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Quotes / Steamboy

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Edward Steam: Science is not an occult enterprise like alchemy. It's not for nobles or royals in their palaces or monks in their cathedrals. Science is neither a faith nor sorcery. It is a provable fact that can transfigure and transform us out of very core. All the suffering of humanity; the ages of misery and darkness; science can change that. But what use is it if we don't bring its power to everyone? Mankind every where is in desperate need. They are waiting for the blessing of science.

Lloyd Steam: Listen to me, Ray: we invent the enemy through our arrogance and vanity. It comes from our own dark souls. Our forefathers knew neither enemy or alliance. So we must be with science. You are a man of science, Ray.

Edward: Science, it must work to advance all of humanity. Are weapons not part of that? Protecting people from conquer and ruin?
Lloyd: Rubbish, science can reveal the First Principle of the universe, of life itself. It's not to be wasted on the reckless whining of bankers and salesmen.
Edward: First Principle of the universe? Does that include the fairy tale vision of Steam Castle you were trying to build? Is that what science for? Science can make humans equal!
Lloyd: Don't abuse that word. This has nothing to do with equality. Money, profits, naked greed.
Edward: It was the accident, Ray, that transfigured me, also transformed me. As I faced my death, steam was whirling around me. I saw it, felt it, and then I knew, science is power. And this Steam Castle is the true expression of science and its overwhelming power.
Lloyd: The only thing overwhelming here is your arrogance. Your delusion!
Edward: Delusion? What delusion would that be? Take a a look around you, Father! We're standing in my delusion!
