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Playing With / Beast Man

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Basic Trope: A character who resembles an animal in appearance, biology and behavior.

  • Straight: Doug is caninoid with pointed ears, fur-like hair all over his body, claws and a fierce loyalty.
  • Exaggerated: Funny Animal.
  • Downplayed: Little Bit Beastly.
  • Justified: In the Sliding Scale this is classified as borderline Beast Man.
  • Subverted: Doug turned out to be a human using prosthetics and a deep understanding of caninoid behavior to pretend to be a Beast Man.
  • Double Subverted: ... except he's actually not a human, it's just that many millenia of cross-breeding have caused him to lose his canine features.
  • Parodied: Doug is just a guy in a cheap dog suit who doesn't even act dog like, but everyone treats him as if he were an alien.
  • Enforced: The story is set in space or a High Fantasy realm, and either Furries Are Easier to Draw or it's just easier to modify existing animals instead of coming up with completely original designs.
  • Lampshaded: "If you're an extraterrestrial, why do you look like a dog?"
  • Discussed: "Poor Doug, his species has millennia of rich history and everyone just refers to him as the alien dog guy."
  • Conversed: "Why is it that all the intelligent species in this video game resemble Earth animals?"

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