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Recap / Friends S 8 E 3 The One Where Rachel Tells

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Monica and Chandler go on their honeymoon. While they are away, Phoebe and Joey try getting into their apartment to get some stuff. Rachel gives Ross the news that she's pregnant.


  • Bad "Bad Acting": Joey and Phoebe pretending to be surprised over Ross telling them Rachel is pregnant with his child. Ross naturally sees through this.
  • But We Used a Condom!: Ross says as much after learning Rachel's pregnant. She replies by pointing out that condoms are only 97% effective. Cue Ross freaking out and yelling that the manufacturers should make that much clearer on the box.
  • Cannot Keep a Secret: Monica says this is why she didn't tell Chandler about Rachel being pregnant. Chandler boasts that he's kept all of their secrets thus far, only to privately admit he's told Joey everything.
  • Captain Obvious: After telling Ross she's pregnant, Rachel adds that he's the father, though she notes he's probably already grasped that part.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Implied with Joey. When he learns that condoms are only 97% effective, he immediately pulls a whole chain of them from his pocket to check the packaging.
  • Flat "What": Joey says this upon learning from Ross that condoms only work 97% of the time. This is followed by a Big "WHAT?!" when Ross informs him that there is a disclaimer on the box, leading him to pull a whole line out of his pocket to check.
  • From Bad to Worse: Monica took away Phoebe and Joey's spare keys to her apartment. To get in, they decide to tell Treeger that there's a gas leak. Unfortunately for them, this leads to Treeger calling the firemen, who axe the door, so Phoebe and Joey have to come up with an excuse for what happened. They call Monica and make it seem like they are dealing with the gas leak, but break one of her chairs while trying to replicate the noise of breaking down the door.
  • Heroic BSoD: Ross goes catatonic as a result of Rachel breaking the news of her pregnancy to him. It takes him seemingly a few hours (Rachel reads a thick magazine in the meanwhile) to snap out of it.
  • Honorary Uncle: Phoebe and Joey cheerfully declare themselves aunt and uncle to Rachel's baby. Monica stresses that she is an aunt by blood due to Ross being the father.
  • Internal Reveal: Ross is finally in the know that Rachel's pregnant and he's the father. Monica also catches Chandler up to the fact that Rachel is pregnant as he still thought Phoebe was.
  • Key Confusion: Treeger opts to have a fireman break down the door to Chandler and Monica's apartment because there's too many keys on his keyring.
    Treeger: By the time I found it on this thing, the whole building might've exploded. If that happens at another building I manage, people are gonna start asking questions.
  • Mistaken for Terrorist: Chandler and Monica's original storyline was supposed to see this happen to them when Chandler makes a joke about bombs at the airport (after seeing a sign warning passengers not to do that). The storyline was refilmed at the last minute as the episode due to air shortly after 9/11.
  • Strange Minds Think Alike: Joey has the same "They should put that on the box!" reaction that Ross had after learning condoms are not 100% effective.
  • Suddenly Shouting: Ross and later Joey after learning condoms are only 97% effective. Joey snaps out of it pretty quickly after reading the packaging.
