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Quotes / Superpowered Evil Side

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"I know what Ichigo can be like when he’s out of control. If what Kokuto just told us is really true, then hell is a very risky place for him to be."
Uryu Ishida, Bleach: Hell Verse

"Gone, gone the form of man! Arise, THE DEMON ETRIGAN!"
Etrigan The Demon, DC Comics

"Guten tag."
Reichtangle, Polandball

Christo: Who are you?
Killia (after having given in to his dark side): I am Tyrant Overlord Killidia...The one who leaves destruction in his wake.
Christo and “Killidia” , Disgaea 5

"You opened the door to me, Bruce. A crack of light on my face that I'd never had before. Did you really think I'd let you close it on me? We're going to be gods in this world that's rejected and feared you for so long. We're going to tear it into a billion pieces. I am your inevitable conclusion. I am the ultimate you. I am the Devil."

"There's something… some beast-like instinct sleeping inside me. And when I completely lose control of myself, it just swallows me up. Transforms me, somehow… I've known about it ever since I was a kid, and all my life, I've lived in fear of it… of that other self."

Raiden: But you — all this — is a wake up call to what I really believe. What I really am.
Monsoon: What are you saying?
Raiden: I'm saying, Jack is back!

Usually, when Sonic gathers the seven mystical Chaos Emeralds or comes into contact with Chaos Energy, he absorbs that energy & turns into Super Sonic; A golden, powered-up form that takes Sonic's good nature & channels it into immense magical power.


In the universe of Sonic The Comic (known as the Fleetway Dimension), any amount of extreme stress or exposure to Chaos Energy turns Sonic into the ultimate embodiment of evil. The Super Sonic from this universe is a sadistic & remorseless creature with enough power to destroy an entire planet.

His speed & strength are increased immensely from his normal blue self, with added abilities like laser vision, flight, the ability to transfer Chaos Energy into an unsuspecting victim (this usually kills them) & the power to turn himself into a ticking electron bomb. He's virtually invincible & takes joy in killing anyone & destroying anything he feels.

The only thing stopping this creature is it's inherent connection to Sonic, as he can only be unleashed for a matter of minutes at a time. The damage he can do within that short time, however, is undoubtedly horrifying.
