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Playing With / Christianity is Catholic

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Basic Trope: Catholicism gets more spotlight than any other religion or branch of Christianity.

  • Straight: Alice and Bob are simply described as "Christian", and they (along with all other Christian characters) practice Catholicism.
  • Exaggerated : Every character in the entire series is a passionately devout Catholic. Neither atheism nor different religions (much less other forms of Christianity) are ever mentioned.
  • Downplayed: Most Christians are Catholic, but groups like Protestants, Eastern Orthodox, and others are mentioned, with minor characters of these churches appearing.
  • Justified:
    • Alice and Bob live in a majority Catholic country.
    • The story is a Period Piece set in an early period of Church History, when modern divisions between churches weren’t there.
  • Inverted :
    • The only Christian churches are either Protestant or Eastern Orthodox, and even then most religions showed are non-Christian.
    • The Catholic Church is depicted as holding the same (or extremely similar) beliefs and practices as Evangelical Protestants.
  • Subverted : At one point in the series, the characters once assumed to be Roman Catholic go to a different church.
  • Double Subverted: It’s an Eastern Catholic church.
  • Parodied: Non-Catholic churches are depicted, but their beliefs and practices are slightly different mirrored images of Catholicism. As an example:
    • Alice and Bob enter a Baptist church. They hear Ominous Early Modern English Chanting, see the walls decorated with stained glass and statues of famous Baptist preachers, and smell incense. Churchgoers follow along to the service in the American Rite. The long-robed pastor offers bread and (non-alcoholic) wine to churchgoers for communion, but not before the adoration of said bread and wine.
  • Zig Zagged: The Catholic Church gets all the attention, until a new church breaks away and challenges its authority – authority that is swiftly backed up when the Catholic Church supports itself with miracles visible to all.
  • Averted: Religion is simply never brought up.
  • Enforced : The writer was raised Catholic.
  • Lampshaded: "Hey, how come we haven’t seen any other churches than Catholic ones in this town?:
  • Exploited : Catholic missionaries take advantage of this common perception to bolster their legitimacy and counter Protestant missionaries.
  • Defied : Someone from a different church explains out how they are different from Catholics (and what they have in common), what their history is, and how prominent they are (bonus if it’s a large church).
  • Invoked : The Theocracy orders all its population to convert to Catholicism.
  • Discussed : "I’m going to call a priest" "Catholic?" "Well, duh".
  • Conversed : "Why do the Catholics get all the attention in these shows?"

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