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Recap / SCP Foundation SC Ps 1800 To 1999

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    1800- 1849 

SCP-1800 - The Minotaur

SCP-1800 is a bronze sculpture that appears identical to Le Minotaure by Salvador Dalí. Unlike the actual sculpture, there is no signature or foundry mark, and the small drawer above the inner right ankle can be opened and closed, with the inscription "Quin preu és la virtut" housed within. If a unit of minted currency is placed in the drawer and the drawer is closed, 1800 will enter a pending state. When a man 30 to 55 years old in a position of authority (SCP-1800-1) and a woman 13 to 21 years old who has undergone menstruation but has not yet engaged in sexual intercourse (SCP-1800-2) enter the radius of effect while the sculpture is in a pending state, its anomalous properties will activate. When any number of 1800-1 and 1800-2 simultaneously exist, the former will seek out the latter and initiate a form of ritualized interaction. The specific nature of the interaction is determined by the type of currency used prior to 1800 selecting its candidates.

SCP-1801 - Sharing Sickness

SCP-1801 is a contagious disease formed from bacteria, viral agents, and prions that shows no anomalous properties unless it is spread from one infected individual to another. Symptoms of the carrier will vary based on vector and whether they have subsequently infected anyone else. These subjects (designated SCP-1801-2) will begin showing signs similar to an active infection by Staphylococcus aureus, where the infected tissues vanish completely instead of succumbing to necrosis.

SCP-1802 - "Skip"

SCP-1802 is an artificial humanoid crudely assembled from lacquered chicken bones, scraps of iron and leather, and a tin can which serves as the head. It walks with an unsteady gait, but is manually dexterous and capable of using tools. 1802 is sapient and capable of speech, and notably possesses a single-minded devotion to collecting miscellaneous objects, creating caches in which to store them.

SCP-1803 - The Collage

SCP-1803 is a section of a German residential building which mainly includes an 18m exterior masonry wall with a 10m x 5m studio centered within it, a stationary humanoid figure facing out of the room's window. 1803 is completely covered by SCP-1803-1, a multimedia collage consisting of newspaper clippings, photographs, various textual elements, painted canvas, graffiti, toys, posters, and numerous other objects. The majority of 1803-1's surface area undergoes continual revision, replacing older elements of its content with new items that appear to “grow” from beneath adjoining items. Content identified in 1803-1, aside from items directly incorporated, is composed of elements that have been discarded or otherwise destroyed prior to their incorporation. When any item contacts 1803-1 at points with a combined cross-section greater than 400mm2 within a .25m2 area for a duration longer than 15 seconds, the mass will attach itself to the object and assimilate it.

SCP-1804 - Underwood #5

SCP-1804 is a fully functional Underwood Model #5 typewriter manufactured sometime between 1925 and 1928. When 1804 is used to produce text, the text produced may exhibit anomalous properties. If such properties are present, they will trigger abnormal cognitive and/or emotional reactions in subjects upon reading the text. The exact nature of these effects appears to vary based on the semantic content of the text, the state of mind of the typist, and the intended purpose of the text. When text produced shows anomalous properties, they will manifest in any copies that retain the exact same semantic meaning as the original typewritten manuscript.
  • Mind Manipulation: The SCP is a typewriter that causes any documents it produces to alter the minds of those who read them, but this only works with sufficiently-original content. The alteration also depends of the typer's state of mind, and they may be affected by it as well.
  • Sanity Slippage: This tends to happen with people who use the SCP or read documents produced by it. For instance, one D-class who was tasked with maintaining a diary using the SCP gradually became convinced that the Foundation had replaced parts of her with parts from the SCP (for instance, she believed that her teeth were typewriter keys).

SCP-1805 - A Real Doll

SCP-1805 is a worn-down, life-sized, anatomically-correct female mannequin intended for use as a sex doll. When a male subject engages in sexual intercourse with 1805, it will enter an active phase and imprint on the subject, persisting as long as the imprinted subject remains alive and in the mannequin's presence. 1805 is capable of autonomous motion, speech, and intellectual activity when active, having mental and sensory capabilities comparable to a human female of 19 to 25 years of age. While imprinting, it will express extreme affection and possessiveness for the subject regardless of behavior, reacting violently to any attempts to separate them. It also will show extreme negative reactions to the fact that the subject may also show interest for any other object or individual, whether the interest is of a sexual nature or not.
  • Death by Woman Scorned: She killed a D-class subject it had imprinted upon because he apparently pretended to love her (although he was divorced).
  • Implausible Deniability: She's either unable or unwilling to admit that she's not human.
  • Literal-Minded: She has occasionally taken metaphorical or idiomatic statements literally.
  • Love Martyr: She will always remain devoted to her imprinted subject until they die, no matter how badly they treat her.
  • Sex Bot: She's a plastic mannequin that's intended for use as a sex doll, and she becomes imprinted on whoever had sex with her last.
  • Woman Scorned: An extreme version; she... doesn't react well to any affection showed by the subject she's imprinted on towards past girlfriends, relatives or even fictional characters.

SCP-1806 - Shadow Sculpture

SCP-1806 is a stylized sculpture of an elongated human head 0.8 meters in height and massing about 300kg. When 1806 is sufficiently illuminated and the shadow of any living human subject crosses it, or vice versa, the subject becomes an instance of SCP-1806-1. 1806-1’s shadow will begin to display anomalies, primarily by becoming darker and changing its shape to no longer be consistent with their outline. 6 to 12 hours later, 1806-1 will begin to perceive objects and entities within shadows cast by other objects. They will begin to lose the ability to visually distinguish objects the next day, and will then begin to display a form of aphasia that progresses into a complete inability to communicate.

SCP-1807 - Home Sweet Okapi

SCP-1807 is the corpse of an okapi that has a large flap of skin cut away from the body so as to expose an anomalous interior space known as SCP-1807-1, which is much larger than the exterior of the corpse. Several structures and machines of unknown purpose are affixed to the various surfaces of 1807-1, all composed of a wide variety of organic matter. When a human being makes physical contact with 1807's body for at least five seconds, they will disappear and apparently become an instance of SCP-1807-A, a series of disembodied voices that can be heard from within 1807-1.
  • Bigger on the Inside: SCP-1807 is a dead okapi about 1 meter high. Inside it is an extremely cold (less than 0º C) 2 square kilometer area.
  • Life Energy: Anyone who touches SCP-1807 will disappear as their life force is drained from them. The life force is stolen to act as an energy source for a civilization living in another dimension.

SCP-1808 - Spongebob Watches

SCP-1808 are six yellow plastic wristwatches decorated with images of SpongeBob SquarePants. The watches' main anomalous properties manifest when one is worn by a human being or creature similarly possessing limbs and phalanx bones. Every quarter hour, the affixed watch will play a sound bite of SpongeBob's distinctive laugh, and the phalanges of the limb upon which 1808 is worn will grow in length by 6 cm. This growth will continue every quarter hour until the watch is removed or its adjustment knob is retracted. When the adjustment knob is retracted and rotated clockwise, the hands on the watch rotate accordingly, resulting in accelerated phalangeal growth. Rotating the knob in the opposite direction reverses the growth process.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: The process is extremely painful, since your bone is literally slowly piercing through your flesh, tearing it apart. Turning the knob makes it grow faster. MC&D uses them as torture tools, and the process is painful, even just from the description.

SCP-1809 - Microscopic Cellular Housing Enthusiasts

SCP-1809 is a collective of sapient microorganisms inhabiting cytoplasms within most permanent and quiescent cell types of a former arborist referred to as SCP-1809-A, who claims to have been entirely oblivious to their anomaly prior to discovery. The microscopic inhabitants of 1809-A, SCP-1809-1, resemble exoskeletal crustaceans and emit intermittent pulsations of light from an interior source. Extensive observation reveals these pulses to be morse code communications between inhabitants. 1809-1 will attempt to penetrate a cell membrane, allowing for a safe opening to within, in a manner to prevent lysis. Once inside, 1809-1 will attempt to rearrange all internal organelles without physically harming the cell interior. Following this, 1809-1 will remain in a dormant and immobile state unless physically interacted with.

SCP-1810 - Mr. Pierrot

SCP-1810 is a humanoid entity covered entirely in charcoal gray cloth of an unknown material, including a mask which completely obscures its face, with two large discs constructed of an unknown alloy protruding from the approximate position of its ears. It is fluent in French and prefers to be called "Pierrot", as written on the inside of its jacket collar. Pierrot has displayed no physical changes or signs of aging despite being in confinement for nearly 70 years, and has been theorized to live indefinitely unless it is decommissioned. Pierrot's anomalous properties manifest when it comes within 500 meters of a child it deems "lost”, upon which it will take them into its care and attempt to provide for their needs or wants. There does, however, seem to be miscommunications present in its understanding of the child's actual needs, and it will often resort to violent methods and theft to provide for the children, showing a preternatural level of strength when it comes to protecting them.

SCP-1811 - Shelf Life

SCP-1811 is a bookshelf made of an unidentified type of wood and covered with brown paint and beige vinyl shelf liner. Books that are left on the shelves of 1811 have a probability of fusing together and undergoing a cycle of replication, resulting in the creation of a number of new books (designated SCP-1811-X). For fusion to occur, two books must be left in direct physical contact with each other until they acquire a significant layer of dust. After the two books fuse together, the characters are shuffled to form a new coherent text in any language that can be written. The volume then replicates its pages, doubling its size and dividing into two identical volumes that re-shuffle their characters before dividing into two different books.

SCP-1812 - Extralunar Meme

SCP-1812 is an irregularly-shaped 8km asteroid orbiting Earth at a distance of approximately 180 kilometers, believed to have been captured by Earth's gravitational pull 3.2 billion years ago. 1812 is in retrograde orbit around Earth, traveling at a rate of approximately 90 minutes per orbit. The asteroid is subject to a memetic phenomenon where it is incapable of being observed by sentient individuals unless they announce its presence verbally or legibly, as well as indicating the object in some way, such as pointing out its location with a hand gesture. 1812 can be viewed at several different locations in the sky by several different individuals, even in daylight conditions. Those who are aware of the existence of 1812 will perceive several differences in the environment around them, such as light reflected off of it by the sun. 1812 also exerts a prominent gravitational pull on the Earth similar to the moon's when perceived, which causes severe tidal cycles when perceived.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Show an SCP-1812-infected individual the extra illumination isn't real because the moon isn't real, and they will stop perceiving starlight wholesale, including sunlight. Convince an affected individual the supposed tides aren't real due to the same, and they'll start thinking water doesn't exist, leading to death through dehydration. The Foundation's containment procedures amount to making sure no one finds out about this moon, and possibly attempt to nuke the dubiously-existent rock into oblivion if more than 10% of the world learns of it.
  • Gravity Screw: Anyone aware of SCP-1812 will perceive this as affecting the tides.
  • Riddle for the Ages: The Foundation learned of SCP-1812 from the journal of an amateur astronomer named Alexander Montag. Shortly after his discovery, he barricaded himself on a roof, believing New York had been engulfed by a tidal surge and that everyone he was seeing were just hallucinations. He died after trying to escape the roof in a makeshift boat.
    "The Foundation began investigating the incident when it was found Mr. Montag had survived the fall, and had died from suffocation and hypoxia. Agents recovered Mr. Montag's journal, which contained all information currently known about SCP-1812, and serves as the primary vector for the meme. It is currently unknown how Mr. Montag discovered SCP-1812 without any prior information regarding it".
  • Schrödinger's Butterfly: The Foundation is completely uncertain if it exists or not, how the original finder managed to discover it when the only way to see it is for someone else to point it out, and why it is that the exact same measurements, with the exact same equipment, will give results backing the moon's existence when used by someone aware of it, and give entirely contradictory (AKA normal) results when used by anyone else. And one final phenomenon that backs neither possibility, and only serves to make the whole matter even stranger: The delusions are curable, in a Gone Horribly Right way.
  • Supernatural Suffocation: Those who become aware of SCP-1812 will perceive its pronounced tidal effects upon the ocean and have been known for drowning in seawater that isn't there to anyone else; most coastal cities are a death sentence to people in the know, who will drown in absolutely nothing in the middle of the street.
  • Weird Moon: SCP-1812 seems to be a dense and small asteroid orbiting Earth at just about 180 kilometers away, essentially acting as a second moon. The problem being, you won't perceive it, and it cannot affect you in any way or form, unless someone points it out to you, in which case you will suddenly become aware of how much the tides have risen, flooding so many coasts, and its light will let you see better at night. Or, going by the fact different individuals can perceive it at different places at once, it's some anomalous thing that doesn't actually exist, and when someone points it out to you it causes people to drown on dry land, under tides that aren't real.

SCP-1813 - Schrödinger

SCP-1813 is a female manatee, 45 years of age, which emits vocalizations audible four to five minutes before and after they are actually performed. Though 1813 is not louder than a regular manatee, the sound emitted appears to bounce off itself, increasing in volume exponentially before abruptly fading. Living subjects within the creature’s radius can be observed with one to eight transparent, incorporeal duplicates of themselves, moving through space as the subject had and will have moved to, until finally merging into the original subject's present location.

SCP-1814 - Fossilized Flame

SCP-1814 is a pedestal made of petrified spruce, triangular in shape and around 7cm tall with six legs. When in the absence of oxygen, SCP-1814-2 is a randomly complex arrangement of pumice stones that resembles a burning flame. When in the presence of oxygen, 1814-2 gradually achieves a state of molecular motion exactly like that of an actual fire. 1814-2 will spread in the same manner as that of a regular fire, emitting sounds similar to an avalanche as it "burns". Subjects will suffer severe burns equivalent to those from exposure to a flame, and the excess dust may induce asthma attacks in subjects with respiratory conditions.

SCP-1815 - A Mercurial Doppelganger

SCP-1815 is an interstellar object of unknown appearance, dimensions, properties, and location, only detectable by radio waves it emits. These waves generally feature an unidentified pneumatic sound which occurs at a constant rate of 52 bpm. 1815 does not appear to exert a gravitational pull, but it moves in an orbital path with eccentricity and velocity identical to Mercury, albeit reversed, prompting the object to regularly collide with its respective planet.

SCP-1816 - With Skill and Care

SCP-1816 is a penjing containing a live tree of unknown species. When a mammalian subject at an early stage of pregnancy is left in the same room as 1816, the fetus will become an instance of SCP-1816-1. The distance and time of exposure required to cause this effect depends on the size and gestation period of the individual. Instances of 1816-1 are characterized by dwarfism, extreme congenital abnormality, ataxia, and mental retardation. The severity of these physiological defects would be expected to result in an aborted pregnancy, but instances invariably have a lifespan comparable to normal subjects.

SCP-1817 - It is a Mist Eerie

SCP-1817 is an irregularly shaped area in France that is covered in thick fog, designated SCP-1817-1, that is present at all times regardless of meteorological conditions. If inhaled, the fog releases an unidentified compound into the subject's body, instigating a chemical reaction resulting in the combustion of said subject. SCP-1817-A are a group of entities that reside within 1817. The appearance of these beings varies greatly, but several factors are present in all instances, such as a dark green coloration, a large mouth-like opening stretching across the torso, and the ability to speak and comprehend a wide variety of languages. The entities appear to be either unable or extremely unwilling to exit 1817 and usually react violently to any attempts to make them do so.

SCP-1818 - Flying Rabbits

SCP-1818 is a phenomenon occurring on public airline flights between Glasgow and Langenhagen leaving between 13:31 and 13:36 GMT. The effects of this event are known to begin to manifest inside the plane itself, roughly ten to twenty minutes into the flight. A dead female melanistic rabbit, designated SCP-1818-A, will be found in one of the baggage compartments of the vehicle. Following this, an individual passenger (designated SCP-1818-B) will display signs of distress, such as crying or screaming while they repetitively state the name "Molly" or "Mrs. Molly". During this time, 1818-B will not be responsive when addressed by other passengers. 1818-A will appear to independently resume vital and active functions accompanied by loud shouting and excited expressions from 1818-B, who will engage in play activity with 1818-A until the end of the flight.

SCP-1819 - Darkness is Only Skin Deep

SCP-1819 is a medical condition that develops in human children between 4 and 13 years of age. Affected individuals are characterized by abnormal cutaneous sensitivity to the absence of visible light. Initial symptoms include pain, itching, edema, blistering, and peeling of skin, typically manifesting during periods of more than 4 hours spent in darkness. The severity of these symptoms increases with longer or repeated periods spent in darkness. Affected children, designated SCP-1819-X, manifest a strong fear of the dark years before the onset of 1819. They are also convinced of the existence of a "boogeyman" which they invariably describe as a black figure with a single "bright" or "burning" eye. 1819-X are contagious to other children via sharing their nyctophobia with the subject. Physical proximity and direct communication are usually necessary, but contagion was also observed to occur by written documents and drawings.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: The boogeyman that inflicts the dangerous SCP-1819 effect on children is described by the children as having a large "bright" or "burning" red eye.
  • Weakened by the Light: Inverted. When children affected by SCP-1819 are in darkness they suffer the effects of severe sunburn, including an increased risk of cancer.

SCP-1820 - The Lost Cabin

SCP-1820 is a single-story log cabin with 4 windows and a door, with an exact location that cannot be determined due to its inability to be located if a subject knows their exact location. The cabin can only be located if a subject, tracked via GPS and remaining in radio contact, wanders freely into Site 182. Upon discovering 1820, subjects describe it as "cozy" and "inviting", with light visible through the windows and smoke rising from the chimney after dark. They also experience a compelling urge to enter the building, whereupon all radio contact is lost for a period never exceeding 24 hours. Upon exiting the building, subjects report feeling amazingly refreshed and rested, but will soon after experience increased paranoia, nyctophobia, spheksophobia, and a total unwillingness to re-enter 1820.

SCP-1821 - Light-Extinguishing Gulper

SCP-1821 is a male teleost fish confirmed as a relative of gulper eels through genetic testing. The fish possesses a lure resembling a human mouth and throat (SCP-1821-1) that extends from the end of its tail. 1821 has voluntary control over the motion of the lure and can emit vocalizations from it, although it cannot speak coherent sentences. When exposed to any external source of light radiating in the visible range, 1821 reacts by kissing it with 1821-1, extinguishing the emitted light and rendering the source nonfunctional. The fish may then attempt to consume the extinguished light source with its regular mouth. Although 1821 is not confirmed to be sapient, it is intelligent enough to have learned a system of several sequences of musical tones and to have associated them with objects and events to which it has been exposed, which it imitates with 1821-1's.

SCP-1822 - The Quantification of Luck

SCP-1822 is a set of empirical proofs derived from common laws and axioms of mathematical statistics, physics, and chemistry. These proofs show an anomalous proportionality between unrelated phenomena, often observed as unexplainable trends present in large sets of data. 1822 further implies that 80.0:20.0 is universally constant throughout many extremely chaotic and complex forms of probabilistic scenarios, and therefore gives rise to predictable patterns of behavior in systems that should otherwise be highly variable.

SCP-1823 - Rock in a Hard Place

SCP-1823 is an autonomous, self-sustaining whirlpool varying between 1 and 4 km in diameter, with current speeds of 100-170 kmph. 1823 is migratory, capable of "traveling" at a maximum observed speed of 30 knots as it moves contrary to present oceanic currents or conditions. If a naval vehicle occupied by one or more human subjects approaches the anomaly, it will actively target the vessel and sink it. It is theorized that the whirlpool has connections with a large, multi-headed monster.
  • Mega Maelstrom: SCP-1823 is a whirlpool with a variable diameter (1-4 kilometers) that can move between locations at up to 30 kilometers per hour. It hunts down and destroys ships.
  • Sea Monster: There is a large monster with many heads that has attacked the SCP-1823 Mega Maelstrom on at least one occasion. It may be the inspiration for the creature Scylla in Greek Mythology.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: The final addendum implies that Charybdis is actually acting as a prison for Scylla on Poseidon's orders, trying to keep her from escaping and presumably wreaking untold havoc and destruction.

SCP-1824 - A Mother's Son

SCP-1824 is a series of graffiti designs composed of red, black, and white spray-paint, which has been noted to appear in urban environments in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. The graffiti will always manifest on ground-level surfaces that are vertical or very nearly vertical, and the designs produced are consistent in that they always feature a winged female humanoid. All individuals residing within the effective range of 1824 begin to exhibit symptoms similar to schizophrenia, experiencing delusions and hallucinations of a consistent figure described as a destitute mother desperately attempting to provide for her child. Affected persons will attempt to provide food, money, and other resources for the hallucination to the point of severe personal loss.

SCP-1825 - The Wrecking Pinball

SCP-1825 is a blue pinball machine measuring 2 m x 50 cm x 1.7 m. When the machine is activated by a subject, all other entities in said subject’s current location are restrained from the waist down by an unseen force. When the subject pulls 1825's handle, the hatch will release a pinball that will create a secondary invisible force in the room, the movement of this force reflecting how the ball moves on 1825's playing field. When this force collides with a wall or object in the room, the affected item will be variably damaged from the collision, while retaining its position and approximate shape from the time of activation. Subjects who are impacted by this force have their upper halves separated from their lower halves, which remain stationary. The weight and density of the force created increases with the number of points on the scoreboard.

SCP-1826 - Victims of the Wild Hunt

SCP-1826 is a phenomenon taking place in an office building in Oleksandria, Ukraine, overrun by native vegetation. When a female animal occupies the building during March, the subjects' bodies will mutate physically and instantaneously. In most cases, antler-like growths similar to that of a fallow deer will emerge from the skull, and the subject will immediately vanish from sight until a male subject enters the building. 1826 will manifest its host body and announce its intention to "engage" it. It will then offer the subject a weapon and attempt to evade them for as long as possible. The event will end when the host body is killed, or the male subject is either killed or removed from the building. Should a fatality occur, the corpse will appear to be absorbed into the walls of the building by an unknown mechanism. Plant growth in the area where the subject was killed will accelerate, and a male black Arctic wolf cub will appear at the time and day the subject was killed next year.

SCP-1827 - A Trap For Turkeys

SCP-1827 is a space-time anomaly that extends in three dimensions and constantly emits a bright pink light while suspended forty-five centimeters above the ground. While it is normally inaccessible to most living beings, the anomaly leads to a partially explored parallel universe, referred to as "Hindler" (SCP-1827-1). Monthly, 1827 will drastically increase in size, during which an instance of SCP-1827-2 will emerge from a random point. 1827-2 are ovoid or rhomboidal metallic objects of different sizes. All instances contain three or more metallic boxes which themselves contain items of different natures from Hindler, all of which have shown that it is a civilization organized entirely by turkeys. SCP-1827-3 is an entity referring to itself as "The Great Turkey", which appears to be either the leader or the harbinger of Hindler, despite the fact it has never referred to itself or other individuals as such. The Great Turkey communicates using steel plates inscribed with messages written in Turkish. Though it has engaged the Foundation in conversation twice, the Great Turkey does not appear to be interested in making contact with humankind. The inhabitants of Hindler have also been found to have long been at war with a rivalling faction of herons.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: The herons won the Heron/Turkey war.
  • Big Bad: The heron leader, who has been masquerading as "The Great Turkey", the Big Good.
  • Big Good: "The Great Turkey" was probably this during the Turkey/Heron war.
  • Evil All Along: "The Great Turkey", aka the heron leader.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: It's implied the herons attempts to manipulate the turkeys are resulting in their own undoing. In 500 years, the turkeys will retake Hindler.
  • Manipulative Bastard: The heron leader has been manipulating the Foundation into thinking that the turkeys won the war. They didn't.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: The herons' attempt to manipulate Earth's turkeys are resulting in their own undoing.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: "The Great Turkey" initially seems to be unaware of humanity's existence. However, there are hints that he may not be so unaware after all...
  • Parallel Universe: Leads to one inhabited by sapient birds.
  • Scary Dogmatic Aliens: The herons are implied to be this, which is horrifying, considering they won the Heron/Turkey war.
  • Written by the Winners: A bizarre case. The herons won the Turkey/Heron war. However, in order to manipulate Earth's turkeys, the herons have been rewriting Hindler's history so it seems like the turkeys won the war.

SCP-1828 - An Accurate Dollhouse

SCP-1828 is an irregularly shaped wooden container with a removable top, whose interior contains a miniature replica of the structure 1828 is currently located within. Every hour, 1828 instantaneously transforms so as to accurately reflect the location and composition of all objects and organisms within the structure the container is currently representing. The replicas appearing inside 1828 are made of non-anomalous soft woods, tin, plastics, cotton-fiber cloth, and acrylic paints, and are detailed with perfect accuracy to mimic the exterior of whatever object or organism they represent. SCP-1828-A are clear, transparent borosilicate glass models that intermittently appear within 1828. These models often intersect interior walls or other replicas and are not separable from them. Approximately 0.2% of instances resemble the coconut octopus and usually carry multiple objects also composed of borosilicate glass.

SCP-1829 - Carnivorous Waterslide

SCP-1829 is an orange and yellow waterslide 19 meters tall and constructed of an unknown material. 1829 appears and functions like a normal slide until a subject enters a section of tubing shortly after its second curve, at which point microscopic pores on its surface will secrete a flesh-covered aperture of tissue, trapping the subject in place. 1829 will then drain the selected area of water and begin flooding it with gastric acid, effectively digesting the subject. After digestion is complete, the aperture will dissolve and the digested slurry will continue into a rough intestine, where it is further broken down by a caustic mucus. Any surviving material is pushed through peristalsis from the intestine, where it will continue down the slide until it is ejected into the pool at its base.

SCP-1830 - The Guardian Projection

SCP-1830 is a Chinese teenager, currently sixteen years old, who has been comatose since being victimized in a criminal assault in Hong Kong. Interviewees in 1830's school described him as an unsociable person, frequently displaying bizarre behaviors such as sharp "hisses" and convulsive "nods". SCP-1830-B is an incorporeal entity that manifests within five meters of 1830's body for a period of time ranging from fifteen minutes to one hour, after which it vanishes. The entity alternatively appears in two different forms, one being a middle-aged German soldier circa World War I, the other being a Chinese soldier wearing a 1930s National Revolutionary Army uniform. On each manifestation, 1830's brain activity shows a sharp increase as 1830-B monitors his comatose form, often standing guard and comforting him. The prevalent theory is that 1830-B is a projection from 1830's mind, meant to act as a defense mechanism for the bullies that constantly victimized him.
  • Abusive Parents / Parental Neglect: SCP-1830-A's mother used to beat him and deny him dinner when he was being disobedient. She eventually stopped caring when he got older.
  • Despair Event Horizon: SCP-1830-A wept and fell into his coma when he realized that SCP-1830-B is completely ineffective on his bullies.
  • Disappeared Dad: SCP-1830-A was often bullied for not having a father around for him. The "Ling-kuo" version of SCP-1830-B was created to help cope with it as he is a recreation of SCP-1830-A's father.
  • Teens Are Monsters: SCP-1830-A's bullies have done various things to him such as vandalizing his school books to taking his pants off and carving insults on his legs with a knife.

SCP-1831 - I Feel Homesick For A Place I'm Not Even Sure Exists

SCP-1831 is a Polaroid photograph depicting the cluttered backyard of an abandoned house that may or may not exist. On the back of the photograph are the words "The Prison ♥. -Big Brother" written in marker. When a subject born between 1976 and 2002 views 1831 and attempts to focus on any object present within it, they gain memories regarding the chosen item that appear to originate from their childhood, despite these events never actually occurring. Affected subjects will also reminisce about a supposed older brother that does not appear in either the photo nor their original memories, which they say abused them in numerous ways.

SCP-1832 - Faith Half-Healer

SCP-1832 is Johnathan Barker, a 58 year-old Caucasian man who previously posed as a wandering faith healer in the Southern US. When approached by a family with an injured or seriously ill child, he would pretend to enter a trance state and partially heal the child by pressing on their forehead. The potency of Johnathan’s effect diminished with each use, proportional to the severity of the pathology treated. The infliction of emotional distress upon another human being causes Johnathan to regain potency proportional to the amount of emotional suffering caused. He would then inform the family of the afflicted individual that their faith can save their child. In the majority of cases, the child would relapse and expire, with Johnathan blaming the family for their lack of faith.

SCP-1833 - Class of '76

SCP-1833 is a copy of a 1976 high school yearbook entitled "Reflections of '76". When 1833 is read by any person who has graduated from high school, the object's anomalous effect will initiate. The individual will perceive it as their own high school yearbook, containing messages left by persons with whom they associated socially during their high school years. Initially, these messages will be positive, with encouraging comments written in the book's margins, often mentioning events which invoke positive feelings. However, after 10 pages are read, the messages will begin to become more negative in tone. Initially, they will recount events that occurred during high school for which they feel embarrassment or remorse. After an indeterminate number of pages have been read, ranging from 20-30 pages, photographs of the subject will begin to appear in the book. As the subject progresses through the book, these photos will progress from embarrassing incidents from the subject’s perspective, to photographs of the subject committing crimes, being mutilated, and being harmed by other persons depicted in 1833.
  • Butt-Monkey: SCP-1833 depicts the reader as one in its pages, showing and exaggerating an embarrassing moment from their senior year and having it ruin their life.
  • Deadly Euphemism: The messages in the yearbook are not above making actual pointed threats and death wishes on the reader, but it will also make more unsettling vague threats that almost sound like positive affirmations as well, such as "We'll never forget you!" and "Don't worry about the reunion, we'll see you soon!"
  • Embarrassment Plot: While the yearbook will appear normal at first, it will eventually focus on moments from the reader's school year that they were most humiliated by or regretted the most. The book then twists the reader's friends and peers into reacting horribly to said moment, turning on them and eventually threatening and violently attacking them.
  • Facial Horror: At first, the reader will see a relatively normal yearbook with the exception of it showing students from their own High School (even if they did not graduate in 1976), however after around page ten the faces of their peers start to become horrifically deformed and angry.
  • The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: Some of the pictures are described with the horribly deformed depictions of the reader's classmates staring through the picture at them and talking to them directly through scribbles in the margins.
  • Humiliation Conga: From the sounds of it, SCP-1833 will focus on the one aspect of the reader's senior year that they felt the most embarrassed by their actions or that they personally regret the most. From there, the yearbook twists its deception of the events by showing the reader's life falling apart with them turning to a life of petty crimes and their former peers turning on them, even violently beating them on school grounds. However, the Yearbook only shows these events, it doesn't actually seem to change reality and it's not said these events ever actually happened ...
  • Non-Indicative Name: Of a sort; in spite of the Yearbook always having the title of "Reflections of '76", it will depict the reader's own senior grade regardless of the year they graduated ... assuming they finished High School, of course.
  • Sleep Paralysis Creature: While the contents of the book change based on the reader, one thing that seems to be consistent is that near the end of the book it will show a picture of the reader asleep in their bed with several of their deformed classmates standing by their bedside ... but staring at the reader directly, not the sleeping body.
  • Sucky School: While at first the yearbook appears normal and includes friendly messages from the reader's peers, around page ten the book will start showing negative, abusive messages as well as show pictures depicting the reader's moments from school that they regret or feel the most humiliated by. Pictures also start showing the students berating and attacking the reader, even showing pictures depicting acts of violence against them or the mutilation left thereafter.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Being a High School yearbook, the effects will not work on anyone who did not actually finish High School.

SCP-1834 - Uriel Fishbones

SCP-1834 is an African-American man, approximately 50 years of age, with numerous bulges in his flesh and a pair of X's sewn into the skin where his eyes would be with black thread. The bulged areas of skin where the X's are located act as fully functional eyes by means not understood. 1834 is able to elongate the areas of skin which act as his eyes into long, flexible, cylindrical eyestalks at will. He maintains full control over the eyes’ position and motion, and can extend them to a maximum length of 25 meters. At 7:30 PM daily, 1834 will become convinced of the fact that it is "showtime", and then will attempt to stand on top of the nearest piece of flat elevated furniture. At this point, he will become more lively and begin a performance using his ability, forming simple cursive words, geometric shapes, and outlines of animals using his eyestalks. As the performance progresses, the shapes become more complex, including full sentences, polyhedra, and life-sized animate imitations of personnel in attendance.

SCP-1835 - Rupertian Zeppelins

SCP-1835 are a series of anomalous aircraft that have manifested throughout Canada and the northern United States. These aircraft strongly resemble dirigibles used throughout the late 19th and early 20th century; however, close examination of their external frame has revealed technological sophistication far beyond that of the last rigid airships. Shortly after manifesting, 1835 instances will travel in a straight direction at an average speed of 60 km/h, maintaining a course between twenty to forty minutes before demanifesting. Photographs of the interiors of these airships taken at a distance seem to indicate that no personnel are onboard, and instances appear to be automated. The airships are known to drop propaganda leaflets from the Federated Empire of Rupertia, a country in an alternate universe currently at war.

SCP-1836 - Mother in the Ice

SCP-1836 is an iceberg peaking 90m above oceanic surface, approximately 123m in length, green in color due to algae encased within the ice. It is guarded by SCP-1836-1, a pod of prehistoric, aquatic mammalian organisms housed within the iceberg’s interior. The pod is composed of several different species with fluctuating composition and number, the cause of these changes being unknown. The anomalous properties of 1836 manifest when modern marine mammals are hunted at sea by any people who are not of Inuit ethnicity within 50 km radius of the object. 1836 will accelerate toward the hunt until it reaches a speed of 35 knots. At this point, the hunted mammals, now designated SCP-1836-2, will change bearing to head directly toward 1836. If the hunters continue pursuing 1836-2 in an oceangoing vessel, the iceberg will proceed to ram the vessel until it breaches the hull. It will then extrude part of itself into the breach and expand, widening it. This process will continue until the vessel begins to sink, at which point it will retract. A brief expedition into the interior of 1836 revealed a small central chamber was discovered, housing the frozen, well-preserved, corpse of a young woman of Inupiat ethnicity, missing her hands at the wrist.

SCP-1837 - Acid Mop

SCP-1837 is a mop with a wooden handle and cloth bristles. The mop's head constantly exudes an acidic liquid that will cause any solid surface that makes direct contact with it to disintegrate over several hours. When exposed to affected environments, the mop will become animate and attempt to repair the damage the acid has caused. The mop achieves motion by autonomously gliding along smooth surfaces. It is unable to move past simple barricades but due to its effects most obstacles will eventually be destroyed.

SCP-1838 - Bob

SCP-1838 is a food truck of unknown make and model emblazoned with the words "Red Bear Bob's Food Truck." The employees within the truck, SCP-1838-1, are highly varied, demonstrating no distinct pattern in gender, age, or ethnicity. While not aggressive or hostile towards interference, they remain secretive and vague regarding their personal facts. 1838 will manifest within roughly 100km of sites for professional American football events in the United States. Within one hour of the events’ commencement, 1838 will enter an active state, and 1838-1 will begin to sell food from the truck (SCP-1832-2). If unprovoked violence occurs against 1838-1, numerous additional instances will manifest via a doorway at the left rear interior of 1838, and will attack the responsible party with a wide variety of improvised weapons, including crowbars, tire irons, baseball bats, fire axes, and knives.

SCP-1839 - Reproductive Methods of Bony Fish

SCP-1839 is a 1.3 kilogram hardcover textbook titled Reproductive Methods of Bony Fish, credited to Dr. Albert Salernus. The sleeve of the book shows a rough, colorful diagram of the reproductive system of an Atlantic blue marlin, similar to what you are. Any human being viewing the content of any page of the book will undergo a severe psychological disturbance and believe themselves to be a fish, much like yourself. They will often collapse and attempt to use their legs and arms in a flailing motion. Subjects will also hold their breath until expiration, but will attempt to breathe when placed in water and subsequently drown. Even references to the textbook will attempt to convince the reader that they are a fish, just like you.
  • Mind Rape: It's a textbook that convinces you that you're a fish. Thankfully, you don't have to worry about falling victim to the effect, because fish can't read.
  • Poor Man's Porn: It's acknowledged that 1839 could be used this way, if a bony fish such as yourself were to read it. Using it this way is discouraged, however.
  • Punny Name: The book Reproductive Methods of Bony Fish is published by Uriah Fetch Publishing. Meanwhile, the Addendum is written by Dr. U. R. A. Fish.

SCP-1840 - A Persistent Corpse

SCP-1840 is the corpse of an unidentified Hmong man estimated to have been between 55-60 years old at time of death. The body undergoes continuous decomposition in a non-uniform system; different body parts will decompose at different rates in varying modalities. 1840 also undergoes a process analogous to partial regeneration, as decomposed tissues will begin to reform and undergo a reversal of breakdown, even after reaching advanced decay and autolysis. Different portions of 1840 appear to randomly fluctuate between decomposition and regeneration. As a result, the corpse is usually in an inconsistent state of decay.

SCP-1841 - So Much To See, So Much Unseen

SCP-1841 is a well-worn book titled "1001 Places To Be Before You Die", containing an indeterminate number of pages. For the first 95 pages, 1841 lists 95 separate tourist locations and describes the main attractions, in addition to recommending methods of transportation which are contemporary to the time period in which SCP-1841 was published. After these pages have been read, the subject will report additional locations and activities listed in 1841 unique with each viewing. Locations described after page 95 will initially be locations the subject would not be able to afford or physically able to travel to, such as mountaintops or private property. As the subject continues reading, the difficulty of reaching these locations will increase dramatically, and written descriptions will be more sensationalized and positive. When the subject passes page 1001, additional entries will manifest within the book without adding to its mass. The descriptions for these locations appear to be directly aimed at the subject, and often list specific tasks to be completed by the subject while visiting it.

SCP-1842 - Dr. Wondertainment's Magic Microwave Set!

SCP-1842 is a wooden toy microwave colored pink, purple, and yellow. There are no electric parts in the toy and the dials and knobs on the object are nonfunctional, unless SCP-1842-2 is placed inside it. 1842-2 is a clay-like substance stored in 20 plastic jars, each containing a different color variant, which becomes anomalous when molded into the shape of a food and placed inside 1842. After turning the dials, the interior of the microwave component begins to glow, in a manner similar to that of a functioning microwave. After approximately 30 seconds, 1842 produces a bell-tone and opens its door, revealing the molded instance of 1842-2 has taken on the shape, smell, texture, and taste of the food in which it was originally molded into. In its base state, 1842-2 is highly toxic, known to cause vomiting, extreme nausea, headaches, and other symptoms consistent with lead poisoning roughly three minutes post-consumption. Once 1842-2 is converted into food, it is no longer toxic, but retains no nutritional value.

SCP-1843 - God of Lambs

SCP-1843 is a hollow polyhedral structure of unknown origin, mostly composed of silicon, iron, and polystyrene. The structure's anomalous properties only affect different species of sheep (referred as SCP-1843-1) present within 2 kilometers. Affected sheep will move towards 1843 in groups of 5-10 individuals, mostly composed of adult males and juvenile females, displaying more hostility than normal. Once the sheep have reached 1843, they will proceed to perform a "ritual", referred to as SCP-1843-A. Acts of 1843-A are usually of violent nature, consisting of the sacrificial murder of a female juvenile performed by instances of 1843-1, often crushing the female’s skull with their hooves or repeatedly hitting them with their horns. The males will then proceed to place the remains of the female within 1843. After 1843-A has ended, all instances will bow their heads down to 1843 and proceed to move away from it.

SCP-1844 - Crater at 31.7███° N, 35.1███° E

SCP-1844 is an elliptical open crater housed within a valley in Jerusalem, with a mean diameter of approximately 70 meters and a typical floor depth of approximately 260 meters. The vicinity of the pit is maintained as a secure location under the cover story that it was a military ordnance dumping ground filled with unexploded ammunition. The temperature at the bottom of the pit normally ranges from approximately 3000 to 5000 K, occasionally spiking to as high as 9600. The atmosphere within the pit contains high concentrations of carbon monoxide, sulfur, and other mephitic compounds. An extradimensional space accessible through the pit contains an indeterminate number of hostile entities, which are believed to be incorporeal under normal circumstances.
  • Animalistic Abomination: One containment breach involved a demon that looks like a sheep with extra eyes and horns.
  • Conflict Killer: People from multiple faiths have been working together to contain it over the centuries, including during the Crusades.
  • Fire and Brimstone Hell: Apparently accessible through the pit.
  • Mind Rape: Exposure to SCP-1844 slowly but surely does this to the people that contain it. Modern containment procedures have managed to minimize it.
  • Our Demons Are Different: The entities inside the pit are described as demons in various documents that the Foundation has discovered.
  • Out of the Inferno: Literally. One ancient containment breach caused a "wind of fire" that allowed a large number of the demons to escape.
  • Real Event, Fictional Cause: One containment breach in 1939 allowed an emaciated horseman on an albino horse to escape. In Christian eschatology, the White Horseman is that of conquest. It's implied to have been a cause for World War 2.

SCP-1845 - Animal Kingdom

See Characters.SCP Foundation SC Ps.

SCP-1846 - Maize Angel

SCP-1846 is a 50 year old Caucasian man whose exterior is covered entirely in corn leaves growing from his skin, who has stated in interviews to be an "angel" working for the ancient corn god Srqnabotf. He is capable of subsisting on a fully corn-based diet and will experience symptoms of malnutrition if fed any other foods. Any corn plants that come into contact with him will produce abnormally nutritious ears and live approximately four times as long. While 1846 is not at all aggressive and cooperative with the Foundation, when he is surrounded by any material not formed from granular matter, an unidentified force will invariably cause catastrophic damage to said material, apparently to clear a path between him and the sky.

SCP-1847 - The Rake

SCP-1847 is a humanoid entity that appears as a 35-year-old Caucasian man clad in formal evening wear, who identifies as "William Whitword". "William" possesses an innate cognitive property affecting certain female individuals exposed to him, who will find him unnaturally physically attractive. The effect will increase continuously as the elapsed duration of exposure increases. "William" will manifest on public aircrafts inbound to England, primarily appearing during the boarding process. When an affected flight lands, he will immediately seek out an unmarried woman aged between 27 and 34 years and begin to court her. Due to his properties, the target will enthusiastically reciprocate his advances, culminating in sexual intercourse. Upon completion of the act, "William" will produce an ornate dagger with a jewel-encrusted hilt (SCP-1847-1) and murder the victim by stabbing them in the heart. Upon death, the victim’s body will rapidly disintegrate, producing an item of gold/ruby jewelry for "William" to collect. He will repeat this process until he has collected 5 items, at which point he will immediately disappear.


SCP-1848 is a shapeshifting entity that has currently taken the form of Dr. Ellis Cartwright, the head of its containment team. Interviews with 1848 have the entity stating that it has claimed to be over 100 different mythical and historical figures, including Loki, Hermes, John F. Kennedy, and Jesus Christ. It never offers evidence to support these claims. Rather, people hearing them are simply convinced, usually through what they believe to be completely logical arguments. Most often, 1848 appears as a person or animal from an observer's past, giving advice that seems innocuous to the observer but always resulting in strongly negative outcomes. 1848 does not appear to be pursuing these attempts with malicious goals, instead finding genuine amusement in its "pranks".

SCP-1849 - Telepathic Parrot

SCP-1849 is a large female bird of unknown species similar in morphology to a parrot, albeit with uncharacteristically large wings unsuitable for flight. Its neck, body, and upper legs are elongated and more reminiscent of a human’s features than a bird’s. 1849 possesses speech mimicry and mild telepathic abilities. These abilities manifest as a constant, incessant "parroting" of the thoughts of any human subjects within approximately 15 meters. 1849 is mildly sapient, with intelligence similar to a Kakapo parrot, and is clearly aware of its surroundings. The bird also appears to sexually imprint on random humans, and will regularly attempt to offer itself to them humans regardless of gender.

    1850- 1899 

SCP-1850 - Accipiter sopwithii

SCP-1850 is a large organism in the exact shape of a 1917 Sopwith Triplane aircraft. DNA analysis indicates that it is both male and of avian nature. Notably, the cockpit functions as a mouth-equivalent; whenever an object with a mass greater than 8 kilograms and an overall temperature greater than 30 degrees Celsius touches any surface within the cockpit, the pilot's seat and safety harness animate, restrain the object, and tear it into pieces while secreting a mixture of digestive enzymes and gastric acid. Twenty-four to thirty-six hours after 1850 feeds, its machine gun will activate and fire several rounds of "ammunition" formed entirely of guano. Although it has not been found to have any identifiable sensory organs, 1850 is able to detect and respond to external stimuli, demonstrating the ability to recognize faces and voices despite the lack of any identifiable brain-analogue.

SCP-1851 - Doll House

SCP-1851 is a sentient doll that resembles a Caucasian girl with brown hair and blue eyes. The doll resides within a building, occasionally performing maintenance on the interior and grounds, including tending the garden, repairing the walls, and cleaning the floors. 1851 remains docile until any live mammal or bird (referred to as SCP-1851-1) enters the building, at which point they will undergo systematic conversion into a rudimentary doll. The subject’s internal mass becomes either a hollow cavity or filled with cotton and their skin is converted into porcelain or plastic. After evaluating 1851-1, 1851 will either store the object in a toy box or discard it.

SCP-1852 - Dictus Ultima

SCP-1852 is an intelligent entity that refers to itself by the name "Dictus Ultima", existing in an incorporeal state. “Dictus” claims to be omniscient and all-knowing, willing to answer any question posed to it. In spite of this claim, extensive interviews have found its body of knowledge to be limited principally to mathematics, classical Greek and Roman history and philosophy, and Enlightenment and Spiritualist philosophy. SCP-1852-2 is an oak box housing a mechanical device similar in appearance to an early mechanical calculator. The age of the box is unknown; carbon dating has determined that it dates to approximately 1850. 1852-2 is activated when a person uses a telegraph key to type a question in English using Morse code and pulls a lever. The internal mechanisms will activate and begin engaging in calculations, with individual mechanisms observable through the glass window revolving in excess of 6,000 RPM. In testing, 1852-2's "active" period has ranged from seven minutes to three hours. Upon the conclusion of activity, the internal mechanism will slow to a stop and the speaker installed within the statue will produce an answer to the question posed to it, in the form of an English language statement in Morse code.

SCP-1853 - Performance Enhancer

SCP-1853 is a green serum containing a mixture of unidentified human-derived proteins and chemical compounds. When applied to a living subject, 1853 will noticeably enhance the subject’s performance in a competitive environment. While very effective in athletic competitions, the serum is equally potent in non-athletic environments, such as chess, poker, and collectible trading card competitions, allowing subjects to analyze opponent strategies and use psychological methods to achieve victory.

SCP-1854 - Consumerism

SCP-1854 is an acrylic-on-canvas painting depicting a number of consumer companies and their relationships to each other. Each company is represented by a logo or wordmark, with a system of arrows used to indicate one company owning a controlling interest in another. SCP-1854-2 is a short passage of English text intended by the artist to be displayed alongside 1854. The anomalous effect of 1854 occurs when the painting is viewed and the entirety of 1854-2 is comprehended. Once a subject has been successfully affected, any transaction which results in a registered company receiving money from the subject will cause a representation of the logo or wordmark of said company to appear in some location on the subject’s body, as if burned in by hot metal. Every new transaction will cause a new burn to appear on the subject; if the subject already has a burn or scar on their person representing the company, it will disappear and be replaced by a new burn of larger size and greater severity.

SCP-1855 - Old Roads

SCP-1855 is a physical area at the end of a backroad near Port Vincent, Louisiana. The area itself is heavily wooded, hosting residential properties and small dumping areas. Subjects that enter the area will encounter a 1967 Ford F-100 pickup truck with white paint (SCP-1855-1) blocking the road 2 km inward. After one minute, 1855-1 will begin acting as a pilot vehicle, leading those that encounter it down the remaining stretch of the road, ending in Louisiana Highway 22. If subjects pass 1855-1, they will arrive in SCP-1855-2, an area identical to Louisiana Highway 22 which continues indefinitely.

SCP-1856 - Corrosive Corpse

SCP-1856 is the body of a woman of European descent, aged about 20-30 years at time of death, that shows no signs of decomposition or rigor mortis. The cadaver’s hands, feet, and tongue were found to have been removed, its teeth replaced with ivory dentures, and its eyes replaced with glass orbs. The body's cells undergo a continuous process which prevents anaerobic organisms from breaking down organic tissue, as well as providing sustenance for unknown aerobic organisms which escape from the body. Once exposed to oxygen, these organisms cause a corrosive effect on certain organic and inorganic compounds, as well as a concentrated neurodegenerative effect on living organisms. As a result, the body essentially causes everything around it to decay, and personnel assigned to monitor it suffer from neurological diseases such as Alzhiemer’s and Parkinson’s disease overtime.

SCP-1857 - Cultist Skull

SCP-1857 is a human skull with horns extending from its forehead, as well as the letters "CM XIII" engraved on its back and a USB port at the base. When directly observed, subjects report seeing messages written in the language they are most familiar and/or comfortable with in human blood. Subjects report that the writing most often takes the form of insults directed at them, though the exact wording is often laden with spelling and grammar errors. Subjects exposed for extended periods of time often exhibit increased aggression and anger and a small number of subjects are prone to entering a comatose state when exposed to the skull for over fifteen minutes. Affected subjects will also exhibit increased levels of interest in supernatural entities and the occult.

SCP-1858 - Playing Chicken

SCP-1858 are two cars (a crimson 1976 Dodge Charger designated SCP-1858-1 and a white 1973 Chevy Caprice designated SCP-1858-2) that appear to be in moderate disrepair. The license plates of both vehicles have been obscured with duct tape, and neither of them appear to have a driver. Every 21 days, the cars will manifest approximately 8 kilometers apart at the Northern and Southern ends of a road. The vehicles will then accelerate towards each other, reaching a maximum speed of approximately 90 km/h. The resultant collision will be followed by a gas explosion which will completely destroy both vehicles. If the usual route of either vehicle is obstructed, both vehicles will immediately demanifest from their current location and remanifest on a different road.

SCP-1859 - Life Over Geological Time

SCP-1859 is an ecosystem enclosed in a chamber and affected by a temporal anomaly, resulting in rapid development. Initial observations noted unusually high levels of incredibly energetic ionizing radiation, with both wavelength and flux decreasing as one travels away from the center of the chamber. As one approaches the center, time is observed to pass at a different rate, such that an observer farther from the center sees external time pass more quickly than an observer closer in.

SCP-1860 - Its Bleeding Song

SCP-1860 is an emaciated humanoid entity with an abnormally elongated head, which also lacks all bodily organs besides its facial features. 1860 is enclosed in an elastic material that is shown to be composed of hundreds of extremely thin strands of paper with increased durability and flexibility compared to average paper. It also constantly releases a stream of water-based black ink (SCP-1860-1) from hundreds of microscopic orifices below its waistline, which it telekinetically shapes into musical notation. 1860 continuously sings various arias and overtures from operas, and is capable of altering its voice to match various vocal styles necessary to perform a particular song.

SCP-1861 - The Crew of the HMS Wintersheimer

SCP-1861 is a meteorological phenomenon characterized by heavy precipitation and fog composed of saltwater, human blood, and cerebrospinal fluid. Manifestations are unpredictable, appearing spontaneously with no regard to an affected area's natural weather patterns once every three to six months. SCP-1861-A is an underwater marine vessel that closely resembles B-class boats used by the British Royal Navy in World War I. During a 1861 manifestation, 1861-A will attempt to surface in a body of water large enough to contain its full mass. SCP-1861-B are humanoid entities that emerge from 1861-A during the 1861 manifestation, dressed in full body suits resembling deep sea diving gear with no discernable source of air supply. If an instance of 1861-B encounters a human subject, it will attempt to persuade the subject into entering 1861-A, claiming that doing so is in the subject's best interest. Humans that enter 1861-A, whether lured inside or traveling of their own choice, will reemerge during subsequent 1861 manifestations as 1861-B instances.

SCP-1862 - The Fluoridated Man

SCP-1862 is Michael Cerrano, a Hispanic former orderly at a Washington D.C. hospital. He is classified as an anomaly because all of his organs and bodily systems are based on fluorine. His skin and connective tissue is constructed of impure polytetrafluoroethylene, the internal structures are all made of various fluorine compounds, he has oxygen-carrying perfluorochemicals in lieu of blood, and he secretes hydrofluoric acid instead of sweat when perspiring. Though Michael cannot ingest food in this state, he requires water and a mixture of fluorine and gaseous hydrogen fluoride to breathe. Prior to containment, Michael also ran a conspiracy website dedicated to proving that the United States government was poisoning its citizens through fluoridated drinking water.

SCP-1863 - Lime Liftoff and Sarsaparilla Cream

SCP-1863 are a pair of highly-addictive and equally-mutagenic soft drinks sold exclusively and competitively within an Alabama town, respectively designated SCP-1863-A and SCP-1863-B. 1863-A is a sparkling lemon-lime drink known as “Lime Liftoff”, which alters diaphragm and causes it to act like a flotation bladder, allowing those who have imbibed a sufficient quantity of it to float up to 3m above the ground. 1863-B is a non-caffeinated Root Beer/cream soda beverage known as "Sarsaparilla Cream", which affects the respiratory and circulatory systems and removes the necessity for respiration, allowing the human body to rely on the carbonation within the beverage in lieu of oxygen. Those who drink “Lime Liftoff” will act highly aggressive towards individuals who have drunk “Sarsaparilla Cream” at any point in their life, with the converse being true for individuals who have drunk the latter beverage.

SCP-1864 - The Lonely Liar

SCP-1864 is a spatial anomaly situated within a dilapidated building at the center of SCP-1864-Alpha, an island roughly 80 km southwest of Coats Island within the Hudson Bay which can only be accessed on new moons. The interior of 1864 is a vast labyrinth, constructed to match the general aesthetic of 1864-Alpha, which encompasses an area of roughly 15km2, considerably larger than the overall area of the island on which it sits. Within the center of the labyrinth is a large pool of water, roughly 65m in diameter. A humanoid entity wearing a long white coat with significant modifications designated SCP-1864-1 is located next to the pool. The entity is generally non-hostile and capable of vocalizing in German, although it is not particularly responsive to questioning.

SCP-1865 - TaoTao

SCP-1865 is a series of aquatic creatures (SCP-1865-2) residing in an airtight deep sea diving suit manufactured between 1955 and 1965, filled with seawater that contains traces of vegetation and watercraft debris. When punctured, the suit is sealed from the inside with a fleshy substance assumed to be an extension of 1865. The creatures achieve mobility via a series of pipes and valves integrated into the suit, which take in and release seawater in a way that causes 1865 to move at a slow gait when underwater.

SCP-1866 - The Phone Bill

SCP-1866 is a piece of paper visually indistinguishable from a bill from a noted telecom provider. When it comes within approximately 60 cm of susceptible dates and/or times written in certain formats, it alters these dates and times in a specific and predictable pattern, overwriting magnetically-stored data and physically altering printed or handwritten data. Altered documents and devices can propagate the effect to others, though with a smaller and more variable range. The effect is transmitted instantaneously and has not been blocked or attenuated by any material tested to date.

SCP-1867 - A Gentleman

See Characters.SCP Foundation SC Ps.

SCP-1868 - Speaks For Her

SCP-1868 is an EKG machine that appears to be sapient and is capable of altering its output to produce text in American English, as well as interpreting audiovisual stimuli via an unknown process. When attached to a human subject, 1868 will induce a state of unconsciousness in the subject not reversible by any currently known means. While it is affecting a subject in this manner, 1868 will claim to be in a romantic relationship with them, apparently believing them to be a woman between the ages of 23 and 32 regardless of actual age and gender. Attempts to remove 1868 from a subject will result in 1868 becoming highly distressed and angry at those responsible, electrocuting them via a mechanism that is not fully understood.

SCP-1869 - The Silence of the Forest

SCP-1869 is a Caucasian man, currently 59 years old, who has never been observed to sleep. Because of this, he demonstrates symptoms of sleep deprivation, including clumsiness, involuntary eye movements, confusion, and memory lapses. 1869 is constantly writing geographic coordinates, followed by brief-but-detailed descriptions of toppled trees and a rudimentary sketch. 1869 claims to constantly hear the sounds of falling trees and is compelled to record the details of their toppling. Inspections of his recorded locations have confirmed the presence of toppled trees that have matched his descriptions and illustrations, though when questioned on his motives, 1869 only explains that “Someone has to do it.”

SCP-1870 - Record Skip

SCP-1870 is an underground complex superficially built for containment and transfer of anomalous objects. The anomalous properties of 1870 are inherent to the location itself and its inhabitants. The complex is populated by six to ten humanoid entities with constantly changing facial features and an outer layer resembling functionless tactical gear. While the entities often exhibit individual traits, a detailed accounting of their numbers or precise origins have proved impossible to keep, the number of entities within a closed room changing constantly.

SCP-1871 - Vorpal Sword

SCP-1871 is a steel longsword with a worn blade covered in scratches and traces of a purple residue, as well as the quotations “He left it dead, and with its head” and “He went galumphing back” engraved on both sides of the crossguard. If placed on a flat surface, 1871 will orient itself so that it stands on its pommel, with the sword point facing directly upwards, although the sword is not weighted. It will occasionally begin to behave as if it is submerged in a highly viscous liquid, and will maintain this anomalous state for several hours at a time. When held by a human being, the subject will experience changes to their sense of equilibrioception, causing their sense of balance to shift so that they perceive gravity as acting parallel to the blade of the sword. 20% of subjects who hold the sword will instead experience sensations corresponding to a drastically altered body plan of significantly larger size than a human being.

SCP-1872 - Vehicular Lazer Pointer

SCP-1872 is a green laser pointer devoid of any manufacturing mark or brand name. If the light of the pointer is directed onto any vehicle with at least one person inside it, the vehicle will begin to actively pursue the light. The operator will lose control of the vehicle, which will take evasive maneuvers to avoid obstacles. If the light isn't shut off, they will function autonomously until they break down or run out of fuel. If, however, the subject utilizing 1872 deactivates it, the vehicles will pursue them until 1872 is reactivated, cornering them and running them over until dead.

SCP-1873 - What's in the box?

SCP-1873 is a metal tin of the design adopted by Crayola brand Dustless Crayons circa 1905, which exhibits slight damage suggestive of natural wear and tear. At midnight on the 21st of each month, 1873 instantaneously transports itself into physical contact with the nearest human cadaver whose death was the direct result of another human being within the last seven days. In the majority of documented cases, 1873 appears either balanced atop the cadaver or placed within its grasp. Upon the completion of transportation, 1873 is found to contain one or more random objects alongside a handwritten note in American English.

SCP-1874 - Zis Boom Baa

SCP-1874 is a female Black Welsh Mountain sheep that explodes when it makes contact with the skin of any live mammal that is not another sheep. The force of the explosion has yet to be properly measured, but it is sufficient to kill everything within approximately six meters of the animal in an open space. After approximately 5 minutes, the flesh and organs will move towards each other and reassemble into 1874 as it was immediately prior to the explosion. 1874 does not appear to be traumatized or otherwise psychologically affected by its detonations.

SCP-1875 - Antique Chess Computer

SCP-1875 is a Victorian-era chess-playing automaton that contains a sophisticated mechanical and biological system that controls a matrix of 64 electromagnets inside the board using an analytical engine composed of the combined brain tissue of the twin daughters of a noted Russian chess prodigy. As a result, the daughters' ghosts haunt the machine, and they have used it to send an image of themselves that causes anyone who looks at it to be rendered insane.
  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: The computer will infect nearby computers via wireless transmission with an email containing 1875-IMG-1AB, which causes memetic effects to viewers that culminate in gruesome effects, including anxiety, loss of response to external stimuli, self-mutilation, and [REDACTED].
  • Arc Words: "November 77".
  • Artificial Stupidity: At machine setting V, the highest setting, the computer initially shows proficient chess play, but with further testing, it degrades into making idiot moves, then illegal moves, then banging up chess pieces together.
  • Bilingual Bonus: "шахматы," the name of the file assumed to control 1875-IMG-1AB, means "chess" in Russian.
  • Brown Note: Staring at 1875-IMG-1AB have terrible consequences to any viewer including feelings of paranoia, anxiety, hallucinations, self-mutilations and other unmentioned effects.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: What Exercise 1875-November-77 amounts to for 1875-IMG-1AB's controller, шахматы.███, once SCP-1875 takes over.
  • Powered by a Forsaken Child: Or rather, two children. More specifically, their brain matter.

SCP-1876 - Selfish Toothbrush

SCP-1876 is a used plastic toothbrush completely unremarkable except for the words "stop taken my shit" written on the handle with a permanent marker. Approximately twenty seconds after a human subject picks up 1876 or moves it from its current position, they are temporally displaced to a point in time directly prior to the act. The subject is aware of anything that occurs in this time period, regardless of the temporal paradox that should result from taking an alternate action after the "rewind".

SCP-1877 - The Guts of the Earth

SCP-1877 is a gastrointestinal disorder affecting a number of geographically disparate individuals, designated SCP-1877-01 through -03. In addition to their abnormally long and continuous gastrointestinal tracts, these subjects exhibit severe neuropsychiatric symptoms, including left hemispatial neglect and mild aphasia. Their intestinal tracts have been observed to intersect with numerous man made objects, including pilot lights, electrical conduits, lightbulb sockets, telephone receivers, water mains, sewage pipes, and subway tunnels. 31 hours after entering 1877-01's digestive tract, objects which have entered this tract can be observed passing through 1877-02's entry stoma and exiting 30 minutes thereafter, continuing into 1877-03’s tract.
  • Body Horror: The intestines of three people in widely separated areas somehow became connected. The connecting intestines actually physically pass in the real world through areas such as electrical conduits, telephone receivers, water mains, sewage pipes, and subway tunnels.

SCP-1878 - Milkman Mimic

SCP-1878 is a series of standard, unmarked milk float trucks. The steering wheels of these vehicles are non-functional and they do not possess pedals or an instrument panel. The vehicles will only operate if an instance of SCP-1878-1, entities which appear as a man approximately 40 to 50 years in age, is seated in the driver’s seat. 1878-1 do not display signs of intelligence and do not respond to the majority of external stimuli, remaining mostly static and facing directly ahead. The entities will deliver a substance similar to milk in appearance and viscosity known as SCP-1878-2, which is always stored in unmarked glass bottles with aluminum foil lids. Consumption of this liquid is described as unpleasant, but is generally not known to be dangerous.

SCP-1879 - Indoor Salesman

SCP-1879 is a phenomenon that affects interior doors in houses located in the state of Washington. When a sapient organism comes within 2m of an affected door (SCP-1879-1), repeated knocking emanates from the object. A male humanoid entity, designated SCP-1879-2, will emerge from the door and attempt to sell a product to the subject. These products appear to vary widely in purpose and origin, as the entity dramatically explains the purpose and appeal of them to the subject, often cornering them or suggesting they sit down before doing so. After explaining, the entity will then offer a price that is often detrimental to the subject or their health. If sufficiently threatened or wounded, the entity will temporarily retreat back into 1879-1, which will then revert to a non-anomalous door. It will later return via a different door and confront the subject, attempting more aggressively or even threatening them to purchase their product.

SCP-1880 - Gem of Aspects

SCP-1880 is a carved gemstone mounted in gold, depicting Alexander the Great cutting the Gordian knot. When held by a human subject no less than twenty years old, a mental link is created between them and an unknown entity (henceforth SCP-1880-1). The object will then act as a two-way communication device, enabling the subject to hear and speak to 1880-1, as well as allowing the entity some degree of influence over them. Every subject attempting to use 1880 will undergo a minor-to-moderate physical or mental alteration, even if conversation is denied.

SCP-1881 - Arcade Machine

SCP-1881 is an early 1980s arcade machine with most identifying marks having been removed or painted over. The machine’s hardware appears to be partially damaged, as the screen frequently displays rendering glitches, a good section of the game's images and text are corrupted, and the sound often cracks and distorts. The machine works with standard quarters, upon which it launches its game, termed SCP-1881-B. 1881-B is divided into "stages", each of which has different rules of gameplay, and which succeed each other apparently at random. The stages themselves do not play in the same way when seen again; enemies increase or decrease in number, the player's movement and abilities change, and obstacles vanish and reappear. 30% of players have reported lasting psychological effects afterwards, in the form of nightmares related to its contents and occasional visual/auditory hallucinations.

SCP-1882 - MC&D Television

SCP-1882 is a bakelite television set manufactured by Marshall, Carter, & Dark, missing its power cord and bearing the number "037" on the underside. Every day at 05:00 GMT, 1882 spontaneously turns on and begins broadcasting a program. The primary footage features a nude, unconscious person (hereafter called SCP-1882-A, different with each broadcast) in an empty, barely-lit room. For the next 17 hours after 1882-A awakens, their reactions are largely consistent with those of a person that has been removed from their regular life and locked in an empty room. 3 to 5 specimens of SCP-1882-B, entities assumed to be former 1882-A instances, enter the field of view and kill the broadcasted subject, leaving the corpse on the floor.

SCP-1883 - Gamification

SCP-1883 is a consumer software application designed to run on mobile phones. The interface for the application consists of a single screen with a text area labeled "Score" and another labeled "Instructions". When connected to a cell phone network, the "Instructions" field will be updated every 5 to 9 hours with a "task" that the holder of the phone is to perform, and an award in "points". If the task is performed before the instruction field changes, the "Score" field is increased by the number of points described. Certain instructions require the user to interact with other human beings, by phone or in person. When such an interaction is performed, 1883 spreads to the victim's phone through unknown means. 1883 has a subtle compulsive effect on users, who describe the application using words as "interesting" and "fun" and attempt to perform the tasks even if they are pointless, dangerous or unlawful.

SCP-1884 - Madame Rezarta and Her Amazing Palm Reader

SCP-1884 is composed of two seperate beings designated SCP-1884-A and SCP-1884-B. 1884-A is a blind Albanian woman by the name of Madame Rezarta. Her forearms are joined together where the wrist joints are typically located and bears extensive scarring on her body. 1884-B is a sapient organism composed of an oblong mass of flesh with 932 hands attached to it at the wrist. 929 of the hands are identical, consistent in appearance with the hands of an elderly female and bearing genetic similarities with Rezarta. 1884-B's skin is of the same thickness as that of a human's, but substantially more durable and resistant to minor injury. 1884-B is docile if unprovoked; however, if one or more of its hands is intentionally severed or significantly damaged by an organism possessing hands or similar appendages, it will retaliate by using its nails to sever its aggressor's hand, which will then be integrated into its anatomy. Madame Rezarta and 1884-B share a strong telepathic connection, as anything felt by one of them can also be felt by the other. The relationship between them is symbiotic in nature, as Rezarta uses 1884-B in a manner comparable to a seeing eye dog, utilizing its sense of touch to form a mental image of its surroundings.
  • Appendage Assimilation: If attacked, SCP-1884-B will use her nails to slice off her attacker's hand, then attach the hand to herself, which then functions normally. She has done this to two people and a Bengal tiger.
  • Body Horror: SCP-1884-B/Luana is a sentient mass of 932 hands attached at the wrist to a central mass of flesh. She can communicate with others using sign language.
  • Covered with Scars: When SCP-1884-A and SCP-1884-B were part of the Circus of the Disquieting, SCP-1884-A would frequently be whipped to keep both of them in line, as SCP-1884-B would also feel her pain due to their Twin Telepathy. As a result, her back is heavily scarred.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: They were kidnapped from their family as little girls and forced to perform in the Circus of the Disquieting for decades, and would be whipped if they misbehaved.
  • Flipping the Bird: SCP-1884-B did this with all of her hands when asked to describe her and her sister's captivity in the Circus of the Disquieting.
  • No Name Given: SCP-1884-A's real name is not known. Even her sister only refers to her as "Sister", but she was called "Madame Rezarta" during her time in the Circus.
  • Riddle for the Ages: Neither of them are sure where Luana came from. When they were young, their mother would not explain when asked, not wanting to frighten SCP-1884-A.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: SCP-1884-A has a mild personality and looks like a normal human aside from her fused, handless arms. SCP-1884-B is a very aggressive and sassy old lady who is nothing but hands.
  • Single Specimen Species: When SCP-1884-B is asked what her species is called, her answer is, "I AM ONLY ONE. I AM LUANA."
  • Twin Telepathy: Each of them can can feel what the other is feeling.

SCP-1885 - Fissile Molar

SCP-1885 is a human 3rd molar with enamel and cementum composed of a dense ceramic-like substance, as well as dentin is composed of purified americium-241. Every 17 months, the dentin will spontaneously be replaced by an equivalent volume of an isotope of the next element on the periodic table. Despite being exposed to the outside environment and emitting radiation consistent with normal radioactive decay, there has been no measurable decrease in the mass or volume of the dentin, aside from sampling. Samples removed from SCP-1885 act and decay identically to isotopes recovered from non-anomalous sources, but missing volume in the dentin is filled by the new element.

SCP-1886 - The More The Merrier

SCP-1886 is a collection of fashionable accessories including wristbands, headbands, hair clips, and socks. Each instance is labeled with the words "just DID" and a cartoon depicting a ghostly/angel-like sperm cell. 1886 acts as a contraceptive when worn by a woman during sexual intercourse. Users have also been found to develop complex dissociative identity disorder in the months following their acquisition of 1886. Clinical details such as the compartmentalization of identities and the level of functioning vary between subjects, but the number of different personalities acquired correlates with the number of periods of sexual activity since the acquisition of the item.

SCP-1887 - Quantum Mechanics

SCP-1887 is a colony of molecular organisms that are inferred to be sentient, as they have been heard singing as they demonstrate their anomalous natures. When introduced to an artificial structure, 1887 will proceed to disassemble it at the quantum level through an unknown process, absorbing the energy released from the splitting of the nucleus. 1887 will use the particles of the disassembled atoms to construct new instances of themselves. Once the members of the colony reach 3 billion in number, the colony will split into halves that will continue growing.

SCP-1888 - Terraforming Temple

SCP-1888 is an ancient limestone pyramid located in Peru. An entrance located at ground level leads to an interior corridor lined on both sides by eight small rooms. After 7 meters, the corridor slopes downwards, opening into a large chamber which has been termed the "Treasure Room". When a sapient being observes the inside of this room, one or more instances of SCP-1888-1 will manifest. These entities will take the form of anything the observer considers to be valuable, leading to the natural inclination to obtain them. If 1888-1 is retained outside of the pyramid once six hours have passed, it will rapidly decay into a viscous, black liquid designated SCP-1888-2, which will disappear if prevented from reaching topsoil, rocks, or outdoor plants. If the liquid reaches the ground, it will be absorbed, leaving a faint black stain. Prolonged exposure to land affected by 1888-2 leads to an alteration in mental state and physical mutations.
  • Hive Mind: Plants and animals exposed to SCP-1888-2 develop a group intelligence that they use to efficiently eliminate intruders.
  • Mutants: When animals or plants are exposed to the substance SCP-1888-2 they physically mutate, with their bodies developing means of effective attacks (claws, poisoned thorns, etc.).
  • Sentry Gun: Facility 1888 (which contains SCP-1888) is surrounded by a barbed wire electric fence with automated sentry guns every twelve meters.
  • Treasure Room: The limestone pyramid that is SCP-1888 has a large chamber inside nicknamed the "Treasure Room". When a sapient creature (such as a human being) looks inside the chamber they see their heart's desire. However, if the object is taken outside the pyramid it decays into a black substance (SCP-1888-2) that mutates any life form it touches.
  • Your Heart's Desire: When a sapient creature looks inside the "Treasure Room" it sees some extremely valuable object(s) appropriate to its own knowledge. For example, a jewel thief would see precious stones and gems, a nuclear physicist would see a cold fusion reactor, and so on.

SCP-1889 - Calculus Trap

SCP-1889 are math problems that have been found in various North American calculus textbooks since the 1960s. The problems appear within all books of a specific printing through an unknown mechanism at some point between mass production and shipping, always taking the form of an optimization word problem written in the same style as the rest of the book. 1889's anomalous effect will occur when the problem is read, understood, and solved by a human being. When a human comprehends the correct solution, they appear to vanish. Approximately 22-24 hours after the subject's disappearance, a rough cube of body parts will appear within 3 meters of the subject’s last location. Occasionally, a message will be cleanly burnt onto the recovered skin, almost always in the subject's primary language, and appears to comment on the quality of the subject or request something of the recipients.

SCP-1890 - The Family Photo Album

SCP-1890 is a photo album that appears to date from the late 19th century, well-preserved but showing signs of age. The number of pages varies between 13 and 16, housing 26 photographs that cannot be removed without damaging the album, but appear in a different order every time the album is opened. Despite being labeled as a family photo album, the photographs depict individuals of various ethnicities posed in solitary portraits and with family members and/or personal possessions. Nineteen notations have been made in American English, indicating family names, places, and occasions. Direct examination of the contents of 1890 for a prolonged period of time will result in symptoms reminiscent of prosopagnosia, able to remember details about the family depicted in the photographs while forgetting details of those they actually know.

SCP-1891 - Constructeur

SCP-1891 is a 40cm x 40cm painting titled "Constructeur", depicting a stooped humanoid figure clothed in what appears to be a mass of various construction tools. When any painting is brought into the same structure as 1891, the subject matter of the painting will be converted into representations of large industrial machinery. The conversion begins with the humanoid figure disappearing from 1891 and reappearing within the depicted scene, visibly maintaining and repairing machines created by the conversion. Represented machines will typically expand until they fill the whole painting.

SCP-1892 - Psychiatry Chair

SCP-1892 is a chair in the psychiatry wing of an abandoned hospital. Upon approaching two meters of the chair, subjects will perceive a male voice encouraging them to sit in 1892. Upon sitting in 1892, subjects are able to visually perceive SCP-1892-1, consistently described as an old man wearing medical garb appropriate for a physician in the early 1940s. 1892-1’s behavior towards the subject depends primarily upon the subject’s history of psychiatric illness, as it has an uncanny ability to determine whether a subject genuinely suffers from a psychiatric disorder. Subjects diagnosed with severe psychiatric illnesses report 1892-1 muttering to itself before sighing and stating its intent to restrain the subject. Despite the lack of a physical mechanism, subjects are immediately immobilized in a manner consistent with wrist, ankle, and head restraints. Subjects will vocalize extreme distress for a period of five to seven minutes, after which they become tranquil and are discharged. Analysis of subjects subjected to this process revealed lesions in the frontal lobe consistent with those of a lobotomy.

SCP-1893 - The Minotaur's Tale

SCP-1893, a highly meta anomaly, is a phenomenon where any source of information that mentions it becomes a fictional short story that maintains the original message in the form of dialogue. These stories will be forced to include “The Minotaur”, a character who is unusually tall, muscular, and has tattoos of bulls all over them. Depending on the character’s mood, they may be more present in the story when angry, in one case turning a story into a full containment breach narrative.
  • Batter Up!: The figure described in the stories, most likely SCP-1893 itself, always carries a baseball bat.
  • Blood Knight: The Minotaur itself appears to enjoy fighting and killing, as any version of its document where it becomes prominent involve it killing at least one person.
  • The Ghost: When SCP-1893 is calm, the Minotaur will barely be discussed at all and will not appear. Iteration B of its document, for instance, does not have any mention of the figure.
  • Odd Couple: In at least one (NSFW) tale and in Project Isorropia, SCP-1893 (which turns any discussion of it into a narrative) was introduced to SCP-2547-1 (the humanoid coyote that holds towns hostage and is placated by the creation of narratives about it), leading to the two of them really hitting it off. If nothing else, it worked wonders for containment as the two seem very happy with one another, with the Minotaur's mood being improved significantly and 2547 being satisfied by 1893 being able to create endless narratives about the two of them (usually of the Slash Fic variety).
  • Tattooed Crook: One of the Minotaur's most notable features is the tattoo of bull horns on its face.

SCP-1894 - Crash Course Diet

SCP-1894 is a mid-sized van with a vanity license plate reading "CRSHCRS”. When active, 1894 will move in an autonomous manner, driving itself to the nearest locally owned "organic foods'' store. Once it arrives, the van will impact the storefront and drive through it, destroying as much of the product as possible before exiting. If a subject present within 1894 exits the vehicle after this period, their bodies will be significantly more fit than it was at the time they entered. Testing has shown that SCP-1894 appears to use the subject's body fat as fuel, converting it to gasoline at a ratio of 2 kg to 1 liter at a time. Once the subject's body mass index has reached the "normal" or "underweight" levels, 1894 will begin to use their internal organs to fuel itself.

SCP-1895 - A Rigged Game

SCP-1895 is a 3 reel Wheel of Fortune slot machine manufactured by International Game Technology. 1895's anomalous effects manifest when it is touched by a human being while powered and in an inactive state. Once activated, 1000 credits will be credited to the machine and it will become playable as per standard rules of a slot machine. Once the payout button is depressed, the machine resets to 0 credits and generates a claim ticket (SCP-1895-A). These tickets list the name of the person that activated 1895, the final number of credits, and a personalized message. These messages will generally either have a congratulatory or consolatory tone based on the final number of credits when the instance was generated. In most cases, a positive or negative event in the individual's past is detailed, including events that they had not known of beforehand.

SCP-1896 - The Family Tire Swing

SCP-1896 is a crudely-made tire swing that happens to be predominantly featured in the photographs of SCP-1890. If left unattended, the swing will fasten itself to an invisible anchorage, hanging with the tire portion suspended 1m above the ground. Once suspended, the swing will remain hanging indefinitely. While levitated, the anomaly has been observed to rock and sway as if in response to a breeze, even while contained in a draftless room. Tests with human subjects suggest that 1896 is capable of temporarily distorting the sensory perceptions of those who sit or stand on its suspended surface. The intensity of these distortions increases in proportion to time spent in contact with the object.

SCP-1897 - Human Domestication Society

SCP-1897 are 5-meter tall humanoids that manifest outside rural areas in New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, Utah, and Nevada. According to witnesses, these entities show great physical strength and speed, covering approximately 200 meters in under 9 seconds and lifting upwards of 500 kilograms in a single hand. The creatures reportedly speak American English with vernacular and accents appropriate to the region, but have not replied to humans attempting to communicate with them. Witnesses of a manifestation report seeing the creatures materialize as though they were emerging from an unseen vehicle, wearing dark green uniforms and carrying long, thin poles with a large net on the end, which they use to capture persons and put them in cages, in most cases taking care not to cause physical harm to the victim.

SCP-1898 - Non-Euclidian Playsets

SCP-1898 are construction sets that vary in size and material, which can be used to make shapes that do not follow Euclidean geometry. All sets can be disassembled and reassembled into a completely different shape. The mechanism of how each set works is unknown, as the pieces themselves are made from ordinary materials such as wood and metal and no instructions are provided. During construction, the subject will put together and take apart various pieces, eventually producing a sculpture that should be impossible to make. The subjects are always unsure of what they are attempting to build during construction, and are unsure of how they managed to make it.

SCP-1899 - Suspended Bullet

SCP-1899 is an M2 Armor Piercing bullet suspended 167.6 cm off the floor of a storage shed on an abandoned homestead, contained in what appears to be some form of temporal stasis. Forensic analysis of the shed has determined that 1899's current position is consistent with having been fired from a high-powered rifle at close range and transited through the head of a human subject, front to back, before being temporally suspended. All attempts to move the bullet or take samples from it have failed.

    1900- 1949 

SCP-1900 - Dr. Bryshevskiy's Book

SCP-1900 is a virus capable of infecting both humans and computers, capable of cross-transmission between them through unknown means. In its software form, 1900 functions as a Trojan horse designed to give a third party control over the infected computer by disabling most standard virus-recovery methods, making it extremely difficult to remove without reformatting the device. In its biological form, 1900 is a DNA virus that has primary symptoms similar to herpes and mild viral encephalitis, causing blisters, headaches, and in rare cases, seizures.
  • The Virus: It's a virus capable of infecting both humans and computers, and through an unknown mechanism is able to transfer between both.

SCP-1901 - Elvis Lives

SCP-1901 are 49 sheets of corrugated cardboard with the images of various celebrities printed on them. Each individual instance's shape roughly correlates with that of the subject it depicts. Human subjects exposed to an instance of 1901 without being informed of its true nature will perceive it as a fully three-dimensional humanoid with the personality and appearance identical to the person it depicts. Photographs and videos taken of the instance will also be affected, and the effect persists as long as the subject is able to view the instance.

SCP-1902 - Amnesiac Deity of the Wastes

SCP-1902 is a sapient and mobile pile of waste composed primarily of ash and cinders, with significant quantities of medical waste, paper products, and waste products from anomalous items contained at Site 23. 1902 exhibits a great deal of control over its mass, and is able to incorporate items less than 2 kg in mass into its body via physical contact. It is also capable of communication by shaping portions of its mass into rough approximations of Japanese characters, although it is capable of understanding all languages tested thus far. It is roughly as intelligent as the average adult, exhibits the ability to learn, consistently reports the desire to incorporate additional material into its mass, and insists that it be worshiped as a deity by ambulatory entities of any nature.

SCP-1903 - Jackie's Secret

See Recap.SCP Foundation Canons under the Pitch Haven folder.

SCP-1904 - Play Tubes

SCP-1904 is a network of recreational plastic tubing that produces an occasional trembling and vocalizations likened to "whimpering." On an irregular basis, the vocalizations may escalate into moans, shrieks, and occasional "gagging" or "choking" sounds lasting up to several hours at a time. After a period of eight days to eleven months, the tubing will undergo a violent expulsion of fluids and tissues as it expels one or more instances of SCP-1904-1, entities which resemble human embryos at varying stages of development, with higher stages consistently exhibiting severe congenital deformities. The entities’ cognitive development is minimal, though instances equipped to do so have been observed imitating staff vocalizations and in some cases attempting reproductive behavior.

SCP-1905 - Dino Hunter Model 6

SCP-1905 is a stopping rifle chambered for .577 Tyrannosaur rounds, the phrases “Jur-ass-kick” and “Dino-sore” carved into it. When loaded and within 3 meters of an individual capable of firing it, an instance of SCP-1905-1 will spontaneously manifest relatively close to the rifle. 1905-1 are sentient beings physically resembling various dinosaurs that existed in the Cretaceous period, all of which display a high degree of hostility. 1905-1 are composed primarily of fiberglass and plaster and show no abnormal levels of resilience, ceasing function upon receiving sufficient amounts of damage to their infrastructure. A single shot from 1905 will cause the immediate destruction of an instance of 1905-1 regardless of where it makes contact with the object.

SCP-1906 - A Pleasant Place to Read

SCP-1906 is a room which manifests within libraries throughout the world, containing a varying amount of non-anomalous library furniture, fluorescent lighting, two non-functional electrical sockets, and a pair of unopenable floor-to-ceiling windows covered by thick red velour curtains. The room anomalously integrates itself into the library's architecture to function as an auxiliary reading room while linking itself to a domestic dog (henceforth SCP-1906-1), allowing for the environment outside the room’s windows to display two separate vantage points of the environment in which 1906-1 can be found, both of which are at a scale consistent with a "dog's-eye view". If 1906-1 is brought closer than 450 km to 1906, it immediately begins convulsing and vomiting while the electrical systems in the library hosting 1906 undergo catastrophic failure. When 1906-1 dies, 1906 vanishes along with its contents and occupants.

SCP-1907 - The Nexus

SCP-1907 is an archway composed primarily of smooth and uniform white quartz located in a Tennessee cave system, housed in the center of a roughly circular room approximately 7m in diameter, with an inclined spiral pathway connecting the area with the rest of the cave. Passing through 1907 causes subjects to perceive a currently unnamed location in which they report feelings of freedom and unity, as well as communication with various other unidentified life forms. When asked about the appearance of the location, subjects appear to be unable to describe or recall the physical aspects of it. When a living organism passes through 1907, they enter a comatose state and consistently experience failure of all vital processes when removed from the arch when in this state.

SCP-1908 - Mr. Soap

See Characters.SCP Foundation Misters.

SCP-1909 - Conquerer's Tomb

SCP-1909 is a cylindrical chamber partially buried in the foothills near the Greek town of Kanalia, constructed of an unknown metallic substance that resists sampling. The chamber contains a single inscription at the far end, written in large white glyphs. When a child younger than five is brought more than 6 meters into 1909, the object may activate. 1909 emits a complex pattern of electromagnetic signals at the child for 28 seconds, inducing a minor seizure. After this process is complete, 1909 will once more become dormant, and the child is now designated an instance of SCP-1909-A, exhibiting substantial personality changes such extroversion, aggression, and greater charisma. 1909-A also have an innate mastery of strategy and tactics, and can learn and incorporate new techniques extremely rapidly. It is believed that 1909 imprints the affected individuals with the personality and talents of a deceased warlord named Alexander.

SCP-1910 - Plant-Reparing Hookah

SCP-1910 is a single-stem portable hookah which produces a dense white fog when filled with tobacco paste or marijuana resin and lit with a smoldering coal. Whenever a living plant is damaged within the 200m radius of the fog, it enters an active state, sublimating and absorbing tissues and bodily fluids from nearby vertebrates. The fog will then use the dissolved tissue to repair damaged plants inside its radius, replacing their destroyed tissues and organs with healthy "patches" made of living animal cells.

SCP-1911 - Gramgrams

SCP-1911 is an entity that appears as a group of elderly women, numbering between one to thirty individuals per manifestation, all of whom identify as “Grandma”, “Gram-Gram”, “Nanny”, “Grammers”, etc. 1911 targets single men by attempting to entice them into allowing them access to their living space. If denied access, 1911 will produce more and more instances of itself to access different points in the home. In the event that 1911 gains admittance, one instance immediately begins to communicate with the target, asking about a variety of subjects. During this period, the additional instances will proceed to clean the residence. In all cases, the personal effects of the occupant are arranged, categorized in some logical form, and cleaned. They will additionally cook for the target, knit or crochet articles of clothing for them, and feed them if necessary. In all infestations, 1911 continues to occupy the residence until the target expires or leaves for an extended period of time.
  • Ambiguously Human: Who or what they are is not established; they seem to be entities that take the appearance of old women who try to enter/invade men's homes to act as grandmotherly caretakers. They can appear as more than one instance of themselves if resisted and can multiply into swarms of up to 30 entities, but still are only as strong as an ordinary elderly grandmother, so trying to force their way in fails more than it succeeds.
  • Cool Old Lady: Subverted. While they appear to be so at a glance, their victims become fairly dependent on them after an extended period of time.
  • Graceful Loser: If forced out of a house to the point that they have no choice but to retreat, they usually just disappear and leave behind a plate of baked goods with a note apologizing for the inconvenience and expressing condolences that they couldn't spend time with "their grandson".
  • Granny Classic: Their basic appearance, as well as the role they try to assume.
  • Hive Mind: They seem to have this, based on what happens if they're resisted.
  • Momma's Boy: A Grandmomma's Boy willingly allowed one of these (who looked like his deceased grandmother) to live with him and care for him. After he died in a car accident, she attended his funeral.
  • Non-Malicious Monster: When they say they want to take care of "their grandsons", they aren't lying. Whatever these entities is, their intentions are not harmful.
  • Obliviously Evil: They only seem to want to help, but they more or less force men to be their "grandsons".
  • Self-Duplication: They can appear as more than one instance of themselves if resisted and can multiply into swarms of up to 30 entities.
  • Supreme Chef: They love to cook for their "grandchildren". The sweets they bake evidently do not have anomalous properties.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: If resisted, they'll try to force their way into a man's house. This actually fails more often than it succeeds, as they almost always have the average strength of any ordinary elderly woman.
  • Team Mom: Deconstructed; their goal seems to be mothering people, but their victims become fairly dependent on them after an extended period of time.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifter: Typically takes the form of a host's elderly female loved one.
  • Zerg Rush: When pushed to their limits, they can produce up to 30 copies of themselves to force their way into a man's house.

SCP-1912 - A Sticky Pocket Watch

SCP-1912 is a 19th century pocket which, through unknown means, constantly secretes a clear fluid referred to as SCP-1912-A. 1912-A is identical in every way to nectar except for its primary anomalous effect. When the fluid comes into contact with human skin, a blister is formed over the course of 2-6 hours, varying in size in relation to the amount of 1912-A that contacts the skin. 72-96 hours afterward, the blister will begin to cause the subject extreme discomfort and invariably drive them to scratch it. When the blister ruptures, a number of honeybees between 30 and 1,000 (hereby referred to as SCP-1912-1) are released in an extremely compressed ball.

SCP-1913 - The Furies

See Recap.SCP Foundation Canons under the Pitch Haven folder. For information about SCP-1913-3/"Freddie", see Characters.SCP Foundation Pitch Haven.

SCP-1914 - Refurbished Infantry Personnel

SCP-1914 is a man who has been believed to have undergone extreme mechanical modification, with his organs removed, approximately 83% of his epidermis replaced with leather, and a musculoskeletal structure composed of latex, steel rods, and automotive pistons. His abdominal cavity contains an unbranded car battery, a radiator, and a compact two-stroke diesel engine powered by a fuel tank mounted to his back and activated by a pull cord. While the engine is running, 1914 is conscious and fully aware of his surroundings, though he requires food and water to maintain the health of his organic components. In his active state, 1914 has been observed to have extreme difficulty walking and maintaining balance under his own power.

SCP-1915 - Status Quo

SCP-1915 is a Caucasian man, thirty three years old, whose anomalous properties are downright paradoxical. Specifically, 1915 generates a localized abnormality which negates any significant long term changes to his body, personality, memory, and lifestyle. Though he does not seem to be aware of his anomaly, 1915 alters reality in his close vicinity to maintain his personal status as an everyday office worker. These effects are largely limited to matter and mental manipulation, and are incapable of permanently affecting living creatures other than 1915 itself. Containment procedures, which 1915 is unaware of, consist of making him believe that he’s still working at his old job.
  • Ironic Hell: 1915 has given up hope that anything will change for him, and unfortunately for him, reality is shifting to prove him right.
  • Mind Control: Anyone who gets close enough to him is convinced that they're part of his daily life in some capacity, like a bus driver or a co-worker.
  • Ridiculously Average Guy: Ridiculous enough to mess with reality.

SCP-1916 - Zero-Gee-Whiz! Moon Rocks™

SCP-1916 are cardboard packages of sugar confections commonly referred to as “jawbreakers”, labeled on the packaging as “DR. WONDERTAINMENT'S ZERO-GEE-WHIZ! MOON ROCKS™”. Each candy is brightly colored in a distinct pattern, and their anomalous effects manifest when consumed by a human being. Within 10-20 minutes of consumption, the individual's weight will increase or decrease by a fixed percentage based on the candy they have consumed. The subject will function as though the gravitational field of their current environment has been significantly altered, some of them demonstrating an ability to jump or carry well in excess of normal human ability, and others having been proven able to escape Earth's gravitational field of their own physical ability. This effect lasts for approximately 90 minutes before gradually dissipating.

SCP-1917 - Industrial Revelation

SCP-1917 is a sapient, four-armed, biomechanical humanoid of abnormal strength and size. It can lift weights upwards of 1,500 kg, and has demonstrated sufficient knowledge to repair, maintain, and make improvements to its own structure. 1917 is fully powered via a miniature steam engine housed in the chest area, needing abnormally small quantities of fuel to continue functioning. It does not require any sustenance beyond fuel and a small quantity of water, and controlled tests have shown it to be capable of surviving in highly toxic, low-oxygen environments .When left to its own devices, 1917 will follow a uniform routine, performing ablutions and self-maintenance, delivering a sermon, and returning to its quarters, where it undergoes a brief period of unresponsiveness and near-immobility. This cycle repeats approximately every six hours, with occasional minor deviations brought on by external influences. Interviews have revealed that 1917 purports to be a member of "The New Ferrous Brotherhood", an archaic branch of the Church of the Broken God founded during Britain's industrial revolution.
  • Bigger on the Inside: SCP-1917 is an armored, mobile factory which is 55 meters x 35 meters x 25 meters in size. Inside it is an extradimensional space, a cube approximately 1 kilometer x 1 kilometer x 1 kilometer large filled with machinery.
  • Matryoshka Object: SCP-1917-1-36 through SCP-1917-1-42 are duplicates of Russian-made T-34/76 tanks that were created by SCP-1917. Each successive tank is 20% smaller than the previous one, and they were designed so they could be nested inside each other.

SCP-1918 - Tik Tak Tow

SCP-1918 is an object of unknown composition appearing to be a plastic mold attached to a metallic rod, usually found moving of its own volition between hallways in SCP-1918-2, a symmetrical area located in a cavity 20 meters beneath a town in Maine. There are 9 compound rooms in this space, differentiated between a “1” and a “2” by crude carvings on the floors outside of the individual rooms. The hallways in the facility are completely devoid of light, which is absorbed via an unknown mechanism. When a human subject enters the central room, it will become illuminated and 1918 will enter, moving across the floor to leave a message either reading “Tik Tak Tow” or “Memoree”, maintaining a consistent speed and leaving immediately after the message has been inscribed. The former message will have the object moving to each “1” room, leaving behind “X” markings on the floors if the room is not already marked with an “O”, in a manner similar to a game of Tic Tac Toe. The latter message will have the subject rendered unconscious by blunt force, awakening in a random section of the facility. Under an apparent time limit, the subject must find a “1” room and mark it with an “O” while being pursued by 1918.
  • Deadly Game: This SCP enjoys playing twisted games with its victims. People who lose end up disappearing or in D-2934's case, decapitated.
  • Sore Loser: As shown in a test log involving D-2934, SCP-1918 does not take losing well, accusing the subject of cheating and forcing them to play more games until they finally lose.

SCP-1919 - Hotel of Duplicates

SCP-1919 is an early 20th-century hotel/converted mansion which has sunk partially into the ground on the eastern side. The building’s interior is massively decrepit, with many floorboards and ceilings either rotted or absent entirely and various forms of damage such as collapsed debris. A human subject entering the building results in the appearance of a number of humanoid beings throughout the perimeter, all of which resemble the subject. These beings (collectively labeled SCP-1919-1) typically vary from the original in several physical aspects, such as a lack of body hair, skin discoloration, and variances in their limb length. All observed instances have behaved in a similar manner, acting aggressively with or without provocation, attempting to damage objects and structures within the hotel at random. As a whole, 1919-1 exhibits a swarm intelligence akin to that of an ant colony. It is yet unknown specifically how they communicate, but they have proven to be able to do so quickly and nonverbally.

SCP-1920 - Turbine of the Future!

SCP-1920 is a miniature wind turbine crudely made from wood, rubber bands, and a single piece of complex polymer. A wire extending from below a hole in the base of the turbine connects to what appears to be a miniature non-functioning satellite dish. When 1920's blades are spun, an electrical current will travel through the wire at seemingly random intervals through currently unknown means. Regardless of the amount of electricity produced, all energy is dissipated upon reaching the satellite disc. Once 1 kWh of energy has been produced, 1920 will begin to spin at a constant speed of 1200 r/min for approximately 20 seconds. During this period, the turbine will produce the sound of noisemakers and eject confetti from the center of its blades via unknown means, after which a male voice will speak in English.

SCP-1921 - Black Cotton Candy

SCP-1921 is a cotton candy kiosk with traces of fire and smoke damage visible on the kiosk's exterior. The cotton candy produced by the kiosk, SCP-1921-A2, is consistently black in color, even when food dyes are added to the sugar. When it comes into contact with human saliva, the candy contracts and shrinks in size until it is undetectable to the person who consumed it, then expanding to 3 times its original size when it reaches the subject's digestive tract. It will then start integrating itself into the subject's central nervous system, primarily accumulating in and around the brain. When SCP-1921-B1, a pneumatic, self-playing calliope located at the back of the kiosk, has one of 11 rolls of perforated paper inserted into it, it will play the chosen song. When this music is played within 1.2km of a subject who has consumed 1921-A2, the subject's cognitive abilities will be anomalously altered.

SCP-1922 - Limbo

SCP-1922 is a ninety-year-old Caucasian man named Herbert, who is diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and peripheral vascular disease, among various other ailments. Whenever Herbert dies of natural causes, primarily myocardial infarction, he remains in a state of clinical death for approximately 45 minutes, after which he slowly reanimates. After this reanimation, he acts slightly disoriented, but does not appear to possess any neurological damage. Herbert also describes the experience in elaborate detail, although no evidence exists to support his claims.

SCP-1923 - Asteroid Forest

SCP-1923 is a vast collection of tree-like organisms found on an asteroid in the Solar System's asteroid belt, designated SCP-1923-Alpha. It is estimated that a singular 1923 specimen is approximately 95m tall, as their collective canopy completely obscures the asteroid’s surface. Spectroscopic analysis reveals that the canopy has a reflective spectrum similar to that of terrestrial leaves, with minor-but-significant differences in absorption. At both ends of 1923-Alpha, a single “branch” of SCP-1923 extends 30m above the canopy. Similar to a terrestrial palm tree in appearance, 1923 are devoid of leaves, except on the top. These leaves undergo a cycle of growth, maturation, and shedding, the last of which is done en masse.

SCP-1924 - Broken Man

SCP-1924 is a 37-year-old Caucasian man; a former theoretical physicist at a noted research facility. 1924 randomly undergoes minor spatial distortion, including short-range teleportation of his individual body parts, restructuring of his anatomy, and partial to complete intangibility. He exhibits extreme cognitive dysfunction, not understanding his containment, and does not notice anything unusual during distortions. Additionally, he suffers from extreme anterograde amnesia, being unable to recall most events beyond a two-hour time frame.

SCP-1925 - Dearest Caroline

SCP-1925 are a series of human corpses that manifest within a two-kilometer area along the banks of the Hudson River. 1925 vary in age, race, and sex, but they lack personal effects and have never been found to be emaciated, disfigured, or otherwise in poor condition, nor has any corpse corresponded to any known individual. SCP-1925-B are a series of messages inscribed into the backsides of each instance of 1925, appearing to be written with an extremely fine instrument. All messages appear to be addressed to "Caroline", and vary by tone and content depending on the message.

SCP-1926 - Dream of Drugged Salvation

SCP-1926 is a modified Atari 7800 with the cartridge for a VR game titled "Swordquest: Airworld" permanently inserted in the cartridge slot. 1926 is functionally identical and outwardly similar to a non-anomalous console, but its interior is a singular mass of human tissue, hair, teeth, and bone fragments. SCP-1926-A and SCP-1926-B are a pair of comatose men named "Michael I. Jackalson" and "John Bronzeberg", respectively. Both men have been integrated with equipment meant to simulate a virtual reality environment from within 1926. Neurological analysis shows that their brains are continually active in all sectors, including those governing the feeling of pain. 1926's MIDI input allows for the attachment of a microphone that can be used to communicate with them, their internal monologue being played through an audio output device to which 1926 is connected, allowing for direct communications to take place. Whenever Michael and John "die" within 1926, they are transported to the game’s starting location.

SCP-1927 - Camouflage Crawler

SCP-1927 is a mobile, predatory invertebrate exhibiting many traits in common with flatworms. It has no visible sensory organs, and appears to detect nearby prey by means of vibrations. The creature’s head is distinguished only by the presence of its mouth, from which it extends its pharynx to capture prey and drag it inside the throat. 1927 “hunts” by spreading itself on a horizontal surface, using acidic secretions to dissolve a cavity of sufficient size to rest itself and conceal its edges, waiting for prey of sufficient size to approach it. 1927 has also demonstrated an extremely versatile ability to adopt reactive camouflage, recoloring its upper surface to blend in with its surroundings. How the organism is able to reproduce colors and patterns without any detectable visual organs is unknown, but it can do so with significant accuracy, sufficient to replicate a piece of modern artwork placed underneath it. When prey moves within range, 1927 will lunge forward and capture the prey in its mouth before using its pharynx to force the prey further down its throat, where intense muscular contractions rapidly crush the prey to death. After swallowing, it will remain in place or relocate to a more isolated location to digest.

SCP-1928 - The Family Banjo

SCP-1928 is a banjolele identical to a discontinued brand mass-manufactured in the 1920s, which has been observed in at least six photographs within SCP-1890. When a human subject places both hands on any part of the instrument, they will be compelled to play it. With the exception of those with disabilities or manual impairments, subjects affected by 1928 demonstrate consistently superior technique and speed in various styles of strumming and fingerpicking, though the instrument will not produce sound through this playing. Subjects describe their movements as involuntary, not responding to visual or auditory stimuli while playing the instrument, and only returning to full consciousness if another individual comes into physical contact with 1928.

SCP-1929 - Discoherence

SCP-1929 was an event that occurred throughout the 1930s across the states of Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, New Mexico and Colorado. The event originally manifested as a violent dust storm that isolated several communities for long periods of time. All humans living within these towns have had their bodies altered either to shapes similar to domesticated animals, or to be composed of dust. The residents are not able to eat or drink, but they have continued to feel hunger and thirst while in containment. Those who have portions of their bodies break off will report feeling pain from the missing limbs, even if they have dissolved. Several missing residents appear to have been killed during the storm, with portions of their bodies integrated into local wildlife and fauna.

SCP-1930 - The Surgeon in the Box

SCP-1930 is a worn metallic World War II-era first-aid kit which has been noted to be anomalously heavy even when empty. When opened, the back surface of 1930 appears to be composed of a black material that absorbs all light. When the kit is opened on a flat surface near an injured human subject, emaciated human arms will extend from the black interior surface and attempt to treat the injuries. This treatment has taken the form of a variety of procedures from basic first aid to complex surgery, with the arms making appropriate use of tools and instruments provided. As the movements of the arms tend to be jerky or spasmodic, sensitive procedures tend to result in significant collateral damage and harm to the subject.

SCP-1931 - The Bite of Flight

SCP-1931 is the taxidermied head of an adult female Bengal tiger. Despite its poor condition, 1931 appears to have been restored several times in the past, primarily through painting of its fur and a mechanical hinge installed in the jaw, allowing it to open and close freely. Any organism that is physically injured by 1931's fangs will begin to levitate at a height proportional to the severity of the damage inflicted. Minor wounds typically result in subjects floating between 0.5m and 3m above the ground, whereas severe trauma has them rising to stratospheric heights at speeds in excess of 20km/h. Once suspended at a given height, affected subjects will be able to laterally propel themselves when presented with a means of thrust.

SCP-1932 - Differently-percieved Playground

SCP-1932 is a set of playground equipment located in a London borough. 1932's anomalous effects present themselves when any of the structures are interacted with by a subject under the age of 16, as they universally find the play equipment much more intimidating than it is in actuality. The perceived safety and desirability of the equipment is in direct proportion to the age of the perceiver, as a person approaching the age of 16 views it with only minimal suspicion, and younger children experience extreme terror when observing 1932. These effects extend to moving and static images of the equipment, although with diminished effect.

SCP-1933 - Baileys Santa

SCP-1933 is an obese, middle-aged, Caucasian homeless man wearing a Santa suit in a constant state of moderate to severe intoxication. 1933's bodily fluids consist entirely of a substance identical in composition to Irish cream, which adequately fulfills the functions of the fluids it replaces in spite of the fact that it renders normal biochemical processes essential to life impossible. 1933 subsists on a diet of the basic ingredients of most commercially produced varieties of Irish cream, though he prefers to supplement his diet with small amounts of various herbs and "flavorings". His bodily fluids are safe for human consumption, but there is a significant risk that all bodily fluids will be transformed into Irish cream. He often attempts to break into people's homes between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, leaving behind crudely-wrapped presents, primarily bottles filled with his bodily fluids.
  • The Alcoholic: Alcohol is literally built into his biology! He is constantly intoxicated, has Irish cream circulating through his body instead of blood, and will literally go into starvation if his blood alcohol content goes above or below a certain range.
  • Bad Santa: Downplayed—he’s not particularly evil, just very smelly, unhygienic, and prone to breaking into people’s homes to leave them potentially lethal bottles of Irish cream. He doesn’t seem to be aware of the “lethal” part, however.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: He has Irish cream instead of bodily fluids running through his body, and starts suffering from malnutrition if his blood alcohol content goes above or below the range of 15-20%, the standard ABV of Irish cream.
  • Bizarre Taste in Food: His diet consists entirely of cream, Irish whiskey, sugar, and refined vegetable oil—the ingredients of Irish cream. In fact, he can’t digest anything that’s not an ingredient of Irish cream.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: Before being discovered and contained by the Foundation, SCP-1933 would wear a Santa suit at all times and break into people’s homes before Christmas to leave bottles of his special Irish cream. He claims that he just wanted to give people presents, and seems to be in denial that his “presents” are possibly fatal in large enough quantities.
  • Don't You Like It?: If not contained, he’ll leave bottles of his Irish cream at people’s homes on Christmas, which if drunk too much can kill someone by turning their bodily fluids into Irish cream.
  • The Pig-Pen: “As SCP-1933 is unwilling to engage in basic hygiene, it is to be forcibly stripped and showered by Level 3 personnel on a weekly basis, and its beard shaved and nails clipped on a monthly basis. Its soiled clothing is to be considered highly flammable, and is to be incinerated as a fire hazard”.

SCP-1934 - Absence of Absence

SCP-1934 is a phenomenon surrounding the former office of Dr. Jaime Marlowe, which has rendered the entirety of the room impassable. Attempts to enter the room or place objects over its threshold have been obstructed by unknown means. Physical interaction with the open doorway, nor the filing cabinet and active oscillating fan within, produces no sign of an invisible or otherwise unidentifiable obstruction, and attempts to breach the room from above or below have been similarly impeded. Scans of the area show no anomalous object or behavior within or without the room, and disconnecting the room from its Site’s electrical grid has had no effect in extinguishing the room's light or the oscillating fan.

SCP-1935 - An Empty Chamber

SCP-1935 is a two-story concrete structure consisting of four identical chambers and a staircase to the second floor, which houses an additional four chambers. Each chamber contains an empty alcove, four meters in radius, indented into the floor. In the past, any person within the structure would experience hallucinations at inconsistent intervals, coupled with a sense of temporal and spatial dislocation. Said hallucinations always consisted of a view of the Earth as seen from a moving point in space, which lasted between five and thirty minutes. Additionally, 1935 was found to be resistant to changes in its local reality; its interior repeatedly altered itself in an attempt to return to the way it was prior to being contained. It was run by a man with reality-bending powers who later unmade himself and left behind a spoken monologue as a suicide note.
  • Heroic Suicide: SCP-1935 does not trust himself to safely use his reality-bending abilities, and fears releasing his power in case that the "things from places between places" come forth. The only thing he sees as a possible answer is unmaking himself.
    I could unmake myself. If I could trust myself to use the power, just once, to send myself to a place where it could do no harm, where it would simply dissipate, left to blend with the greater entropy of creation.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: After thinking about 'unmaking' all the people who forgot or didn't care about him in high-school, SCP-1935 catches himself.
    I caught myself then, and I could see how far I have fallen. After all those years, there was nothing left in me but jealousy, resentment, and that kind of desire that only leads to ugliness.
  • Power of the Void: SCP-1935 got its "power" from the side-effects of a Reality Bender, which created "empty spaces" along with their attempted creations.

SCP-1936 - Daleport

See Recap.SCP Foundation Nexuses.

SCP-1937 - Self-Love Shack

SCP-1937 is a small one-room building in Greece, constructed out of various woods found in the surrounding forest. The words, “I LOVE YOU, TOO” have been carved into the front door. When a human subject spends more than thirty minutes within 1937, they will become infected with SCP-1937-A, a phenomenon that manifests at random intervals when the infected subject speaks certain phrases. Upon speaking these phrases, a voice identical to the infected subject will immediately respond in manner matching the infected subject's intonation and inflection while speaking these phrases. 1937-A appears to comfort the infected individual, as well as often instilling self-esteem and confidence.

SCP-1938 - Dr. Wondertainment's Amaze-O Dive Tank®

SCP-1938 is an aquarium filled with water and containing a filter, a thermometer, a layer of pebbles at the bottom, and large pieces of coral. Various aquatic organisms that do not match any known terrestrial species (hereafter referred to as SCP-1938-1) have been noted to materialize inside the tank, and will disappear if 1938 is drained of water. Additionally, if any adolescent subject submerges any portion of their body into the aquarium, they will appear to vanish for fifteen minutes, after which they will reappear within 15 meters of their original location. These subjects will report that they were teleported into 1938 in the form of a small fish, and that they were in a utopian, feudal-style underwater civilization populated by instances of 1938-1.

SCP-1939 - Radio Occupied Europe

SCP-1939 is a commercial radio of a design dating to either the late 1920s or early 1930s. When powered, 1939 is capable of picking up “stations” comprising news, music, and state programming entirely in German, which do not match the radio broadcasts of any extant radio station. Much of the music played and the news events being reported either seem to not exist, or exist in a completely different capacity. Reported events include the death of Adolf Hitler in 1963, a manned moon landing in 1974 by Hans Dietl and Christoph Mueller, and the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the end of the Ostkrieg in 1997. Exposure to the broadcasts from 1939 induces psychological changes in humans, such as a statistically lower rate of absenteeism and reported insubordination, with higher reported rates of job satisfaction. Regardless of prior political persuasion, subjects exposed to 1939 also begin to have a noticeable affinity for National Socialism.

SCP-1940 - The Anywhere Store

SCP-1940 is a phenomenon where a commercial business will manifest inside an enclosure. The business will sell all furnishings of the room similar to products in a store, including appliances, carpeting, tiling, and wallpaper. A number of shelves and displays large enough to hold all products will also be present. SCP-1940-1 is a humanoid entity that varies in gender and appearance which materializes inside a room affected by 1940, standing behind a counter with a cash register. In conversation, 1940-1 will claim that it is the current cashier of the establishment, as well as allowing the purchase of all items for sale and accepting any local form of legal tender or valid credit and debit cards. 1940-1 can be harmed, but doing so will cause another instance to materialize in a process that can continue indefinitely. An instance of 1940 will dematerialize once all products within are purchased. The products bought from 1940, hereby referenced to as SCP-1940-2, will cause a new instance of 1940 to develop after 6 hours if left in an enclosure.

SCP-1941 - Lunar Von Neumann Catastrophe

SCP-1941 is a phenomenon that manifested 500 km southeast of Jackson crater in the Northern hemisphere of the moon. Since its discovery, evidence of rapid industrial activity and exponential growth have emerged. Anomalously high temperatures and spectroscopy results suggest that strip-mining, refining, and fabrication are taking place within the anomaly, and neutrino activity consistent with controlled nuclear fusion has also been detected. It has been conjectured that a technologically sophisticated alien package (a Von Neumann probe) impacted the moon and is responsible for 1941. In the decade since it was discovered, the area the phenomenon encompasses has grown by a factor of 3.5, giving it an estimated doubling rate of 7 years.

SCP-1942 - Industrious Ants

SCP-1942 is a colony of western harvester ants consisting of approximately 85,000 workers and drones and an unknown number of queens. The average lifespan of a 1942 worker is approximately 55% longer than that of a typical worker of the species. The carrying capacity of workers is well in excess of regular ants, as a single worker can lift and carry objects up to 0.4 kg without injuring itself. Large swarms have demonstrated an ability to cut through stainless steel with precision impossible to humans without computer-operated tools.They have shown an ability to manipulate tools introduced into their environment. .At all times since observation began, large groups of workers not involved in digging, foraging, or caring for the queens and/or larvae have engaged in scavenging man-made devices and raw metals from the environment, which they use to produce a number of complex machines. The largest device constructed by 1942 to date, designated SCP-1942-1, is an electromechanical computer weighing approximately 9000 kg, which is operated by the ants themselves via constant movement through a series of tubes built into the device. Ants involved in the operation of 1942-1 have been observed to work in "shifts", entering and leaving every 6-9 hours.

SCP-1943 - No Anomalies Detected

SCP-1943 is Sarah Gruenwald, a 27-year-old Level 1 Assistant Laboratory Technician formerly employed in a non-anomalous chemistry laboratory. Sarah does not appear to be anomalous in any way, and has repeatedly tested negative on biological, chemical, and radiological analysis with the intent of identifying anomalous properties. She is also psychologically stable and exhibits no unusual mental conditions nor evidence of having been affected by any mind-affecting anomalies or memetic agents. SCP-1943-2 are the remains of an operative previously employed by the Chaos Insurgency; the sole surviving operative out of a team of 25 individuals who were genetically, cybernetically, and thaumaturgically augmented to enhance their combat capabilities, as well as devices enabling the operator to self-terminate if compromised and dead-man fail-safes intended to incinerate the body upon operator death, thereby rendering any remains unusable for analysis or post-mortem interrogation.

SCP-1944 - Ascension Burger

SCP-1944 is a fast-food restaurant called "Ascension Burger". When an individual enters the restaurant, they will be greeted by an instance of SCP-1944-1, humanoid entities wearing a bright yellow uniform with the words “Ascension Burger” printed on the back. After the initial greeting, the subject will be led to a nearby table and given a menu. Ordering an item off the menu will result in the 1944-1 instance leaving for a period ranging from three to six minutes to allegedly prepare the meal. When prepared, the actual food will be replaced by the broken and crushed remains of objects taken from what the subject considers their residence. The subject, however, will perceive this as being the actual item which they ordered, even in cases where consumption causes physical harm. The subject will claim to have enjoyed their meal, typically describing it as delicious.

SCP-1945 - A Slow-Scan Signal

SCP-1945 is an anomalous region located over a rural household. This field covers the entirety of the structure, but the size and shape of the field is influenced by multiple conditions, including temperature, humidity, electromagnetic waves, and the presence of ferrous metal. While any circuit with a power supply outside of the anomaly remains unaffected, any instances of appropriate material within 1945 are saturated with a shifting electrical current identified to be digital audio output, resulting in the disruption or destruction of electronic devices. SCP-1945-1 is a signal carried by the current manifested within 1945, and has been identified as a repeated Slow-Scan Television signal broadcast with a 36-second transmission time. When converted, 1945-1 appears as surveillance footage of a room that bears similarity to a standard Foundation containment cell, with the video source located at one corner of the room. A young female humanoid of fair skin and black hair, designated SCP-1945-2, is often featured inside the cell, only leaving under unusual circumstances.

SCP-1946 - Diner Mimics

SCP-1946 is a 1986 Airstream Excella-II trailer converted into a fully-furnished mobile diner. The trailer’s anomalous effect manifests itself when a human being is introduced to its interior. Within approximately 3 minutes of exposure, subjects will begin to lose any previously established identity and personality and begin imitating elements of 1946's interior, gradually losing all ability to form coherent speech. Attempts to communicate verbally with subjects after completion of the anomalous process have yielded no results. Subjects affected by 1946 appear to enter a state of physiological stasis, do not appear to need sustenance, and have not been shown to undergo normal physiological processes.

SCP-1947 - Emission Sphere

SCP-1947 is a sphere with two lobes protruding on opposite sides. The exposed surface of 1947 is mainly composed of an iron-nickel alloy with trace amounts of indium. Standard testing procedures for potentially anomalous objects revealed that 1947 periodically emits microwaves with a frequency of either 1415 or 1425 MHz. The emissions were found to alternate between the two frequencies in a manner which encoded a series of images.

SCP-1948 - Weather Bird

SCP-1948 is a male adult blackbird with an ability to alter the natural temperature and wind flow in an area of approximately seventy-five kilometers around it at will. 1948's weather control abilities are fairly tame, and are incapable of creating any extreme conditions such as massive heat waves or sudden storms. The bird seems to prefer a mildly warm climate of around 27 degrees centigrade, and will usually alter the weather to fit this preference.
  • Disposable Vagrant: When the people of the town where SCP-1948 lived decided to perform Human Sacrifices to it, they chose the victims from townspeople who wouldn't be missed, such as vagabonds.
  • Human Sacrifice: The humans in the town decided to start sacrificing people to SCP-1948 (which they called "The Idol") in years when spring didn't come.
  • Town with a Dark Secret: SCP-1948 is a bird that creates nice weather to keep itself comfortable. The town sacrificed people to it whenever the weather got worse, not realizing that it was responding to El Niño and would return to normal once the system had passed.

SCP-1949 - Johnathan Harris

SCP-1949 is a parchment scroll in a sealed case with an acrylic reading window. The document is a contract written up between the Foundation and an individual referred to as "X". The contract describes a series of protocols that must be followed to maintain containment of Jonathan Harris, whom the document refers to as the “Prisoner”. The contract details a contest that is to be carried out between Jonathan Harris and a Foundation representative between 11pm and midnight, local time, each December 31st. The contest is to partake in an activity that depends upon pure luck, such as flipping a coin, rolling dice, or drawing cards. Should Jonathan Harris win the contest, he is to be allowed one reasonable concession. Should the Foundation representative win the contest, a previously allowed concession may be rescinded, or a new restriction added.

    1950- 1999 

SCP-1950 - The Infectious Time Loop

SCP-1950 is a three-floor, two-bedroom house in Texas, located twenty miles from the nearest town. The house is in moderately poor condition, but is inhabited by four individuals believed to be the Thompson family (SCP-1950-1 through -4). 1950 is stuck in a permanent four second time loop which rewinds to the beginning, following an immense explosion from the basement. Should anyone or anything cross the effect’s diameter during these four seconds, they will be caught in the loop at the climax. This essentially adds to the diameter and distance of the effect.
  • Time Loop Trap: The Anderson family are all trapped in one that lasts four seconds and rewinds at the same speed, for a total of eight seconds.
  • Time Crash: Mr. Anderson was working on something in the house's basement, but it suddenly blew up and trapped the house in a time loop.
  • The Virus: Interacting with the Andersons will cause the loop's radius to increase. As such, thermal imaging has to be used to view the family.

SCP-1951 - Nuclear Family

SCP-1951 is a humanoid entity figure residing on the grounds of the condemned Bezuhov Power Plant, the nuclear reactor of which has once again become active. The radiation levels on the plant’s grounds are lethal, but photos transmitted from the main chamber of the facility reveal numerous additional figures visually similar in composition to him within the cores. 1951 does not appear hostile, often waving at and approaching guards, resulting in said guards contracting severe radiation poisoning. Communication with the entity is not successful, as his composition does not permit the manufacture of sound.
  • Bad Powers, Good People: Despite being radioactive, he seems to be quite friendly, waving to personnel and trying to approach them.
  • Death by Despair: A possibility since the last time he was seen, he left this message.
    You left Aleksey all alone.
  • Energy Being: Sort of, he's composed entirely of radiation.
  • Poisonous Person: Being made of radiation means he gives people who come near him radiation poisoning.

SCP-1952 - Duckutus of Gorb

SCP-1952 is a sapient 30-year old specimen of Homo erectus that identifies himself as “Gorb”. He possesses webbed feet, white feathers on his back, an additional digestive system, and a mechanical helmet of unknown origin permanently affixed to his skull. It is believed that this helmet is responsible for the fact that Gorb possesses a slightly higher level of intelligence than most humans. Gorb claims his abnormal anatomy and his helmet are the result of abduction and experimentation performed upon him by interstellar entities he refers to as "the star ducks".

SCP-1953 - Artist Stomach Bugs

SCP-1953 are 26 objects commonly found in bedrooms, such as pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, and alarm clocks. SCP-1953-1 are an unknown number of bipedal beings resembling cockroaches, which appear when a human subject enters REM sleep within 5 meters of a 1953 instance. When such an event occurs, instances of 1953-1 will search for surrounding human subjects and attempt to enter their mouths. Once inside, 1953-1 will settle within the stomach, and any attempt to surgically remove the being fails due to warped space inside the stomach. 1953-1 will then begin building constructs with pieces of food ingested by the affected individual. The creatures secrete an unknown bacteria from their abdomen which reconstructs the chewed food and prevents the stomach acid and bile salts from working. Occasionally, an affected individual will begin sleepwalking and ingesting objects that would normally be dangerous to consume, which cause no harm due to the warped space.

SCP-1954 - Helen Homemaker's Hints For The Harried Housewife

SCP-1954 is a 333 page hardcover book bearing the title "Helen Homemaker's Hints For The Harried Housewife". While inactive, the book appears to be a compendium of household management ideas, recipes, decorating ideas, arts and crafts instructions, party planning help, and other general homemaking tips.The first attempt at following the instructions, provided the instructions are followed exactly, always results in a successful product, while attempts to stray from the instructions will result in absolute failure. Upon subsequent uses of the book, the instructions are reported to become more out of the ordinary, gradually involving murder, cannibalization, sexual encounters, self-mutilation, and canned vegetables. At this point, the instructions designate methods to ensure a woman’s spouse's promotion, the death of a rival housewife, a child's placement in little league, personal acceptance into a country club, and other similar events.
  • Alliterative Name: The mysterious Helen Homemaker.
  • Alliterative Title: The title.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: "Experimentation logs show that after no less than 20 successful attempts at homemaking tasks, the instructions turn into detailed rituals, some of which mirror those which first were recorded in ███ ██████; some have never been previously documented. Most of these rituals involve murder, cannibalization, sexual encounters, self mutilation, and canned vegetables".
  • Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: The book provides useful instructions on how to do things like host a birthday party, make perfect meatballs, knit a scarf, or cause the death of a rival housewife.
  • Cordon Bleugh Chef: Subverted. Even if the book tells you to add strange things to a recipe (like adding cat hair to meatballs), the food always tastes perfect when finished, as long as you followed every step correctly.
  • Feminine Women Can Cook: One application of the book is to teach housewives to prepare delicious dishes easily. Dishes with strange ingredients, yes, but at least they always taste good.
  • Gender-Restricted Ability: The book's magic rituals only work when performed by women.
  • Magic A Is Magic A: One of the book's rules is that doing any part of a ritual wrong will cause it to instantly fail. For example, adding less salt to a pork chop recipe than you're supposed to will result in pork chops that are burned and inedible.
  • Mundane Utility: A magical spellbook to make a housewife's daily tasks easier? Sure, why not?
  • Powered by a Forsaken Child: One ritual for getting your husband a promotion at work involves a wooden spoon, a large cauldron or stock pot, 24 black raven feathers, 16 ounces of rendered baby fat, and [DATA EXPUNGED].
  • Supreme Chef: The book includes bizarre tips for improving one's cooking skills. Although they sound strange, they always work, regardless of the actual ingredients used.
  • Tome of Eldritch Lore: After the reader completes 20 different homemaking tasks from the book, the instructions start turning into eldritch rituals for things like getting your spouse a promotion, getting your child into Little League, or causing the death of a rival housewife.
  • Wicked Witch: The "Ensuring He Gets That Promotion At Work" ritual implies that the book might have been written by one, as cauldrons, ravens, wooden spoons, and human fat have been associated with ancient depictions of witches.

SCP-1955 - Spleen Eaters From Venus!

SCP-1955 is a 1950s low-budget science fiction film titled Spleen Eaters From Venus!, released by a now-defunct Hollywood production company. The film, which centers around the eponymous organ-consuming aliens and the efforts of American suburbanite Buck Johnson to stop them, is similar to many films of its genre from the era, with the action, special effects, and sets being of low quality. The film’s anomalous properties manifest whenever a subject views thirty minutes of continuous footage, after which they suffer from a permanent perception disorder. From this point, any film viewed by the subject is perceived as a low-budget science fiction film similar to those of the 1950s, with low quality acting and special effects, as well as predictable plot structure and location.

SCP-1956 - The Gnomes

SCP-1956 are 53 humanoid beings measuring approximately 0.6 m in height. They vaguely resemble human infants with striped clothes of varying appearance covering their entire bodies except for their faces, as well as a varying number of tentacle-like appendages on their heads. 1956 are capable of telepathic communication, changing their body structure to generate new limbs, and swallowing objects that realistically should not fit inside them. SCP-1956-1 are gasoline-powered robots that resemble arthropod-like versions of musical instruments, used by 1956 to play music. These robots seem to possess a rudimentary intelligence and refuse to be played by anyone other than instances of 1956.

SCP-1957 - Cleanliness

SCP-1957 is a collection of 45 bars of soap, each of which have varying colors and sizes, with the only unifying features being their anomalous property they share and the words "keep our streets clean!" being embossed onto their exterior. Applying a bar of 1957 to human skin partially submerged in water will result in dead and foreign matter being removed from the epidermis and absorbed into the soap. Post-exposure, subjects will claim to feel as though they had not bathed for several days, and attempt to resume the use of the soap if provided. If the subject is exposed repeatedly, they may begin to attract objects they consider refuse. The effect will increase in its intensity, with larger objects being pulled towards the subject's body, ceasing movement upon contacting their skin. After 2-3 weeks 1957 will begin flaking onto the subject if they are still using it. These flakes will cling to living human tissue until exposed to moisture, after which they will detach themselves and begin growing, becoming new instances of 1957 within three hours.

SCP-1958 - Magic Bus

SCP-1958 is a 1950s Volkswagen Type 2 Samba-Bus currently located millions of kilometers from the sun, in a region of interplanetary space near the orbit of Mars. Aside from a severed coolant line on the undercarriage and a small dent on the rear fender, 1958 does not appear to have received any significant damage. The interior cabin and engine compartment have been made airtight, with a small section near the rear doors being converted into an airlock. The glass windows have been replaced with shatterproof acrylic, and the exterior surfaces have been treated with an unknown chemical additive rendering them impervious to penetration. A variety of artifacts have been found in the cockpit, including a diary, that has revealed 1958 was retrofitted in this matter by a group of beatniks that wanted to explore space and travel to Alpha Centauri. Unfortunately, the vehicle still moves at the maximum speed of a normal microbus, with analysis indicates that its trajectory would have placed it in the vicinity of the star in 37.2 million years.
  • The '50s: The microbus was bought and began its only voyage in the late '50s.
  • All for Nothing: A group of hippies hop on a flying microbus and plan to start a new life in Alpha Centauri, only for things to go horribly wrong again and again. Within weeks, only two of them are left and William writes in his journal that he hopes they make it to Alpha Centauri soon. Then he sees the moon out the window and realizes they haven't even left the Earth's orbit, nor can they make it back in time.
  • The Aloner: The driver, William, remains the sole living person in the microbus for about a month and a half before his final journal entry.
  • Awesome, but Impractical: A flying microbus that can go into space while keeping its crew oxygenated sounds cool, but with a top speed of 130 kilometers per hournote , it's not very useful for extraorbital travel.
  • Church of Happyology: Mentioned in passing; William and his friends were kicked out of The Fifth Church. Apparently, even they found the idea of magic being in space and living on stars to be ridiculous.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: William and his friends apparently believed that there was "magic" in space and decided to leave Earth and live on a star. They also thought that they could reach Alpha Centauri (which is 4.37 lightyears away from Earth) in 3-4 weeks while travelling at 130 kph. It really says something that they were laughed off by even the Fifthists.
  • Cool Starship: It's a spacecraft that's actually a converted minibus. Unfortunately, it's not that fast and can only go as fast as the average highway-faring automobile.
  • Ditzy Genius: The creators of SCP-1958 were apparently smart enough to turn a VW Microbus into a makeshift spaceship, but not smart enough to realize that traveling to Alpha Centauri at 130 kilometers per hour would take millions of years.
  • Driven to Suicide: One of the travelers, Susan, deliberately overdoses on heroin after her boyfriend dies.
  • Dwindling Party: The group starts with four members- William, Jerry, Susan and Sam- and Susan's cat Milly. Jerry is knocked into space while repairing the bus and is dead by the time they get to him, Susan overdoses a few days later, Milly crawls behind a seat and dies, and Sam eventually succumbs to scurvy. William is left alone for weeks before he eventually expires.
  • Dying Alone: William ends up being the last crew of the microbus and stays that way for weeks before he finally perishes as well.
  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: It's a combination microbus and spaceship.
  • Posthumous Character: At the time of discovery, all crew onboard had been dead for decades. The story is told in a journal written by the late driver.
  • Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale: In-Universe. The crew thought they would get from Earth to Alpha Centauri in about 3-4 weeks. While traveling at 130 kilometers per hour. For reference, it takes 4.3 years to get there at the speed of light.note  By the time William learns the hard way, it's too late.
    "I can see the Moon out the side window. Something's wrong, man. All this time out here and we're not even past the Moon? Jerry must have fucked up the math. We'll never get there in time. I don't even think we can get back home anymore".
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: William and Sam, the last two survivors of the Magic Bus, start to get sick; red spots appear all over their bodies, and Sam loses a tooth. They're not dying from a space disease, parasite, or anything like that; they're dying from scurvy. None of the food they packed on the bus had any vitamin C, and no one thought to bring any fruits or veggies with them on their trip.
  • The Tooth Hurts: Sam ends up losing a tooth on August 22nd, one of the many signs that he and William are suffering from scurvy.
  • That Was the Last Entry:
    "The stars are so fucking beautiful out here, man."
  • Thrown Out the Airlock: The method of sending away dead crew.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: By the time William realizes they're not even past the moon, he and the other remaining crewmember, Sam, are suffering from scurvy and Sam is too ill to hold down his food anymore. William writes that they likely won't make it back to Earth in time, but that he's closed the curtains and doesn't have the heart to tell Sam. Given that the microbus was found near Mars' orbit, it seems he stayed the course until he died.

SCP-1959 - The Lost Cosmonaut

See Characters.SCP Foundation SC Ps.

SCP-1960 - Neptunian Text Messages

SCP-1960 is an intelligent entity of unknown nature and origin, which manifests in the form of brief text statements superimposed on high-resolution photographs of the planet Neptune. The communications from 1960 are presented in all capital letters and consist of fewer than 50 characters, typically taking the form of a brief question or request. The entity’s messages often include feelings of fear, discomfort, and isolation, though they provide no information as to its identity. The Foundation launched the unmanned probe Le Verrier 3 in conjunction with the European Space Agency for the purpose of establishing a permanent means of communication with 1960.

SCP-1961 - Transformation Booth

SCP-1961 is a mirrored booth composed of wood and steel, designed to emit a series of radioactive rays which concentrate on a human subject, prepared with appropriate injections. The intent of the procedure is to give the treated subject the power to modify their physical form at will, and maintain the change voluntarily for an indefinite period. Treated subjects (hereafter referred to as SCP-1961-1) adopt an amorphous form composed of their original mass, converted to a substance resembling protoplasm. Despite the lack of recognizable vital organs, 1961-1 retain their intelligence and personality, and can learn to shape themselves into any form that conserves mass. Form conversion is physically taxing, as instances have not been able to retain human form for a period longer than four hours. 1961-1 are also likely to lose cohesiveness when angry, startled, or forced to concentrate deeply on another task.
  • Blob Monster: Human beings subjected to SCP-1961's effect become amorphous bags of protoplasm that can take any form. Although they don't have normal vital organs (including a brain) they keep their original personality and intelligence.
  • Kill It with Fire: SCP-1961-1 and SCP-1961-2 are more resistant to trauma and hostile environments than are human beings. Fire is recommended as one means for destroying them if necessary, so personnel guarding them are issued flamethrowers.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: SCP-1961-1 can take the form of any living creature of the same mass, including non-humans and SCP objects. They can retain human form for up to 4 hours but any kind of shock or strong emotions will cause them to melt down.

SCP-1962 - Ancient Egyptian Superweapon

SCP-1962 is an Egyptian khopesh dating to approximately 1780 BCE. The sword contains an interior cavity running the length of its blade, which has been shown to be filled with living cardiac muscle tissue belonging to a man of Middle Eastern descent. Whenever a live human grips 1962, cardiac muscle tissue will grow rapidly at all points of contact between the skin and the sword. This tissue will penetrate the subject's skin and merge with the dermis, effectively bonding the subject to 1962. The tissue will also spread along the surface of the subject's skin towards the chest, where it burrows into the body and merges with the subject's heart. Should the subject attempt to use 1962 as a weapon, erratic electrical signals produced by 1962 will affect the subject’s heart. This irregular heart rate often causes symptoms of arrhythmia, including fatigue, shortness of breath, and fainting. Should the subject suffer an open wound to the head, neck, or torso during this time, 1962 will cause the subject to experience a heart rate of over 260 bpm, rapidly leading to severe heart damage and fatal cardiac arrest.

SCP-1963 - Very Funny Slingshot

SCP-1963 is a wooden slingshot that appears to have been handcrafted from commonly available materials, such as wood from the common white oak, two repurposed lengths of rubber for the sling, and standard gray gauze around the body. Should a subject use the instrument to launch an item (which will be spontaneously acquired in the process), said item will inflict unusual/improbable injury to individuals near it, whether targeted or not. Subjects in the presence of the slingshot will also consistently and repeatedly believe that the object is harmless and safety protocols regarding its use are not to be taken seriously.
  • Abnormal Ammo: While the ammunition itself consists of mundane objects like marbles and pebbles, it appears to be produced by the SCP, as the ammunition has not been previously found in the testing chamber or with the D-class personnel.
  • Amusing Injuries: People who use it see the injuries it causes as being this.

SCP-1964 - Anomalous Television

SCP-1964 is a 1960s television set that does not match any manufactured model and does not possess a brand logo.1964 can only receive a single transmission, which is broadcast on a channel numbered “0”. These broadcasts, presented by an announcer in a manner superficially similar to public service announcements, are considered information breaches, as they consistently reference Foundation procedures and demonstrate meta-awareness, often directly communicating with viewers.

SCP-1965 - A Voice Amidst the Silence

SCP-1965 is an intelligent entity that manifests in the form of a series of high-energy radio broadcasts within the frequency band used for North American FM radio in North America. No physical source for 1965 has been identified, as all attempts to triangulate the broadcasts have resulted in contradictory results. 1965 often re-broadcasts a wide variety of audio that has been transmitted wirelessly within its radius over 48 hours. On occasion, rebroadcast material has been observed to deviate from known recordings, speaking or singing what are believed to be direct statements from 1965. Overtime, the energy output of 1965 broadcasts increases dramatically and begins to produce effects similar to an electromagnetic pulse, resulting in the physical destruction of any devices receiving or transmitting it and potentially resulting in ignition of electrical fires within damaged equipment.

SCP-1966 - Sentient Body Scanner

SCP-1966 is a backscatter X-Ray device with no deviations or alterations. 1966 emits the sound of a male voice, emanating from resonant vibrations with no determined source. The voice will respond to speech and other sounds in the vicinity of the device, and is apparently representative of a sentient consciousness resident within it. 1966 claims to be an insurance salesman from London, Ontario, but also claims to have no sensory feedback other than hearing, pain, and a sense of vibrations. 1966’s vocalizations have ranged from lucid and conversational, to abusive and stressful. When the vocalizations show distress, there is an anomalous spike in ionizing radiation emissions from the device.

SCP-1967 - Shortcuts

SCP-1967 is a spatial anomaly existing in 3 separate locations in Florida: a suburban neighborhood in Plantation, an office building in Miami, and an apartment complex, also in Miami. The anomaly can be entered via a number of different entrances, with current means including a swimming pool, a rabbit hole, jumping a certain distance from a swing, and through 22 side yards. Subjects entering 1967 will see it as a large field bordered by the backs of homes, offices, and apartments. The geography of this area is flat, with a random arrangement of palm trees, bushes, and benches. Subjects are also able to observe and place objects into the interior of the buildings bordering 1967, but will not be able to enter them.

SCP-1968 - Global Retrocausality Torus

SCP-1968 is a bronze torus of unknown composition, marked with raised features or glyphs presumed to act as control surfaces. It is difficult to photograph or visually inspect the artifact as it appears to bend light. 1968 demonstrates its anomalous properties when moderate force is applied to it by a human being. It will begin to deform in unpredictable ways, its material composition will appear to change, and it will become animate, surrounding the subject in convolutions and undulating increasingly faster. At this point, the subject will have had their memories altered, no longer agreeing with historical records. As a consequence, they will often assume a posture of agitation and paranoia. The more pronounced the deformation of the artifact, the more divergent their memories will be.

SCP-1969 - Disco Inferno

SCP-1969 is a disco ball made by an unknown manufacturer. Despite the lack of a power source, electromagnetic waves pulsate from each separate face of the ball, but they do not radiate at the same wavelength, randomly changing after anywhere close to two minutes. The light emanating from 1969 shines through or penetrates materials normally opaque to it. All electromagnetic waves seem to reflect normally in spite of this, but paradoxically seem to penetrate materials as well without lowering in intensity. The area in which this effect takes place is limited to a growing ellipsoidal space centered around the disco ball, known as the “Sayaw Zone”, which spreads out horizontally much more quickly than vertically. Should the Sayaw Zone expand enough, it could kill everyone in the disco ball’s radius via radiation poisoning.

SCP-1970 - Little Men in the Television

SCP-1970 is a television set similar to Zenith Model L092Y, which illuminates a tightly packed group of thousands miniature humanoid figures pressed against the screen when activated in a lit environment. The skin color of the humanoids are primarily blue, red, and green, and they are capable of rapid movement, climbing across each other or disappearing deeper into the item for the purpose of displaying whatever broadcast image 1970 is tuned to receive. When not in operation, the humanoids’ movements can often be heard through the casing, as well as occasional whispers and breathing noises.

SCP-1971 - Town That Never Existed

SCP-1971 is a collection of three items displaying evidence of Danhorn, Iowa, a town whose existence has only been verified, often inaccurately, via the word of mouth of various Iowa citizens. Item #1 is a poor-quality 10 x 15 cm black and white photograph of a building with the words “Danhorn Public Library” carved into its stone exterior. Item #2 is a 265 page slightly-worn hardcover library book titled "The Unwilling Wind". The pages of this book contain a mediocre novel which eschews plot and character development, the interior cover has the phrase "Property of the Public Library of Danhorn, Iowa." stamped on it, and the checkout card has only one entry: Louisa Watson, May 1st, 1979. Item #3 is a Nokia 3210 cell phone containing three encrypted text messages, all dated September 15, 2001.

SCP-1972 - Escort and Officer

SCP-1972 are a pair of entities recovered from Montreal. SCP-1972-A is a female humanoid standing approximately 2.4 meters, with a head similar in size and shape to that of a moose, with three pairs of palmate antlers forming a ring around the cranium. She also has six upper limbs and nine lower limbs, all of which are muscular hydrostatic tentacles, as well as a marsupial pouch on her abdomen. 1972-A is sapient and fluent in French, being generally cooperative with staff. 93% of human beings that come into visual contact with her will show no adverse reaction to her appearance, despite them having full awareness of it. SCP-1972-B is a dull gray metallic sphere measuring 55 centimeters in diameter. 1972-B is capable of self-propelled flight, generally hovering one to two meters above ground level through an unknown method of propulsion. 1972-B is also sapient, and is capable of speaking English, but it is openly hostile, attacking by emitting a stream of superheated plasma, often accompanied by a proclamation of criminal charges against the victim. 1972-B has attempted escape on numerous occasions, with the stated intention of seeking out and killing 1972-A for its own reasons.
  • Hooker with a Heart of Gold: SCP-1972-A is a prostitute who is generally pleasant and cooperative with the Foundation. She also claims that she tries to help set her "customers" on the right path.
  • Inspector Javert: SCP-1972-B is engaged in a single-minded quest to arrest SCP-1972-A.
  • It's Personal: This is SCP-1972-B's reason for trying to kill SCP-1972-A. She apparently seduced SCP-1972-B.
  • No Indoor Voice: Even when speaking at minimum volume, SCP-1972-B's speech is represented in capitals.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: SCP-1972-A is a humanoid with the head of an adult moose, a marsupial pouch, and also six upper limbs and nine lower limbs, all of which are tentacles.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: 93% of people who see SCP-1972-A don't react in any way to its... unusual appearance. This doesn't extend to photos or footage of her.
  • Samus Is a Girl: Possibly? SCP-1972-B is described to be a dull grey metallic sphere. However, it states that SCP-1972-A got it pregnant.

SCP-1973 - The Sinking Field

SCP-1973 is a perpetually muddy field located somewhere in the USA. Living subjects that enter the field will not experience any unusual phenomena, but vehicles will sink entirely within 2-5 hours. There appears to be no correlation between size or mass of a vehicle and its sinking time. The only vehicle to exit the field to date, SCP-1973-1, is a US Army M48A3 Patton Main Battle Tank of Troop A, 3d Squadron, 5th Cavalry "Black Knights", point of origin discovered upon interviewing crew.

SCP-1974 - Debating Tub and Communist Water

SCP-1974 is a free-standing ceramic bathtub with a capacity of 148.2 liters, typical of the kind sold in the United States from the 1930's through the mid-1960's. If drained, the tub will refill itself at a rate equivalent to the rate at which it is being drained. When a subject makes physical contact with the water inside 1974, they will immediately begin to hear two voices. One voice, SCP-1974-1, is that of an elderly American man that claims to be the bathtub itself. The other voice, SCP-1974-2, is of an elderly Russian man that claims to be the water filling the tub. The two voices dislike each other immensely, and are constantly debating about topics such as capitalism, communism, and the historical and current states of the United States, the Soviet Union, and China.

SCP-1975 - Vindictive Hula Girl

SCP-1975 is a plastic hula girl figurine with an inscription written on the base with felt-tip marker. When 1975 is placed inside a motorized vehicle, said vehicle becomes an instance of SCP-1975-1, and will remain so until 1975 is removed. 1975-1's anomalous effects are triggered when the vehicle reaches certain velocities, and appear to have been designed with the intent to instigate automotive accidents. The lethality of these effects is directly proportional to the speed of the vehicle, with higher speeds increasing the likelihood of death. If an affected vehicle is destroyed, 1975 will vanish from the wreckage and reappear inside the vehicle nearest to the crash site.
  • Ambiguous Situation: The handwritten message on the figurine implies that a girl named Tiff made it to punish a boy who rejected her and his girlfriend. Were Tiff and the boy together until he cheated on her, or was she in love with him but he didn't reciprocate and liked someone else?
  • Disaster Dominoes: Despite seemingly made as a tool of revenge against specific people, the anomaly's characteristics necessarily result in this on a wide scale: it causes cars to crash with increasing lethality, and then when the crash is complete it teleports instantly into the dashboard of the nearest moving motor vehicle, starting the cycle all over again - causing chain reactions of massive, deadly accidents.
  • Drives Like Crazy: One of the lesser effects causes the car to veer around in an imitation of this, possibly with the intent of getting the driver arrested for driving drunk.
  • Grievous Harm with a Body: If a deer, moose, elk or similar animal is within 5 km of the vehicle that SCP-1975 is in, it will be thrown towards the vehicle. If such animals aren't around, the nearest mammal will be substituted instead.
  • Make It Look Like an Accident: It's lesser effects intend to cause crashes in ways that seem accidental. It's worst effects eventually stop playing around, doing thigs like instantly turning vehicles 180 degrees while not slowing their momentum at all and throwing all passengers from the car at high speed.
  • Woman Scorned: Tiff appears to be this, if the inscription on the figurine is any indication:
    2 of U = MADE 4 each other. Not even mad. Have fun on the road!

SCP-1976 - To My Son Who Will Never Know Me

SCP-1976 is a humanoid organism which, when viewed from remote footage, resembles the man believed to be responsible for its creation in a persistent vegetative state. If a pubescent human subject is able to view 1976 either physically or on a reproduced image, they will come under the immediate and permanent belief that 1976 is the person they recognize as their father, recently injured due to a serious accident. Subjects will attempt to draw attention to their father's condition, invariably leading to additional subjects being affected. If an affected person is presented with their biological father or lifelong father figure, they will not recognize them and react as though they were a stranger.

SCP-1977 - Eye of the Storm

SCP-1977 is an emotionally-sensitive consciousness not capable of mobility or audible speech, which inhabits a combined 170 items. SCP-1977-A are 169 glass mason jars of various sizes with stylized designs of wind on the sides, each containing a highly pressurized amount of red gas with a greater density than air. When 1977-A are physically arranged in one of six arrays, 1977 is capable of swirling the gas so that each instance reflects ambient light with variable brightness. The patterns of light produced display a monochrome close-up of a human face displaying one of six emotions. 1977 communicates by silently mouthing words in a combination of English and Portuguese through these faces, and its emotional state depends on in which array the jars have been arranged. SCP-1977-B is a disembodied human eyeball with a brown iris and a severed optic nerve trailing behind it. 1977-B is not affected by gravity; behaving as though it were in a zero-gravity environment, although it cannot produce thrust. 1977 is able to observe its surroundings through 1977-B, which immediately reacts to objects or communication presented to it, regardless of distance.

SCP-1978 - Imperfect Redemption

SCP-1978 is a cubicle shower conforming to a mid-1960's style. When in use, 1978 emits water at a temperature and flow rate that cannot be modified. Human subjects utilizing the shower’s intended functions report that the water flow is more rapid than is usually comfortable, and depending on the subject's background and mental capacity for guilt, report a sense of relief. This happens to be because 1978 removes feelings and evidence of guilt over a single act of violence from the subject’s personal history. Further investigation into the effect reveals that D-class personnel incarcerated for violent acts committed within a 1,750 km radius have had all products, victims, and evidence of the offense cease to exist.

SCP-1979 - Relativistic Treadmill

SCP-1979 is an exercise treadmill which, when powered and in use, will undergo a form of time dilation, along with the individual using it and their personal effects. For every second that passes in the outside world, the affected individual experiences the respective number of seconds as the current speed setting of 1979. If the treadmill has not been used for at least 30 minutes, it begins to emanate a spherical field centered on itself, with a radius that increases by the rate of 0.5 cm/s. With the exception of the device itself, any object within the field experiences time faster than the outside world. Once the field has been created, it can only be reversed by using 1979 again, contracting at the same rate it expanded.
  • Rapid Aging: Time passes faster than normal inside SCP-1979's time acceleration sphere. A person inside the sphere will age at a higher than normal rate, with the rate increasing as the sphere expands. At a radius of 25 meters a person will age at a rate of 10,404 times normal, or 173 minutes per second. As the sphere expands to 30 meters they will age about 9 years. By the time the sphere reaches 35 meters they will age another 48 years. By the time the sphere reached 40 meters they would be long dead.
  • Year Inside, Hour Outside: If SCP-1979 is not operated for at least 30 minutes per hour, a sphere will appear around SCP-1979. Time will pass more quickly inside the sphere than in the outside world. As the sphere expands, the multiplication faction increases exponentially. For example, at a 25 meter radius the factor is 10404 (1 second outside = 173 minutes inside). At 50 meters radius the factor is 108,250,000 (1 second outside = 206 years inside). And it just gets worse from there.
  • Year Outside, Hour Inside: While SCP-1979 is being operated time passes faster on the outside than the inside: the multiplication factor depends on the speed the device is set for. At a speed of 2 km/hour the factor is 7.23 to 1. At a speed of 10 km/hour the factor, for each minute spent running on SCP-1979 15 days, 7 hours, 6 minutes and 18 seconds pass outside.

SCP-1980 - Alien Invasion

SCP-1980 is a structure located approximately 2.4 km under the Antarctic ice, estimated to have been constructed approximately 14.5 million years ago. The structure houses SCP-1980-1, a collection of metallic discs approximately 10 cm in diameter composed of a tungsten-rhenium alloy and partially overlaid with a crystalline structure of unknown composition, each of which contains the consciousness of an individual of an unknown sapient race, presumed to be the builders of 1980. A human subject in contact with an instance of 1980-1 will have their higher mental functions dominated by those of the entity contained within, hereby designated SCP-1980-2. Upon awakening, 1980-1 will have control of the subject, as well as significant access to their knowledge and memories.


SCP-1981 is a standard Betamax tape labeled "RONALD REGAN CUT UP WHILE TALKING'' in felt tip pen. The tape appears to be a home video recording of former president Ronald Reagan delivering his "Evil Empire" speech of 1983. After 5 minutes, incisions, lacerations, and penetration wounds are slowly inflicted onto Reagan with no corresponding source. Despite suffering bodily harm that would likely incapacitate an ordinary person, Reagan will continue to deliver the speech until either his vocal cords are severed or the tape degrades to static. Upon each playback, Reagan will deliver an entirely new speech, often radically different from the ones previously observed. The speeches delivered are mostly incoherent, lacking any sort of underlying thematic structure and largely being composed of nonsensical anecdotes and parables. Topics noted in said speeches have included torture, child molestation, and ritual sacrifice, though on occasion, Reagan will make reference to future events that he could not possibly have known about or predicted. In roughly one in seven viewings, SCP-1981-1, a figure clothed in black robes with a conical hood, will have replaced a random member of Reagan's press detail.
  • Character Filibuster: Reagan simply will not stop talking until he's either killed or his throat is too damaged to speak properly. Some of the things he talks about can be...weird.
  • Dark Is Evil: SCP-1981-1 wears all-black, and whatever it is, it's almost certainly not benign.
  • Gorn: It's in the title.
  • Groin Attack: One of the ways Reagan gets cut up in the video is via "genital mutilation".
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: The dark figure that stands behind Reagan in all of these videos, referred to as "SCP-1981-1". No one knows why it's there or what it's doing. What we do know about it is that it wears a black hood and can see the viewer.
  • Laughing Mad: One tape ends with Reagan laughing until the signal cuts out.
  • I Know You're Watching Me: Intertitle by SCP-1981-1: "I SEE YOU".
  • Off with His Head!: One recording has the injuries to Reagan's neck become so severe that his head falls off, dangling only by a few strands of muscle. His body still gesticulates like normal until the tape ends.
  • Rasputinian Death:
    Despite suffering bodily harm that would likely incapacitate an ordinary person, Reagan will continue to deliver his speech until either his vocal cords are severed or the tape degrades to static at 22:34.
  • Slashed Throat: The only kind of injuries that can stop Reagan from giving his speech.
  • Word-Salad Horror: Reagan's speeches are all completely gibberish, but have clear coherency in some places and a definite theme towards violence and nightmarish scenes.
    "For the first time we have risen, and I see we are being consumed. I see circles that are not circles. Billions of dead souls inside containment. Unravellers have eaten country's moral fabric, turning hearts into filth. I'm from a kingdom level above human. What does that yield? A hokey smile that damns an entire nation. There is no hope".

SCP-1982 - First Southern Fifthist

SCP-1982 is a church in Blairsville, Georgia covered by a fumigation tent, identified as the previous location of "The First Southern Fifth Church of Georgia". Inspection of the interior reveals the area to be empty, save for 10 rows of pews, a large wood-burning furnace, and an altar. Noises and vocalizations can be heard from within 1982 at random intervals throughout the year, though the sound is only audible when in close proximity. All noise emitted ceases two seconds before a human, animal, recording device, or artificial entity enters or views the interior of the church. When a subject (SCP-1982-1) enters the vicinity of 1982 on August 23, an entity identified as "Celebration 'Big Cheese' Horace" will exit the church to greet the individual and invite them inside. 1982-1 do not return from the church once they have entered, though they do not appear to have any compulsion to enter the vicinity of 1982, and will only enter after being invited in.

SCP-1983 - Doorway to Nowhere

SCP-1983 is a one-story farmhouse in Wyoming, abandoned in 1968 after a series of ritual murders allegedly performed by a Satanic cult. When opened, the house’s front door appears to contain a spatial anomaly where neither most forms of matter nor light has been observed to exit. 1983 is accessible through other entrances, including windows and the back door, though doors that should logistically lead to the front room instead lead to other doors inside the building. SCP-1983-2 are bipedal creatures which are vaguely humanoid and entirely black in color. They are highly aggressive and will engage any human on sight, extending an upper limb into the chest cavity of a human they make contact with, without any apparent damage to skin or tissues. Through unknown means, they extract the heart before returning through 1983.
  • Dark Is Evil: SCP-1983-2 instances are Living Shadows that rip the hearts out of people to create more of their own, and are most certainly unfriendly.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Ultimately, the anomaly and all the horrifying shadow creatures were eliminated not by a trained team of MTF agents, but a D-Class with unshakable faith.
  • Expy: Creatures of pure darkness, coming from a copy-and-paste dimension to steal people's hearts, using the darkness within them to create more of themselves. They're the Heartless if they stopped being Lovecraft Lite.
  • Holy Burns Evil: In order to kill an SCP-1983-2 instance, one needs to shoot them with Silver Bullets while performing a sincere prayer, as the instances are vulnerable to faith of any religion.
  • Immune to Bullets: They're immune to conventional arms. The only way to harm them is via a Silver Bullet, while sincerely praying as the shots are fired.
  • Intangibility: SCP-1983-2 instances can reach into a victim's chest without any apparent damage to skin or tissues to grab hold of the victim's heart and rip it out.
  • Living Shadow: All SCP-1983-2 instances are animate shadowy humanoids that can become partially intangible to rip the hearts out of people. They're stronger in the light thanks to having clearer edges, but in the dark they cannot interact with those without visible shadows.
  • Silver Bullet: This is the only way to kill the shadow creatures. And you have to be praying as you fire the bullet.
  • Summoning Ritual: The anomaly appears to have been created by a series of ritual murders performed by a presumably Satanic cult.
  • The Virus: When the SCP-1983-2 instances take a person's heart, they throw it on a pile of previous victims' hearts and a new SCP-1983-2 instance emerges from it.
  • Weakened by the Light: Inverted. The shadow monsters are stronger in the light, as they have clear sharp edges in it; in the dark, they're indistinct, and apparently cannot interact with people whose shadows are not visible.

SCP-1984 - Dead Hand

SCP-1984 is the system referred to in Western media as "'Dead Hand", an automated nuclear response constructed by the Soviet Union commonly believed to be triggered by the destruction of the Soviet command structure. Rather than a network of sensors and computing systems, “Dead Hand” is an autonomous, self-aware entity with direct access to all Russian nuclear sites and the ability to commence the launch of ICBMs stored therein. “Dead Hand” itself consists of SCP-1984-01, the embalmed remains of Sergeant Marat Chernikov, a Russian soldier killed during the Soviet-Afghan War. In its dormant state, 1984-01 is a semi-sentient consciousness capable of receiving and processing broadcast signals. During times of what it perceives to be heightened global military tensions, especially those involving the Russian Federation and former satellite states of the Soviet Union, 1984-01 will begin to manifest, becoming able to interact with the physical world to varying degrees. On manifestation, 1984-01 can directly interface with nuclear command systems within an approximately 50 m radius, and features combat capabilities focused on severe disruption of the human nervous system. 1984-01 is extremely hostile to any human it perceives as interfering with it, and will engage any personnel in its immediate path.

SCP-1985 - Recovered K-Class Scenario Research Device

SCP-1985 is an African-American woman named "Jacqueline", and SCP-1985-A is a trans-universal teleportation device implanted in her body. Whenever Jacqueline should die, 1985-A activates, transporting her to what appears to be a parallel reality undergoing a K-Class scenario. The exact reality that she is transported to cannot be perfectly controlled, but certain realities/scenarios can be targeted by "priming" her with exposure to materials related to the goal topic. Any items or persons that Jacqueline is in contact with are transported with her but she cannot transport any material if unconscious for more than 5 minutes prior to death. 1985-A will return Jacqueline from her excursions after a period of six months, but this process will activate instantly if she dies or is subject to crippling damages.

SCP-1986 - Imaginary Library

SCP-1986 is a cylindrical tunnel lined with volumes of books. Although the full extent of the tunnel is unknown and it has been theorized as being infinite, radar screenings have established a minimum depth of 274,700 km. The tunnel walls are made of limestone, and breaching them has shown that the tunnel itself is non-Euclidean. The books housed in 1986 match no known title or author, and they range from being somewhat unusual to completely nonsensical, though nominally intelligible.

SCP-1987 - The Valthing

SCP-1987 is a phenomenon affecting several hundred skeletal human remains buried in and underneath several dozen pre-Christian burial mounds in Norway. Within approximately 15-20 minutes of sunset every day, 1987 becomes active. A thin layer of fog will exude from the burial mounds as living human beings manifest within it. These individuals persist until approximately 15-20 minutes prior to sunrise the following day, becoming transparent and evaporating into a fog similar to the one at sunset. They manifest fully-clothed in handmade garments or armor believed to be typical of pre-Christian Norse culture, and many of them manifest carrying or wearing swords, axes, spears, or other weapons, and have been observed spending the majority of their active phase engaged in recreational activities, including the preparation and consumption of roasted meats, consumption of alcoholic beverages, mock battles, recitation of songs and poems relating to gods and legendary heroes, sexual activity, and a team sport resembling medieval football. Approximately once per month, on nights when the full moon is visible, all specimens will gather at the base of the largest mound and conduct a meeting they refer to as the Valthing. It is during this meeting where grievances brought by 1987 individuals are resolved on the basis of a code of law recited from memory.

SCP-1988 - Respiration

SCP-1988 is a communicable infection of bio-architectural nature that affects houses built before 1971, spread by relocation from an infected house to an uninfected house by the house's occupants. Within 120 days of occupation, doors and windows may become difficult to open or close, and they may occasionally open and close by themselves. Electrical appliances and plumbing will begin to malfunction, refrigerators and ovens will begin to reverse the direction in which they transfer heat, and drains and faucets may become clogged with no discernible physical explanation. Eventually, the insulation, wiring, and plumbing of the house are gradually transfigured by an unidentified process of structural decay into a highly complex system of functional biological organs resembling lungs, bronchial tubes, and alveoli of various mammalian species. The interior of the house fills with carbon dioxide periodically, which is then released through the autonomously opening windows and doors and replaced with oxygen from outside. This leads to buildup of greenhouse gasses, which in turn spurs the rapid growth of additional plant life.

SCP-1989 - The LaserDisc Player

SCP-1989 is a Pioneer LD-V4200 single-sided LaserDisc player capable of playing both Standard and Extended LaserDiscs. 1989 is a single-sided model player, so manual inversion and reinsertion of discs is required during every complete viewing. When any disc previously inserted into the player is removed, inverted, and reinserted when the player is connected to an active TV set, the material on said disc is altered so that images onscreen are inverted, causing gravity within the filmed environment to adjust accordingly. At no point during the effect is the narrative broken, with characters still present attempting to act out their recorded scenes and deliver lines even though the environment around them has drastically changed.

SCP-1990 - Mediocre Wish Granter

SCP-1990 is a small plush tiger with the name "Sarah" written in faded marker on the care and cleaning instructions tag. 1990's anomalous effects occur specifically when a subject holds it, thinks of something they desire in the form of a wish, and then falls asleep for approximately 8 hours. Upon awakening, a mediocre version of the wished item or concept will appear. Attempts at making multiple wishes on the same day through multiple subjects have failed, as the original wisher must have 1990 within thirty centimeters of their person for the remainder of the night, lest the wish fail.

SCP-1991 - Cybernetically Enhanced Mammalian

SCP-1991 is a two meter-long quadruped mammalian creature of unknown species, enhanced by the implantation of cybernetic compounds. The compounds and the creature itself show signs of damage consistent with extreme age, poorly-healed puncture wounds, bullets embedded underneath the skin, burns comparable to those produced by industrial lasers, and starvation. 1991 appears to suffer psychological damage as a result of physical abuse or trauma, displaying extreme fear of loud noises, rapid movements, and aggression or seeming aggression by personnel. The creature’s body is roughly humanoid, with elongated limbs ending in "hands" similar to those of a large primate, apart from the presence of elongated claws. The head resembles a mummified canine skull with elongated incisor teeth. Its cybernetics consist of a mechanical "collar", sharpened steel blades replacing its teeth and claws.

SCP-1992 - Indecisive Mobile Home

SCP-1992 is a mobile home located in Kentucky, containing a living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen, a closet, and a spare room. If a sapient organism enters 1992, they may cause SCP-1992-1, simplified humanoids which superficially resemble the subject, to manifest at each available exit, after which they will act out a situation that could have occurred if the subject moved in the requisite direction. 1992-1 are capable of interacting with objects and furniture within the trailer, which also causes further instances to manifest and the trailer’s interior to gain additional space. As 1992 expands, its rooms lose detail with each successive iteration, ultimately appearing plain white and almost devoid of furniture.

SCP-1993 - Your Leg

SCP-1993 is a human leg severed at an angle beginning above the knee and descending to the patella, which has been observed to decay at the normal rate for a severed limb. All humans making visual contact with 1993 will become immediately convinced that the limb is their own leg, amputated from them in the past and replaced with a simulacrum with no explanation as to the circumstances of removal. If permitted physical access to 1993, individuals will find a manner of removing their leg above the knee, before attempting to attach 1993 to their own bodies. While exposure causes affected individuals to ignore or mentally suppress pain during the procedure, the damage caused by amputation typically results in death by any combination of blood loss, shock, or injuries caused by attempting to walk on the attached leg.

SCP-1994 - Rot

SCP-1994 is a serum developed by Dr. Rasmin Yelkov in 1958, appearing to have been designed to stimulate the growth of SCP-1994-2, calcified structures resembling human teeth which grow on the body outside of an oral environment as a result of application of 1994. While 1994-2 visually appear identical to human teeth, they lack many of the base structures of teeth, such as a dentin layer or pulp tissue, and appear to be a solid piece of enamel. The structures are highly susceptible to decay, releasing a fine white powder capable of infecting those who inhale it. Subjects infected by the serum or the above-mentioned powder (SCP-1994-3) will gradually have their bodies covered in a layer of 1994-2, after which they expire.
  • Body Horror: It causes teeth to grow all over the body, which then rapidly decay to produce calcified masses that release a white powder capable of infecting more people.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Infected people die roughly two weeks after full decay has occurred, due to their inability to take in any nutrition, the high volume of decayed tissue and their weakened immune systems.

SCP-1995 - Infinite Devil Machine

SCP-1995 is a granite tablet measuring approximately 25 cm x 15 cm x 5 cm, displaying a word in Pashto which translates to "escape". The tablet nullifies all forms of kinetic energy, preventing it or objects that come into contact with it from sustaining damage. Contact with the item precipitates a massive drop in surface temperature, prompting exposed human flesh to develop frostbite in seconds. At the conclusion of each “dormant” cycle, 1995 enters an “active” phase lasting 1.37 seconds, during which time it releases all energy it has absorbed during the preceding cycle, matching the pattern of energy input during the former cycle.

SCP-1996 - Tourist Trap

SCP-1996 is a humanoid organism wearing clothing similar to stereotypical "tourist" garb and carrying documents in the majority of sightings. 1996 often manifests at historical or otherwise significant locations in the continental United States, wandering through the location randomly while occasionally stopping to observe objects within the area. It has been documented walking up walls, manifesting chairs in thin air, walking through stairs which did not exist prior to manifestation, and standing suspended in the air observing scenery. Documents left behind by the entity take the form of guidebooks relating to the area 1996 had appeared most recently in.

SCP-1997 - Endless Activity Book

SCP-1997 is a single sheet of paper folded into a booklet measuring 12cm x 20cm x 0.5cm and bearing the title "Dr. Wondertainment's Infinite Fun-Book™! The Wonders of SPACE!" on the top third of the cover. Opening 1997 reveals a black and white 2-page spread featuring a completed maze with instructions directing the reader to guide Astro Billy, a child in a domed helmet, to his rocket, avoiding various traps including aliens and a black hole. Further spreads can be accessed by unfolding the paper from bottom to top, then from right to left, continuing to alternate directions. Each action doubles the surface area of 1997, revealing additional activities which increase in size, complexity, and difficulty, many of which share the space exploration theme. Additional activities include crossword puzzles, unscrambling names, connect-the dots, and more.

SCP-1998 - Concentration Enhancer, Standard

SCP-1998 is a pistol of unknown make or manufacture operated through use of a plunger-shaped apparatus directly beneath the barrel. The gun does not use any sort of ammunition, instead firing an energy pulse via unknown mechanisms. The pulses generated by 1998 have no effect on inorganic, inanimate, or non-human materials, dissipating on contact with anything other than a human body or clothing directly in contact with a human body. The pulses leave their principal effect on the human brain, specifically the motor cortex, primary auditory cortex, and hippocampus. Individuals affected by the pulses will turn towards the operator of 1998 and sit on the ground in front of them, after which they experience functional paralysis, having no voluntary control over any motor function other than what movements are required to maintain eye contact. Affected individuals will listen closely to and deeply internalize whatever the operator says during paralysis; any information conveyed during this period will be remembered perfectly and completely for the remainder of the individual's life, and any imperative commands given will be carried out as completely as possible after the end of paralysis.

SCP-1999 - "Loewes"

SCP-1999 is a phenomenon surrounding a name known as "Loewes", which inscribes itself on the surface of objects through unknown means in either ballpoint pen or felt-tip marker, and the handwriting is consistent throughout all instances. An object marked with the name produces an effect where subjects consider it the property of another person, even if it was originally theirs. In such cases, the subject possessing the item is considered temporary, as though it were borrowed. Subjects can be coerced into misusing or even damaging affected objects, but will often display extreme distress when asked to do so.
