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Playing With / Vegetarian Vampire

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Basic Trope: A vampire with an aversion to drinking human blood, usually on moral grounds.

  • Straight: Vlad does not bite humans. He instead prefers to drink animal blood.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Vlad does not drink any kind of blood at all.
    • Vlad is a literal Vegetarian Vampire who satisfies the blood requirement by eating in a manner similar to an anemic.
  • Downplayed:
    • If any human blood is drank, it's in very small quantities.
    • Vlad only drinks blood from murderers or other Asshole Victims.
    • Vlad never kills or otherwise hurts people to get his hands on human blood - he just "borrows" it from hospitals and blood banks, making sure to take the blood types that would get thrown away anyway.
  • Justified:
    • Vlad believes that drinking blood from humans is wrong.
    • Vlad is an "energy vampire"; he survives on spiritual energy, not blood.
    • Vlad was hemophobic in life, and that trait stayed with him when he became a vampire.
    • Vlad doesn't like the metallic taste of blood. (He may be a relatively "new" vampire and not used to it.)
    • Vlad is concerned for some reason about the possibility of contracting blood-borne illness (such as AIDS or Hepatitis) or parasites (such as malaria or flukes) from biting humans. (Why that should be a concern to an undead creature depends on the setting.)
    • Vlad is supposed to subsist on something other than blood (such as coffee) to get the energy he needs.
    • Vampires in Vlad's setting don't require human blood specifically; animal blood works just as well and is more readily available.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • But, in one episode, Vlad drinks human blood...
    • Vlad isn't a vampire, but a humanoid Fruit Bat.
  • Double Subverted:
    • But only from medical bags from the local blood bank, not directly from a human.
    • Or only if the human in question offers it to him voluntarily and consensually.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig Zagged: Vlad's blood drinking is treated like chronic alcoholism. He means to stay off the human blood, but falls off the wagon every so often.
  • Averted:
    • Vlad is not a vampire.
    • Vlad is a vampire, but primarily (or exclusively) drinks human blood.
  • Enforced: Our Vampires Are Different, Friendly Neighborhood Vampire, Dark Is Not Evil.
  • Lampshaded:
    • "Oh, no. Biting humans is wrong. I only bite cows."
    • "What? It's just cranberry juice!"
  • Invoked: Vlad is "turned", but does not feel comfortable biting humans, especially without their consent.
  • Exploited: Vlad's refusal to drink human blood makes it much easier for him to stay near civilization, without the necessity for a whole masquerade.
    • A Lesbian Vampire seeks out menstruating women at the local lesbian bar. That way, she has a steady supply of blood, without needing to kill for it.
  • Defied: Vlad's Blood Lust is overwhelming, and he bites the first human he sees.
  • Discussed: "What kind of vampire drinks tomato juice?" "You'd rather him chomping on you?"
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: Non-human sources of blood aren't as nourishing, and Vlad grows weak. He becomes more and more tempted to bite humans, either because he's at risk of being destroyed or because his thirst is becoming more difficult to resist.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Our Vampires Are Different; Vlad is able to sustain on non-human sourced blood.
    • Alternatively, Vlad is able to go to blood banks to get the required blood.
  • Played For Laughs: Vlad joins a group of vampires called "VETH" (Vampires for the Ethical Treatment of Humans).
  • Played For Drama: Vlad craves human blood; will his own willpower be enough to keep him off it?

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