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Playing With / Fantastically Indifferent

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Basic Trope: Someone is rather indifferent to a magical/improbable situation.

  • Straight: Scott finds out that his friend, Chris, was turned into a werewolf after getting bitten by one. He doesn't seem to care much about the fact that Chris is a werewolf, and instead casually offers some help.
  • Exaggerated: Everyone in Scott's neighborhood gets superpowers somehow. Nobody really minds much, and Scott in particular just goes inside to use his new shapeshifting abilities to get his house cleaned faster.
  • Downplayed: Scott does say something along the lines of, "I can't believe you're a werewolf!", but it's not the main reason why he's surprised.
  • Justified:
    • Fantasy elements happen quite often in the work, so it's not much of a surprise that Scott is unfazed by it.
    • Alternatively, Scott himself has seen quite a lot of strange things around - why be fazed by this?
    • Scott doesn't want to say things such as "But I thought werewolves were fake!" because he doesn't want to invalidate Chris.
  • Inverted: Chris just changes something as simple as his outfit style, and Scott is very quick to point it out and be surprised about it.
  • Subverted: Chris says, "Today I bought some comic books, went to the park, and got bitten by a werewolf, so now I'm one too." Scott responds, "Oh, cool- wait, what?!"
  • Double Subverted:
  • Parodied: In the ten hours since they have last seen each other, Chris has become a werewolf, discovered he's a clone and his parents came from a planet in Nebula M78, fought a Sewer Gator, found the Lost City of Atlantis in said sewer, became its king, accidentally released a Kaiju and signed up to Geico. It's the "signing up to Geico" part that astonishes Scott.
  • Zig-Zagged:
    • (Continued from Double Subverted #1) "...And holy shit, you're a werewolf? How?"
    • Sometimes characters find fantastical situations odd, and sometimes they don't.
  • Averted: A fantastical situation happens, and characters react appropriately.
  • Enforced: The writers decide to show that Scott is rather unfazed by odd events as part of his Only Sane Man shtick.
  • Lampshaded: "I don't know whether I should thank you for being a steady shoulder to cry on or I should smash your teeth in, because you've spent the last half hour I've been explaining this curse standing there with a bored look on your face."
  • Implied: After a Time Skip cut in which Chris narrates the events that turned him into a werewolf, which we already saw, Scott still has the same dull expression he had before the skip and Chris roars out an exasperated "...well!?"
  • Invoked: Scott secretly underwent hypnotic therapy to become indifferent to literally anything shortly after Chris started showing signs of being a Weirdness Magnet.
  • Exploited: The Men in Black recruit Scott because they know he will focus on the important part of the job (policing the supernatural) without getting distracted by the razzle-dazzle.
  • Defied: Chris: "Aren't you gonna comment on how weird it is that I'm a werewolf now?"
  • Discussed: "I swear to you right now, I could tell Scott that Zombies Ate My Neighbors, my mother, his mother and every cat in the state, and he'd just stand there looking like I told him I just farted."
  • Conversed: "If I heard my friend turned into a werewolf, I'd be a lot more shocked than that."
  • Deconstructed:
    • Scott's indifference to Chris' bizarre plight is felt as an insult by Chris, leading to a lot of emotional (and maybe physical) hurt.
    • Being indifferent about an Alien Invasion wrecking the planet is a sure sign that there is something wrong with Scott. He can Hand Wave it all he wants to shell shock from Vietnam War Seven, but if he sees his family nearly getting killed and he does not reacts to it, not even as some kind of Trauma Button reaction flashing back to all of the dead friends he keeps talking about, there is something really wrong.
  • Reconstructed: There is a difference between Scott not feeling excited/afraid of Chris becoming a werewolf and an actual lack of empathy. The road to cure Chris will greatly benefit of Scott keeping a cool head.
  • Played For Laughs: Scott keeping a "...meh" mindset while the whole world is going crazy with magic, quantum physics acting haywire, and were-creatures of all shapes and sizes beating the crap out of each other is a major Running Gag (even funnier if Scott shows concern and emotion at such things as soap operas, seeing a mouse in the pantry and running out of his favorite coffee brand).
  • Played For Drama:
    • Scott's indifference at the supernatural is a major clue that he knows more about what is going on that it first looked, and the moment the rest of the cast catches on it won't be pretty. It probably may end up in a real drama bomb when Scott finally encounters something that is beyond his comprehension and goes on a meltdown.
    • Scott is the Big Bad and part of Chris' Crazy Enough to Work plan ran on the hope that Scott would be taken by surprise by the fact he's being attacked by werewolves, gremlins and Ents. He isn't. The fight ends up being more difficult than Scott envisioned.
  • Played For Horror: There is a reason why Scott seems to not care about Chris becoming a werewolf: he's the werewolf who infected Chris.

You said you saw a unicorn earlier? Huh, cool. Wanna go back to Fantastically Indifferent with me?
