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"Shh.. It's the episode where he learns a life lesson and writes about it in his journal!"

"There's an old episode of What's Happening!! where Roger fucks up, and his mom decides to beat his ass (this is actually the plot of every episode of What's Happening!!)."

"Kirk gets his requisite opportunity to stare dreamily at the Enterprise, which this time is framed beautifully against the moon. It’s really funny that they put one of these Kirk/Enterprise scenes in every movie, just to remind us that the ship is Kirk’s one true love."

"The explosions cause the shuttle to crash — the first shuttle crash we've seen all the way since the previous episode! Yup.

Voyager episode on THIS show, of course. MY previous Voyager episode....well, that was "Once Upon a Time", which also had a shuttle crash, yeah. You wonder why it's considered a Voyager cliche, huh?"

"Start as you mean to go on, indeed. In fact, between this and Parallax, we’ve already seen foreshadowing of Voyager‘s fascination with time travel, duplication, generic planets of the week, strange anomalies of the week, its lack of interest in long-form storytelling and the reset button."
Darren Mooney on Star Trek: Voyager, "Time and Again"

"You all must be waiting for the quote of today. Am I right? Am I right? Am I right?"
Alexi to the audience, Mimpi Metropolitan

Chowder: But that doesn't sound like a fantastically whimsical Marzipanian dish at all!
Mung: Good point. Let me find something made up to put in it. [...] It's a Tootin' Fruit. They are full of gas, and when they expand, they make the bread rise, just like yeast.
Chowder: Oh, why don't we just use yeast?
Mung: Because this is Chowder!
Mung: So now I should tell you not to eat it.
Chowder: And I eat it anyway, right?
Chowder, "The Toots"

Banjo: Oh dear. So what happens now?
Gruntilda: Hmmm, I haven't decided. Any ideas?
Kazooie: You could run off in a cowardly fashion like in Banjo-Kazooie, before we kick your bony butt!
