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Recap / American Dad! S8E2 "Hurricane!"

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In this, the third part and thrilling conclusion to the "Night of the Hurricane" Crossover, Hurricane Flozell hits Langley Falls, the Smith family is trapped as Stan's attempts to ride out the storm result in disaster.


  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking:
    Stan: (cocks a gun) Looter!
    Cleveland: (cocks a gun too) Self-defense!
    Peter: (cocks two guns) A black and a white talking as if it's normal!
  • Artistic License – Geography: Due to the crossover, it would appear that Hurricane Flozell hits Stoolbend, then Quahog, and finally Langley Falls. Both Stoolbend and Langley Falls are in Virginia, so the hurricane would have struck both at roughly the same time before moving north to Rhode Island.
  • Bears Are Bad News: With the family trapped by a shark, Stan gets a bear from the zoo in an attempt to deal with it. Then the bear and the shark start working together.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Buckle gets swept away at the beginning of the episode, but arrives just in time to tranquilize the shark, the bear, and Stan, as he wasn't sure who was causing the most damage.
  • Big "NO!": Stan shouts a slow-mo "NOOOOOOO!" after accidentally harpooning Francine.
  • Big "SHUT UP!": Klaus declares he has decided whether to stay or go, but everyone shouts "SHUT UP, KLAUS!" and Roger punts him out.
  • Brainless Beauty: Roger's girlfriend cannot get it through her thick head that he wants nothing to do with her.
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • At the beginning of the episode, Stan makes a couple of very forced references to... his old college javelin, complete with a dramatic closeup and thunderclap. He then finds it at the end, looking at the camera and saying "Remember?"
    • Hayley mentions that the zoo is at risk of getting flooded. Later, Stan sees the animals floating outside.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Sharri doesn't understand why they couldn't have evacuated in their Solara, to which Buckle replies that it's not amphibious.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Stan went to such lengths as having the house completely sealed in cause of a flood. Unfortunately, he also sealed up the drain track underneath the house, leading to it being torn off its foundation.
  • Crossover: The episode was part of "Night of the Hurricane," in which the same storm hit Stoolbend, Virginia and Quahog, Rhode Island.
  • Dumbass Has a Point: After Stan unleashes a bear into the house and electrocutes Roger, Jeff of all people begs him to stop helping because every attempt he makes just makes the situation worse.
    Jeff: You're killing us, Mr. S! Stop it!
  • Epic Fail: Everything Stan does to "save the day" only escalates into complete disaster.
  • Even the Dog Is Ashamed: Stan uses his old college javelin in an attempt to stop the bear and the shark. He instead impales Francinenote . The bear then looks at Stan and disapprovingly shakes his head.
  • From Bad to Worse: Every time Stan tries to help, he just makes things worse. He tries to anchor the house to stop it from drifting away, and it gets turned upside down. With the whole family trapped and needing to get to higher ground, Stan opens the window to raise the water level, but a shark comes in. He gets a grizzly bear to fight off the shark, only for the shark and the bear to team up and attack the family together. He electrocutes the water and ends up frying Roger to a crisp instead. Finally, he tries to defeat the bear with his old college javelin. It completely misses the bear and spears Francine. At this point, Stan has screwed up so badly that the bear gives him a Disapproving Look. All this culminates in Stan getting tranquilized alongside the bear and shark by Buckle, who freely admits he's not sure which of them was doing the most damage.
  • Get A Hold Of Yourself Man: Stan beats the crap out of Jeff, thinking he's losing it, when he's saying that he's making things worse.
  • Groin Attack: Buckle shoots Stan in the crotch.
  • Ignored Epiphany: After everything is over, Francine tries to reassure Stan that he's great outside of a crisis, but should step aside where there is one. Stan flatly responds that he's not going to do that.
  • Irony: Steve, one of the biggest Chew Toys of the cast, is the least injured from Stan's actions.
  • Kick the Dog: Roger drowning his girlfriend to death.
  • Large Ham: Principal Lewis briefly appears during the hurricane on the roof of his house, in his underwear, firing two machine guns into the air, and screaming "END OF DAYS, BITCHES!!!" while laughing maniacally.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Roger is completely indifferent when his one-night stand gets killed and acts like an asshole all episode. He gets electrocuted at the end.
  • Long List: Klaus listing off the horrible movies of Nicolas Cage: Snake Eyes, 8mm, Gone in 60 Seconds (2000), Captain Corelli's Mandolin, Windtalkers, Ghost Rider (2007), The Family Man, The Weather Man, The Wicker Man (2006), Bangkok Dangerous 2008, before finally achieving greatness with National Treasure 2.
  • Mexican Standoff: Stan ends up in one with Cleveland Brown and Peter Griffin at the end. Stan ends up accidentally shooting Francine.
  • The Millstone: Everything Stan does throughout the episode just backfires and makes things worse for everyone. By the time things reach their boiling point, Buckle bursts in and tranquilizes Stan along with an attacking bear and shark because he "wasn't sure who was doing the most damage." Francine herself remarks that Stan never makes good decisions or ideas during a crisis; they may sound reasonable at first, but they always end badly.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: After spending the entire episode being told to stop interfering or trying to plan by Francine and basically everyone else, Hayley of all people stands up for Stan when he suggests flooding the house to allow themselves to swim up to the higher level. She's Instantly Proven Wrong when a shark swims in through the open window and takes a bite out of her.
  • Shout-Out: The house ends up capsizing and the family must stage a rescue, similar to The Poseidon Adventure.
  • The Stoner: Jeff and Hayley decide to stay at the house, with him suggesting that "they get high and talk about the other times they got high."
  • Take That!: Klaus' speech to Stan is a Long List of all the bad movies Nicolas Cage starred in, until eventually making a good one with National Treasure 2.
  • Tempting Fate:
    • Stan attempts to anchor the house once it begins drifting off. Francine tries to say that it sounds like a good idea, and she can't exactly poke any holes in it, but knows that Stan's track record means it will result in disaster. The house then capsizes.
    • When Stan, Hayley, and Jeff are trapped in the attic, Klaus gloats that he'll survive the inevitable flooding because he has gills. It turns out that it's actually saltwater, which burns him.
    • Hayley backs Stan's proposal to open a window and counterflood the house, saying that at least he's trying. A shark then breaks in and drags her away.
  • Threatening Shark: One breaks into the house after Stan suggests opening a window to counterflood.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Stan was about ready to concede that his efforts do cause more harm than good, but Klaus gives him a rousing speech about Nicolas Cage that inspires him to keep trying no matter what until he eventually makes the right decision. He then barrels forward trying everything that pops into mind, quickly making the situation worse and worse.
  • The Victim Must Be Confused: Jeff grabs Stan and pleads for him to stop trying to help as he's making everything worse. Stan deludes himself into thinking Jeff is just hysterical and starts punching him in the face to bring him back to his senses.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: After everything's over, Francine is so shaken that she can only say in a raised whisper that Stan harpooned her.
    Francine: (to Stan, her voice on the edge of tears) You harpooned me. I told you to go out and get help... and you harpooned me.
