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Playing With / Good Colors, Evil Colors

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Basic Trope: Good and evil are Color-Coded for Your Convenience.

  • Straight: The Hero is blue/green, and his enemies are red.
  • Exaggerated: The Hero is ocean blue, while his enemies are lava red.
    • Neutrals are grey, the side that attacks everyone is orange, The Hero's allies are purple, the side that helps everyone is white...
  • Downplayed: Bob is teal, and his enemies are pink.
  • Justified: Well, you gotta know who everyone is somehow.
  • Inverted: The Hero is black, and his enemies are white.
  • Subverted: The red players are actually your allies; they're just being forced to fight you by Black.
  • Double Subverted: They still attack you when black is defeated. Turns out they're traitors.
  • Parodied: Even the civilians are blue, and they cower in fear whenever they hear "Red".
  • Zig-Zagged: The Hero is blue, his enemies are either red or purple, neutrals are either black or white, and The Hero's allies are either green or teal.
  • Averted: The Hero and his enemies are both blue.
  • Enforced: "If we make all of the well-intentioned guys blue and the antagonists red, imagine how cool that would look on a sweatshirt! We have to roll with it, I want to see it in fruition."
  • Lampshaded: "Those cursed reds!"
  • Invoked: The Hero and his enemies don blue and red suits respectively to tell each other apart.
  • Defied: "I don't need colors to know who my allies are! Besides, we'll stand out like sore thumbs!"
  • Discussed:
  • Conversed: "They're dressed in red, have red eyes, use black accents to compliment their red attire, their flag is red and black... You don't reckon they're going to be the bad guys, do you?"
  • Deconstructed: A rather thin-skinned player interprets the red and blue colors as a Take That! at a certain political viewpoint.
    • Colorblind players struggle with the game, being unable to tell from Friend or Foe?.
  • Reconstructed: ...So the creators change them to green and orange.
    • The game has a colorblind mode.

Get back to the unabridged here.
"No, don't believe those lying reds! It's here!"
