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Nightmare Fuel / literally every fnf mod ever

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While the mod doesn't bother to take itself seriously at all, it manages to have quite some terrifying moments.

  • Bob himself has a tendency to take some terrifying-looking forms. His appearance as Hell Bob in "run" features an Uncanny Valley pair of hyper-realistic eyes and a multitude of Jump Scares, and his Onslaught form has a Slasher Smile through some sort of white goop, a ripped-apart and broken body, and constant manic twitching. The taker of the cake, however, has to go to his form in "Trouble"; an unholy Body Horror fusion of his normal appearance and Hell Bob separated by some sort of black goo, as if his Hell Form had somehow partially melded with and melted onto his normal form.
  • Really, some parts of the vocals for Trouble. Both Bob and Boyfriend sound like they are glitching while singing at times, and a robotic-esque quality can be heard in some of Bob's verses. It just sounds so unnatural.
    • Boyfriend's vocals during Withered also deserve a mention. He sounds so dead and hollow during it, not helped by the fact that his vocals are eventually drowned out by the oppressive instrumental. It's like something else took over Boyfriend during Withered, and he only comes back to his senses during Run in order to beat Bob back.
  • Both outcomes of Run can come off as this. Losing to Bob will cause him to open up a window in your browser, leading to a website containing Hell Bob with the repeating phrase "Bob is mad", as well as droning audio file at the bottom. If you were to somehow beat him, you're greeted with a close-up to Bob's eyes within a black void. At the end of the dialogue, he rips open a wide Slasher Smile and states that he'll never forget you.
