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Heartwarming / Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny

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  • After Kage quits the band Jables goes to find the Pick on his own, and Kage has a sad montage to the tune of "Dude (I totally miss you)" in a very Tear Jerker-ish (and extremely funny) display of their Heterosexual Life-Partners status. Later, while Jables is crawling through an air vent, Kage shows up to help find the pick.
    Kage: Dude, I totally missed you.
  • While Kage drives the van, Jables dreams about having the pick and what its power will grant him/them. What does he dream of, in his wildest fantasies? Is it having a superstar career, selling out stadiums, with hordes of adoring fans? Nah, it's playing the same crappy bars with his best buddy, just with the pick's powers giving them the chance to blow people's minds. ...Literally.
  • Near the end, after they break the POD in half and the open mic host gives them a hilarious pep talk, they decide to go on anyway. Jables then holds up the pick Kage gave him and says it's the only pick he needs.
    • In the audio commentary, Jack Black confirms that the true "Pick of Destiny" isn't the mystical pick made from the Devil's horn, but the ordinary guitar pick that Kage gives to Jables: the pick that cemented their friendship.
  • Their friendship with Lee the pizza delivery guy, their first (and in the movie their only) fan. Even when they do crazy stuff (including obliterating his car), he supports them and wants to be there with them when they eventually make it big; he even helps them backstage during their early gigs! You get the idea that were the two to ever be the next Black Sabbath, Lee would be their VIP for life.
