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Web Video / Profound Moments In Left 4 Dead 2

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Profound Moments in Left 4 Dead 2 is a comedic Let's Play of Left 4 Dead 2. Four dudes with microphones allegedly attempt their first playthrough, while Hilarity Ensues as they manage to make fun of absolutely everything they come across in the game. Most of the laughs they create come from fooling about with objects, fake adverts and many other props that have no real impact on gameplay.

In each season, the gang does playthrough of a Left 4 Dead 2 campaign. Currently 5 seasons have been uploaded to YouTube. The original cast consists of Aovnick, Archaon, PuppySky, and Djy1991 (aka David), who is better known as the uploader of the graphic adaptations of some of squirrelking's and Peter Chimaera's works, like Half-Life: Full Life Consequences and Quarter-Life: Halfway To Destruction.

In season 2, Archaon was replaced with another player named TicTac, allegedly because Archaon's mom had a book club or something. In Season 3, two new members, Mastermind and Bro, replace PuppySky and TicTac. Season 4 sees the return of PuppySky, in place of Aovnick. Season 5 is a bit of a change, seeing the cast take on the first campaign of the original Left 4 Dead. Mastermind and Bro have been replaced by two entirely new players, PsychoDuck and Abby Ratso Lee.

You can watch the first season here, the second season here, the third season here, and the fourth season here. Season 5 starts here.

See also the Something Awful LPs of L4D1 and 2 by baldurk & co., which are similar in concept, but with a more static cast, slightly less screwing aroundnote , and showing off Versus mode and fan-made campaigns alongside the official ones.

Perhaps an unofficial continuation of the series is the Amazing Left 4 DeAdventure by Psychoduck, where he and some friends (including Abby and some of the Icton crew) play through the campaigns from where Profound Moments left off.

Provides examples of:

  • Aerith and Bob: Most of the players are known as their username, but Aovnick is just called Nick and everyone uses Djy1991's real name, David.
  • And Zoidberg: RAMIREEZ!!! Oh, and TicTac too.
  • Anachronic Order: "The Passing", which takes place between "Dead Center" and "Dark Carnival", is played after both. "Swamp Fever" was skipped in favor of "Hard Rain" for the fourth season, and the fifth goes way back to "No Mercy" in the first game.
  • Atomic F-Bomb: PuppySky, after falling off a speaker in part 9.
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: All the time, from the very first scene to the end.
    • In the Mall Chapter, Archaon says "Whoa, shiny!" when he finds a pipebomb. Cue Stuff Blowing Up.
    • "Hey guys, it's Gabe Newell!"
    • "4 dollars for beer!??"
    • "Look at the friggin' details on this cup, man!"
  • Author Catchphrase: "werg" often pops up in "startled keyboard mashing" subtitles.
    • Aovnick also lets one out when Bro pretends to pick Nick just before starting The Passing.
  • Beat: Every time they get attacked whilst having a conversation, a beat happens before they all start screaming.
  • Brick Joke: Archaon at the end of Season 2.
    • And then again in Season 3.
  • Buffy Speak:
    Nick: Oh you guys and your fancy closet technology, so far ahead of my helicopter and its flying... metal things!
  • The Cameo: Archaon shows up in The Port around Bill's body while the rest are screaming. Only problem is, Bro and Mastermind are still there. This leads to even more screaming.
    • Aovnick (and Ramirez, apparently) makes a guest appearance in Season 5 as the helicopter pilot, first announcing that he can't pick the others up in the street because Puppy is too fat (suggesting they head to the hospital to get him liposuction), and then expressing disbelief in how many times they all die before he can arrive at the roof (which is delayed because he had to give Ramirez a bath).
  • Camping a Crapper: David, Bro, and Mastermind are all checking out some graffiti in a bathroom in The Passing when a Charger comes in and barrels through all three of them.
  • Catchphrase: "Lovely dinner!"
    • "What's going in?"
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Aovnick.
  • Cluster F-Bomb:
    Bro: Fucking fuck!
    Mastermind: I like to fucking fuck, don't you?
    Bro: ...I dunno man, I kinda like to frickin' fuck...
  • Companion Cube: Ramirez, the gnome statuette rescued from Dark Carnival.
    • Stephanie the chainsaw from later on in the same campaign, to a lesser degree (she doesn't return or even get mentioned afterwards).
  • Comically Missing the Point:
    PuppySky: My name's Mastermind and I'm a fifteen-year old chain smoker.
    Mastermind: I don't smoke chains, I smoke cigarettes.
  • Continuity Nod: Ramirez references abound after season two, usually from Nick.
    "Hello sir do you happen to sell any garden gnomes? ... I SAID do you SELL GARDEN GNOMESAUUUUGH, RAMIREZZZZZZ
    • Nick's comment about "Knowing" the whole "Emo eyeliner thing" in episode 11, considering the end of "Profound Moments in Everything."
    • At the start of the first season, David makes a comment about how he can't see himself because he's playing as a female and they're invisible or something. Cut to the start of the third season, his first words before the introductions are shouting at Zoey that she's supposed to be invisible.
  • Curse Cut Short:
    PuppySky: Guess who just used all the medkits.
    Djy:...YOU DI-[video ends]
  • Department of Redundancy Department: "You're lying, and you're stupid, and you're lying."
  • Determinator: Nick.
    Nick: David, I gotcha! I'm not leaving you behind like Ramirez was! RRRGH!!! I'll kill anything that gets in my way!!!
  • Double Subversion: Djy1991 is constantly being attacked by Hunters. However, in episode 12, he manages to fend off a Hunter in mid-flight. Unfortunately, he later gets attacked by a Hunter again.
  • Dynamic Entry: The Special infected. For comic relief, most of the cast screams in pain as they are pounced.
  • Filler: The Profound Moments in EVERYTHING episode which was made while waiting for a vital cast member to return from a trip through the states.
  • First-Name Basis: Djy1991's teammates all call him by his first name, David.
  • Gun Porn: Subverted in the second episode, where Archaon begins to point out the flaws in the various gun models of the game in what appears to be Fan Disservice to him.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Ramirez.
  • Hypocritical Humor:
    Aovnick: David, take your pills!
    • And also in the first episode, when referring to the helicopter at the start of Dead Center:
  • I Call It "Vera": Stephanie the Chainsaw in season 2.
  • Infernal Retaliation: Not a by-the-book example. PuppySky attempts to sing, but Aovnick refuses to pipe down. Puppy, being the guy he is, lobs a molotov.
    PuppySky: FUCK YOOOOU!
    • In the same episode, when Djy1991 tries to sing the others set him on fire.
    Djy: Baby, baby, baby oooohhhh. Baby, baby, baby ooOOOooohhh. aaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
  • It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time: Balcony jumping, which, like just about everything else they attempt afterwards, results in a Total Party Kill.
  • Jump Scare: Several examples, although more often than not the audience is a lot less affected than the players. This trope usually results in large amounts of screaming from any player involved.
    • A more subdued example comes during the Hard Rain campaign. Djy1991 almost runs straight into a witch, which the viewer likely won't see before he does.
    David: Dude, there's a witch right there.
  • Just Ignore It: In The Passing, Bro and Djy1991 sit in a restaurant booth, concentrate on having a lovely dinner, make small talk, and avoid eye contact with the Tank in the room. Doesn't work.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: In Episode 7, PuppySky picks up Djy1991's defib pack... and promptly revives Aovnick with it. They then walk around the corner and get puked on by a Boomer.
    • One of the top reasons the Charger seems to like Puppy.
  • Laser-Guided Tyke-Bomb: The Chargers, to PuppySky. To lesser degrees, Hunters to Djy1991 and Tanks to Bro.
  • Madness Mantra:
    Bro: [whispering] It's okay, he doesn't see us. He doesn't see us. He doesn't see us. [more zombies appear and Bro starts shouting] HE DOESN'T SEE US! HE DOESN'T SEE US! HE DOESN'T SEE US!
  • Major Injury Underreaction:
    Mastermind: Oh, fuck, I'm burning.
  • Noodle Incident: In Episode 16 of Season 4, Mastermind keeps trying to talk about this one time where PuppySky's car broke down. However, whenever he does, PuppySky immediately screams at the top of his lungs to censor anything Mastermind says.note 
  • N-Word Privileges: "Does this mean I can say the N word without getting in trouble?" "NOOOOO"
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Debatable, but it seems that no one in the cast is actually a total newbie to the game, given Djy1991's background and that no achievements are earned in the first two seasons.
  • Oh, Crap!: Djy1991's reaction after being greeted by a Hunter.
    (Bro is puked on by a Boomer)
    Mastermind: Hey Bro. You know what that is on you? That's the Source engine.
    (Car alarm goes off)
    Aovnick and Djy1991: Oh shit/Oh crap!!!
  • Offscreen Teleportation: Even PuppySky doesn't know how he got on top of the Midnight Riders' stage. As usual, a Charger helps him back down.
  • Put on a Bus: Archaon since Season 2. PuppySky in Season 3, Aovnick in Season 4, and Bro/Mastermind (ironically the causes of the last two cases) in Season 5.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: Aovnick definitely comes across as one of these.
    Aovnick: Dude, a rollercoaster! DUDE, A ROLLERCOASTER! OH MY GOD, A ROLLERCOASTER!
  • Rapid-Fire Comedy
  • Reactive Continuous Scream: Djy discovers Bill's dead body in The Passing and starts screaming. Mastermind then belts out his catchprase, Bro walks in and begins screaming as well. Aovnick stays silent. They all promptly stop for a moment when Archaon casually walks in, despite there still being a full four-person team.
    • Happens a lot, in fact. Another example is in episode 10, when a Charger knocks over Djy out of nowhere (around 3:52).
  • Running Gag: No matter where PuppySky is, a Charger will find him.
    • Not to mention Djy1991 and the Hunter.
    • Almost every time Ramirez' name is said in season 2, Sergeant Foley's head is overlaid on the screen. Once, only half of his head is overlaid when Nick cuts himself off halfway through Ramirez' name.
    • One teammate keeps shutting the safehouse door at the end, preventing Djy1991 from getting inside. Another teammate then incaps the first , allowing Djy to enter.
      Djy1991 (playing as Rochelle): Let me in!
      Archaon: No girls allowed.
      • Finally subverted when Djy is the only one who manages to make it into the safe room alive in episode 5, wherein Nick tells him that girls ARE allowed in this one room.
  • Schmuck Bait:
    Aovnick: Hey, there's a bottle in the water, I think we can get it!
    Bro: OKAY!
  • Screaming Warrior: Sweet holy hell, Aovnick.
  • Screams Like a Little Girl: Mastermind, when he is attacked by a Boomer.
  • Shout-Out: Of all things, to Mulan.
    Aovnick: (singing) Let's get down to business—OH GOD
  • Stuff Blowing Up: About three times more than a normal playthrough.
  • Taking You with Me: In the first episode, the Charger manages to do this to Djy1991, crashing into him while at the edge of the building, meaning that both the Charger and Djy1991 died. It nearly took out Aovnick as well, though he managed to grab the ledge.
  • Team Pet: Ramirez in season 2, to the point where not even PuppySky seriously considers leaving him behind - and when he is accidentally left behind at the very end of the campaign, Aovnick doesn't take it well. Ramirez doesn't physically show up again afterwards, but he is referenced quite often.
  • The Reveal:
    Archaon: Whoa, I'm a black guy?
  • Tempting Fate:
    • "Alright, let's stick together this time and not die."
  • Total Party Kill: The group's antics usually result in this, although eventually they manage to beat every level.
  • The Unintelligible: Archaon makes very strange noises in lieu of speaking sometimes.
  • Unusual Euphemism: "FFFFFFFFUTS!" "Get in the futsin' elevator!"
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Archaon burns his teammates to death in the second episode, because he spent most of the first one dead.
  • Word Salad: Archaon engages in one when the team takes the elevator in the mall.
    Archaon: I have high respect for this game if you can drive a car...and, auerh...ifyoucandriveacaryoucangojustaboutanywhereyoulikeandyouknow, youcangoanywhereinlifeandbeaverysuccessfulmanandallthatfreshairandexercisewilldoyoualotofgood. 'K, let's go.
    Aovnick: What the heck did you just say?
  • You Just Had to Say It: Djy1991's reply to PuppySky 5 seconds after he speaks his Tempting Fate line.
