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Recap / Power Rangers Turbo S1E13 The Millennium Message

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A being known as the Blue Senturion comes to Earth with an important message about an impending threat. However, Divatox gets to him first and reprograms him to fight the Rangers.


  • The Cameo: Rita, Lord Zedd, King Mondo, and Queen Machina appear during the snippet of the Millennium Message that the Blue Senturion shows Divatox.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The Millennium Message, which is forgotten almost immediately after this episode, has serious consequences next season.
  • Dumbass Has a Point: Elgar, of all people, is the one to stop Divatox from revealing her true identity to Blue Senturion.
  • Foreshadowing: Blue Senturion is able to see the future, and predicts that the various villains in the franchise will all team up at some point. This is exactly what happens in Power Rangers in Space, where Dark Spectre creates the United Alliance Of Evil.
  • Eviler than Thou: Divatox is aghast over the idea of sharing the spoils with her Big Bad predecessors, denouncing them as third-rate tyrants.
  • Not Quite Dead: Blue Senturion is presumably blown up by Divatox's detonator, but it turns out to be a different blast. He returns to the scene in a Zord of his own.
  • Ominous Message from the Future: "The universe's greatest evils will join forces to destroy the Earth and the entire universe! They will then divide its wealth."
  • This Cannot Be!: Divatox when the message shows her the one force that can stop the villains from succeeding.
  • Wham Episode: The Rangers gain a new ally, while Divatox and viewers learn about a cataclysmic future event.
  • Wire Dilemma: When trying to disarm the detonator that Divatox had put in Blue Senturion. Cutting the wrong wire doesn't set off the bomb early, as doing so only messes with his functions; the only problems are having less than a minute to work with and his interior being filled with various wires. After a couple mistakes, Justin and Alpha settle on the purple wire with seconds to spare.
