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Playing With / Teleportation Sickness

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Basic Trope: Characters experience symptoms after teleportation.

  • Straight: Tom feels dizzy and nauseous for a few minutes after using a teleporter.
  • Exaggerated: Tom collapses and has to be immediately rushed to hospital after using the teleporter.
  • Downplayed: After using the teleporter, Tom has a slight headache for a few moments.
  • Justified:
    • The teleporters in-universe are early model and not quite perfected.
    • Tom was teleported between locations of different temperatures and/or atmospheric pressures (for example, from the Swiss Alps to Death Valley, California), so he needs a few minutes to adjust.
  • Inverted:
    • If Tom goes a long time without teleporting, he becomes ill.
    • After teleporting someone, the teleporter becomes ill.
    • Tom feels ill before using the teleporter because he's nervous; once he reappears in one piece, he feels better.
  • Subverted: Tom feels nauseous after using a teleporter. However, this is actually because he has food poisoning.
  • Double Subverted: The medicine he took for the food poisoning didn't work because of the teleporter.
  • Parodied: After teleporting, Tom vomits and causes a Vomit Chain Reaction which spreads around the entire planet.
  • Zig Zagged: Tom feels ill, but Paul does not. However, this is because Paul teleports frequently, and has built up a resistance to it. However, Alice The Great And Powerful does not feel in after teleportation even though it's her first time doing so, because she is so Great and Powerful.
  • Averted: Teleportation does not cause any symptoms.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded: "Why do teleporters always have to make me sick?"
  • Invoked: The creator of the teleporters is tired of people constantly using her teleporters and breaking them, as this creates more work for her. She adds a feature that makes people nauseous after using them to discourage people from using them.
  • Exploited: Tom teleports, and Paul takes the opportunity to steal money while he is weakened.
  • Defied: After someone has this problem for the first time, the teleporter is revamped so people don't get sick.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: The disorientation following a successful teleportation is a prime opportunity for an enemy ambush, isn't conducive to stealthy insertions (piles of vomit being a giant neon "someone teleported here!" sign).
  • Reconstructed: Which is accounted for in training, leading to a game of cat and mouse of trying to find a safe place to teleport to versus trying to anticipate and ambush teleporters, standard operating protocol for teleportation insertions being to carry supplies to clean up vomit (being analogous to the practice of burying one's parachute after landing)...
  • Implied: Tom weaves out of the teleporter room, looking slightly queasy.
  • Played For Laughs: Tom comically gets a Vomit Discretion Shot after using a teleporter.
  • Played For Drama: Tom gets a painful heart condition from the teleporter that slowly kills him over several terrible years.

Ugh...Back to Teleportation Sickness.
