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Nightmare Fuel / Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Michael killing Tina's boyfriend, Michael (yes, they share names) by stabbing his head with a garden rake. Afterwards, his body twitches as Michael (Myers) drags his body away, making the scene more disturbing.
  • Michael stabbing at Jamie in the laundry chute in the Myers house.
    • What's worse is that Danielle Harris was in actual danger in that scene. She was being stabbed at with an actual knife.
  • How violently Michael reacts when Jamie attempts to touch his unmasked face. It's the only time we see Michael genuinely lose his composure and become visibly enraged.
  • The way the film harkens back to the original film by having Michael drifting silently in the background in some scenes is rather effective. Most notably when Loomis is searching the Myers house near the end of the film and Michael just slowly slides into frame from a dark doorway right behind the man.
    • Or when he's lurking in Rachel's closet and does the same thing, with her completely unaware.
  • Rachel's death, in general, is this, as she only has a second to realize that she's about to die, her eyes opening wide in horror after she sees Jamie's smashed picture before she looks back to see Michael jumping at her with a pair of scissors, a truly horrific end to one of the most capable yet kind-hearted characters in the series.
  • The way Michael just slowly advances on poor Jamie with his knife in the dark foggy forest as she crawls away crying in fear. The whole scene where Jamie can do nothing but just scream helplessly as her murderous uncle stalks towards her is absolutely bloodcurdling.
  • Despite the crappiness of the mask, Michael still looks terrifying in it in some scenes, and it's still a HUGE step up from 4's ridiculous mask.
  • Loomis using Jamie as bait and seeming to undergo a Moral Event Horizon is unnerving as he seems to be losing any sanity he has left and offering up Jamie to a slowly approaching Michael as the poor girl is terrified out of her mind. Thankfully Loomis never intended to give Jamie to Michael and instead lures Michael into a trap but even so, this is easily Loomis's darkest moment in the series and the closest he ever gets to reaching Michael's level of bad, even rewatches hardly makes the scene easier to watch.
  • Say what you will about Tina, but the scene where she gets in the car thinking it's her boyfriend Michael and not the Michael we're all familiar with is nerve-wracking, especially since he's wearing a mask that manages to be somehow creepier than his trademark white Captain Kirk mask and is getting visibly angry. Even scarier is that, given her boyfriend Michael's Hair-Trigger Temper, Tina probably would have had no way of knowing that it wasn't him.
  • Despite the Narm factor of the teens playing with the kittens in the barn, Michael lurking in the background, clearly biding his time before he strikes, is thoroughly chilling.
  • The scene where Michael kills the deputy in the Myers house. Deputy Charlie does his best to get her out of the house, but he makes a mistake in having her climb onto his back to take her out a second-story window instead of having her climb down the rope herself or lower her on it. He can't get out the window because it's too bulky to take her out that way. The scene grows more and more tense as Michael storms the room the two are trapped in with no escape, Jamie screaming all the while, as creepy music plays in the background. After he wastes all his bullets on an unstoppable Michael, Jamie runs out of the room in a panic. Before following her, Michael wraps the rope around Charlie's neck and shoves him out the window. Because of the angle at which he goes out, there's no instant neck snap as with a proper hanging. The truly disturbing part is that the camera lingers on him twitching there in midair as he claws desperately at the rope, trying to get it off his neck as his struggles become weaker and weaker, until he finally succumbs to the strangulation. His body is left hanging there eerily outside the house like a warning of what Michael is capable of doing even when he doesn't use a knife.
