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Nightmare Fuel / Ultimate Spider-Man (2005)

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  • Eddie hunts Trask down to his "golf course prison" ready to get revenge. When Trask stammers about the guards, Eddie becomes Venom and says in a terrifying tone "They are not nearly well armed enough." His victim doesn't last long.
  • While Venom's voice in the game is an awesome voice by Arthur Burghardt, it is also downright morbid in that it sounds positively nothing like a human being - it makes you wonder how much of it is just the actor and how much are the audio filters on his voice, which perfectly befits one of the scariest portrayals of the Lethal Protector to date. It also sounds completely different from Eddie's regular voice, finalizing the realization that this abomination is no longer just Eddie Brock or a project to cure cancer; but just Venom.
    • In the video, the first time you hear Venom snarl out "Parker" (the third quote above this line) stands out from the other variations - biting out the two syllables in overwhelming, bottomless hatred for his Arch-Enemy. Arthur's delivery of this voice clip nails the incredibly bitter grudge Venom shares with Spider-Man - just hearing it, you can feel that Venom not only wants to kill the spider, but to grant him the most painful, horrific death imaginable.
  • After Venom tackles Silver Sable out of the Helicarrier and into a freefall over Manhattan, she wrestles her way free of his grip and fires a gun right into his mouth at point blank range, with the moment emphasized by some lovely comic-style splash images of the bullets ripping right through the back of his head. Venom being Venom, he shakes it off without a problem, but still...
  • The revelation that you're actually draining innocent people of their life force and killing them is quite terrifying when playing as Venom especially when the game makes it mandatory for you to even keep alive as a special nod to the canon fact of Ultimate Venom needing to feed on people. The first victim the player has to feed off is an innocent little boy holding a Spider-Man balloon minding his own business and there are many other victims the player kills to stay alive. In a cutscene, the Venom is first shown feeding on a female night jogger, dragging her into the bushes with tentacles and eating her until nothing but her running shoes are left.
    • Venom's grappling moves in particular can be seen as Black Comedy (especially since stronger enemies can just get back up like nothing), but then swing back to this territory once it's given enough thought. When grabbing an opponent, Venom can transition it into three different moves: a very high-velocity throw that sends opponents flying almost a mile, an absolutely brutal faceplant that can prove to be an One-Hit Kill, but the most graphic is the back-breaker. Venom grabs the opponent by the head and legs, slowly applying pressure to the spine...and snaps it, before just dropping the enemy like nothing. The almost impassive and violent ways he disposes of his enemies serves as a reminder that Venom is not just a mindless beast, but is at his core (or host, rather) a dirty, self-serving Jerkass who almost seems to enjoy what he does!
  • The introduction of Carnage in the game. Without the context he just comes completely from left field - it shows Eddie in Trask's hold, before hearing Peter's bloodcurdling screams in the distance followed by an explosion. His cage turns off and he runs to the door - only to then see a creature identical to Venom; albeit red, Lean and Mean, and utterly bloodthirsty. The chittering sound he makes when he first appears makes him almost sound like he's laughing.
  • The bomber mooks in the GBA version. They sound nearly demonic when you hit them, and one of their versions can be shown laughing maniacally before they see you coming. This one even shoots fire from both sides when he gets back up. Jeez.
