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Awesome / Ultimate Spider-Man (2005)

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  • Peter's response to Silver Sable about how she is gonna get Mary Jane and Aunt May now that she knows he is Spider-Man: "Leave. My family. Alone!"
  • Sable has managed to get herself out of Venom before he could get a chance to absorb her life force.
    • All bosses will do that. Notably, Wolverine slicing his way out.
  • Most of Spidey's victories over Venom, since Venom could normally tear Peter apart at close range in his early days, but in the game itself Pete seems to be barely out of breath.
    • The last one in particular stands out. Spider-Man delivers a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown on Eddie, punching the crap out of him. Then, as he walks away, Venom gets back up and prepares to attack him, only for Peter to knock him out with a single punch.
  • Venom himself gets a truly chilling and epic moment in the game's ending.
    • We see him suddenly standing behind the Big Bad in a well-guarded prison. What follows is this exchange:
    Eddie: Mister Trask... I have been looking forward to this.
    Eddie: You know what I can't believe? I can't believe that after all the things you did... all the things you made me do... that after all of that, all you got was three years in a golf course prison!
    Trask: Y-you can't do anything to me in here! The guards, the-(Eddie transforms)
    Venom: They aren't nearly well-armed enough!
    • He lunges at Trask, and all we see is the man's point of view before the screen goes black.
  • The final boss fight where Venom is playable results in him absorbing the remnants of the suit in Peter's bloodstream, granting Eddie control over the suit and his signature chest insignia.
    • This makes Venom's prior defeats awesome in hindsight. Throughout his three battles with Spider-Man, Venom had lost every time, but had always returned stronger and hungrier for revenge. Once faced with the even more powerful (although unhinged) Spider-Man (now Carnage), Venom still battles him despite the heavy odds; and wins! This also gives Spider-Man an awesome moment as well, as he recuperates from this loss, returns as himself, and completely defeats the fully in-control and powered-up Venom.
    Eddie: Ahhhh, yes...yes!
    Peter: Eddie? Eddie, what's going on?
    Eddie: Which way do you figure...
    • Just the buildup to that scene. The cutscene after defeating Carnage goes through a very quick sum-up of the Carnage boss fight, before Venom just as quickly sucks him up...before flexing his muscles as he lets out a triumphant roar, outright throwing Spidey out of his stomach. He bends down and...boom. The symbol flashes on as he poses triumphantly, speaking clearly like he never had before. Behold, the true Venom!
