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Awesome / Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny

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  • The Pick of Destiny has its moments, but what stands out is when, while wearing the titular pick around his neck, Jables screams a high note into a microphone, which promptly bursts into flames. They call it "Master Exploder" for a reason - later, he even makes a person in the crowd's head burst apart, having literally blown their mind.
  • The film wastes no time and establishes its tone and attitude in the very first line of the opening song: "A long-ass fuckin' time ago, in a town called Kickapoo..." Then it promptly segues into young Jables' hilarious "tasty jam," performed for his WASP family just as they're in the middle of saying grace before dinner. Chances are you either love the movie immediately or are simply not the intended audience.
    • Thought what Jables' dad does is cruel and disproportionate, it's also amazing to hear Meat Loaf absolutely belting out a musical fire-and-brimstone sermon. Jack Black said after Aday's death that he begged him to be part of the movie, for obvious reasons.
    • After getting a spanking, having all his rock posters torn down, and being grounded for a week, Jables prays for guidance to a poster of Ronnie James Dio (which survived being ripped to shreds by not being visible behind his room door). And Dio answers in song.
  • Jables and Kage powerslide to safety in the Museum of Rock as the guards open fire on them, set to The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again".
  • The entire Beelzeboss: The Final Showdown scene, where they challenge the devil to a Rock Off. Which they lose, but through The Power of Rock (well, Jables' guitar) manage to defeat the devil anyway.
    • Even with their loss in mind, the two put up one hell of a fight (even the Devil himself reacted with surprise a couple of times despite himself); the song is basically a lyrical Badass Boast and just keeps building, finishing with a succinct yet epic finishing chorus.
      You hold the scepter,
      We hold the key!
      You are the Devil
      We are the D!
