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Playing With / Smash Mook

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Basic Trope: A powerful enemy with a very simple-minded approach to combat.

  • Straight: Trope Quest has ogres as an enemy type. They're stronger than other enemies, but have exactly one attack: a strong smash with their wooden club.
  • Exaggerated: In Trope Quest, even regular enemies have several attacks and can adapt to the player's strategy... except for the ogre, which does the exact same type of smash every time.
  • Downplayed: Ogres have a few different attacks, including smashing the enemy, throwing a rock to smash the enemy, and smashing the enemy really hard. However, they're still simpler than other enemies.
  • Justified: Ogres are strong, but also terribly stupid. They're not smart enough to carry out advanced tactics in battle, or do anything more complex than bludgeon the enemy to death with their club.
  • Inverted: Ogres are Weak, but Skilled — their attacks don't do much damage, but they have a wide variety of tactics to keep the heroes on their toes.
  • Subverted: The ogres start out with simple smash attacks, but, when injured, use a wider variety of attacks.
  • Double Subverted: Said "wider variety" of attacks is still fairly small, and consists mostly of variations on their basic smash.
  • Parodied: An ogre martial artist teaches their class only one technique: smashing with a club.
  • Zig-Zagged: Ogres have a large amount of Underground Monkey variations. Some of them are as simple-minded as the original, while others use a wider variety of attacks.
  • Averted:
    • Every enemy in the game has at least two or three meaningfully different attacks.
    • Alternatively, every enemy in the game has only one attack.
  • Enforced: The game's designers were pressed for time and needed more enemy types, so they made a challenging enemy that has only one attack pattern, making it fast to develop.
  • Lampshaded: "Smash! Smash! Smash! Haha! Why use other attack when smash do trick?"
  • Exploited: The ogre's opponent takes advantage of its predictable pattern to outmaneuver and defeat it.
  • Defied: Realizing how predictable they are, the Big Bad forces his ogres to take lessons in using different weapons, making them Strong and Skilled.
  • Discussed: "Look at those ogres! Plenty strong, but I'd be surprised if any of them knew more tactics than smashing with their clubs."
  • Conversed: "I hate ogres. They take forever to kill and hit really hard, and they do the same attack every time, so they're really boring to fight."
  • Implied: No ogre is seeing wielding anything more sophisticated than a huge wooden club.
  • Deconstructed: Ogres prove to be useless in combat due to how predictable their attacks are.
  • Reconstructed: The predictability of their attacks isn't a problem when the area they cover with their attacks is so large, making them good for crowd control.

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