Indian characters aren't above expressing their own religious and caste prejudices.
  31. Recap.South Park S 17 E 4 Goth Kids 3 Dawn Of The Posers: The Gangsta Vamp is the only character to say the word on account of being black.
  32. Characters.ER: Politically Incorrect Hero: The first thing he does when introduced is ask Benton why he doesn't have N-Word Privileges when Chris Rock does.
  33. Pantheon.Narrative Objects: Dadga still wonders what the hell Chin Chin is but abhors the black shit for trying to control humans. In response Chin Chin said something rather frowned upon to Celtic god but says it’s okay since he’s kinda black-ish. Chin Chin: YOU ARE A BITCH ASS NIGGA MUDAFUCKA
  34. Characters.The Invisibles: Politically Incorrect Hero: He is initially pretty hostile to Lord Fanny and uses the wrong pronouns. He gets better. He is also uses the N-Word a couple times, although in a non-racist context.
  35. Literature.Up The Line: the very black Sam casually uses various racial slurs when speaking of himself, such as "spade". Of course, he also at one point calls a white character "honky" and frequently calls Jud "white folks". Perhaps in their time, such words aren't the issue they are in our 2022.
  36. Funny.Oney Plays: In the beginning of Part 1, the much fan-anticipated Twinsanity playthrough wastes no time getting started with OneyPlays signature brand of humor (While on the first loading screen) Julian: There's the little- the little (faggot)coot Chris: *has a giggle-fit* Ding Dong: (chastising tone) Julian. Julian: What!? Ding Dong: Censorship out the door? Chris: Yeah, don't say 'coot'. (Chris and Julian laugh)
  37. Characters.Breaking Bad Walts Family: Tends to assume he has them with his Hispanic colleagues, not that they hesitate to respond in kind.
  38. NightmareFuel.Dirty Harry: He starts out with a murder of a woman that wouldn't be out of place in a TV-PG rated crime procedural today, but quickly moves on to killing a child (using N-Word Privileges in the process) by blowing away part of his face. Thankfully, this isn't shown, but Facial Horror is strongly implied.
  39. Funny.The Nostalgia Critic 2010 Episodes: Critic using his little kid voice to make Samuel L. Jackson sound more badass in Pulp Fiction like Enola's attempt to make Costner's character sound more badass; Critic: His fro can block out the light of a thousand suns, his teeth can take out the biggest of Kahuna burgers and his constant use of the N-Word makes my mommy so angry but he's so worth the R-rating (Jackson fires a gun) Ahhh! Jules: I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?
  40. Series.The Game 2006: This Is for Emphasis, Bitch!: For a show devoid of N-Word Privileges, this word gets uttered quite often. Debase racial language? Unacceptable. Sexist insults? A-okay.Though BET cuts off the word during reruns of seasons one through three, and then eliminated the word entirely after season three, the seasons produced by the network itself.Not quite. Tasha's pre-title screen line in the first episode of season four was a beyond-emphatic "Game on, BITCHES." It was bleeped in re-runs. In season four and five, the characters mostly tip toe using the word directly, but the viewers can fill in the blanks themselves. Averted in one season five episode, with Melanie and Tasha gratuitously using the word in a heated argument, though later rectified via an Anvilicious statement about how the ladies shouldn't use a word debasing their gender as a passive greeting. invoked
  41. Funny.Thirty Rock: Jack's search for a name for a miniature microwave in "The Funcooker", all of his suggestions being offensive to someone.Examples include Bitenuker (extremely offensive in French and Dutch), the Hot Richard (somehow offensive in English), and the Funcooker, which works out fine until Tracy reveals on air that it's his nickname for his butt. A particular highlight is when he decides to use Scrabble tiles to generate a random word. Jack: Let fate choose a name for us. [he begins pulling out tiles and putting them on the table] V...A...G... [Frank laughs] Jack: [he tries again] N...I... [Toofer shoots him a Death Glare] Jack: I have an idea. Why don't I just pull them all at once? [he slams six tiles down at once, they spell HITLER]
  42. Series.Muppets Now: Kermit can use the phrase "bottom-feeder" because he's a frog. Piggy shuts down a question from a viewer when it asks about "pigging out".
  43. Film.Not Another Teen Movie: Shaking the Rump: A portion of the parody of Bring It On has the (white) cheerleaders doing this: We're black, we know it, we shake our big booties and show it, we ain't white, we ain't white, we definitely ain't white. Break it down niggas!
  44. Literature.Grunvale: When a donkey/asinine takes offense to Margo uttering the word 'jackass', August remarks that equines (asinines/donkeys in particular) don't like any non-equines using the term.
  45. WebVideo.Precious Plum: Parodied in "A Biker Shop". Mama mistakes "Nigeria" and "Brown" (as in the university) for slurs, claiming that they're "their word".
  46. ComicBook.Secret Wars II: In Uncanny X-Men #196, during a confrontation between Kitty Pryde and a Columbia University student named Phil: Phil: You're a mutie then, Pryde—like him?! Kitty: Gee, I dunno, Phil—are you a nigger? Phil: Watch your mouth! Kitty: Watch yours! Especially when you use words like that, and try to be intentionally hurtful!
  47. Characters.West Side Story: Deadpan Snarker: Especially around Bernardo and to a lesser extent Maria. She's the only one who can get away with calling her boyfriend a Spic without him flying into a blind rage, instead with him only proclaiming "You are not so cute."
  48. Creator.Nicholas Hamilton: Curse Cut Short: Instead of his usual catchphrase, Nic ends the video for "Gay Pornstar Martini" (which he did for Pride Month) with "I'm a fa-"
  49. Film.Borat: Borat would not have been written as an intense Anti-Semite if his actor, Sacha Baron Cohen, were not a practicing Jew himself. Baron Cohen's portrayal of Borat is still controversial with the Jewish demographic, however. Parodied when Borat tries to check into a hotel after getting a ghetto makeover. He, a white man, walks into the lobby wearing his pants low, and starts speaking to the (also white) manager in stereotypical Black colloquialisms, even straight up calling the manager the N-Word itself.
  50. Characters.Big Brother 2007: Was removed from the house for saying the "N" word to Charley. Charley did state she wasn't offended and used the term herself however this was obviously wrong on Emily's part.
  51. YMMV.The Boondocks: Mexicans Love Speedy Gonzales: As with the comic strip, black audiences love this show, while Moral Guardians accuse it of taking too much liberty with its N-Word Privileges.
  52. WebVideo.Diamond Axe Studios Music: The "White People Filter" in the Worst of 2014 collaboration video with Cicabeot1, which is used for two consecutive entries, allows any usage of the word from either Sean or Dianne to be censored and replaced with "TIGGER".
  53. Series.Around The World In 80 Days 2021: Parenthetical Swearing: Since this is a family show, they can't exactly have the KKK members in episode 7 hurling around racial slurs, but it's certainly implied from the way Abernathy calls Passepartout "French boy" that he would if he could. While less outright offensive than certain other words, "boy" itself has a derogatory history towards black men.
  54. Literature.Ambergris: Only now do we learn that the Gray Caps prefer to be known as the fanaarcensitii.
  55. YMMV.Booker T: Memetic Mutation: "Hulk Hogan! We comin' fo' YOU, nigga!" (Cue self-Facepalm)"What da hell?!" Go on YouTube and go to any video that has the "Booker T/Harlem Heat" theme, each one will have comments that says "Sounds like a Tekken stage theme". "You lookin' real jacked, baby!" Explanation During the Backlash 2017 pre-show panel, Erick Rowan approaced the analysts, and Booker tried to calm him down by repeating this phrase.
  56. Recap.Glee S 1 E 2 Showmance: Bowdlerise: An early example of the show changing the lyrics. There aren't many words that rhyme with "Gold digger."
  57. Music.Steel Panther: Subverted Rhyme Every Occasion: "Gold-Digging Whore" again, due to the band's lack of N-Word Privileges. She's a gold-digger, she's a gold-digger Fucking all the white guys and all the Persians
  58. Music.Joe Jackson: Jackson, a bisexual man, openly uses the word "faggot" in the anti-biphobia song "Real Men". In the same line, he discusses this trope's applicability to himself, asking that the listener not refer to him with the slur if they're not already a friend of his.
  59. Series.Wilfred: "Scooby-Doo" is apparently the N-Word to dogs.Wilfred also stops Ryan when he says the word "Dobies" to describe Doberman, claiming that it's "their word"... then proceeds to use Dobies as a slur for the rest of the episode without hesitation.
  60. Film.Leprechaun Back 2 Tha Hood: A minor white character cheerfully uses it during a drug deal everyone (including people in the background) just stares at him in disgust, with a record scratch noise (and the sound of a car braking) even being heard when the guy utters the word. Of note, at one point in the movie one of the main characters tells another that "nigga" is actually out and that the new word is "ninja". Leprechaun: Whassup, ninjas!?
  61. YMMV.Velma: Due to this version of Shaggy being black, jokes about how Ultra Instinct Shaggy acquired N-Word Privileges using some percentages of his power have circulated.
  62. Music.Cupcakke: The word often appears in lyrics and the song title "Grilling Niggas".
  63. Funny.The Daily Show With Jon Stewart: August 24, 2010: The offensive epithet ticker—apparently "kike" is up three-and-a-quarter—and also used around The Daily Show's office because they mistakenly thought it was a nicer way to say "Jew".
  64. Characters.The Perks Of Being A Wallflower: In the movie, at least. During the game of Truth or Dare, Patrick jokingly calls himself a "fag", but when Brad calls Patrick a faggot in the cafeteria he starts a huge fight.
  65. Music.Eazy E: In an interview with journalist Marc Watts, Eazy opines that he doesn't mind the casual use of the n-word by white people towards Afican-Americans so as long as it isn't used in a demeaning manner: "If you say 'what's up, nigga?' then that's cool. But if you say, 'Nigger!', then I'mma take it different." African-American author and social commentator Earl Hutchinson did however rebuke Eazy in the same interview, asking "Why would you be a nigga for life? Why can't you be a human being for life?"
  66. Music.Guns N Roses: Axl doesn't understand them. See "One In A Million". Of course, the argument can be made that he does understand them and this song is a protest against them.
  67. PoliceBrutality.Live Action TV: Dear White People: What sets up the second plot in the climax of Episode 5 of Season 1 - when Reggie eventually quarrels with a white student over N-Word Privileges at a party, campus police show up with an immediate assumption that Reggie was the instigator and demand identification while virulently dismissing Joelle when she comes to his defense. Reggie's quip "Fuck these pigs" provokes one of the officers to draw his gun on him, conjuring a scene that where people of color have either experienced and/or unfortunately not survived to tell the aftermath while the surrounding students are horrified and pleading with the officer to withdraw his firearm. Fortunately, though Reggie shakingly complies with fear for his life and does leave with it, he's understandably broken by the confrontation.
  68. Film.Battle For The Planet Of The Apes: An ape can say "no" to another ape, but a human may never say "no" to an ape. After Conquest, the word "no" is basically a psychological trigger for apes.
  69. BetterThanItSounds.Film D: Django Unchained: Guy wants to see his wife again. People die and have weird\racist conversations along the way.
  70. Music.Patti Smith: "Rock 'n' Roll Nigger", although she uses the term to mean "social outcast" rather than with outright racial connotations.
  71. Funny.Sidemen Gameplay: Ethan says the name of a GTA Online race's creator that makes the Sidemen (especially JJ and Tobi) go, "What?" He then comes up with this description of the user's name (XxnegozkxX): Ethan: It's LEGO for black people. Even funnier is how everyone flips out after Ethan says "negoz" and it comes out sounding like "niggas". At the start of the race, there's a small patch of area on the ground that's randomly lit on fire. Tobi then says, "Ey look, my mixtape!"
  72. Film.The Boondock Saints: Sort of. "Mick" and "wop" aren't exactly terms of affection between the McManus brothers and Rocco, but they would probably respond to anyone else who used them with violence. Defied with Smecker, whose casually dropping homophobic slurs like this trope is in place pisses off other gay men.
  73. Memes.Sonic The Hedgehog: Eggman N*ga. Explanation The "Nega" in Eggman Nega is short for "Negative", but it also sounds a lot like a certain slur. Any time the character is brought up, you can expect to see at least one person making fun of his name.
  74. Series.Vicious: This show probably would have been considered massively offensive were Ian Mckellan and Derek Jacobi not well known for being openly gay.
  75. Webcomic.Keychain Of Creation: Parodied with the derogatory "'nathema."
  76. Pantheon.Officers: For obvious reasons, he doesn't care for Gene Hunt's bigotry. Every time they meet, it's often filled with insults (with Gene using a specific word). Being tired of this conflict, the House of Justice forced them both to solve a case in hope that they'll warm up with each other. It kind of worked, but don't expect them to team up again.
  77. FantasticRacism.Live Action Films: According to urban legend, there is a moment when Donald Duck (a white duck) calls Daffy Duck (a black duck) the N-word, although according to the script he says "nitwit", which sounds just enough like the N-word with his speech impediment.
  78. Funny.Sidemen: A few moments from Simon's crossbar challenge: Out of all of the people to be the first to hit the crossbar, it's Ethan. (Doubles as a Moment of Awesome.)Everyone losing their shit immediately afterwards is pretty hilarious to watch as well. When Josh takes his first shot while wearing his mask, he hears the ball hitting the post and thinks that he's done it. Some fellow sidemen are quick to correct him. Calfreezy's second shot, which sailed over the goal, only to come down and hit JJ right in the bicep. JJ going up for a second shot and saying nothing but "Nigga."He then completely overshoots. Well, "overshoots" is a bit of an understatement. Made more amusing by Ethan's laughter in the background.
  79. OvershadowedByControversy.Live Action TV: The Merchant of Venice, with the baggage mentioned in the Theatre section, attracted a lot of protest from Jewish groups in the United States, including the Anti-Defamation League. Some even went so far as to try to pressure PBS to pull the broadcast from its schedule. It didn't work; using lessons learned from the Death of a Princess controversy the year before, PBS went ahead with the broadcast, citing a need for both sides of the issue to be heard and also pointing out that both producer Jonathan Miller and the actor playing Shylock, Warren Mitchell, just so happened to be Jewish themselves.
  80. Series.Please Like Me: Subverted in 'Spanish Eggs.' At a football match, a security guard tells Geoffrey and Josh they have to leave after Geoffrey loudly calls the players faggots. Geoffrey tries to invoke this trope by kissing Josh, to prove he's gay and not homophobic, but they still get kicked out. While discussing dirty-talk, Josh says it's okay for him to say 'suck it, fag boy' because he's reappropriating the slur. Tom is skeptical that there's anything empowering about that phrase, and when he repeats it Josh tells him he's not allowed to say it. Alan asks if he's allowed to say 'pansy' and Geoffrey gives his blessing.
  81. Funny.NP Carlsson: Ripto's Racist: Reignited Spyro's foray into his adventure. Elora: Did you meet the Crystal Gems? Spyro: They gave me a Talisman! (Amethyst holds up the Magma Cone Talisman) Elora: THEY GAVE YOU A TALISMAN?! Spyro: What are you, special? I just stuck it in Gnasty Gnorc's butt! (Gnasty Gnorc groans and winces) Those university skills really pay off for Moneybags. Moneybags: If Ripto were here, I'd give him one'a these! (drops mic; dances to a remix of Sewer or Later) I still know a few moves! (combo punches Gulp on the jaw) Ripto: (holding gun) Say hello to my little friend! Moneybags: Take That! (gets shot; falls to Take That's "Back for Good") Even post-death, Ripto proves to be a threat. Ripto: I'm going to say the N-Word! Sgt. Byrd: YOU CAN'T SAY THE N-WORD!!! (shoots Ripto dead)
  82. Series.Tatort: Professor Boerne's assistant Silke Haller is a little person (ChrisTine Urspruch, who plays her, is 132 cm tall) and Boerne not only gave her the nickname Alberich, but continually makes short jokes about her. "Alberich" returns the favour and sees his jokes as a sign that he respects her for her competence and does not pity her. But woe to anybody who actually laughs at Boerne's jokes - then Boerne will make him or her feel deeply embarrassed.
  83. YMMV.Double Toasted: Crosses the Line Twice: Martin's joke about Ghostbusters (2016) crosses the line more times than there are letters on this page.
  84. Creator.Nigahiga: Japanese Ranguage: The personal trainers in "How to be Ninja" speak rather inconsistently this way. This carries into Hanate's appearance on Skitzo. Also counts as N-Word Privileges, since both Ryan and Sean are Japanese.
  85. Recap.Epic Rap Battles Of History Eastern Philosophers Vs Western Philosophers: Confucius makes cracks about Asian Speekee Engrish, Chinese takeout, and fortune cookies.
  86. Recap.Dragon Ball Z Abridged M 6: Call-Forward: Near the end of Episode 30 of the abridged series, Chi-Chi makes Gohan read a version "The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn" with "the N-word taken out". This movie has a younger Gohan read what sounds like the original version with the N-word intact, but stops short twice before he can say the whole word. From Piccolo: "… I'm gonna steal that kid."
  87. Series.Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Invoked in "Kimmy Goes to the Doctor!" Titus: You don't like it when I say mole women. Kimmy: Yeah, 'cuz that's our word. You wouldn't like it if I said— Titus: (brandishing Buhbreeze sprayer and singing in high D) Hoooooooooooooooold!
  88. Music.Deftones: Averted; the N-word was used in "7 Words". Justified by the fact that it's an anti-racist song.
  89. Film.Blue Collar: Downer Ending: Jerry throws the English language's most infamous slur at Zeke during the climactic scene; this insult, combined with Zeke calling him a Polack in response, underlines the breakdown of their friendship as the union has successfully torn them apart. Not to mention the fact that their mutual friend Smokey was murdered by the union.
  90. YMMV.News Radio: In one episode, Bill launches an editorial against rap lyrics (you know, after everybody else stopped). At one point, he mentions with disgust that the rappers refer to themselves with "the n-word". Confused, Matthew replies "Nerd?" A few years later came the rap group N.E.R.D. (And no, the "n" doesn't stand for the "n-word".)
  91. WebVideo.Beatrice The Golden Witch: Discussed and defied in her song "White Nigga"; even though she's white, she doesn't feel obliged to not use the term "nigga" like other rappers do, not as a slur against black people but as a highly contextual part of the slang. An endorsement from black YouTuber NinOuh on that same track may be the closest thing she's got to "honorary" n-word priveleges. She gives the most detailed explanation of her stance on the n-word in the PCP episode "Empathy".
  92. Series.Louie: Acceptable usage of "faggot" is discussed in "Poker" at the beginning of season one's second episode.
  93. WaxingLyrical.Video Games: The Detective can quote DMX's "Where The Hood At" at your Shivers skill, and it replies in kind: The Detective: Where the hood, where the hood, where the hood at? Shivers: HAVE A BROTHER IN THE CUT. WHERE THE WOOD AT?
  94. JustForFun.Lousy Alternate Titles: We called it N-Word Privileges because many of us don't have the privileges to write N***er Is A Four Letter Word, Especially If You Are Part of a Race That Used That Term to Demonize and Belittle Others properly, even if it wasn't long as heck.
  95. Film.Baywatch 2017: Matt tries to guilt a black cop by throwing the cop's use of "you people" back at him. Mitch puts a stop to it, remarking: "Uh uh. You're just tan."
  96. Series.This Hour Has 22 Minutes: In one sketch Gavin Crawford interrupts a co-anchor's report to apologize for having said "the n-word". A clip parodying the Kramer rant is then shown, with Gavin shouting "Newfies!" a couple of times.
  97. Webcomic.It Hurts: Token Black Friend: Parodied with Allison. She abuses N-Word Privileges and makes a ton of minority jokes, mostly acting like the hardened street smart kid, even though she was raised by a white upper middle class Jewish family. She's also adopted and doesn't know her birth parents, and at one point refers to herself as "probably black".
  98. TheWire.Tropes E To L: Greedy Jew: Maurice Levy, the Amoral Attorney who profits handsomely by protecting drug dealers, makes a number of references to his Jewish culture, while Rhonda Pearlman, his honest counterpart, is also Jewish, but you'd never know it. McNulty at one point calls Pearlman "a member of [Levy's] tribe," but in the context he may very well be referring to the fact that they're both lawyers. (David Simon said he based Levy on some real Jewish drug lawyers he knew in Baltimore—insisting that all or nearly all such attorneys in Baltimore were Jewish—and claimed privileges to use the trope, as Simon is Jewish himself.)
  99. VideoGame.Mad World: The Theme Park Version: In-game, Asiantown was made by throwing together a bunch of different Asian motifs, icons, and stereotypes, and is heavily lampshaded. This being a Japanese game made exclusively for Western audiences makes you wonder who is ribbing who?
  100. Memes.Game Of Thrones: Jokes comparing Winterfell's hostility to the Dothraki and Unsullied to real-life racism. Many compared their arrival to the "nigger on a horse" scene from Django Unchained.
