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Nightmare Fuel / Blue's Clues

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Blue's Clues may have a reputation as being Sweet Dreams Fuel, but just because this is a children's cartoon doesn't mean there isn't anything scary in it.
  • While Steve and Blue learn in "What is Blue Afraid Of?" that not everything that appears is scary, the haunted house contains some disturbing details.
    • A painting that appears to be a photo of Steve with a beard that looks at him regardless of where he is. It doesn't help it's a lot more realistic-looking then everything else.
    • The crumbling house and the creaking wood make you thankful that ghosts don't have legs to step on the floor.
  • Sleeping Beauty's dream in "What Was Blue's Dream About?" can be a little unsettling. The dark environment, the monstrous cake and the world furious with the main character seem a little out of place from what you would expect from a wholesome cartoon like this.
  • In "The Wrong Shirt", the picture frame shakes, warps, and inverts colours while making horrible gurgling sounds before one character of the day skidoos out of it. This would be a bit unnerving, but what seals the deal is that it's strong enough to shake the room and warp reality, like elongating Sidetable Drawer until she can reach Steve's height and turning the outside world upside down. It can make even older viewers let alone adults uneasy.
