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Ho Yay / Bofuri: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense.

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The Best of Friends.

While BOFURI doesn't focus on romance, rather focusing on Maple being overpowered, there are still some scenes that make people seem like more than just friends - particularly the main duo of Maple and Sally, who often come off as, at the least, Heterosexual Life-Partners.

Maple & Sally

  • Season 1 Episode 3: Sally takes Maple to a quiet area where a table for two is set up underneath a gorgeous view of the stars, with the pair sharing a meal together, while the items they eat turn their hair and eyes rainbow-colored. The whole thing comes off very much like a date.
  • Practically every major battle in the series will feature Maple using her defensive prowess to jump into the way of an attack meant for Sally or otherwise protect her from harm.
    • In Season 2, Sally starts returning the favor by pulling Maple out of multiple predicaments.
  • The duo picking out a guildhall for Maple Tree is played as, essentially, a "couple buying their first house" montage.
  • In Season 2 Episode 12, after they beat the Final Boss of the 8th Event, Sally, not for the first time, catches Maple as she falls from the sky, after which the sky clears, revealing a rainbow.


  • Frederica's obsession with defeating Sally borders on a one-sided case of Belligerent Sexual Tension, and in one scene in Season 2 it's even implied that she sees Maple as her rival for Sally's attention. Sally, for her part, notes to herself after one of her duels against Frederica that the only person she'll accept being defeated by is "that one person," implied to be Maple.
  • Mii admits to Maple at one point that when she first met Sally, she saw her as "a perfect person who can do anything."
  • According to Mii in Season 2 Episode 1, the only person other than Maple who knows Mii's true personality is Misery, implying the two share a closer relationship than the rest of the guild members.
  • While most of the ship-fuel in BOFURI is girl/girl, Season 2 Episode 11 has a brief moment between two guys. Dread, normally the most standoffish and indifferent of Holy Sword, sincerely compliments Marcus on his skills, drawing a Luminescent Blush and a fist-bump out of the Shrinking Violet trap-master.
