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Quotes / Horrible Camping Trip

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Roger: Hey, kids - what time is it!? It's vacation time! And guess where we're going this year!?
Peter: Uncle Ralph's Cabin, where we've gone for the past nine summers.
Roger: How'd you know? Did your mother tell you?

"Well, if this is paradise, give me 'ell."
Sid Boggle, Carry On Camping

Roger: OK, so there ARE a few bugs to contend with. We can still go swimming!
Andy: While swatting mosquitos.
Roger: We can still go fishing!
Andy: While swatting mosquitos.
Roger: And Ranger Rusty tells me they've got a hot spring geyser that erupts like clockwork every 24 hours. It's only a two-hour hike away, if we want to see it.
Andy: What time does it erupt?
Roger: 3:38AM.
Andy: Roger, come closer.... there's a mosquito on your nose.

"I no longer fear hell, for I have been to Kamp Krusty."
Lisa Simpson, The Simpsons

"Maybe if I die, I won't have to go."

Calvin's Dad: See that island ahead? That's where we're camping!
Calvin: Oh boy!
Calvin's Dad: Ahh, this is the life! Fresh air, clean water, lots of exercise, and...
Calvin's Dad: Dear, you're back-paddling.
Calvin's Mom: We're turning around and finding a hotel!

Calvin's Dad: Some trooper you are! What's a little rain? This is what being in the wilderness is all about!
Calvin's Dad: Ha ha! At least it's not snowing, right? Right?
Calvin's Dad: I mean, say it was snowing so hard we couldn't make a fire.
Calvin: Boy, I love cold canned ravioli.

-two panels of Calvin and his dad fishing in the rain-
Calvin's Dad: It hasn't been very buggy this week, has it?
Calvin: You're really reaching, dad.

Calvin: We're packing up?
Calvin's Dad: Yep. I've had enough. What a rotten week!
-Cue the Sun-
Calvin: Do you know what any of Dad's words meant?
Hobbes: No, but I wrote some of them down so we can look 'em up when we get home.

Calvin: Why do we have to go camping?! I HATE camping! Swatting mosquitoes while lying frozen and cramped on bumpy rocks. With no TV and only canned food to eat, is NOT my idea of a good time!

Calvin: Remember last year, when it rained all week? It poured so hard we couldn't even make a fire.

Calvin's Dad: These little outings are a valuable experience.
Calvin: Yeah? How?
Calvin's Dad: They give us a chance to be together as a family and learn about ourselves.
Calvin: Like how we can't stand being in such close proximity with one another this long?
Calvin's Dad: Exactly.

Calvin: Look, Dad, there's a town coming up. See the sign?
Calvin: Why don't we pull off, find a nice motel, and just stay THERE for our vacation? We could swim in the pool and have air conditioning and color cable TV and room service! No one would have to know we didn't camp! I wouldn't tell anyone!
Calvin: We could even go to the store, buy a big fish, take your picture with it, and say you caught it! Can't we, Dad? Can't we turn off here?
Calvin's Mom: Yes, let's!
Calvin's Dad: Now don't YOU start!

Calvin: Good ol' "Itchy Island", home of the nuclear mosquitoes.

Calvin's Dad: Boy, it's great to be here! This is the life! I think I'll jump in for a swim. Want to join me?
Calvin's Mom: No, thanks.
Calvin's Dad: Aw, c'mon. It'll feel great.
Calvin's Mom: Right. That lake couldn't have melted before yesterday.
Calvin's Dad: Hey, let's go for a swim.
Calvin: Sure, Dad. I'd love to start the week with a little hypothermia.

Calvin: Ooh, these bugs are awful! I itch all over!
Hobbes: Don't scratch the bites or you'll just make the itching worse.
Calvin: What am I supposed to do then? It's driving me crazy!
Hobbes: Think about something else.
Calvin: Something else?! Like what??
Hobbes: Like maybe stepping out of all that poison ivy.

Calvin's Dad: OK, gang, smile!
Calvin's Mom: Ack! Don't take a picture of ME! I haven't washed my hair in three days and I'm covered with bug bite!
Calvin's Dad: But don't you want something to remember our trip by?
Calvin: I don't want to remember this trip! I've been trying to forget it ever since we got here! When are we leaving this dump?

"An adventure is someone else having a very difficult time a thousand miles away."
