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Quotes / Food Chain of Evil

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"The Ogre philosopher Gnerdel believed the purpose of life was to live as high on the food chain as possible. She refused to eat vegetarians, preferring to live entirely on creatures that preyed on sentient beings."
Magic: The Gathering, "Gray Ogre"

Reapers are ill-suited to high temperature environments, suggesting this creature was forced down into the active lava zone by conditions outside its control.
- Trace muscle tissue remains on the bones, indicating the specimen died in recent months
- Burns and other physical damage to the skeletal structure
- Likely became prey for something bigger
— Reaper Leviathan Skeleton data bank entry, Subnautica

"Humans feed on birds and cattle, vampires on the lifeblood of humans. Did it never occur to you that there might be something yet higher on the food chain?"
Abel Nightroad, Trinity Blood

"I don't bite people, sorry. It grosses me out. Only demon's blood for this gal! So I guess that makes me a demon who eats other demons. So how do I fit into your little equation? 'Cuz the way I see it, the real apex predator here isn't you... IT'S ME!"
