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Playing With / Everything Is Online

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Basic Trope: Anything electronic can be hacked using the internet.

  • Straight: Alice can hack Bob's TV to turn it off. She can also turn off his air con, open his garage door, and set his microwave without touching any of them, since all of them are connected to the same network.
  • Exaggerated: Alice can hack into Bob's car, the street signals, construction equipment, industrial machinery, railway networks, national power grid, international flights, the next rocket NASA is planning on launching, the satellite on said rocket, the national intelligence network, the central military command, and the nuclear armory, since all of them are connected to the same network.
  • Downplayed: Alice can hack Bob's phone to access his files, but that's about it.
  • Justified:
    • Technological developments made upgrading to smart versions of everyday appliances the most efficient and easy way of living, so everyone decided to do so.
    • Alice is a Playful Hacker who's using tech specifically to mess with people's devices.
  • Inverted:
    • The Internet does not exist.
    • It is impossible to meddle with appliances by analog means such as unplugging it or stopping a signal with a Faraday cage.
  • Subverted: Alice apparently turns off Bob's TV by hacking it, but it's actually because she's using a remote control that uses the same signals as the TV.
  • Double Subverted: Alice decides that using her computer to hack into Bob's TV is cooler, and hacks the TV instead of using her remote control.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig Zagged: Appliances are not connected to the internet, but a massive Earth-scale biological memory network that makes all technological appliances share memories.
  • Averted:
    • Bob has a home full of electronic appliances, but none of them are connected to the Internet.
    • Alice hacks things that are both actually worth her time and are reasonably susceptible to hack attempts, like server rooms for a corporation.
  • Enforced: The work was a satire in of Internet of Things in the first place - not having it would make it a case of In Name Only.
  • Lampshaded: "Even the couch has internet..."
  • Invoked: The city council decides to upgrade all electronics in the city to online versions in order to increase efficiency.
  • Exploited:
    • Alice uses her smartphone to evade police capture by changing traffic signals, jamming police communications, shutting off police vehicles, and causing a blackout in the city.
    • In contrast, Bob uses his smartphone to make his life easier by being able to make his house appliances memorize his preferences and perform actions he wanted them to do when he's not at home.
  • Defied:
    • Corporations try to pursue upgrading all electronics in a city to smart online versions, but the city vetos the decision, citing danger of malicious hackers.
    • Alice decides not to mess with Bob's devices, reasoning it to be a waste of time, as he's just an average joe compared to groups like police or financial institutions.
  • Discussed: "Why do I need internet access for my microwave?"
  • Conversed: "You would think that there'd be better security for a network that everything is connected to..."
  • Deconstructed: With everything online, a lone hacker can screw everything up in one fell swoop.

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