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Quotes / Evil Cripple

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Film — Live-Action

Mason Verger: I guess now you wish you would've fed the rest of me to the dogs.
Lecter: No, Mason. I much prefer you the way you are.

"Why, y'all look like you've seen a ghost. It's me, dear friends. Alive and kickin'! Well, alive, anyway. We may have lost the war, but Heaven knows we haven't lost our sense of humor. No. Not even when we've lost a lung, a spleen, a bladder, two legs, thirty-five feet of small intestine, AND OUR ABILITY TO REPRODUCE, ALL IN THE NAME OF THE SOUTH, DO WE EVER LOSE OUR SENSE OF HUMOR!!"
Dr. Arliss Loveless, Wild Wild West

Anakin: It's not the Jedi way.
Palpatine: It is only natural. He cut off your arm, and you wanted revenge. It wasn't the first time, Anakin.


"They think me mad—Starbuck does; but I'm demoniac, I am madness maddened! That wild madness that's only calm to comprehend itself! The prophecy was that I should be dismembered; and—Aye! I lost this leg. I now prophesy that I will dismember my dismemberer."
Captain Ahab, Moby-Dick


"Then, since this earth affords no joy to me,
But to command, to cheque, to o'erbear such
As are of better person than myself,
I'll make my heaven to dream upon the crown,
And, whiles I live, to account this world but Hell,
Until my mis-shaped trunk that bears this head
Be round impaled with a glorious crown."

Web Original

One of the reasons Suge is making visits to court is because he used a set of wheels for evil, so is it really a good idea to put him in another set of wheels? I know it’s just a wheelchair, but trust me — Suge will find a way. Maybe they could get him a Yoshi to ride on?
Michael K., "Suge Knight is in a Court-Appointed Wheelchair and He's Super-Pissed About It"

Real Life

I will now make a confession. It was the sight of your maimed strength and masterfulness that begot Long John Silver...the idea of the maimed man, ruling and dreaded by the sound, was entirely taken from you.
Robert Louis Stevenson to Wiiliam Henley

"Whatever happens, mark what I say. From now on Germany is in the hands of an Austrian who is a congenital liar, a former officer who is a pervert, and a clubfoot. And I tell you the last is the worst of them all. This is Satan in human form."
Gregor Strasser on Joseph Goebbels
