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Heartwarming / The Slender Man Mythos

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  • Don't give Slender Man your twenty dollars. Give it to Haiti.
    • Or for that matter, any form of charity.
  • The real-life relationships between the cast members of many of the vlogs.
    • Despite the vitriolic relationship between their characters, Troy and Joseph (aka Jay and Alex) from Marble Hornets were very close friends (and had been since childhood). A quick glimpse at their livestreams or OOG videos made it clear that the two were basically like brothers.
      • The same is true of Tim and Brian, who (according to Tim) have been friends since at least sixth grade.
    • The cast of Dark Harvest remain close friends to this day — to where the entire cast (as well as Lee from Whispered Faith) were part of Chris's wedding in 2023.
  • Tim Sutton asking his fans on Tumblr to help him with kicking his smoking addiction. The support he's getting is beautiful.
    • Likewise, the fan response on Tumblr and Facebook after Tim announced the death of his pet rat, Bradley, was quite moving — particularly the fans who shared their own stories of losing beloved pets.
  • Jeffrey Koval's write-up for the third anniversary of Everyman HYBRID.
