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Quotes / Food Eats You

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"I may not be able to stop that rabbit from eating carrots, but that won't stop me from making a carrot that eats rabbits!"
Dr. Moron, The Island Of Dr Moron

Amos Cadbury: Now wait a minute, you mean to tell me that that...
Sarah Leigh: I know it sounds crazy. Amos, I don't know how it happen. It's only thing that makes sense even if it is Twilight Zone kind of sense.
Amos: The guy that... killed Jeremy and your daddy? That you helped send to the electric chair? Millard Findlemeyer? Has come back from the dead... to get revenge on you... inside a cookie?

"A carnivorous plant!" exclaimed Nee'Lix. "Is it dangerous?" After a moment of thought he added, "Is it good to eat?"
