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Many shapeshifters are not Werewolves but can turn into some other animal, usually a large predator. Were-leopards, were-bears, and were-tigers are common; were-ducks, were-alpacas, or were-beetles are not. Often these shapeshifters observe the same pack behavior as Werewolves do, even though their animal forms are nothing alike.

Tabletop Games

While the Lycaon origin holds for some, others claim that shapeshifters are bound to the moon somehow. Others say they got that way because they coupled with wolves or other beasts, or were somehow cursed by witches or even the Devil for some wretched act that has fallen outside memory. For as many origins as are suspected, there exist just as many faces of lycanthropy. Most hunters accept that werewolves look human for the most part, though always have an air of wildness (not wilderness, mind) about them. They seem to travel in packs in much the same way that hunters travel in cells. They zealously cling to territories, guarding a shitty city park or a rat-trap tenement like it's sacred ground or something. They're basically gangs composed of thugs who become wolves, at least that's how most hunters see it.
Of course, too many prove the exception: some act alone, and seem to gain their shape-changing abilities by wearing animal skins or even stitching those skins to their own. Different werewolves seem keen to help uncover ancient mysteries and destroy monsters just like hunters do, while others are glad to imprison humans and farm them out as brood mares, pack mules, or fatted livestock.
Not to mention that a lot of them don't even become wolves. Hunters hear tales telling of shapeshifters who become housecats, jaguars, lions, bug-eyed fish-men, boars, bulls, even
trees. Those stories are either bullshit, or the world is a much weirder and more feral place than hunters had previously considered. If the stories are true that such creatures spread their condition via bite, well... it makes a zombie apocalypse not seem so bad by comparison.
Hunter: The Vigil, First Edition corebook
