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  • 009-1: The End of the Beginning (2013): Mylene's supposed "mother" figure, Dr. Klein, is a cruel Mad Scientist responsible for creating the 009 program and turning girls into cyborgs, which resulted in a number of casualties on the way. Using Mylene as an assassin, Klein is also involved with criminals who pursue human trafficking and organ trading, showing her darker colors when Mylene rescues her from a kidnapping by executing the kidnappers herself. Revealed as a traitor later, Klein admits everything she does is to satisfy her intellectual curiosity and shows she has something "better" than cyborgs: undead mutants made from people she's used as guinea pigs kept as servants in a state of agonized living death.
  • 100 Bloody Acres: Lindsay Morgan runs a fertilizer business that uses people as a secret ingredient. When, in a panic, his brother Reg brings a few hitchhikers who found them out to the farm, Lindsay chokes him to near-unconsciousness and prepares to kill the hitchhikers. Everything goes wrong, and he ends up killing a cop and an old lady to hide his crimes. When Reg turns good, Lindsay prepares to make him into fertilizer too.
  • 10 to Midnight: Warren Stacy is a handsome young Serial Killer with an intense hatred for women. He murders Betty, a co-worker he had gone out with once in the past, along with her boyfriend, by stabbing them both to death in the woods. Later, while breaking into Betty's apartment to steal her diary, he kills her roommate when she comes home. Finally, he stalks and makes obscene phone calls to Detective Leo Kessler's daughter Laurie, and at the film’s climax, murders all three of her roommates before chasing her down the street with a knife, all while in the nude. When confronted, Warren shows no remorse and promises Kessler that he'll come back.
  • 12 Rounds: Miles Jackson is a vicious Irish terrorist whose arms dealing and savagery has lead to countless deaths at his hands, notably selling missiles to terrorists who used them to down a jumbo plane filled with people. In his latest scheme, Miles manipulates an informant into turning on his FBI handlers in exchange for Miles returning his brother to him, then kills the man when he outlives his usefulness. Seeming to want revenge on Detective Danny Fisher for the accidental killing of Miles's girlfriend, Miles kills his way out of a prison, ditching his partners in the process, and begins the self-created game of "12 Rounds" with Fisher. Forcing Fisher to perform various challenges to save dozens of people across the city while holding Fisher's girlfriend, Molly Porter, hostage, Miles takes sick glee in outsmarting Fisher at every turn and endangering entire busloads of innocent people. It is soon revealed that Miles in fact isn't even seeking revenge; he's using the motive as a distraction to cover up his true goal of robbing the city mint. After murdering several security guards standing in his way, Miles confronts Molly and Danny one final time, attempting to blow them all to pieces as a final spiteful move.
  • 12 Years a Slave:
    • Edwin Epps is a chilling, living example of the utter horrors of slavery and all that it entails. Epps runs his plantation with an iron fist and any slave who picks less than 200 pounds of cotton a day are given many lashes. Succeeding is no guarantee of safety, as Epps is liable to fly into violent furies when he's drunk, or just because he wants to hurt someone. Epps forces the slaves out of needed sleep to force them to dance for his amusement in a parody of a Gentleman's Ball and focuses especially on a beautiful slave named Patsey who he calls his Queen Of The Field for her talent with cotton-picking. Epps repeatedly rapes her, saying he can do what he wants with his property. He also flies into jealous furies over Patsey and later in the film forces Solomon Northup to whip her by holding a gun to Solomon's head. Losing patience, Epps simply takes the whip from Solomon and lashes into Patsey until her back is cut to bloody shreds. And when Solomon is revealed to be a free man, he can only think of the monetary loss this means to him.
    • Freeman hosts a large slave auction, representing the worst of the business side of slavery. Selling mass quantities of slaves to the wealthy, children included, Freeman shows how petty he can be when he sells the slave Eliza's son despite her pleas, then spitefully separates her from the rest of her kids. Freeman even plans to prostitute Eliza's 8-year-old daughter after taking notice of her "beauty".
  • 13 Assassins: Lord Naritsugu Matsudaira is the Shogun's half brother, and a firm believer that his connections will maintain his impunity His very first scene has him raping the daughter-in-law of a lord who's hosting him for the night, and then killing her husband for good measure. This isn't an isolated incident, either. Naritsugu has been doing this for so long, he threatens the very stability of the nation. Later, we see him tie up a family for target practice—including a little girl—and hear how he massacred a peasant revolt, taking the leader's daughter, after cutting out her tongue and chopping off her limbs, for his use as a Sex Slave. His only reaction to seeing the titular assassins mow down his loyal soldiers who die in defense of him is to contemplate how amazing the era of war must have been while deciding to return to such days when he becomes Shogun.
  • 1408: Room 1408 of the Dolphin Hotel is a sapient, mind-warping location. Tormenting anyone within it, the room has claimed 56 victims—whether they were Driven to Suicide or killed by it directly—using the images and corpses to torment and attack future victims. When Michael Enslin enters Room 1408 to write about it, the room locks him in and subjects him to rounds of psychological torture in between attempts on his life. To break him, the room shows him visions of his deceased daughter Katie, only to "kill" her again in his arms, lets him call his wife for help before it hijacks his video chat and winks at him afterward, and makes him believe he was free, only to reveal he was still trapped. Mockingly giving Michael "free will", Room 1408 gives him the choice to either kill himself or suffer within forever, taunting him that he will never escape. Though enigmatic in nature, the rare direct communication from the room paints it as a sadist enjoying its power.
  • 1492: Conquest of Paradise: Adrián de Moxica is imagined as Christopher Columbus's Arch-Enemy, a Spanish blackguard who immediately sees it fit to start indiscriminately slaughtering Native tribes the second he has pretext to. Swayed against this by Columbus, Moxica enslaves the natives instead, lopping off the hand of one who fails to bring him any gold. Moxica attempts to lead a bloody mutiny against Columbus and spitefully commits suicide when this fails, mocking Columbus over how his dreams of a new Eden have failed.
  • 15 Minutes: Emil Slovak, arriving in America to get his share of the money from a bank heist, murders his associate and associate's girlfriend after they spent it. Emil finds out a witness named Daphne escaped and kills a "Czech" escort, thinking she knew Daphne. Emil, along with his partner Oleg Razgul, who films everything, confronts Detective Eddie Flemming and Fire Marshal Jordan Warsaw, who are investigating their crimes. Emil finds Eddie's home, confiding he'll escape prosecution by pleading insanity, and will end up rich and famous, and murders Eddie. Emil contacts Top Story anchor Robert Hawkins and sells him an edited tape of Eddie's death. Emil rigs Daphne's apartment to catch fire and explode, with Daphne and Warsaw barely escaping. After Top Story airs the video, Emil and Oleg are recognized, with Emil eventually getting arrested. Led to his arraignment, Emil shoots Oleg and grabs Eddie's girlfriend Nicolette, threatening to kill her during a police standoff.
  • 2020 Texas Gladiators: Black One is a fascistic warlord in post-apocalyptic Texas, who leads a gang of marauders to instill his oppressive order upon the world. Taking his gang to a peaceful settlement, Black One has his troops overrun the place, letting them rape, rob and kill as they please. Enslaving the surviving settlers and imposing cruel conditions, such as letting them only drink water once per day, Black One has a man beaten for calling him out as a tyrant.
  • 2047: Sights of Death (2014): Colonel Asimov is a corrupt and ruthless man in charge of the security forces of the Confederacy. Covering up illegal experiments, Asimov led his army through civilian regions, massacring everyone in the areas so bodies are stacked in piles by the hundreds. To cover this up, Asimov sacrificed his own troops, sending them into suicide missions to wipe them out while he later tries to hunt down a surviving "mutant", showing no compunction in torturing and killing whoever is in his way with only light amusement that he can kill so many without being seen as a criminal.
  • 22 Bullets: Pascal Vasetto is a Professional Killer in the employment of Tony Zacchia. We first see him leading a hit squad to try and assassinate Charly Mattei, shooting him 22 times and killing his dog. Later, he captures an informant for Charly, kills the guy who snitched on him, cuts his finger off and feeds him to vicious dogs. After being ordered to execute Charly's son, he murders a guard who refuses to help him off a kid before preparing to do so himself.
  • 22 July: Anders Behring Breivik bombs the Norwegian seat of government before traveling to the youth camp at Utoya. Pretending to be a policeman to gain access, Breivik proceeds to gun down the directors before stalking through the camp, systematically slaughtering and gunning down every teenager he finds, ending up with dozens of victims before being taken into custody. Breivik proceeds to demonstrate zero remorse, even trying to torture his victims' families as much as he can during his trial by trying to garner as much publicity for himself and inspire a white nationalist uprising to lead to more attacks like his own.
  • 24 Hours to Live: Wetzler is the ruthless CEO of Red Mountain, and a man obsessed with "changing the face of warfare". In order to perfect a procedure where a dead person can be brought Back from the Dead, Wetzler routinely has innocent villagers kidnapped and subjected to cruel experiments, killing at least 70 men, women, and children in the name of science. When one of his men sells him out to Interpol, Wetzler orders him killed, and when Travis Conrad fails to kill the witness, Wetzler attempts to kill him as well. Instigating an attack that kills the witness, cops, and civilians alike, Wetzler has Interpol agent Lin's young son kidnapped, and when confronted by Conrad, he reveals that he was the one that had Conrad's wife and child murdered, as he believes "a man with no family has nothing to lose". A callous psychopath with no sense of loyalty to anyone, Wetzler admits his only code is doing whatever he wants.
  • 2 Days in the Valley: Lee Woods is a sadistic hitman who enjoys giving his victims exactly one minute to beg for their lives before killing them. Introduced murdering one of his targets—taking extra pleasure from it due to jealousy of the man's relationship with Lee's girlfriend Helga—Lee betrays and tries to kill his partner Dosmo to keep all the payment cash for himself. Murdering a variety of police officers and detectives to cover his tracks, threatening his current employer with murder if she doesn't increase his payment amount, Lee has such suspicion and possessiveness over Helga that he ends up trying to execute her with a flimsy excuse, truthfully just out of jealousy. When confronted by Dosmo at the end, Lee tortures a man by shooting parts of his legs, trying to draw out Dosmo and kill him once and for all.
  • 30 Days of Night:
    • First film: The mysterious figure known only as "The Stranger" is a Vampire Wannabe out to sabotage Barrow for the coming massacre. Murdering the animals of Barrow, the Stranger proceeds to cut the power and all communications, leaving Barrow open so all its people can be massacred. The Stranger then tries to murder the Sheriff's brother, all the while mocking the people about the monsters coming for them.
    • Dark Days: Lilith is the vampire queen responsible for the attack on Barrow. She tortures a couple who saw the remains of a vampire, tearing out the man's tooth and lapping up the blood pouring from his mouth. Later on, Lilith orders Norris to murder the woman by ripping her throat out before turning him. Onboard her ship, Lilith keeps many humans captive—including children—and has them slowly drained of blood. When Lilith ambushes Stella and Paul, she orders Norris to bleed them out before chasing Stella across the ship when they escape, taunting her about the death of her husband.
  • 300: Theron is a Spartan Senator who betrays his people to Persia in exchange for riches. Manipulating the Senate and military into standing idly by while brutal Persia slowly conquers the land, Theron deliberately isolates King Leonidas and his army of 300 soldiers without backup so they will be slaughtered by the Persians. When Queen Gorgo comes to him desperate to send aid to Leonidas, Theron claims he will help her, but first violently rapes her. He then refuses to keep his promise and tries to frame Gorgo as a harlot so as to silence her for good and leave Sparta in Theron's hands to deliver to Persia.
  • 31: Father Napoleon Horatio Silas Murder, Sister Dragon, and Sister Serpent are the twisted "aristocrats" who run "Murder World". Having innocents abducted and led into their own personal hell, they proceed to watch as the vicious Heads tear them apart for the amusement of the aristocrats who place bets on the outcome. With a legacy of murder and a staple of killers, the aristocrats are not above particularly sadistic flourishes such as setting out a feast for the contestants made from the remains of one of their fallen comrades. Even winning the game is no guarantee of survival, with an implication Father Murder will have any victor killed anyways.
  • The 36th Chamber of Shaolin:
    • Tien Ta is a brutal Manchu general who rules over his province with an iron fist, regularly subjecting the people to torture and public execution. Upon discovering possible dissidents in a school, Tien Ta enacts a brutal purge, massacring and torturing them by the dozens. When the hero San Te returns, Tien Ta continues the public executions and eventually orders the arrest, torture and death of anyone even suspected to associate with the rebels before he engages San Te personally.
    • Tien Ta's Co-Dragons, Lords Tang and Cheng, are just as vile as their master. Lord Tang leads Tien Ta's squads to abduct and torture those who catch their eye, with Tang leading the attack on the school and massacre of the students. When San Te's father attempts to save his son, Tang kills him without a second thought. Cheng functions as the Manchu regime's chief torturer, with one scene showing him enjoying torturing his victims as another helpless group of captives await their own turn. Both men are focused only on their own power as well as brutalizing those beneath them.
  • 48 Hrs.: Albert Ganz is a violent and homicidal criminal who loves nothing but money and killing cops. In the movie's beginning he escapes from prison with the help of his henchman Billy Bear, killing some guards in the process. He kidnaps the girlfriend of his former partner Luther in order to force him to give him some hidden money from a former robbery, threatening to “put holes in her you never even thought of” if he should fail. During a shootout with the Jack Cates and two other cops Ganz kills one of them and injures the remaining one. He takes a woman hostage and orders Cates to hand him his own gun. Once Cates obliges, Ganz uses the gun to kill the wounded cop and then tries to kill Cates as well. Even after Luther brings him the money Ganz kills him for having asked his girlfriend if she's all right (he said "I told you I wouldn't have hurted her). In the final showdown, even when he got the chance to escape with the money he uses his ex-accomplice Reggie Hammond, who helped Cates all the time, as a Human Shield, clearly willing to kill him along with Cates, just for personal satisfaction.
  • 6 Underground: Rovach Alimov is the cruel dictator of Turgistan. Ruling the country with an iron fist by keeping his people in poverty and murdering others, Alimov gasses an entire city during a medical event in order to keep his people afraid and in line. After his four generals are killed by the Ghosts, Alimov shoves four of his soldiers off the tallest building in Turgistan out of paranoia. Once a rebellion breaks out thanks to his brother Murat, Alimov leaves his men to die as he escapes, even ordering his chauffeur to run down innocent protestors in the way. Knowing that his time as president has come, Alimov orders his men to gas Turgistan, specifically hospitals and schools, just to leave Murat with a ruined country to rule over.
  • '71: Sergeant Leslie Lewis is a member of the MRF deployed in Belfast who allies with the Unionists to help them bomb innocent Irish Catholics. When a bomb he designs for terrorist activities detonates early, Lewis sets out to murder the one witness to the crime, killing whoever he finds in the process. Eventually finding his quarry, Lewis guns down a young boy before trying to throttle the hero, all to keep his dealings secret.
  • 7 Women: In the final film directed by John Ford, Tunga Khan is a Mongolian Raider attacking villages in rural China, along with the British missions in the area. Once his forces sack a mission, Tunga Khan has everyone in the area slaughtered, with women raped en masse. When he comes to the local village near which one mission is located near, Tunga Khan has all the villagers rounded up and executed via firing squad. When the local priest is executed for trying to save a woman, Tunga Khan refuses to let the local doctor treat the priest's newborn baby unless the doctor sleeps with him. Forced to agree, he agrees to trade the freedom of her friends in return for her becoming his concubine. Tunga Khan later murders one of his own men who proves himself a talented fighter, simply to brook no competition, revealing himself as little more than a murderous, raping brute.
  • The 8th Night (2021):
    • The red eye of the ancient demon seeks to reunite with its black eye and open a portal to Hell. Unsealed in modern times, it possesses a group of suicide survivors, leaving them as decayed husks after changing hosts. As it nears completion of its apocalyptic goal, the red eye mocks the heroes' efforts to stop it, laughing at the pain and suffering it has brought to its victims.
    • Professor Kim Joon-cheol is a disgraced archaeologist desperate to prove the truth of the demonic red eye by tracking down the box in which it is buried. Discovering it, Kim is accused of forgery when the carbon dating comes back and, furious at his disgrace, decides to summon the demon and give the world to it to avenge his humiliation. Bringing together a cult of formerly suicidal followers, Kim preys on their vulnerabilities to feed them to the demon and provide hosts for the eye to find its twin, having sacrificed one woman himself and being willing to die should it condemn the world to agony at the demon's hands solely to assuage his ego.
  • 8mm: The Snuff Film crew, specifically the film's director and his hired muscle, are directly responsible for the atrocities committed in the story:
    • Dino Velvet is a twisted pornographer who specializes in violent sadomasochism with his star Machine. Happy to have women raped or murdered, Velvet was commissioned by Mr. Christian to make a snuff film. Happily doing so, Velvet had an innocent woman raped and murdered by Machine, planning to corner the snuff market himself. When investigated by protagonist Tom Welles, Velvet threatens to make his wife and young daughter part of the films and has Tom's ally Max California slaughtered as well, all in pursuit of his sadistic ideas of what makes good cinema.
    • Machine, who turns out to be a bald, bespectacled, harmless-looking man named George Anthony Higgins, is a thug who works for Dino Velvet. When commissioned to make a snuff film, Machine willingly rapes and brutally murders a woman while Dino records, much to the disgust of a fellow henchman. When protagonist Tom Welles investigates the tape's veracity, Machine, on Dino's behalf, captures a smut clerk who had assisted Welles, in order to convince the latter to give them the tape, before killing the hostage anyway. In his final confrontation with Welles, Machine taunts the latter by explaining that he enjoys killing and that he is sexually aroused by violence. Furthermore, Machine admits with pride that he commits atrocities of his own volition, rather than because of any suffering he may have endured.
  • 88 Minutes: Jon Forster is a Serial Killer and rapist with at least five victims he restrained and tortured to death. Arrested thanks to the work of forensic psychiatrist Dr. Jack Gramm, Forster implicates Gramm as corrupt, framing Gramm for his own crimes. When Gramm begins closing in on Forster, the latter orders his "attorney" to begin replicating his grizzly murders so he may go free.
  • 976-EVIL duology:
    • Original film:
      • Mark Dark operates the titular phone line to let his demonic masters possess callers. Damning those who try to break away from him, Dark seduces the teenager Hoax Wilmox into becoming a demonic vessel, allowing him to slaughter multiple people and simply preparing to move on to his next project after Hoax is stopped.
      • Satan himself, conjured from Hell by the machinations of Mark Dark, sets his sights on the lost victims who fall prey to the evil hotline. Taking over their souls, Satan possesses them and uses their bodies to commit murders so he can manifest. With young Hoax, Satan guides him into becoming a perfect vessel to butcher those about him before attempting to bring the apocalypse.
    • The Astral Factor: Stephen Grubeck is a crazy, serial-killing college dean already on death row before he uses the eponymous phone to tap into Astral Projection to keep murdering. Among his many kills, Grubeck causes multiple car accidents when he kills a lawyer; forces a janitor to stand in front of an incoming truck; and tries to make the object of his desire, Robin, choose between him or her life, after having literally trapped her friend in Night of the Living Dead (1968) and framed her for the murder.

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  • Abduction: Nikola Kozlow is a former Serbian black ops agent seeking to possess control of the "Naked Eye", an encrypted list of 25 American agents and politicians who've traded state secrets. Years earlier, learning American black ops agent Martin Price took it from him, Kozlow gasses his apartment, breaks inside and murders Martin's wife Lorna when she refuses to tell him where the list is. Presently seeking Martin's teenage son Nathan, Kozlow tracks him through a missing persons website and sends two men to break into his house where they kill Nathan's undercover adoptive parents Kevin and Mara Harper. Taking out numerous American agents in his relentless pursuit of Nathan and having no reservations about trying to have him killed or do it himself, Kozlow also threatens to kill everyone even remotely associated with Nathan's life, especially the parents of his Love Interest Karen Murphy.
  • Above the Law (also known as Righting Wrongs) (1986): "Crown", actually Sergeant Wong Jing-wai, is the secret mastermind of a crime syndicate that murders a prosecutor before also tracking down the star witness of the case and having him killed alongside his wife and their many children. When the other prosecutor of the case turns vigilante, Wong murders the former defendants as well to take over the businesses personally and, when a young man witnesses the murders, Wong hunts him to his home, hangs his grandfather and kills an honest cop who tried to stop him. Later having the young witness murdered, Wong proceeds to engage the heroes, prosecutor Hsia Ling-Cheng (Ha)/Jason Chan and Wong's own former protégé, Senior Inspector Cindy Si (Sandy Jones). Fighting Si, Wong attempts to murder her with a corkscrew, mocking her for her heroism before attempting to kill Ha as well.
  • Above the Law (1988): Kurt Zagon is a corrupt CIA operative with a history of torture behind him. Introduced torturing two prisoners— one to death—who ran afoul of Zagon's opium dealings, and later established to have forced children to watch as he mutilated their mothers before torturing the children himself, Zagon plots to fund an invasion of Nicaragua to bolster his drug profits. To silence witnesses to his scheme, Zagon has an occupied church bombed and tortures a priest who spoke out against him, and plans to assassinate a senator who tried to detain him prior. Before carrying out the assassination, Zagon cheerfully tortures hero Nico Toscani for no other reason than the fun of it, as he admits.
  • Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter:
    • Adam, the vampire from whom all other vampires came and the ruler of all vampires in America, is a 5,000 year old monster who makes his home in the American South. Having created a system where the vampires stay secret while draining the innocent, Adam nourishes his "family" by using slaves sent to the plantation to be drained and torn apart for their blood. When he hears of young Abraham Lincoln's abilities, Adam sacrifices multiple vampires to test Lincoln's abilities and makes Lincoln an offer to become Adam's personal hunter, starting with Henry Sturges, Lincoln's Mentor, who Adam turned into a vampire after murdering his fiancee. Adam later commits his forces to the Civil War, slaughtering Union soldiers en masse. To punish Lincoln for his resistance, Adam sends his sister and enforcer Vadoma to murder Lincoln's youngest child.
    • Jack Barts is a slaver whom the Lincoln family initially works for as laborers. Dealing in slaves or having innocents kidnapped, even children, Barts sends them to be devoured by Adam and his subordinates. When the Lincolns leave his employ in disgust, Barts takes his payment of their debt by taking Nancy Lincoln's blood and leaving her to die in an agonizing illness. Barts is also a Serial Killer of women, eventually deciding to murder Lincoln's beloved Mary Todd.
  • Abraxas, Guardian of the Universe: Secundus is a former finder who was partnered with Abraxas. Eventually, his lust for power grew out of control and he decided to seek the Anti-Life Equation, not caring that using it would cause a wave of planet-destroying energy. In his pursuit of the Equation, Secundus comes to Earth and forcibly impregnates a human woman with an embryo, which is key to finding the Equation before Abraxas captures him. Five years later, he escapes to Earth to find his son, assaulting and killing anybody who stands in his way, culminating in him holding a class of children hostage. After the son comes out, Secundus tries to Mind Rape the Equation into his conscious mind.
  • Absolon: Murchison is the elusive director of Unified Pharmaceutical Corporation, the manufacturer of the supposedly life-saving drug Absolon, through which he controls both the global government and economy. Having actually exploited the "Neurological Degeneration Syndrome" (NDS) pandemic—which is already over—to manufacture a dependency on Absolon, when the drug's creator discovers a cure for the dependency, Murchison has him assassinated to silence him. Discovering that Detective Norman Scot has been given the antidote, Murchison has Scot framed for the murder of multiple World Justice Department Agents and sends people to kill him. Eventually deciding he wants to profit off of the cure, Murchison orders the raid of a lab where the cure is being processed, forcing Dr. Claire Whittaker to extract Scot's blood before Murchison intends to detonate the lab.
  • Acceleration (2019): Jack "the Flower", Rhona's fifth target, is a human trafficker whose business practices disgusted his former partner Vladik. Valuing women as nothing but products to increase his bottom line, even owning a ledger containing his many transactions, Jack holds Rhona captive after she releases some of his prisoners, hoping to keep her around as a Sex Slave for his men and eventually sell her once they grow bored of her.
  • Action Jackson: Peter Anthony Dellaplane is an industrialist who ruins his business partner and has him murdered, also dispatching his first wife due to financial issues. When his plans for work are interrupted by a union, Dellaplane begins having the union members killed to deal with the issue. When he realizes his current wife has caught on to the plan, Dellaplane murders her as well and reveals he intends to arrange an accident for his own son in prison to clear up any loose ends, while attempting to murder his own own mistress and framing Detroit Police Department Detective Sergeant Jericho "Action" Jackson for his crimes, after killing and burning him.
  • Act of Vengeance: Jack is a sadistic Narcissist who starts the film having raped five women. Enjoying their pain, he forces them to thank him for the attack and sing "Jingle Bells" while he forces himself upon them. When his victims form a Vigilante Militia called the Rape Squad, Jack attacks their first client and strangles her to death while trying to make her sing before deciding to make the Squad into Sex Slaves. Leading them to an abandoned zoo, Jack hangs one of them and abducts another, threatening to kill her if the leader doesn't let him rape her again.
  • Acts of Violence (2018): Max Livingston is the leader of a human and drug trafficking ring who sends his men to kidnap young women without families, including Deklan MacGregor's fiancée Mia. Acquiring the women, he implants a tracking device into their hands in case they escape, then gets them high on a tranquilizer drug to later be sold. When a woman tried to escape, he took her back, doused her in lighter fluid, then gleefully burned her alive, forcing his captives to watch. Having little regard for his men, he orders the family of a deceased goon to be killed, has Mia kill Frank for failing him, and threatens Richard with mutilation if he were to screw up again. With the MacGregor brothers on his tail, Max orders a raid on their house that kills Declan's sister-in-law Jessa, later leading a shootout that results in the death of Jessa's husband and Declan's brother Brandon.
  • The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension: John Whorfin is the ruthless leader of the Red Lectroids from Planet 10. In opposition to the peaceful Black Lectroids, Whorfin seeks to conquer his homeworld and proclaim himself its lord and master, but he and his forces were banished to the 8th Dimension for their crimes. Escaping with his forces due to Dr. Hikita and Dr. Lizardo's experiment, Whorfin possesses the latter and is sent to a mental institute until he breaks out by killing a guard, and has his men find Buckaroo Banzai and steal his perfected overthruster, to use with his ship to return to Planet 10 and continue his conquest. Whorfin has Penny Priddy captured and tortured for information on the overthruster, ordering her killed when Banzai doesn't cooperate; this eventually leads to Whorfin viciously electrocuting Banzai. Whorfin then attempts to use an unfinished overthruster to pilot his ship, despite the danger of destroying his ship and his forces along with it, coldly killing Bigboote for trying to convince him otherwise. Described as being a "bloodthirsty butcher", Whorfin stands out for being a dark presence within a lighthearted film.
  • The Adventures of Pinocchio & The New Adventures of Pinocchio: Lorenzini, starting out as a powerful, arrogant rival to Geppetto, adopts Pinocchio in return for paying off Geppetto's debt, and soon tries to burn Pinocchio and Geppetto's other puppets as part of his show. When his business collapses, Lorenzini starts anew by opening Terra Magica, where hundreds of unruly children are spiked with an elixir that transforms them into donkeys which he sells off for slave labor, and even orders one to be skinned to make him a new pair of boots. After being transformed into a sea monster, Lorenzini returns, disguised as his "widow", Madame Flambeau, who runs a carnival into which he shanghaies Pinocchio and a transformed Geppetto into performing. Having transformed Pinocchio's friend Lampwick into a sea donkey, Lorenzini threatens Lampwick and Geppetto's lives to coerce Pinocchio into turning himself back into a puppet. Lorenzini has also turned innocent people into fish-like creatures he keeps in his aquarium, which he regularly eats as a dish. Revealing himself as Lorenzini, he intends to eat Lampwick, and use Pinocchio and Geppetto as firewood for his feast.
  • Æon Flux: Vice Chairman Orin Goodchild is Chairman Trevor Goodchild's treacherous younger brother and the Big Bad. Ruling over a sterile society with his brother, created from a vaccine Trevor used to save humanity 400 years ago, the duo clone people and fake pregnancies to cover up the fact. Although Trevor intends to find a cure to the infertility, Orin just wants to be an immortal dictator, uncaring that each generation of clones suffer from progressively worse nightmares. Orin feeds information to a resistance ground in the hopes they will assassinate his brother and, when this fails, directly stages a coup. Taking power, Orin tries to have every woman who became naturally pregnant killed.
  • The Afflicted: Maggie is a housewife who kills her husband when he tries to leave her. Descending into religious mania, Maggie starts viciously beating her four children at the slightest provocation. To get money in the house, she makes her son become a day laborer while pimping out her eldest daughter. After an attempt at Force Feeding her middle daughter goes wrong, Maggie shoots her in the shoulder and locks her in the bathroom for a week, eventually killing her with a vodka and painkiller anesthetic when she tries to remove the bullet herself. The eldest daughter tries to escape the horror and finds her father's corpse, so Maggie forces her other two kids to beat her and lock her in a closet to starve to death before selling her remaining daughter in her place.
  • After.Life: El(l)iot Deacon is a funeral director who appears friendly and sympathetic on the outside, but is actually a psychopath with a tendency to bury people alive. He manipulates them by posing as a psychopomp who can communicate with the dead as he prepares them for burial using techniques that won't kill them, so that they stay alive until buried. He keeps a photo collection in his bedroom of everyone he's buried, and it's strongly hinted that he's buried as many living people as corpses. The film centers on his preparation of Anna Taylor, during which we see just how twisted Deacon is. Later on, he deals with two people who have found him out in very different ways: recruiting one in whom he sees a kindred spirit as a Secret-Keeper, and goading another, Anna's boyfriend Paul Coleman, into a car accident while he's drinking heavily and then taunting him about his failure before finishing him off directly on the slab.
  • Aftermath (1982): Cutter is the leader of a biker gang with a love for violence and rape. Finding survivors in need of help, he and his henchmen feign hospitality and kill the men and children, keeping the women as sex slaves. Oftentimes, he keeps the children as prisoners, later killing them when they get older and start rebelling against him. When Newman and company raid his hideout, he leaves his men to die as he escapes and kills Newman himself.
  • Agent Vinod (2012 Bollywood film):
    • Sir Jagadishwar Metla is the mastermind of the entire plot, a member of the Zeus group, an enigmatic cabal of millionaires who manipulate world disasters for profit. Metla, while appearing to be a kindly philanthropist, strikes a deal with the corrupt "Colonel" to orchestrate a plot with a long string of people killed in its fulfillment, attempting to detonate a nuke in New Delhi for the purpose of triggering war between India and Iran. When finally ousted at the end after having nearly thrown the Colonel under the bus for everything, Metla's only response to the prospect of the millions he would have killed for his power is to dismiss Vinod as a "lowly police officer".
    • "Colonel", a Rogue Agent of the ISI, is a ruthless killer, out to cause devastation and death to line his own pockets. "Colonel" has many people killed and tortured through his conspiracy, at one point threatening a man by promising to murder his young daughter and killing him when he has outlived his usefulness, while heedlessly sacrificing and killing his own followers when the need arises. With Vinod on his trail, the Colonel intends on detonating a nuke to inflame tensions and enrich himself through Metla's conspiracy, without any care of who must die in the process.
  • Agneepath: The drug lord Kancha Cheena counts in both the 1990 original and the 2012 remake of this Bollywood action-drama:
    • Original: The ruthless Kancha frames the kind schoolteacher Deenanath Chauthan for moral hypocrisy when the man opposes his plans to build a base for heroin smuggling, having him lynched by the villagers. When Chauthan's son Vijay returns years later for revenge, Kancha is as callous as ever, running his operations via intimidation and murder. After Vijay seeks to bring him down, Kancha has all the witnesses to his crimes gunned down and sends his men with swords to attack a festival Vijay is hosting to kill as they wish. Finally, Kancha takes Vijay's family hostage and guns down his old friend in front of him, even burning and bombing the village without care to who is there or not.
    • Remake: A sadist who embraces his own atrocities and seeks to establish a criminal empire in Mumbai, Kancha firmly believes in having no desire nor attachments in life, which he proves by manipulating his father into giving up the island village of Mandwa before he murders a school girl and frames Master Dinanath Chauhan, a highly respected school teacher who had been trying to stop Kancha, for the crime. After executing Master Chauhan and chasing the Master's family out of the island, Kancha begins running Mandwa as a concentration camp for the next 15 years, horribly exploiting and massacring villagers and gleefully torturing and killing any who oppose him. The extent of Kancha's brutality ranges from personally executing a dissenting villager and having his henchmen ambush and brutally murder the newlywed wife of Vijay Dinanath Chauhan, the Master's son, during the hero's wedding day to callously tossing his own father down a flight of stairs to his death during the climax. During the final fight, Kancha prepares to hang Vijay from the same tree from which his father was hung, before Vijay manages to reverse this before dying.
  • A.I.: Artificial Intelligence: Lord Johnson-Johnson is the host of the Flesh Fair, an event where mechas are ripped apart and destroyed for the entertainment of human spectators. He is introduced hunting down mechas for the Fair, capturing David in the process. When the people in the crowd refuse to hurt David due to him heavily resembling and emoting like a real boy, Lord Johnson-Johnson tries to encourage the crowd to do so under the pretext of "destroying artificiality".
  • Airborne (1998): "Pierre Melo"—in actuality Ron Simpson, leader of Mach One—and his right-hand man Dave Toombs are a pair of arms dealers out to sell a deadly virus for money. Sent by Melo to acquire the virus from a research facility, Toombs gasses the building, killing over nine people to steal the virus. After Mach One acquires the virus, Toombs kills agent Romeo Cortez and tries to kill the other Mach One members on Melo's orders. After shooting Toombs once he's cornered by Mach One, Melo threatens to unleash the virus upon the state and turn it all into a cemetery.
  • Air Force One: Secret Service Agent Gibbs is the despicable turncoat who is in league with Russian terrorist Egor/Ivan Korshunov and his men, who seek to free the violent and oppressive General Ivan/Alexander Radek from a Russian prison. Gibbs starts by murdering three of his fellow agents in order to open the weapons vault onboard Air Force One, with multiple people killed as Korshunov and his men hijack it. Two other people are also executed by Korshunov as Gibbs idly stands by and plays innocent—and also watches without any response as US President James Marshall's wife and young daughter are threatened and another colleague is wounded. When freed with the other hostages, Gibbs continues pretending to be a friend as Marshall takes Korshunov and his men out as well—along with Radek being killed before he's released. Finally, Gibbs then murders both a paratrooper and Major Caldwell while attempting to not only escape the crashing plane, but to also abandon Marshall to certain doom.
  • Air Panic (aka Panic) (2002): Cain, real name possibly Wilson Rundle, is a hacker who wants to gain worldwide attention. Having quit the Oxcilis group plant after an accident that left half his face burnt, Cain, thinking that the company didn't recognize his genius, rewired some of their passenger planes to be easily controlled by him, resulting in hundreds of deaths. With his latest hacked plane, Cain plans to guide it to the Calvert Cliffs power plant, which will wipe out the east coast completely. Tricking the FBI into raiding an empty home disguised as his hideout, Cain has them all killed, including FAA agent Neil's friend Rudy, which he sadistically brings up to him afterwards. After his control over the plane is gone, Cain abducts Neil's girlfriend Josie and attempts to guide another plane into the power plant.
  • Airplane vs. Volcano (2014 The Asylum film): Carlos Crieger is the film's human antagonist. Crieger would stoke panic among the airplane passengers until he can rally them to take over the plane, relishing in the power this gives him. Using Rick Pierce as a scapegoat, Crieger attempts to kill him by throwing him out of the plane, and threatens the life of a passenger that doesn't do so. When the rest of the crew and passengers hatches an escape plan, Crieger kills Jim and escapes by himself, leaving everyone else on the plane to die.
  • Alexander Nevsky: Hermann von Balk, the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, represents a medieval version of the Nazis. Invading Russia under the belief that they should convert to Roman Catholicism or die, he has the village of Pskov slaughtered and the survivors captured. When the village elder tries to reason with him, Hermann has him killed. Afterward, he has toddlers ripped out of their mothers' arms and thrown into a bonfire.
  • Alex Cross films:
    • Kiss the Girls: "Casanova"—Detective Nicholas Ruskin—is a Serial Killer and Serial Rapist who, as a self-proclaimed "collector of loves", kidnaps young women and locks them up in an underground dungeon in the woods to create a captive harem he can use to act out his twisted fantasies. Any girl who breaks his rules or tries to escape is either murdered by lethal injection or tied to a tree to die of starvation and exposure. Casanova admits that his motive for all this is purely the thrill he gets in possessing other human beings and breaking them down completely through rape and torture. Casanova's allegiance with the "Gentleman Caller", a fellow serial killer from the West Coast, is similarly self-interested as he sees him as expendable. Near the end, Casanova visits the only girl who escaped by herself to complete his attempted murder of her. When detective Alex Cross arrives on the scene after having figured out Casanova's real identity, Casanova taunts Cross by pointing out how he molested Cross's niece, one of his last victims, for more than a week.
    • Alex Cross: The sadistic "Picasso" is an assassin who was hired to eliminate Giles Mercier and his associates Fan Yau Lee and Erich Nunemacher. After being invited to Fan Yau's house, he proceeds to sedate her with a paralyzing drug. Afterwards, he murders all of her bodyguards and tortures her to death by cutting off all of her fingers. He later goes after Nunemacher, but fails to kill him due to Alex Cross and his partners Monica and Tommy interfering. As punishment for their interference, Picasso breaks into Monica's apartment and tortures her to death, shortly before sending a photo of her body to Cross's cellphone. Picasso then makes it personal by murdering Maria, Cross's pregnant wife, and later calls him after her funeral, telling Cross that the only reason why he killed her instead of him was so he could make him suffer. Picasso then goes after Giles Mercier, attacking his convoy with a rocket and killing several police officers, along with Nunemacher and Mercier's double. During Picasso's final confrontation with Cross, Picasso subdues Cross and attempts to inject him with the same paralyzing drug as well.
  • Alien Nation: William Harcourt poses as a philanthropic businessman but is in truth a sadistic crime lord arranging murders on his partners as not to share the profits of his drug Jakorba, which he intends to distribute to enslave many of his own people as workers and steal their minds. Harcourt has one such businessman who won't assist him thrown into the ocean, a horrific fate he reserves only for his own race since saltwater is like acid to them. Later taking the drug to avoid capture, Harcourt murders several police officers before going on a violent rampage.
  • Alien Outlaw: The unnamed leader of a trio of aliens comes to Earth to cause destruction for fun. Killing a couple guys and stealing their guns, the leader goes on a killing spree with his two goons. He also takes the time to indulge his sexual desires, trying to rape every Earth woman he sees. When Jesse Jamison comes across the aliens, the leader tries to force himself on her as well. He then tries to kill the two men she's staying with and leaves his buddies to die when Jesse comes to call. He holds another man hostage to get to his spaceship, and leaves him to drown while trying to kill Jesse when he's allowed to leave.
  • Alita: Battle Angel:
    • Nova, the ruler of Zalem, reigns over the world like a god from above. Keeping the people of Iron City oppressed and hopeless while running Zalem as a totalitarian dictatorship, Nova regularly performs experiments that create monsters like Grewishka and result in massive amounts of death. Happily overriding the minds of his followers when convenient, Nova also has his pawn Vector harvest countless people for their organs, a state that is implied to keep them alive and conscious as he takes them for his experiments. When Alita's beloved Hugo attempts to climb to Zalem, Nova simply sends a spiked ring down to kill him for the sheer amusement of it. With a scientific mind unfettered by morality or ethics, Nova shows why he is Alita's worst enemy.
    • Vector, Nova's liaison between Zalem and Iron City, is one of the most powerful men in Iron City and also its most corrupt. With swathes of murder tracing back to his head through his cyborg thugs, Vector also manages the Motorball games, a sport where cyborgs viciously maim and kill each other in intense races. Vector has other innocent cyborgs dismembered and their enhancements stolen to let his Motorball players augment themselves to become even more dangerous and vicious—-horribly killing one victim of this with a blowtorch to keep his identity covert—-and attempts to have Alita killed in one of these rigged games on Nova's behalf. Vector is ultimately revealed to be the one in charge of sending those Nova favors to Zalem, extracting their brains and organs and sending them up, alive and conscious, for Nova's experiments, a fate suffered by Dr. Ito's ex-wife Dr. Chiren when she tries to back out of Vector's operation.
  • All Cheerleaders Die: Terry Stankus is a sociopathic Jerk Jock who raped Maddy Killian right after her friend's death. When Terry's girlfriend Tracy dumps him and hooks up with Maddy, Terry punches Tracy before driving her and the other cheerleaders off the road, killing them. Learning that the cheerleaders were resurrected by magical stones, Terry carves the bodies of two cheerleaders to extract their stones to swallow, killing the two and causing excruciating pain to the other cheerleaders connected to them; Terry would also lure Tracy to a pit he filled with bear traps, causing her gruesome death. Terry then demands Leena Miller to teach him how to use the stones and when she resists, he attempts to cut the stone imbedded in her throat.
  • All Quiet on the Western Front (2022): General Friedrichs is an egomaniacal, slovenly excuse for a "soldier" who believes war to be a glorious thing with which he will earn fame. From his luxurious mansion where all his needs are met, Friedrichs leads the bloody war effort against France while he whines how weak his fellow Germans are and blames "social democrats" for the ruination of society. When German and France agree to a ceasefire which will be implemented at 11 o'clock, an enraged Friedrichs refuses to go down as a "coward" and orders his entire army to make a suicidal rush against the unsuspecting French front line at 10:45, using the last fifteen minutes before the armistice to rack up as many bodies as he can. Any men who refuse to march are immediately executed by Friedrichs as traitors, and at the end of the day, Friedrich's terrible handling of the war and his army leads to pointless hundreds of deaths on both sides of the conflict.
  • All Superheroes Must Die: The villain Rickshaw forces four heroes into a sadistic game wherein he will kill hostages for each of his challenges they fail, murdering one just to prove the severity of his threat. Throughout the challenges, Rickshaw murders hostages anyways against his word; tries to make the heroes commit suicide; attempts to force one to kill the others lest Rickshaw kill his sister; and at the end tries coercing the two surviving heroes to fight to the death. When mortally wounded, Rickshaw activates a detonator to spitefully take the city with him.
  • All Through the Night: Pepi is a Nazi fifth columnist and murderer who kills several people to cover up the plots of his group. Knowing the Nazi concentration camps' truth, Pepi fully intends to facilitate a Nazi invasion in the United States by bombing a battleship and starting a deadly riot, only balking when his superior decides to make it a suicide run.
  • Almighty Thor: Loki is depicted as an aeons-old Demon God banished by Odin centuries ago. Escaping from his Prison Dimension into Valhalla and seeking the Hammer of Invincibility, Loki massacres the guards in Odin's palace and unleashes his army of lindworms to devour the inhabitants of Valhalla, as he searches for the hammer, gleefully killing everyone that gets in his way. Challenged by Odin, Loki uses his illusion powers to trick Odin into killing his older son Baldir. and then kills Odin by stabbing him In the Back. After learning Thor and the Valkyrie Jarnsaxa had escaped to Los Angeles with the hammer, Loki follows Thor, unleashing a wave of destruction behind him as he orders his monster army to lay waste to LA, and then killing Jarnsaxa and casting Thor into Hell, before unleashing Ragnarok to destroy Earth and intending to do the same on every other world in his attempt at universal conquest.
  • Almost Human: Giulio Sacchi is a two-bit thug looking to hit the big time. After a failed job, Sacchi rapes his girlfriend to blow off steam before deciding to kidnap a young woman who happens to be the daughter of a very wealthy man. Giulio and his gang purchase guns from a supplier who requests a hefty security deposit so the guns will not be used for murder, but Giulio promptly murders the old man and his wife before kidnapping the target and killing her boyfriend. When she flees to a nearby house, Giulio kills the old man at the house to make a point to the rest of the family and accidentally shoots the little girl when she surprises him. Without remorse, he massacres the rest of the family and proceeds to murder his girlfriend to keep his cover while confessing to her he has no remorse. After abusing his captive, he kills her after he gets the ransom and kills his friends as not to share it.
  • The Alphabet Killer: The Alphabet Killer, Richard Ledge, is the pedophilic psychopath responsible for the film's events. Having kidnapped, then brutally raped and murdered a little girl, the killer became infatuated with police detective Megan Paige, and, to prove her theory that his killings were solely against children with alliterative names, he raped and murdered two more children who matched Paige's theory. When Paige discovers his identity, the killer brutally beats her before trying to drown her in a raging river. Evading capture by the film's end, the killer goes on to rape and murder numerous more little girls while leaving Paige to rot in a mental institution. Manipulatively charming and falsely kind, the Alphabet Killer was a depraved lunatic with no rhyme or reason to his atrocities beyond his own perverse entertainment.
  • Altitude (2017): Sadie is the leader of a gang of thieves who hijack a plane in search of loot taken by her ex-boyfriend Terry when he double-crossed them after a heist. Impersonating a flight attendant to get on the plane, Sadie kills one of her fellow flight attendants and the two pilots to allow her accomplice Matthew Sharpe to fly the plane, then has him conduct a series of dives to give off the appearance of altitude trouble to air traffic control. When Terry escapes with the help of Gretchen Blair, Sadie conducts a search of the plane, with her henchmen beating or killing anyone who resists. Persuading Air Marshal Luke Byres to turn traitor, Sadie then unveils the final step of the plan: Set the plane to crash with everyone onboard, with a fake flight recorder blaming the whole thing on hydraulic failure.
  • Amazons: King Kalungo is a power-hungry sorcerer who attained his great power by sacrificing multitudes of people to the otherworldly priest Balgur. Launching a bloody takeover of Imbissi, Kalungo has civilians gathered to be used as sacrifices; executes several of his own men for failing to acquire the Spirit Stone; and feeds dissenters to his shapeshifting lioness Akam. Making a deal with the treacherous Amazon general Tashinge to help acquire the Sword of Azundati, the only weapon capable of killing him, Kalungo sends Akam to kill Tashinge's daughter Tashi once she retrieves the sword so he can take the weapon for himself.
  • Amber Alert: Michael Muller kidnaps an eight-year-old girl named Brooke. When the protagonists Samantha, Nathan, and Caleb bug his car with a microphone, they hear him threatening to kill Brooke's parents. While he leaves his house, they discover that he is a serial child rapist and murderer who films himself raping and killing little girls. Before they can escape with Brooke, Michael returns, killing Nathan and Samantha and wounding Caleb, before getting gunned down himself.
  • The Ambulance (1990): The nameless Mad Doctor runs a scheme of using an ambulance to abduct people he's poisoned so he can conduct horrible, torturous medical experiments on them to "perfect" new procedures and breakthroughs, promising his victims that when they die, it will be "in perfect health". When several people get close, the Doctor has an investigating police lieutenant murdered and abducts the old reporter Elias Zacharai, using an agent to cause him horrible pain in revenge for Elias's defiance. The Doctor also sells his victims to medical facilities to be experimented on, and, when caught, he attempts to run the heroes down in the ambulance, consumed with a need to control and hurt others to the end.
  • Amen: "The Doctor" is a high-ranking SS officer, introduced personally selecting German patients at mental asylums to be killed, smiling at his oblivious victims—many of them children—before sending them away to be gassed. The Doctor enthusiastically takes part in the planning and execution of The Holocaust, eventually taking up a position in a death camp. When the Jesuit priest Riccardo Fontana protests the Pope's decision to stay silent about the mass murder of Jews by allowing himself to be taken to the camp, the Doctor notes that he'll be the one to "decide who is a Jew", before forcing Father Fontana to work in the crematoria to break his spirit. Rogue SS officer Kurt Gerstein tries to secure the priest's release by falsifying papers from Heinrich Himmler, but the Doctor instead has Fontana killed and orders Gerstein's arrest.
  • America: Captain Walter Butler is a war criminal in The American Revolution, and is unique in the sense that he is not a British soldier, but a cruel American loyalist. Despised by both sides of the war for disobeying orders and conducting massacres against his own people with a renegade army of like-minded savages, Butler allows them to torture POWs for information. Obsessed with Nancy Montague, Butler leads a raid in the vicinity of her estate to steal supplies from the Continental Army, killing several people—including Nancy's uncle—before trying to rape her. Worse is Butler's plan to destroy Fort Sacrifice, as he intends to slaughter thousands of people living in the neighboring valley, declaring "Men, women, and children, this whole pack of American wolves, little wolves grow to big ones, leave none to grow". One of the earliest examples of a Sociopathic Soldier in film, Butler's dream was to sweep his country with flame and establish his own vision of an empire upon its ashes.
  • American Assassin: Ghost was once an assassin for Stan Hurley's black ops unit Orion before his reckless behavior nearly got the unit killed, forcing Hurley to abandon him. Becoming a psychopathic mercenary and terrorist years later, he would retrieve plutonium from a group of arms dealers before killing the group, as well as the police on his tail. When learning of Orion tailing him at a restaurant, Ghost kills one agent and murders countless of innocent people before making his escape. He would later murder Hurley's contact before kidnapping him; he would then torture Hurley for abandoning him. When Ghost's Iranian allies gives the components needed to make his nuclear bomb, Ghost kills them and reveals his plans to use the bomb to destroy the U.S. Navy's Sixth Fleet and kill thousands of people just to spite Hurley.
  • American Justice: Sheriff Payden runs a Protection Racket through his police department. While investigating a murder done by two of his men, he kills an officer for complaining about finding cocaine instead of money. He then decides to arrest Officer Jack Justice and eventually kill him for "trying to escape." After Justice actually escapes, Payden gets him to come back by kidnapping a woman and threatening to have his men gang-rape her. After Agents Cobb and Lobo come to investigate the situation, and the mayor mentions the case, Payden threatens to poison his dog. After he is captured and left to be arrested, he tries to shoot Justice In the Back.
  • American Mary: Dr. Alan Grant and his partner Dr. Walsh are a pair of twisted and corrupt surgeons, behind their image of stern but reasonable teachers. To give a lesson about breaking bad news, Walsh has Mary falsely tell a patient's family that their father/husband has died in surgery. Later, Grant and Walsh invite Mary to a party for their clique, where the female attendees are all drugged and raped while being filmed. Grant himself rapes and films Mary, while Walsh pleasures himself over a woman being gang-raped. The assault causes Mary's own downward spiral of as her first victim is Grant himself. An investigation into their "disappearances" reveals Grant and Walsh have been regularly hosting these "sex parties" with multiple victims before Mary.
  • American Ninja 4: The Annihilation: Colonel Scott Mulgrew is a British ex-soldier who teamed up with a cabal of Middle Eastern Terrorists to extort 50 million dollars out of America under the threat of nuking New York. Mulgrew is a vile, mass-murdering, America-hating sadist who doubles as a rehearsed Torture Technician, operating his own torture chamber where he tests out his skills on everyone from captured American soldiers to three innocent patrons of a bar the heroes visited. As the film goes on Mulgrew clearly indicates his intentions to rape the hero's female compatriot and ultimately attempts to burn all of his prisoners to death when his nuke plot is thwarted.
  • American Psycho:
    • Original film: Patrick Bateman is a despicable and narcissistic psychopath who moonlights as a mass murderer while keeping up his appearance as a stockbroker. Bateman's murderous tendencies having started for no discernible reason, he began brutally raping, torturing, and butchering innocents in the most horrifying ways he could imagine, even cannibalizing some of his victims. Bateman's evil is so petty and unpredictable that he disembowels vagrants after pep talks, takes an axe to one of his associates for having a better business card, and tortures defenseless animals. After going on a shooting spree, Bateman comes to the conclusion that he is completely wicked with no capability of care or compassion for others. Though the idea that some of his crimes were just imagined is implied, Bateman's character is nevertheless pure evil. Driven by his sadism and pathological desire to be important, Patrick Bateman fully earns the various terms he is referred to as: an inhuman, a ghoul, and a monster.
    • All American Girl: The woman calling herself "Rachel Newman" is an ambitious psychopath who, after a run-in with Patrick Bateman in her youth, becomes fascinated with the criminal mind. Aiming to become a world-renowned FBI profiler, she slowly reveals that she sees anyone that gets in the way of her mission as completely expendable. Killing the real Rachel Newman and stealing her identity, "Rachel" murders a college administrator for denying her application to a prestigious teacher's assistant position, microwaving her cat and beating the woman to death in her own home. After systematically eliminating her rivals in the race to achieve the position, Rachel pushes her professor out a window when he denies her the position, murders a janitor who witnessed this crime, and stabs a security guard to death for getting in her way. Faking her death, Rachel's spree ends with her killing another woman, stealing her identity to get into the FBI with no repercussions for her actions whatsoever. Despite her claims that she is doing what is right, in her words "killing the few to save the many", Rachel proves to be just as depraved as the killers she seeks to catch, seeing murder as the ideal way to get what she wants, validation for her massive ego.
  • An American Werewolf in Paris: Claude is the leader of a werewolf society in Paris and the owner of Club de la Lune. Using his club to lure in tourists and thrill seekers, Claude has them locked in when he and his men transform, killing the humans. It was at such a party Andy McDermott gets bitten and his friend Brad gets killed. When Claude tries to recruit Andy, he tries to have him kill his friend Chris as an initiation. He also explains his belief that werewolves are superior to humans and his disdain of hospitals and charities for empowering the weak. It is also revealed he turned himself into a werewolf by stealing the blood of the benevolent werewolf Serafine. When he learns that Serafine's scientist stepfather made a botched cure for lycanthropy, which causes immediate transformations, Claude kills him and raids his lab, so he can distribute the drug in his club and transform whenever he wants to kill innocent people.
  • Among the Shadows (2019): Patricia Sherman is the vampire wife of the European Federation President. Desiring power for herself, Patricia initiates a conspiracy where werewolves go insane to attack people so she can have her assassin murder a specific target. Arranging multiple murders to bring herself nearer to power, she has her own husband assassinated and then has the heroine framed for her crimes.
  • Amusement: The Serial Killer known only as "The Laugh" vivisected a rat as a child to show to three girls and began plotting murderous revenge on them for showing disgust. Kidnapping one of the girls, Shelby, the Laugh begins killing people around her. Disguising himself as a clown, the Laugh tries to murder Shelby; another of the girls, Tabitha; and the daughter of a man he had already killed. Kidnapping the roommate of Lisa, the last of the three girls, the Laugh murders Lisa's boyfriend when they go to investigate and captures Lisa. Psychologically tormenting the three captive girls, the Laugh tries to dissect Shelby before violently killing Lisa.

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  • Anaconda series:
    • Original film: Paul Serone is a former priest from Paraguay who decided to become a snake poacher in the Amazon, catching them for rich clients. Serone arranges with his partner Matteo to lure a film crew into the territory of a giant, man-eating anaconda to serve as bait for his hunt. Incapacitating the team leader with a poisonous wasp, Serone allows Matteo to be Eaten Alive, then recruits a new hapless partner from among the crew and sacrifices him as well when the option of saving him threatens Serone's profits. Serone later strangles the man's girlfriend to death when she attempts to avenge him. After being overthrown and escaping, Serone captures two of the remaining people inside the anaconda's feeding grounds, attempting to feed them to the snake while mocking their impending deaths. Driven by nothing save Greed, Serone proves to be worse than even the monstrous snake.
    • The Hunt For The Blood Orchid: Dr. Jack Byron is a ruthless Glory Hound. Seeking to become rich and famous by exploiting the life-extending Blood Orchid, he intentionally risks the team's lives by taking a quicker, but more dangerous route, and hiding their means of escape. When found out, he uses a Stone Spider to leave his partner Gordon paralyzed as he's Eaten Alive by one of the anacondas, using the distraction to abandon the rest of the party to die in the jungle. When they catch up, he forces Sam to risk her life to retrieve the Blood Orchid over the mating ball of deadly serpents. Despite being only a human, Jack proves far worse than the anacondas.
  • ...And Justice for All: The "Honorable" Judge Henry T. Fleming is despised by the community for being a sadist in robes. Fleming frequently sentences people harshly, including death for armed robbery, and delights in sending them to prison to ruin their lives. Even when they are innocent, Fleming stonewalls any attempt to release them just for sadistic joy, resulting in their rapes, beatings, and even suicides. For all his pretense of harsh justice to keep the peace, Fleming is nothing more than a criminal himself who violently raped and beat a woman, selecting a defender who hates him just to force the man to compromise his ethics to help get Fleming off.
  • And Soon the Darkness (2010 remake): Calvo, along with his subordinate and partner Chucho, are Human Traffickers. Chucho poses as a Honey Trap to lure in women, seducing them and capturing them to be delivered to Calvo who proceeds to sell them as sex slaves, the two torturing the women if they resist or prove too noisy. When cornered by a man whose girlfriend Calvo had previously taken, Calvo murders him and threatens the film's heroine when she resists, promising the cut her face horribly before taking her to sell to his buyer.
  • Android Cop: Mayor Jacobs, in an attempt to raise the value of his property, poisoned a food drop and used the ensuing mutations to quarantine the place under pain of death. Years later, Jacobs decides to massacre the entire area to sell the land, and sends police officers Hammond and Andy to capture his daughter when she tries to stop them. They'll either cut their way through the area themselves or die in the line of duty, giving Jacobs an excuse to send troops in. When the cops team up with his daughter to expose his crimes, Jacobs orders his daughter unplugged from the life support that keeps her robot body going.
  • Angel III: The Final Chapter: Nadine is a porno producer who secretly heads a gang involved in white slavery. Luring in hookers and actresses to star in her pornos, Nadine has them drugged and sold to foreign buyers in return for drugs. When Molly "Angel" Stewart's mother tries to leave the gang to protect her daughter Michelle, Nadine has her killed, and when Molly investigates her operation, Nadine has Molly's friend Gloria murdered and Molly apprehended, smugly informing her that she will be sold as a Sex Slave.
  • Angel Heart:
    • Mephistopheles, in the guise of Louis Cyphre, makes contracts with mortals in order to take their souls to Hell or devour them. When Johnny Favorite attempts to escape his contract, Cyphre hires private eye Harry Angel to "find" Johnny by tracking clues to his real identity, then arranges for everyone Johnny knew and worked with to be gruesomely murdered, including Johnny's innocent daughter Epiphany and Cyphre's attorney Mr. Winesap, the latter just for a joke. When Harry realizes who he is, Cyphre admits that he revels in all the death occurring to humanity and claims another soul.
    • Johnny Favorite is a Satanic cultist who sold his soul to the Devil for fame. Wishing to renege on the deal and escape the Devil, Johnny murdered a soldier named Harry Angel and stole his soul, but the "Harry" identity took over Johnny's mind thanks to amnesia suffered during World War II. Twelve years later, Johnny resurfaces with some help from the Devil and murders all his associates in gruesome ways for almost no reason at all, even raping and murdering his innocent daughter Epiphany. When discovered and told he would burn in Hell, Johnny simply agrees with the cop, proving to be "as close to pure evil as [Evangeline Proudfoot] ever wanted to get".
  • Angel of Death (aka Commando Mengele) (1987): Dr. Josef Mengele is a Nazi war criminal who previously experimented on countless women, children, and babies during his time in Auschwitz. Escaping to South America after the war and planning to continue Hitler's goal of a Master Race, Mengele sought to unite every fascist ruler in South America together in order to transform the continent into the Fourth Reich, with Mengele serving as its new dictator. Casually performing biological experiments on the locals in his spare time, Mengele has virgins brought to him and impregnated by him, all so Mengele can have new citizens of his own to inhabit his new world. Cornered by the Jewish commandos, Mengele detonates his entire headquarters, killing himself and his own men in the process.
  • Animal World (2018): Anderson is the creator of Animal World, a deadly card game where a poor man can become rich in one night. He gathers contestants by tricking people into paying a mortgage, only to have them go into debt and become so desperate for money that they sign up to compete. With the game showcased to him and his rich friends who bet on the contestants, Anderson doesn't care about the contestants' plight, and even shoots one in the face for cheating. Should contestants lose, they are taken to the black room to be killed or painfully experimented on. Having killed Zheng Kai-Si's father in front of him, Anderson has Zheng compete in the game just to watch him struggle.
  • Anna and the Apocalypse: Arthur Savage is, initially, just the strict headmaster of Little Haven's high school, and a consummate Control Freak who lets a glimpse of his true nature show when, during the Zombie Apocalypse, he callously "prioritizes" over an old woman with a heart condition. When Savage's desperate attempts to maintain authority over the survivors fails, Savage decides to allow the zombies in to slaughter all the survivors out of spite, gleefully locking his own students inside while promising to deliver whatever's left of Anna to her father whom Savage looks down upon, even attempting to murder both Anna and her father when they save his life from the ravenous zombies. Savage gleefully hopscotches over the line to demonstrate himself worse than any of the mindless zombies ravaging Little Haven, attesting during "Give Them A Show" that he "might as well have some fun" with the collapse of society.
  • Anna and the King: General Alak causes havoc in Siam's countryside by leading Burmese troops to brutally murder civilians. When King Mongkut sends his brother with Alak to investigate the crimes, Alak fatally poisons everyone with him and escapes to rouse an army from Burma. In his desire to become king, Alak knows Mongkut has to die, but his true cruelty extends even further: Alak intends to kill all of King Mongkut's young children, who number in the dozens, so there are no obstacles to the throne. When Mongkut ends up besting Alak, he decides to spare his treacherous former adviser so Alak will know the shame of his betrayal forever. Alak simply attempts to shoot Mongkut In the Back, blinded by hatred, greed and rage.
  • Antebellum has these three racists:
    • Blake Denton, aka "the General" or "Him", is a Southern senator seeking to reestablish the Confederate way of life. Having black people kidnapped and made into slaves where they are beaten, molested and killed, Denton has the heroine Veronica Henley abducted and regularly rapes her as his personal slave, fueled by nothing more than racism and cruelty.
    • Elizabeth, Denton's daughter, is one of the chief figures of the "Plantation". Elizabeth is the one who selects the kidnapping victims, having them abducted to become slaves where they are tortured and stripped of all humanity, even implying at one point that she wishes to enslave Veronica's young daughter. After her father's death, Elizabeth tries to hunt Veronica down and murder her, gloating how she was the one who built the operation.
    • Captain Jasper, Elizabeth's husband, as much a racist thug as his father-in-law, runs the fields where he subjects slaves to the worst mistreatment and joyfully hunts down any escapees before murdering them and throwing the bodies in a crematorium. The one who helped kidnap Veronica, Jasper allows his men to beat and rape slaves at their leisure, all with the same sadistic enjoyment.
  • Antibodies (Antikörper) (2005): Gabriel Engel is a sickening Serial Killer obsessed with evil itself and his own twisted, artistic vision of murder and torture. Engel's pattern is to kidnap a young boy, torture, maim, and rape him to his heart's desire, then slowly drain him of his blood until death, after which he uses said blood as paint for his artwork. After murdering 13 boys this way, Engel guns down a cop who stumbles across his latest killing before being caught. Once in prison, Engel first gives explicit details on his first victim, taking obvious pleasure from the interrogator's horror at the tale, and later refuses to talk to anyone except a village cop named Michael Martins. Engel psychologically torments Michael over several weeks of visits, ultimately convincing the paranoid Michael that his own son Christan killed one of his childhood friends, when in reality, Engel had killed the girl years back, and had arranged his capture and communication with Michael solely to manipulate him into murdering his Christan to prove a depraved point that all men can be as evil as him if given the right circumstances. Engel was utterly fascinated by the nature of evil and believed himself to be the epitome of it across humanity, and lived for no other reason than to torture and kill others.
  • Antidote (2018): Dr. Alvarez uses the legend of the White Witch to convince superstitious villagers that the female and child patients he drugs are afflicted by her curse. In reality, Alvarez perpetually keeps them in a trance-like state to dig for the lost City of Gold and has his mercenaries kill anyone who comes too close to uncovering the truth. When Anna and her companions come to free his enslaved patients, Alvarez carelessly has his men shoot through the docile workers, before taking Anna hostage and boasting to her how his "brilliance" scored him free labor.
  • Antitrust: Gary Winston is the owner and founder of NURV, masquerading as a charitable philanthropist to cover up the dark secrets of his company. Keeping NURV ahead of the competition by stealing code and intellectual property from others, Gary's true evil comes from the fact that he has dozens of promising minds on a watchlist, and murders any single one of them if their intelligence reaches the point of being a threat to NURV's technology supremacy. Killing well over half a dozen young programmers and threatening many more to ensure his position is never threatened, Gary tries to do the same to Milo Hoffman for investigating his crimes, and forces a delinquent woman to seduce Milo lest Gary send her back to prison on trumped-up charges.
  • Apocalypse quadrilogy: Franco Macalousso, also referred to as Lucifer, is the self-proclaimed savior of humanity who claims to have prevented World War III from happening after he steps onto the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem and a flurry of nuclear missiles sent all over the world by Russia and China suddenly disappear, along with every Christian on the planet. However, underneath his seemingly polite and charming demeanor is a supreme hatred for God and everything he created, including humanity, as Franco prepares to bring about the end of the world. A majority of the planet's population quickly become followers of Franco's evil regime, One Nation Earth, as he brands them with a mark that claims their souls, erasing any inhibitions they might have once had and dooming them to eternal damnation. The people who refuse to join Franco, including those that convert to Christianity after the Rapture, are deemed guilty of hate crimes against humanity, with countless of them being captured, tortured, and publicly executed. Franco even goes so far as to order terrorist acts such as the bombing of school buses, so he can frame the believers for these crimes.
  • Apocalypto: While all of the Mayan warriors are a particularly nasty lot, none stand out so much as the vicious Dragon to the lead hunter Zero Wolf Middle-Eye. One of their best hunters and fighters, Middle-Eye is also the only rapist, who takes one of the women of a conquered village into a hut to violate her, and kills her after, as her husband Blunt struggles futilely to save her. When Jaguar Paw nearly kills Middle-Eye in a fight, Middle-Eye vengefully slits his father's throat in front of him and names Jaguar Paw 'Almost' in response. When the new captives are being marched back to the capital city, Middle-Eye at one point decides to lighten the load by throwing an exhausted slave to his death. Middle-eye stands above his fellow slave hunters in depravity and the others consider him sick.
  • Apostle: Quinn is the worst of Erisden's founding members. A former convict alongside his comrades Malcolm and Frank, Quinn found the island's goddess and kept her inside a shack, convincing his friends to enslave her so they could use her powers for themselves. Envious of Malcolm's position as the cult leader, Quinn began scheming to usurp his place. Discovering that his daughter Ffion was having an affair with Frank's son, Jeremy, and was pregnant with his child, Quinn stabbed her to death and framed the boy for his crime, sentencing him to public execution. Shooting Malcolm in the shoulder and leaving him to die, Quinn captures his daughter Andrea and imprisons her with Jennifer, planning on raping both of them every year so he could sacrifice his own babies.
  • The Arena (1974): Timarchus is a lecherous Roman patrician who purchases slaves and has them abused, allowing his wife, Cornelia, to beat them, and forcing them to entertain in parties where some of them are raped, others being forced to service gladiators. Deciding to force the women to participate in gladiator matches, Timarchus decides to sentence the losers to death, with the winner forced to murder them under pain of death herself. When one of the lovers of a dead female gladiator attempts to strike back, Timarchus orders him crucified, steadily revealing himself to be the worst of Roman society.
  • Arena (2011):
    • Logan is the host of the Deathgames, a web show where people fight to the death. He has his henchmen kidnap people around the world to force them to fight for his show. Before the victims are made to fight, Logan has them tortured and broken by Kaden so they will not resist. When David Lord is captured for the Deathgames, Logan brings up the fact that Lord's pregnant wife recently died in a car crash just to upset him. Logan forces another fighter named Taiga to fight by holding his wife hostage, and eventually has her killed. Logan offers to let Lord go free if he wins 10 fights and kills all of the fighters, but he later tries to inject Lord with a serum that will weaken him during his final fight, ensuring his death. When the FBI arrive, Lord sends his men to try and kill them while he escapes, leaving them all to be captured or killed.
    • Kaden is the one in charge of breaking the kidnapped contestants and killing surviving losers after a fight if the audience demands their death and the winner refuses to finish them off. He has the contestants tortured through means such as waterboarding, and has them beaten for not answering with their new monikers instead of their real names. Kaden also has his men tase the winners who refuse to kill the losers despite the audiences demands. When David Lord attacks Kaden, Kaden tries to go against Logan's orders and have Lord killed on the spot. Kaden later tricks Taiga and Lord into fighting each other by hiding Taiga's face and telling them each that Taiga's wife will be killed unless they kill their opponent within the time limit, with Lord not knowing it's Taiga and the wife being killed anyway. Kaden later has a prison transport crew slaughtered and kidnaps spree killer Brutus Jackson to make him Lord's next opponent. Kaden even nearly strangles his own boss to death when Logan mocks him.
  • Armstrong (1998): The film's main villain, the gangster known only as Ponytail, and the corrupt Russian general Zukov murder former Navy SEAL Rod Armstrong's beloved mentor Bob when he becomes aware of them dealing in nukes. Seeking to distribute Russia's nuclear stockpile to anti-Western terrorists, the two proceed to murder all who can possibly link the business back to them, putting them in Armstrong's crosshairs. To cover up their crime, Ponytail and Zukov massacre the entire crew of a nuclear silo, intending to nuke Moscow itself to allow them to steal and sell the remainder of the nukes there without anyone catching on while Zukov seizes control of the decapitated Russian government, all while Ponytail wants to murder Armstrong for challenging him.
  • Army of Frankensteins: Captain Robert E. Walton is an officer in the Confederate Army when an army of Frankenstein's Monsters are sent through a time portal. When some of his men come back injured, he cold-heartedly guns them down before threatening Lieutenant Henry Swanson into giving him a dose of the mutagen. After capturing one of the monsters and seeing his strengths, Walton injects Swanson and some other goons with the mutagen and orders them to massacre a nearby Union unit, having Swanson kill a nurse who betrayed them for no apparent reason. Robert E. Lee then tasks Walton and Swanson with assassinating Abraham Lincoln with John Wilkes Booth as his contact. When Booth questions the plan, Walton threatens to have Swanson rip his arms off before gunning down a child who was spying on them.
  • Arrow: The Ultimate Weapon:
    • Prince Dorgon, the leader of the Manchu forces, leads his men on a brutal campaign through Korea as they slaughter and burn whatever they encounter. After having a village put to the sword, Dorgon has the women abducted and made to travel with his personal company. Each night, Dorgon selects a different women to force himself on, until the heroine is the last one left. Dorgon enjoys a game of making them submit to him "willingly" and attempts to starve her into submission.
    • The nameless Manchu commander, blind in one eye, shows himself as a sadistic brute who loves to subjugate and murder the Korean people. Unlike his rather noble superior Jyuushinta (Dorgon's battlefield commander), the commander delights in killing his victims and gathers a group of civilians heedless of age or gender, promising them they can return to their homes. After having them run, he sends his men on horseback to butcher all of them while he looks on with amusement.
  • Art the Clown series:
    • All Hallows' Eve: Art is a sadistic Monster Clown who finds humor in torture and murder. He's introduced in the first segment, "The 9th Circle", drugging Casey and taking her underground, where she's abducted by a coven of witches who tie her down to an altar to be raped by the Devil. In the third segment, "Terrifier", he viciously murders his way through a number of victims, all the while relentlessly pursuing a young woman who saw him dismembering the corpse of the gas station attendant. When he finally catches up with her, he shoots her would-be rescuer and takes her back to his lair where he horrifically mutilates her while she's unconscious. He spends most of the wraparound segment stalking and tormenting Sarah and the children, particularly Tia, which all culminates in him killing the two children.
    • Terrifier duology: Art the Clown is a twisted killer with a habit of butchering nearly everyone who crosses him, usually for morbid amusement. Art often gets creative with torture and mutilation: bisecting a woman in front of her friend, crotch downwards; scalping and partially flaying a woman who tried to appeal to his conscience; disfiguring Vicky, and driving her to madness; and mutilating and disfiguring a teenage girl, keeping her barely alive for her mother to find. After his initial spree, Art kills himself to avoid arrest, only to be resurrected by a demonic entity for further mayhem. A year later, Art starts a new killing spree while stalking the Shaw siblings, Sienna and Jonathan, kidnapping Jonathan after killing their mother. Art would torture Jonathan and try to eat him alive, before fighting Sienna to the death; Art is reborn through Vicky following his second death.
  • The Ascent (1977): Pavel Portnov, a police investigator in Nazi-occupied Belarus, is a former Bolshevik who chose to join his oppressors. In charge of torturing suspected dissidents to crush any sign of resistance, Portnov is all but stated to have raped a girl as part of his "interrogation" before having her executed along with a mother of three young children, condemning the children to starve to death.
  • Assassins: Miguel Bain stands in marked contrast to protagonist Robert Rath. While Rath has standards about the sort of people he assassinates and abhors hurting innocents, Bain has a penchant for indiscriminately slaughtering everyone who gets in his way. In the first mission we see him on, he kills the target and his bodyguards, then kills several police officers to escape from custody. When Rath later traps him in the back of a car, Bain prepares to snipe a nearby child to make Rath back down. During an exchange between a hacker named Electra and a group of Dutch clients who turn out to be Interpol agents, he blows away every agent and bystander he runs into and promises Electra that he'll personally cut out her heart. Rath saves Electra, but not before Bain kills Electra's two downstairs neighbours for no real reason. Bain eventually reaches an understanding with his anonymous employer to kill Rath himself, whom he perceives as an irritating rival. Even when Rath offers Bain the opportunity to part ways peacefully at the end, he elects to kill both Rath and Electra instead. Having no regard for any life he takes, Bain became a contract killer largely for glory and thrills.
  • Assault on Precinct 13 (1976): The White Street Thunder warlord is the most savage of the gang's quartet of leaders terrorizing Los Angeles. Emotionlessly swearing the Cholo for all-out war in retaliation to a police attack; he spends the chaos driving around looking for civilians to shoot, settling on an ice cream man and a little girl.
  • The Assistant: "The Boss" is Jane's unseen, but menacing and cruel, employer. A studio executive who uses his position to take advantage of many women via the Casting Couch and other nefarious means of sexual misconduct, the Boss also verbally and psychologically abuses his wife, his employees, and Jane herself for the slightest of reasons. A predator and bully who uses every advantage he is afforded to hurt others just because he can, the Boss is portrayed as the ultimate kind of evil in the filmmaking industry.
  • As the Gods Will (2014): Amaya Takeru is more openly sadistic than his already-unstable manga counterpart. A psychopathic juvenile delinquent, Amaya saw the games as a world where the "strong prey on the weak", gleefully taking the chance to satisfy his bloodlust. Introduced asking God if life has any real purpose, and then beating a group of boys before the games even start, Amaya makes his presence known by slaughtering the survivors of the second game with a katana. In later games, Amaya breaks the neck of a student that was running away from him and causes the death of two more students by letting them play a game that he already knew the answer from the start. When Shun confesses that he is nothing like him, Amaya casually tells him that he never intended to help him, and tries to win the game himself, believing that it would kill all the other students.
  • The Astronaut's Wife: The alien possessing Commander Spencer Armacost is a predator out to seize control of an experimental, upcoming flight from NASA. Murdering Spencer and taking his body, the alien rapes his wife Jillian to impregnate her and proceeds to murder any who can expose it. Responsible for the deaths of Spencer's partner and his pregnant wife, the alien kills numerous others, including Jillian's sister, and later kills and possesses the pregnant Jillian to achieve its plans.
  • Asura: The City of Madness (2016): Mayor Park Sung-bae is an utterly childish and heartless political schemer who believes his elected position entitles him to do whatever he wants. Sung-bae runs a massive meth trafficking empire that he masks through his political connections, and he has any innocent witnesses to his crimes tortured and murdered to silence them. Using the crime boss Tae to sow chaos and harm against the citizenry so as to make himself look like a hero, Sung-bae has Tae and several other partners assassinated to cover his tracks, including the immensely loyal Secretary Eun. When he discovers that a group of prosecutors are closing in on his corruption, Sung-bae arranges a massacre to take place at a wake to cover up his murders of the prosecution team. Sung-bae cruelly promises to spare one of the prosecutors if they will first kill their teammate with a machete, only to then murder the prosecutor anyway.
  • Asylum (2008): Dr. Magnus Burke is the former head of an insane asylum which was destroyed, with Richard Miller University built over it. Deciding to focus his efforts on teenagers and little children, Burke started using his new "curing" method on them, thinking that he can "fix" their mental illness faster by driving lobotomy picks into their eyes to simultaneously destroy tissue in the frontal lobes. That led to several deaths and many patients being left traumatized by the experience. Eventually, Burke's cruelty caused all patients to rebel and kill him the same way he tortured them. Swearing revenge, Burke come back as a ghost, using his powers to torture and murder dozens of people and steal their souls. Hunting down students of Richard Miller University, Magnus tortured them physically and mentally before killing them, as he enjoyed their pain.
  • Asylum of Satan (1972): Dr. Jason Specter is the director of the Pleasant Hill Hospital and a devout Satanist with an extensive knowledge of pain. Using the hospital as a way to offer his patients up as brutal sacrifices to the Dark Lord, Specter swipes the supposed virgin Lucina Martin away to Pleasant Hill, where he forces her to witness nightmarish imagery. Implied to have been alive for centuries thanks to his numerous sacrifices, Specter uses Lucina to summon Satan and offer him his virginal tribute.
  • At Close Range (1986): Bradford "Big Brad" Whitewood Sr. starts the film by taking in his son Brad Jr. It is soon revealed Big Brad runs a criminal gang and is not only a thief, but a murderer as well. Brad Jr. sees him drown a member for talking to police, and when Brad Jr. and his friends are arrested, the police hold Brad Jr. without bail to get him to give up his father. As a warning, Brad Sr. rapes his son's girlfriend, and when a grand jury subpoena is issued, kills his son's friends and even kills Tommy, his son's brother—who may or may not be his son—after Tommy pleads for his life. Putting a hit out on his own son, Brad Jr. is shot and his girlfriend Terry killed before Brad Jr finally confronts his father before testifying against him and seeing him sent to prison. A remorseless sociopath, Big Brad stops at nothing to keep himself out of trouble, no matter who he must hurt or kill.
  • Attack Force: Aroon is a scientist, co-creator of the military combat drug CTX, and owner of a strip club who seeks to test the drug’s capabilities. Previously a soldier who used his own squad as guinea pigs to test the drug, Aroon went AWOL to perfect CTX some more. Using the strippers in his club to kill people via CTX overdose—which include three of Marshall Lawson's men—while also disguising CTX as a party drug that kills plenty others, Aroon ultimately plans to infect a city's water supply with CTX, hoping to have 15,000 people either dead or addicted.
  • Attack on Darfur (2009/2010 Uwe Boll film): The Janjaweed commander is the bloodthirsty leader of a supremacist militia responsible for the slaughter of hundreds, if not thousands of black Africans in western Sudan. When he and his men arrive to a village, after forcing six Western journalists and the African soldiers to leave, they begin to Rape, Pillage, and Burn, plundering the village and indiscriminately killing men, women and children. The commander personally impales an infant on a bamboo stick and then has the mother gunned down after forcing her to watch the scene. As three journalists and an African captain try to save the villagers, they're also killed. One of the journalists is burned alive as the commander watches, chuckling sadistically before shooting him. After burning the village to the ground the commander moves on to continue his genocidal campaign across the region.
  • Attack on Titan (2015): Commander Kubal is the true identity of the Colossal Titan. A ruthless military man who fears the loss of his power and privilege should humanity expand beyond the walls, Kubal is the one who murdered Grisha Yeager and his wife, but not before stealing and taking his titan serum. Transforming later into the Colossal Titan, Kubal shatters the outermost wall to allow the titans to kill countless civilians and condemn others to poverty, disease and starvation when life in the next wall is unsustainable for the poor. When a mission comes to reclaim the lost territory, Kubal attempts to sabotage it and get the entire Survey Corps killed before trying to have Eren Yeager executed when he discovers he's Grisha's son who can also transform. A ruthless thug dedicated to preserving his power and comfort, Kubal demonstrates that he is more vile than any mindless Titan.
  • Australia: Neil Fletcher was the corrupt station hand of Faraway Downs. Fletcher murders his boss, the husband of Lady Sarah Ashley, while also framing a local Indigenous elder, King George, for the crime. Desiring to take control of the ranch so that he can sell it for profit to King Carney, Fletcher's treachery is exposed by Nullah, Fletcher's illegitimate Indigenous son. A furious Fletcher becomes physically abusive to Nullah and other Indigenous women trying to protect him. Upon being fired by Lady Sarah, Fletcher releases all of the ranch’s cattle out of spite. Later allying with King Carney and competing with Faraway Downs deliver their cattle, Fletcher sabotages his rivals by scaring the 1,500 cattle into a stampede, where they trample Flynn to death, and the cattle very nearly charge off a cliff face. When King Carney confronts Fletcher over his crimes, Fletcher murders Carney by pushing the latter into crocodile-infested waters where he is devoured, before marrying his oblivious daughter to inherit his wealth. Following the Darwin bombings, Fletcher blames his financial ruin on the heroes and especially Nullah, who Fletcher tries to shoot dead.
  • Avalanche Express (1979): Colonel Nikolai Bunin is a Russian military hardliner and head of a biological warfare project called Winter Harvest. When KGB head General Marenkov chooses to defect over Winter Harvest's implementation, Bunin opts to eliminate him to keep the plan going. Mobilizing Soviet-affiliated groups to do his bidding, Bunin attempts to crash the titular train, with one attempt burying a village alive in an avalanche. Boarding the train himself, Bunin enlists the aid of terrorist leader Geiger by promising safe passage and orders him to kill everyone on the train, with Bunin assisting the attack by trying to blow up Marenkov. Escaping to a ship when the plan fails, Bunin orders the crew to open fire on a boat presumably full of Geiger's surviving men—really the team transporting Marenkov—revealing he had no intention of fulfilling his end of the bargain to Geiger.
  • Avatar: The Way of Water: Mick Scoresby is a sadistic hunter who, bored from not being able to hunt sea creatures on Earth, signs on to the RDA to lead their whaling division in hunting Tulkun. Despite knowing that the Tulkun are fully sapient, Mick hunts them like animals, knowing their pacifistic nature means they'll never fight back; he even specifically targets females with calves because they're easier targets. Mick's specific method of hunting is beyond cruel, featuring multiple brutal harpoon shots and underwater strikes before he harvests a tiny amount of amrita and wastes the rest of the corpse. Mick is also not afraid to force them into submission; when a Tulkun named Payakan sought revenge for his murdered mother, Mick's forces massacred all the Tulkun and Na'vi he brought, leaving him the only survivor.
  • The Avengers (1998): Sir August de Wynter is a depraved, Bond-esque mastermind who heads Wonderland Weather as a front for his immoral activities. De Wynter starts the "Prospero Project" in a bid to control the world's weather, murdering two of his own minions by tricking them into backing out of the project and later killing even the loyal scientists who helped to devise his doomsday device. Wynter, in the steps to his master plan, has an agent in Emma Peel's likeness murder people to frame the Ministry while knocking out and attempting to rape the real Peel in a moment of lust. Wynter ultimately attempts to extort billions out of all the world's nations lest he manipulate the weather into creating natural disasters to ravage the entire planet and kill millions, trying to freeze all of London to death to prove he's serious.
  • Avengers Grimm: Time Wars: Magda the Mad was banished ages ago for attempting to usurp power from her allies, and now schemes to attain ultimate control of all reality. Turning her exile to Atlantis in her favor by conquering the underwater city, Magda kidnaps Prince Charming and keeps him as her prisoner for years in an attempt to force him to wed her and grant her his powerful ring. When Charming escapes her clutches, Magda goes on a destructive murder spree, personally vaporizing an innocent man while her armies decimate swathes of cities in her hunt for Charming. Always eager to rack up more bodies and constantly threatening her ally Rumpelstiltskin with being skinned alive if he fails her, Magda's desire to obtain Charming's ring results in a Bad Future in which she reduces Earth to a wasteland of death; keeps Charming and Rumpel as her personal slaves to torture; and murders several of the Avengers to secure her reign. When thwarted in the present, Magda spitefully tries to destroy an entire city before dragging off Rumpel to torture him for her own failure.
  • The Avenging Eagle: Yoh Xi-Hung, the leader of the Eagle Clan, was a martial artist who purchased 40 boys from slavers. Eschewing any love or affection, Yoh Xi-Hung subjected them to horrifically brutal training that only 13 boys survived, hardened into killers who would live and die for their "father." Yoh Xi-Hung uses them as bandits to increase his wealth and power, sending them after those he deems enemies. In one instance, Yoh sends the Eagles to slaughter a martial artist and his entire family, convincing one of the young men to kill the man's pregnant wife. After this Eagle deserts the clan in guilt, Yoh tries to have him and the Clan’s escapted target hunted down, as the two combat the Eagle clan.
  • Avenging Force: In this sequel to Invasion U.S.A. (1985), Professor Elliott Glastenbury is the leader of a white supremacist group called the Pentangle. Glastenbury orders a hit on the African-American politician Larry Richards, best friend of Matt Hunter; this results in the death of some unarmed bystanders, some agents and one of Richards's little sons. Glastenbury shoots one of his men in the stomach after he failed to kill Hunter and Richards and leaves him to die slowly. He leads an assault on Hunter's house, which causes the death of Richards, his wife for being too noisy, Hunter's grandfather and Richards's remaining little son. Intrigued by Hunter's skills, Glastenbury forces Hunter to participate at the Pentangle's hunting game, threatening to kill Hunter's little sister Sarah if he tells anyone. He puts Sarah in a New Orleans brothel where it's implied he intended her to be pimped or sold to the highest bidder. After Hunter rescues Sarah, Glastenbury leads a hunting party, intending to kill them both. After his men are all killed, Glastenbury tries to personally kill Hunter with a garrote.
  • Awakening the Zodiac (2017): The Zodiac Killer himself is a heinous Serial Killer who murdered people solely for fun. In the past, he went across the San Francisco area murdering people one by one, with his number of victims being at least 37, but only 5 were ever known. Zodiac would also film every single one of his killings and keep them in his locker. Becoming bored with killing, Zodiac stopped for 40 years, until he forgot to make his payment on a storage locker and the film reel was sold to someone else. To conceal his identity, Zodiac resumed murdering, killing Tina, Ben, and Harvey. Zodiac then kidnaps Zoe and uses her phone to call Mick, demanding the film reel or else he will kill her. Mick obliges, but Zodiac has no plans to keep the deal, and instead tries to murder Mick and then finish Zoe off. But Zoe is able to escape, though, and when Zodiac catches up with her, he attempts to strangle her to death just for fun.
