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Quotes / Four-Fingered Hands

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"She's lower than a human. I bet she doesn't even have ten fingers."
Marisa Kirisame (on Rumia, after defeating her), Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil

"Four fingers! I've got four fingers! Cartoon characters have four fingers!"
Inspector Gill, Fish Police

Willow: I could whip up a jaunty self-cleaning incantation; it'll be like Fantasia.
Giles: We all know how splendidly that turned out for Mickey. [gives Willow a broom and dustpan]
Willow: I think I'm a little more adept than a cartoon mouse.
Tara: And you have more fingers, which is good, 'cause there's no need to wear those big White Gloves to overcompensate.

"Why does everyone get all weird about my hands?"
"Who needs a pinky?"
Zero, Borderlands 3

Peter: And five fingers for a knuckleball.
Jason: Um, five fingers?
Peter: Actually, skip that sign, we don't have knuckles either.

(Peppino) stared down at his hands, wiggling each and every finger until he couldn’t move the fifth that he no longer had. His stomach twinged as he tried and tried again because there was no way that he only had four fingers. It was impossible.

"Holding both your hands up to indicate '10' doesn't work when you have eight fingers."
CinemaSins, "Everything Wrong with Zootopia In 9 Minutes Or Less"

King: Marion, can you hold up five fingers for me?
[Marion holds up one hand]
Marion: Wait...
