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Playing With / Superpowered Evil Side

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Basic Trope: The Hero has a darker, more powerful, alternate personality.

  • Straight: Bob transforms into his evil other half Evil Bob when in trouble.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified:
    • Evil Bob is not objectively stronger than Bob, but he is much more ruthless, pragmatic, ambitious, and opportunistic so he is able to accomplish more in some situations.
    • Bob only knows Black Magic and thus is only willing to use his skills when he is evil.
    • Evil Bob isn't necessarily evil, so much as his body produces copious amounts of adrenaline, making him Ax-Crazy and less limited.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
    • Evil Bob does exist, but Bob has only ever pretended to be him... until now.
    • ...but was only being good because Bob was suppressing him. Evil Bob really is unstable.
    • This is the result of Bob channeling power from an external source that does not function for evil Bob, since they do not have a sound mind. Bob is completely dependent on this source if he wishes to be stronger than evil Bob, since evil Bob has greater inherent power.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig Zagged: Bob has several personalities. There's Evil Bob and Bobby, the evil ones, and there's Rob and Robby, the good ones. Then there's Roberta...
  • Averted: Bob has no evil personality.
  • Enforced: Bob's actor wants to show more dramatic range.
  • Lampshaded: "Bob isn't here right now."
  • Invoked: Bob is superpowered in his own right; he shows his 'evil' side to gain credibility with a villainous group he means to infiltrate.
  • Exploited: Bob's Treacherous Advisor gives him a superpowered evil side as a Xanatos Gambit: If he uses it, he will turn evil and thus become Emperor Evulz's henchman. If he doesn't use it, he dies and can no longer interfere with Evulz's Evil Plan.
  • Defied: "Wait, so you're saying that I have a Super Mode, but it's evil? Screw that, I'll take my principles over power any day."
  • Discussed: I'll do whatever it takes to save the world, even if it means losing myself to Evil."
  • Deconstructed:
    • Bob is avoided by everyone because he could turn into Evil Bob with no warning. Evil Bob is something of a joke among super-villains because he could turn into Bob at the wrong moment. Both of them are depressed as a result.
    • Bob is terrified of becoming Evil Bob and avoids people as a result, not wanting to hurt them.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Bob is determined to make the best of it and Evil Bob won't let a puny mortal hold him back.
    • Bob learns to control Evil Bob's power.
  • Played For Laughs: Bob goes through all of the motions of transforming into a terrifying entity, growling and making noises while hunched over on the ground. He then stands up and reveals... nothing changed except he grew a mustache. Evil Bob then shouts "Super Evil Breath!" and opens his mouth, but just stands there doing nothing. Evulz was worried at first, but just points and laughs at Bob as he knows Bob doesn't have some "super breath" attack. Suddenly Evulz is enveloped in a laser beam shot from Evil Bob's mouth. When the beam ends, Evulz is burnt by the attack, but hasn't changed his pose of pointing at Evil Bob ... although he has certainly stopped laughing.

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