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Quotes / Steampunk

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"'Steampunk refers to a type of science fiction
About an alternate past, not future prediction
Often set in Victorian Britain
But the history of technology has been rewritten"

Steampunk is what happens when goths discover brown.
— Jess Nevins

Steam-driven City:
Despite the soubriquet, most steam-driven cities do not actually move, though very occasionally a Tour may visit one of the rare perambulating cities. The term rather refers to their predominant technology, which is based on Robots, airships, and various steam-driven gadgets.
For some reason, Zombies also frequent steam-driven cities, but Vampires and other undead do not.
The steam-driven city's history has usually diverged startlingly from your own at a recent point (a fork in time), but will still be recognizable as a certain major European or American city, with all its familiar landmarks in place.
The Management advises you not to enquire too closely into the city’s technology. Some of it is meant merely as decoration. The gears you will encounter everywhere may not interlock, the clockwork machine guns may turn out to be too heavy for one person to lift, and it is not considered polite to poke at beautifully engraved machinery and ask, "So, what does this do?".
