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Playing With / Exotic Equipment

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Basic Trope: A character has very unusual sexual organs.

  • Straight: Bob is a member of an alien species who have three penises.
  • Exaggerated: The males of Bob's species have five penises, and the females have five vaginas; one on the crotch, one on the chest, two where the breasts would be, and one which is detached from the body and floats around with a miniature helium bladder.
  • Downplayed: Bob's penis has two penile ridges on it.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Bob is a cat who has a big ol' human wiener.
    • Bob is an alien with three penises, and he finds it weird that human women only have one vagina.
  • Averted: Bob's species have many differences from human anatomy, but their genital organs are identical to those of human beings.
  • Enforced:
    • Bob's species has a cloaca and retractable genitalia because his nude body is shown being subjected to an Alien Autopsy, and the creators feel that showing human genitals would be too distracting and ruin the scene.
    • Bob couldn't be portrayed with realistic genitalia because depicting realistic sex organs could effect the content's rating.
  • Defied: Bob had two of his penii removed so human women would not be as disgusted by him.
  • Invoked: In the decadent Free-Love Future features previously found only in sex toys are now available as organic mods.
  • Implied: When Bob takes off his pants in front of Alice, the camera moves to her face, which displays a "No. Just… No" Reaction.
  • Deconstructed: Human women who aren't sexual freaks really don't want any with him.
