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Playing With / Buxom Beauty Standard

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Basic Trope: Big-breasted women are portrayed as very attractive.

  • Straight: Alice has big breasts, and all the straight men and lesbian women are very impressed by them.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Characters speak positively of big breasts among other attractive attributes.
  • Justified:
    • The characters live in a culture, real or fictional, that strongly values breast size as a beauty standard for women.
    • This is the POV character's stance on things.
    • Said society is extremely homophobic and paedophobic; even guys dating fully-grown women who look like ones is still unacceptable, so having big breasts is one of the ways to prove they are really adult women in an approved relationship.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: Alice has big breasts and many people are attracted to her, but it's actually just because she is nice.
  • Double Subverted: Her admirers lied to avoid seeming shallow.
  • Parodied:
    • Whenever a woman with large breasts appears, all straight men and lesbian women immediately forget what they're doing and stare at her.
    • There is a fairly ugly woman in the setting. Nothing about her is attractive, from her body to her personality to her abilities. She has bigger breasts than most women, so she's still considered one of the hottest in the world.
  • Zig Zagged: Some characters find large breasts attractive, others do not.
  • Averted:
  • Enforced:
    • A plastic surgery company sponsors the show, asking them to endorse large breasts as a beauty standard to increase demand for boob jobs.
    • Fanservice
  • Lampshaded: "Seems all a girl needs is big enough breasts for all the guys to love her."
  • Invoked: Alice is recruited as a Heroic Seductress because of her big breasts.
  • Exploited: Alice shows her breasts to get what she wants.
  • Defied: Alice gets breast reduction surgery to avoid getting attention for her breasts.
  • Discussed:
    Carol: Why are you guys so interested in Alice anyway?
    Bob: Have you seen her breasts?
  • Conversed: "Oh, of course our heroine is a big-boobed blonde to keep straight guys watching..."
  • Implied: Alice has big breasts and is constantly being asked out, but no one actually outright says they like her breasts.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Alice's breasts mean she gets excessive attention about them, sometimes reaching the levels of harassment.
    • Claire, who has smaller breasts than Alice, is neglected and left out, especially if this treatment comes from her husband who cheats on her with chestier women, leaving her in a bad mood and bad condition.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Which is fine with Alice, she has Big-Breast Pride and lives on people's enjoyment of them. She is also confident enough to strongly rebuff harassment.
    • Claire may receive less attention than Alice; however, she is still considered acceptable when her breasts can help her to appear more modest. While it's still a flawed system, it's considered a better and fairer distribution than the previous one.
    • While Claire will never be seen as attractive by her society's feminine standards, she actually meets the criteria for androgynous and masculine beauty rather well thanks to her small chest. If she leans into either one (either remaining androgynous or beefing up/dressing acting masculine), she could easily be accepted. Although this may reinforce the horrible ideology of discrediting women who look and/or act too "feminine", it's considered a better and fairer distribution than the previous one.
  • Played For Drama: Claire has mental breakdown from A-Cup Angst because everyone is attracted to girls with large breasts.
  • Plotted A Good Waste: The writer has Madonna-Whore Complex and uses this trope to degrade Big-breasted women as a "whore".

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