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Nightmare Fuel / Devil May Cry: The Animated Series

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In General

  • The demons' designs can be horrifying to look at due to the art style. Furthermore, coupled with the anime being Bloodier and Gorier than the earliest Devil May Cry games, the fight scenes here are rather gruesome even if they can be individually short.

Mission 1: Devil May Cry

  • In the train, a man suddenly approaches Patty and wants to sit near her. Patty agrees out of courtesy, but Dante warns that the man would be dead soon. As rude as it may sound, Dante's right; that man's dead during the few seconds the train went inside a tunnel. Turns out a demon snuck inside the train, which Dante later kills. Prior to that, however, Dante starts narrating some events as though he's framing it like a mystery case that has to be solved. As soon as he finishes saying the quote below, a demon suddenly appears looking at Patty through the train car's window.
    Dante: No, there was one more person. Or to be more precise... one more "thing".
  • The demon disguised as Patty's mom has unusually large eyes that are about to pop off, sharp ears, pincer-like tusks, and edged teeth. You get to see its Nightmare Face as the camera pans up to it while Patty hugs it (not realizing beforehand that it was a demon), and it's salivating while talking.

Mission 4: Rolling Thunder

  • Although it's only shown briefly, the demon in the beginning of the episode is carrying a severed and rotten human head on its mouth, before throwing it to the wall.

Mission 5: In Private

  • Isaac sneaks into Devil May Cry wanting to find something to incriminate Dante, only to be surrounded by demonic specters in the place. Before he could see what they look like, the scene initially played it as though Dante's shop is a haunted place due to Isaac suddenly Hearing Voices.

Mission 6: Rock Queen

Mission 7: Wishes Come True

  • Kerry's friend melted via an Acid Attack, and his body is quickly reduced to a skeleton before it snaps and crumbles.
