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Heartwarming / Lost

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"Kiss me, James."
"You got it, Blondie."

"All we really need to survive is one person who truly loves us. And you have her. I will wait for you always. I love you."
Penelope Widmore

A group of strangers from all kinds of different backgrounds, literally and figuratively lost on an island and in their lives, rely on each other to survive and become True Companions in the process. When they learn to live together, they don't have to die alone.

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    Season 1 
"Pilot, Part 1" (1x01)
  • Jack and Kate's first meeting. Jack talks Kate through sewing up the gash on his back by telling her a very personal story about a mistake he made in his first surgery, leading to this exchange:
    Kate: If that had been me, I think I'd have run for the door.
    • The end of the episode proves Jack was right, as Kate remembers his words about overcoming fear by letting it in for five seconds, and goes back for him when they're being chased by The Monster.
  • Several sweet moments from the first night the survivors spend on the Island:
    • Boone offers Shannon a chocolate bar and is concerned when she won't eat, despite their strained relationship.
    • Hurley brings the pregnant Claire some food and gives her an extra meal as she's eating for two.
    • Michael's biggest concern is making sure his son, Walt, is warm enough.
    • Jin telling Sun not to leave his side may be possessive and misogynistic, but it has a heartwarming tinge as it shows the level of concern he has for her.
  • While running from The Monster, Jack goes back to help Charlie, who he's only just met, up when he trips and gets his foot caught in a root. Charlie and Kate return the favor by going back to look for Jack, despite being absolutely terrified.
"Pilot, Part 2" (1x02)
  • When Charlie is worried about having been The Load on the mission to the cockpit, Kate tells him she's glad he came and reassures him that he's not a coward.
  • Hurley starts up a conversation with Sayid, clearly intending to make sure he's OK after he got into a fight with Sawyer where Sawyer accused him of crashing the plane.
  • The beginning of Walt and Locke's Intergenerational Friendship, as Locke teaches Walt to play Backgammon before telling him his secret of his paralysis.
  • Kate puts an oxygen mask on the U.S. Marshal transporting her when he's knocked unconscious during the plane crash, despite having every incentive to let him die.
  • Jin offers Claire some of the fish he caught. She takes a bite and is delighted when her baby, who hasn't moved since the crash, suddenly starts kicking. She grabs Jin's hand and lets him feel her stomach.
"Tabula Rasa" (1x03)
  • Kate gives up her chance at escaping from the Marshal to save the farmer who turned her in from his crashed car.
  • The revelation of the favor Kate was going to ask the Marshal before the crash: she wanted to make sure the farmer got his reward for turning her in, showing she didn't hold a grudge for his betrayal.
  • Heartwarming in a bittersweet and cynical way, but Sawyer's attempt at a Mercy Kill for the Marshal. It may have failed miserably, but it's still an early hint at his Hidden Heart of Gold.
  • Locke making a dog whistle to reunite Vincent with Walt. Even better, he lets Michael take the credit to help mend their relationship.
  • Jack decides to trust Kate despite knowing that's she's wanted for an unspecified crime, reasoning that they're all in this together on the Island, and their pasts don't matter anymore.
"Walkabout" (1x04)
  • Sayid objects to Jack burning the bodies on the plane on the basis that they don't know their wishes or religions.
  • Claire organizes and leads a memorial service for those who died in the plane crash, despite having only limited information on who they were.
  • Rose's unwavering belief that her husband Bernard is still alive, despite Jack's insistence that everyone who was in the tail section is dead.
  • The final flashback reveals that Locke helping Jack save a man's life during the Pilot happened within less than a minute of himself regaining the ability to walk, meaning that the first thing he did with his new mobility was help a stranger.
"White Rabbit" (1x05)
  • Charlie comforts Claire as she's lying, dehydrated, and she thanks him for looking in the eye (which she says the others don't do because of her pregnancy.)
  • Locke saves Jack from falling off the edge of a cliff, and then sympathizes with his struggle with being a reluctant leader to the survivors. Given how intense their rivalry becomes later on, it's nice to see the two men showing some mutual respect.
  • Jack standing up for Boone when the rest of the survivors round on him for stealing the water, and delivering his famous catchphrase for the first time:
    "If we can't live together, we're gonna die alone."
  • This exchange between Jin and Sun.
    Sun: Thank you for getting me water today.
    Jin: That's what husbands do.
"House of the Rising Sun" (1x06)
  • Sawyer, who has been behaving like a complete jerkass for the entire series to this point, leaps into action to defend Michael when Jin attacks him, and shows no qualms about teaming up with Sayid after their earlier fight.
  • Locke discovers Charlie's heroin addiction and is completely empathetic, helping him on his first steps to quitting by convincing him to give up his drugs in exchange for his guitar.
  • Michael tries to get to know Walt. When Walt throws at him, "When is my birthday?" to prove that they don't know anything about each other, Michael answers instantly. After all those years, he never stopped thinking about his son.
  • Michael becomes Sun's Secret-Keeper, resolving his dispute with Jin without informing him that she speaks English.
  • The final flashback. In the early days of his relationship with Sun, Jin was frustrated that the only gift he could afford to give her was a white flower, with Sun telling him that was the only thing he needed to give her. As the flashbacks progress, we are forced to watch their relationship deteriorate, due to Sun's father forcing Jin to serve him as a hit man. And then, just as Sun is about to abandon Jin at the airport, convinced they can't reconcile... Jin turns around, smiles, and hands her a white flower. The revelation that Jin is not the cold, heartless husband he appeared to be was one of the most beautiful moments in the show.
"The Moth" (1x07)
  • Kate is a complete Determinator when she hears that Jack is trapped in a cave.
  • Jack is just as empathetic as Locke to Charlie's addiction, and even asks him why he didn't tell him about it before as he could have helped.
  • Locke tells Charlie he's proud of him when he tosses his drugs on the fire.
"Confidence Man" (1x08)
  • Boone's concern for Shannon throughout the episode as she suffers from asthma attacks, and her asking him to stay with her.
  • In the flashbacks, Sawyer backs out of his planned con when he sees that his marks have a young son, not wanting to ruin his life the way the original Sawyer did to him. The first solid indication that he actually does have a heart, when the present day storyline shows him at his worst.
  • When Charlie asks Claire to move to the caves, she tells him she'll only do it if he can get her some peanut butter. At the end of the episode, Charlie produces an empty jar of imaginary peanut butter, and Claire laughs and plays along in "eating" it with him.
"Solitary" (1x09)
  • Hurley cements his position as The Heart of the Losties by creating a golf course when he sees that everyone is too stressed out on the Island and needs a chance to have some fun. By the end of the episode, almost all of the survivors are playing. Even Sawyer eventually shows up to watch, while Boone accepts a bet with him, showing he's forgiven him for beating him up in the previous episode.
  • Sayid and Rousseau empathizing with each others' troubled pasts and lost loves. Sayid fixes Rousseau's music box, and despite her paranoia and Sanity Slippage, Danielle grows to trust Sayid, making him the first person she's shown any trust in for sixteen years.
  • Sayid and Nadia's entire relationship. Sayid risks his life to save Nadia from execution, while she helps him to reclaim his soul after he had become a merciless torturer. Special mention goes to Nadia's parting words before Sayid is set on the path to Flight 815: "You will see me in the next life, if not in this one."
"Raised by Another" (1x10)
  • Charlie is the only one who believes Claire when everyone else thinks she's imagining what's happening to her.
"Whatever the Case May Be" (1x12)
  • Rose tells Charlie that it's not his fault that Claire was taken and consoles him when he breaks down crying.
  • Shannon starts to get over her It's All About Me attitude as she helps Sayid translate Danielle's notes, with the two even getting some Ship Tease.
"Special" (1x14)
  • Michael's dedication to his son, despite not seeing him for nearly a decade. During that decade, he wrote to him regularly even though Walt never wrote back because Susan was keeping the letters from him. When he finally gets to see Walt again and realizes that Walt doesn't know who he is, what does he do? Instead of bad mouthing the man who Walt thinks is his father by telling Walt that Brian doesn't want him, he makes himself the bad guy and says that he is forcing Walt to come with him because it's his right as his real father. He even says that Brian gave him his dog. It's great to see the two of them finally bonding at the end of the episode as Michael shares all the letters with him.
  • Michael and Locke instantly set aside their differences and team up to save Walt when he's attacked by a polar bear.
  • What Claire wrote about Charlie in her diary:
    "Today I realized I really like Charlie, there's something about him that's just so adorable and sweet. Even in a scary place like this Charlie makes me feel safe."
"Homecoming" (1x15)
  • When Claire is brought back to camp Jin asks Sun if she thinks Claire and the baby are alright. Up until now he'd shown little concern for the other survivors, telling Sun they should focus on themselves, but he obviously cares about Claire after she let him feel her baby kicking.
  • After the "A-Team" have Ethan subdued, Locke and Kate both immediately go to comfort Claire.
  • Despite her amnesia, it takes Claire all of a day to pick up where she left off with Charlie, as she remembers them eating imaginary peanut butter together and decides she trusts him.
  • Charlie's reason for killing Ethan: he was never going to let him near Claire again.
"...In Translation" (1x17)
  • Jin's father warmly embraces his son and gives him advice on how to save his marriage, even after Jin admits to having been ashamed of him.
"Numbers" (1x18)
  • Locke revealing that the project he's been working on for the whole episode is a cradle for Claire's baby.
  • Hurley hugging Danielle when she agrees with him that the Numbers are cursed. He's so happy to finally have someone validate his feelings and not think that he's crazy.
"Do No Harm" (1x20)
  • When Kate tells Sawyer that Jack needs all of the alcohol in his stash for Boone's surgery Sawyer immediately hands it over without demanding an exchange.
  • When Kate arrives on the beach and demands all of Sawyer's alcohol he immediately hands it over without asking for anything in exchange. He then offers anything else in his stash that they might need to help Boone.
  • Sarah's speech at the rehearsal dinner where she calls Jack her hero.
  • Jack telling Sarah at the wedding that he didn't fix her, she fixed him.
  • When Claire is terrified about having her baby, Kate gives her a great motivational speech and helps her through her fears by reminding her that she is not alone.
    Claire: It knows I don't want it, that I was going to give it away. Babies know that stuff.
    Kate: Do you want this baby now? Hmm? Do you want it to be healthy and safe? (Claire nods) Okay, then the baby knows that, too. You are not alone in this. We are all here for you. This baby is all of ours, but I need you to push, okay? Okay?
    • Once the baby is born Jin offers his hand to Charlie to shake only for Charlie to pull him into a hug instead.
  • The entire camp gather to greet Claire and her son the morning after she gives birth.
"The Greater Good" (1x21)
  • Sayid speaks up for Boone at his funeral, despite their previous antagonistic relationship, and calls him a hero.
  • When Jack collapses from sleep deprivation and the blood he gave Boone, Sawyer, of all people, yells out to get him some water.
  • Aaron turns out to like the sound of Sawyer's voice, so he reads him an old car magazine to help him sleep.
"Born to Run" (1x22)
  • Michael instantly forgives Walt for burning the first raft, and even tells him that they can stay on the Island together if he wants.
"Exodus, Part 1" (1x23)
  • Sawyer and Jack's farewell, as Sawyer tells Jack about his encounter with Christian in Australia, and passes on the message that Christian didn't manage to before he died. It's made especially poignant when you remember what Sawyer's own father was like, and realize that Sawyer knows exactly how much it means to Jack to hear that his father really was proud of him.
    "And this guy, Christian, tells me he wishes he had the stones to pick up the phone, call his kid, tell him he's sorry, that he's a better doctor than he'll ever be. He's proud, and he loves him. I had to take off, but — something tells me he never got around to making that call. Small world, huh?"
  • Walt leaving Vincent with Shannon before he gets on the raft. He tells her that Vincent looked after him after his mother died and that he can do the same for her as she's still grieving for Boone. Shannon is clearly touched by the gesture and later gives Walt a hug before the raft sets off.
  • Sun and Jin's tearful reconciliation. Can double as a Tear Jerker, as Jin believes he is on the island as punishment for his prior actions, and feels guilty for dragging Sun down with him. But after a season of tension between the two, watching them speaking so lovingly to each other (in the present) qualifies. There's even The Big Damn Kiss!
  • A small moment as everyone is saying goodbye to the four going on the raft: Claire brings baby Aaron over to Jin, who gently kisses him on the forehead.

    Season 2 
"Man of Science, Man of Faith" (2x01)
  • The scene wherein Jack's soon-to-be-wife reveals her non-paralysis. Just as Jack is tearfully telling her that the surgery didn't work and she's going to be paralysed, she tells him that she can wiggle her toes. As he checks her responses, they both cry Tears of Joy as they realize that it worked.
"Adrift" (2x02)
  • Sawyer goes to great lengths to save Michael from drowning, despite having been shot.
"Everybody Hates Hugo" (2x04)
  • The end of the episode, where Hurley hands out the food from the hatch to everyone, including peanut butter to Charlie, who then shares it with an ecstatic Claire who has been missing it since Season 1.
  • If that's not good enough, it is then topped off with a scene where Bernard asks Michael if his wife is okay, and his being overcome with joy and relief when he's informed that she is.
"Collision" (2x08)
  • Rose and Bernard's reunion is so beautiful. After an entire season of Rose insisting her husband is still alive and everyone else thinking she's delusional, the pair are finally brought back together.
"S.O.S." (2x19)
  • Third-string characters Rose and Bernard manage to be one of the most touching couples on the show in their one "starring turn". After meeting relatively late in life, Bernard in particular having always been happy as a bachelor, they strike up a very devoted relationship and are engaged in only five months. Not even the news that she's dying will convince Bernard they shouldn't get married.
    Bernard: You haven't answered my question.
    Rose: Are you sure?
    Bernard: Oh, I'm sure.
    Rose: Yes. Yes.
  • When Bernard learns that Rose's cancer is cured, he promises that they will never leave the Island.
  • The reveal that Rose has known since the crash about John Locke having been in a wheelchair before landing on the Island, but chose to keep this to herself, clearly respecting his desire to reinvent himself and start a new life.
"Live Together, Die Alone" (2x23/24)
  • The letter that Penny left for Desmond inside the book he plans to read before he dies, reaffirming that her love for him knows no bounds:
    "Dearest Des, I am writing this letter to you as you leave for prison. And I've hidden in the one place you would turn to in a moment of great desperation. I know you go away with the weight of what happened on your shoulders. And I know the only person who can ever take it off is you. Please don't give up, Des. Because all we really need to survive is one person who truly loves us. And you have her. I will wait for you. Always. I love you, Pen."
  • The final flasback reveals that the night Locke saw the light in the Hatch when Boone died, he saved Desmond from a suicide attempt (and by extension, the world, since if Desmond had died nobody would have been there to push the button). That one action of John banging on the door managed to reaffirm both men's faith in their life's purpose at their lowest point.
  • As Desmond rushes off to make his Heroic Sacrifice, he tells Locke he saved his life and that it's time he repaid the favor, and encourages him to keep believing.
    "I'll see you in another life, brother."
  • Charlie and Claire reconcile and kiss for the first time.

    Season 3 
"The Glass Ballerina" (3x02)
  • Jin rushes into the water to save Sun when she is forced to abandon the sailboat after the Others' attack.
"Every Man for Himself" (3x04)
  • Despite everything the Others have done to him, Jack doesn't hesitate to try to save Colleen Pickett when Juliet asks for his help.
"The Cost of Living" (3x05)
  • After Mr. Eko dies there's a brief shot of him and Yemi as children walking down a road with their arms around each other. On first watch this may appear to be a regular flashback to add a touching note to the end of the episode. In light of the series finale, however, one realises this is Eko and Yemi's version of the Flash Sideways and that they are in fact Together in Death.
"I Do" (3x06)
  • Although sadly it doesn't last, Kate actually gets to be happy for once in her flashbacks, as she's married to Nice Guy Kevin and accepted by all of his family. Edward Mars even offers to stop chasing her if she can stay put.
"Stranger in a Strange Land" (3x09)
  • Sawyer gives Karl a nice speech to convince him to go back for Alex, even though he could help the survivors find out where the Others live.
    Sawyer: Okay, anyway look, Karl — I've been with a lot of girls — some of them worth the trouble, some not. Every now and again there's one — one you name dumb stars with. So this girl, Sally Slingshot —
    Karl: Alex.
    Sawyer: Yeah. Do you love her?
    Karl: More than anything.
    Sawyer: Then go back to wherever the hell your yards are and get her back.
    Karl: If I get caught — they'll kill me this time.
    Sawyer: Well, at least it'll be worth it.
  • Jack tells Juliet that no matter what has happened before, they're in it together now as they plan to get off the Island.
"Tricia Tanaka is Dead" (3x10)
  • After returning to the survivors' camp, Sawyer discovers that Hurley, Desmond and Charlie drank all of his scotch. He goes to confront Hurley, only for Hurley, who is overjoyed that he is alive, to run up and give him a huge Glomp. Sawyer's anger disappears in a second, as he hugs Hurley back and admits he missed him too.
"Par Avion" (3x12)
  • The message Claire writes to the outside world and sends away on a bird.
    "To whom it may concern, we are survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. We have survived on this island for 80 days. We were 6 hours into the flight when the pilot said we were off course and turned back towards Fiji. We hit turbulence and crashed. We've been waiting here, all this time, waiting for rescue that has not come. We do not know where we are; we only know you have not found us. We've done our best to live on this island. Some of us have come to accept that we may never leave it. Not all of us have survived since the crash, but there is new life too, and with it, there is hope. We are alive. Please don't give up on us."
  • Despite Desmond telling her about his visions of Charlie's death, Claire tells him that she won't give up on him either, and that they'll get through it together.
"Left Behind" (3x15)
  • Kate and Cassidy's friendship. Cassidy becomes Kate's one true confidant, as she helps her to contact her mother, while Kate advises her on how to get back at Sawyer for taking her money. By the end, Kate trusts Cassidy enough to tell her her real name, which she never even told her husband.
  • Hurley tricking Sawyer into being nice. Sawyer may consider it a lame con, but Hurley recognizes and encourages Sawyer's potential to be a leader before anyone else, and gives him a chance to see how good it feels to help people.
    "Look around, you made everyone happy. Just for today, they can eat boar, laugh and forget that they're totally screwed. And you did that for 'em, dude. You."
"One of Us" (3x16)
  • Jack's return to camp, as the survivors are all delighted to have him back. Even Sawyer ends up giving him a slightly awkward hug. There's also a nice hug between Sawyer and Kate, with their previous argument obviously forgiven.
  • Despite the suspicion of all of the other survivors, Jack vouches for Juliet and insists that she is under his protection.
  • When Jack gets Juliet to help treat Claire, Charlie does not trust her, but he relents when Jack says that he does and asks Charlie if he trusts him.
"Catch-22" (3x17)
  • Despite Desmond being a pretty lousy monk and drinking on the job, Brother Campbell doesn't hold a grudge against him when he fires him, and reassures Desmond that God has other plans for him.
  • Desmond and Penny's first meeting, as they hit it off immediately and embark on what we know will become a beautiful love story.
  • Even though he believes it is necessary in order for him to be reunited with Penny, Desmond is unable to go through with letting Charlie die.
"D.O.C." (3x18)
  • The meeting between Jin's father and Sun. Mr. Kwon is absolutely delighted to finally get to meet his daughter-in-law. He also reveals that he never knew for sure if Jin really was his son, but he raised him as his own anyway, knowing there was nobody else who would look after him. In a series with plenty of horrible fathers, Mr. Kwon stands out as a shining example of what a good father should be.
  • Juliet shows absolutely no judgment towards Sun when she reveals her affair with Jae Lee.
  • Despite the fact that her baby having been conceived on the Island may be a death sentence, Sun is overjoyed to confirm that Jin is her child's father.
"Greatest Hits" (3x21)
  • Charlie's final scene with Claire before he goes off to his Heroic Sacrifice (complete with last kiss).
  • Charlie pulls a Break His Heart to Save Him on Hurley by telling him he's too fat to come with him and Desmond on the mission to the Looking Glass. Knowing that he's probably going to die on the mission, and not wanting their friendship to end on that note, he runs up to Hurley before he leaves to hug him and tell him that he loves him.
  • Charlie's list of the greatest moments in his life, that he writes for Claire:
    • While in the middle of an argument abour how their careers are going nowhere, Charlie and Liam hear themselves on the radio for the first time, and start hugging and jumping for joy.
    • Charlie's dad teaching him to swim, and the young Charlie's delighted face when he realizes he can do it.
    • The third item on his list is when his brother gave him a ring that had been passed down as a family heirloom, telling Charlie to give it to his child someday. Just before Charlie leaves, he leaves the ring for Aaron.
    • Charlie's rescue of Nadia from a mugger. However pathetic most of Charlie's life may have been, her words of encouragement are some of the most uplifting that anyone can hope to hear.
      Nadia: You are a hero, sir, and don't let anyone ever tell you differently.
    • The last item he puts on the list is "The night I met you." Aw crud...
"Through the Looking Glass" (3x22/23)
  • Although Bernard gives up the rest of the survivors' location, his reason for doing so is to save Jin's life.
  • Alex and Danielle's reunion, as they both just gaze at each other in disbelief.
  • Jack tells Kate that he loves her, and that this is why he will stick up for Sawyer while she is with him. He also confirms that he asked her not to rescue him from the Others to protect her, rather than because she broke his heart as Juliet had claimed.
  • Despite the fact that saving Charlie could prevent him from being reunited with Penny, Desmond desperately tries to break open the window of the room he's drowning in.

    Season 4 
"The Beginning of the End" (4x01)
  • Sawyer offers to talk to Hurley about Charlie's death, knowing what good friends they were and having seen how upset he is.
  • Jack instantly forgives Hurley for joining Locke when he apologizes in the flashforwards, telling him it's all water under the bridge.
"Confirmed Dead" (4x02)
  • Locke argues against executing Ben because he doesn't want to kill him in front of Alex.
"The Constant" (4x05)
  • The end of the episode, with Desmond and Penny making contact. There's a reason why Desmond and Penny's relationship is considered the purest love story on Lost and an epic, tragic, and beautiful romance that overcomes all obstacles.
    Desmond: I love you, Penny. I've always loved you. I'm so sorry. I love you.
    Penny: I love you, too.
    Desmond: I don't know where I am.
    Penny: I'll find you, Des.
    Desmond: I promise —
    Penny: No matter what.
    Desmond: I'll come back to you.
    Penny: I won't give up.
    Desmond: I promise.
    Penny: I promise.
    Both: I love you.
"Ji Yeon" (4x07)
  • Juliet is determined to get Sun off the Island by any means necessary to prevent her pregnancy from killing her, even if Sun doesn't trust or believe her.
  • Bernard has a nice heart-to-heart with Jin about them being the only two married guys on the Island, and convinces him to stay with Jack, considering it to be the right thing to do, as Locke is a murderer.
  • Jin forgives Sun for her affair with Jae Lee, accepting responsibility for his own actions that almost destroyed their marriage.
  • Hurley comes all the way to Korea just to visit Sun after she gives birth.
"Meet Kevin Johnson" (4x08)
  • It’s a small one and very Fridge, but when Sayid sees Michael on the freighter the first time, he plays along with Michael’s deception and only attacks later on when he realizes that Michael sabotaged the freighter. He even seems to sincerely ask why Michael is there, and when he says that he’s there to die, he doesn’t pursue him. Despite Michael’s betrayal of the survivors, Sayid’s still willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
"The Shape of Things to Come" (4x09)
  • Locke offers his sincere condolences to Ben for Alex's death.
  • Sawyer's Big Brother Instinct towards Hurley, as he's willing to get into a Mexican Standoff with Locke to protect him, and promises to kill Locke if he harms "one hair on his curly head".
    • He also doesn't hesistate to run over to the burning wreckage of Claire's house and pull her to safety. When she wakes up a little later he calls her "sweetheart" while asking if she's okay.
"Something Nice Back Home" (4x10)
  • Although Sawyer's "overprotective big brother" act as he tells Miles to stay away from Claire is Played for Laughs, it is also very sweet to see him looking out for her.
  • Both a sweet and funny moment when Jin and Sun discuss Faraday and Charlotte in Korean:
    Jin: Do you think she knows he likes her?
    Sun: She's a woman. She knows.
  • Jack reading a bedtime story to Aaron is absolutely adorable.
  • In the future, Jack and Kate end up together, and even get engaged for a while. Unfortunately, it doesn't last as Jack's jealous streak flares up when he learns Kate is fulfilling an old promise to Sawyer.
"Cabin Fever" (4x11)
  • Hurley shares his snack with Ben while they wait for Locke outside the cabin.
"There's No Place Like Home, Part 1" (4x12)
  • As the Oceanic Six are reunited with their families, Hurley sees that there's no one waiting to greet Sayid upon his return to civilization, and brings him over to meet his family. Hurley's mother pulls Sayid into a hug and kisses him on the cheek.
  • Later, Sayid is reunited with his lost love Nadia, whom he had resigned to considering as dead. It's sadly rendered bittersweet by the knowledge that she will be dead for real eight months later.
"There's No Place Like Home, Part 2" (4x13/14)
  • Before moving the Island, Ben makes Locke the new leader of the Others, shakes his hand, and apologizes for making his time on the Island so miserable.
  • Desmond and Penny are finally reunited, as she arrives on a sailboat to rescue him, Lapidus and the Oceanic Six while they are stranded on a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean.
  • Desmond wishes Jack good luck before the Oceanic Six return to civilization, and Jack turns his Catchphrase on him.
    Jack: I'll see you in another life, brother.

    Season 5 
"The Lie" (5x02)
  • Hurley tells his mother the truth about what actually happened to Oceanic 815, the events on the island and that there's still people alive back there. Carmen immediately believes him, even though she admits she doesn't understand most of it. Having someone listen and believe him is obviously a huge relief for Hurley who's been struggling with the lie the Oceanic 6 told about how they survived.
"Jughead" (5x03)
  • Daniel confessing his love for Charlotte, first in front of Richard to prove he's not on a Suicide Mission, and then again privately when she assumes he was lying.
  • The fact that Desmond and Penny named their son after Charlie.
  • Desmond's determination to do whatever he can to help Faraday and the others on the Island, and the fact that Penny supports him despite her concerns about getting involved in her father's machinations again.
"The Little Prince" (5x04)
  • It shouldn't matter if you're a Jater or a Skater, if you weren't feeling a little bit awestruck by Sawyer seeing Kate alive again in that flashback of Aaron's birth, there is something seriously wrong with you.
"This Place is Death" (5x05)
  • Jin reunites with Sawyer, who embraces him with joy, and the rest of the remaining survivors.
"316" (5x06)
  • Hurley buys up as many seats on the Ajira flight as he can to reduce the number of innocent bystanders who'll get transported to the Island during the flight.
  • Lapidus turns out to be the pilot on Ajira 316. After Jack asks the flight crew to pass on a message Lapidus comes out of the cockpit and is genuinely happy to see Jack.
"LaFleur" (5x08)
  • Watching James grow into a confident leader of men just a little feared by his subordinates is amazing, especially when compared to his behaviour at the start of the series. It's just wonderful to see the show's most hated jerkass become a genuine hero to the other survivors.
  • Juliet and Sawyer working together as survival buddies and having each others' backs, in particular when Juliet backs up his plan to go back to the beach after Miles decides to be a Commander Contrarian and when she helps him take down the Others who were attacking Amy.
  • Sawyer leaps in action to risk his life to save Amy, a woman he has never met, from the Others. Season 1 Sawyer definitely wouldn't have done that.
  • Despite the fact that the Others are threatening war against the DHARMA Initiative if they don't hand over Paul's body, Horace tells Amy that it is completely her decision and they'll live with the consequences of whatever she decides.
  • Amy insists on having Juliet deliver her baby, over the DHARMA doctor's objections.
  • After six years on the island and having seen numerous women die from pregnancy complications, Juliet finally delivers a healthy baby.
  • Sawyer's Undying Loyalty to Locke, as he says he will wait "as long as it takes" for him to return to the Island, and still has Jin out checking for any signs of the Oceanic Six three years later.
  • Sawyer convinces Juliet to stay on the Island for two weeks, which ends up leading to their getting together.
    Sawyer: Well, what about me? You really gonna leave me here with the mad scientist and Mr. "I Speak to Dead People"? And Jin, who's a hell of a nice guy but not exactly the greatest conversationalist.
    Juliet: You'll be fine.
    Sawyer: Maybe... but who's gonna get my back? Come on. Just give me two weeks, that's all I'm asking. Two weeks.
    Juliet: All right. Two weeks.
  • The Reveal of Sawyer and Juliet's Relationship Upgrade, a loving, mature, healthy, and adult relationship that ultimately finally broke up the Love Dodecahedron.
"Namaste" (5x09)
  • Sawyer and Hurley's reunion, especially when the latter admits he kind of missed Sawyer's nicknames for him.
"Whatever Happened, Happened" (5x11)
  • Kate's reason for returning to the Island is revealed: to find Claire and bring her home so that she and Aaron can be reunited. Before leaving, she admits the truth to Claire's mother, and entrusts her grandson to her before promising to find her daughter.
"Follow the Leader" (5x15)
  • After some prodding Miles admits to Pierre Chang that he really is Pierre's Kid from the Future. They don't get long to dwell on it, but Pierre looks quietly pleased to see his son grown up.
"The Incident" (5x16/17)
  • In 1977, Richard asks Jack if he knows Locke, having met him in 1954 and visited him off the Island afterwards. Although Richard believes there is nothing special about Locke, Jack tells him not to give up on him. Even though Locke is dead from Jack's perspective, he still goes out of his way to restore Richard's faith in the man and help him fulfill his destiny.
  • We find out what Rose and Bernard have been doing during the 3 year timeskip. They were enjoying a peaceful retirement, far away from the other groups on the island. They even have Team Pet Vincent with them. Not even the impending doom of Jack possessing a bomb that could blow up and kill everyone on the entire island seemed to have any affect on them and Bernard makes it a point to tell the other survivors "So we die. We just care about being together. It's all that matters in the end."
  • When Jacob shows up to convince Hurley to return to the Island, he makes sure to tell him that it's his choice, and that he doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to, which is quite a sweet touch for a guy who has generally been portrayed as fairly callous towards individuals in service of the greater good.
  • Pierre Chang's arm gets caught in some debris during the Incident. Miles rushes in to free him, calling him "Dad" for the first (and last) time, and tells him to get as far from the site as possible. Despite living in proximity for three years Miles had kept his distance because he didn't want to get close to his father due to lingering resentment over Pierre being a Disappeared Dad. Now that he knows why Pierre wasn't around, Miles has started to let go of that resentment.

    Season 6 
"LA X" (6x01/02)
  • Jack and Locke's first meeting in the Flash-sideways. In stark contrast to their rivalry in life, the two men instantly hit it off, with Jack taking comfort in Locke's words about his father and offering him a free medical consult to fix his spine.
"Lighthouse" (6x05)
  • Jack attending his son's piano audition for a performing arts academy, and afterwards teling him what he always wanted to hear from his own father.
    "You know when I was your age, my father didn't want to see me fail either. He used to say to me that...he said that I didn't have what it takes. I spent my whole life carrying that around with me. I don't ever want you to feel that way. I will always love you, no matter what you do. In my eyes you can never fail. I just wanna be a part of your life."
"Dr. Linus" (6x07)
  • Ben's relationship with his father in the Flash-sideways. While the two grew to despise each other in life (with Ben gassing his dad to death), here, Ben takes on the role of caretaker toward his father, even serving him meals in an adorable manner (and putting air into his dad's respiratory tanks, essentially "gassing" him again). Although the elder Linus is feeble from sickness and old age, he still shows that he genuinely cares about his son, asking him about his day and expressing regret that he failed to let Ben reach his full potential, and there's no indication that he was abusive like in the main timeline.
  • Ben finally completes his Heel–Face Turn after Ilana forgives him for killing Jacob. Even after the Man in Black tells Ben that Ilana won't hesitate to kill him so he shouldn't either, when the moment comes, they both hesitate. Despite the fact that Ben killed the only person Ilana ever thought of as a father, Ilana understands his reasons for doing so after he explains them and gives him the thing he has always craved the most: a place to belong. It's capped off with Ben quietly returning to the camp and helping Sun out with menial chores.
    Ilana: Where will you go?
    Ben: To Locke.
    Ilana: Why?
    Ben: Because he's the only one who'll have me.
    Ilana: I'll have you.
"Everybody Loves Hugo" (6x12)
  • Hurley and Libby finally have their date in the Flash-sideways.
"The Last Recruit" (6x13)
  • Sun and Jin's reunion. It has to be one of the most heartwarming moments in the series coupled with the Tear Jerker that they die together mere hours after reuniting for the first time in three years.
  • Claire and Jack reunite for the first time since discovering that they are brother and sister, and both express how glad they are to see each other.
"The Candidate" (6x14)
  • Less than a day after meeting a very pregnant Claire, Jack offers to have her stay with him rather than a motel, simply because she "is family". Especially since the two of them finally get the chance to have the sibling relationship that they never got to in life.
"What They Died For" (6x16)
  • In the Flash-sideways Ben comes to stop Desmond running over Locke for a second time and says: "I will not let you hurt Mr. Locke again!"
  • Richard reveals that be buried Alex's body by the playground in the Barracks after Ben left the Island. One of the few times we saw Ben and Alex happy together was a flashback in "Dead is Dead" of him pushing her on the swings in that playground.
  • Since they never ended up on the Island in the Flash-sideways, Danielle got to raise Alex and watch her grow up instead of being kept apart. After Ben helps Alex with her studies Danielle insists on inviting him for dinner as thanks. She also calls him the closest thing Alex has to a father. This is especially emotional when you realize that this is before Ben was even aware of his life in the first place.

    Finale and Epilogue 
The finale has so many of these it needed its own folder. You might want to get the tissues ready.

"The End" (6x17/18)

  • Ben saves Hurley from getting hit by a fallen tree and when the tree falls on Ben, everyone immediately goes to help him out. Everyone's finally on the same side now, even Ben.
  • The revelation that in the Flash-sideways, Jack's ex-wife and his son David's mother is none other than Dr. Juliet Carlson. Where in their lives both Jack and Juliet suffered from nasty divorces, in the Flash-sideways they are Amicable Exes who both love their son. While Jack and Juliet may not have worked out as a couple in life, there's something heartwarming about them being able to help each other address their issues (their divorces and problems with their ex-spouses, Jack's daddy issues, and Juliet's never being able to be there for her nephew) before moving on into the afterlife.
  • In the Flash-sideways, Hurley tells Sayid that he's a good person, even if he tells himself that he's not. Sayid then proves him right by rushing to help Shannon when he sees her being assaulted, even though he thinks she is a total stranger.
  • Jack and Sawyer's final farewell, as the two men put aside their rivalry and shake hands, and Sawyer sincerely thanks Jack "for everything."
  • After years of dragging out the Love Triangle, Jack and Kate finally sort out their relationship in the midst of a crisis, with Kate saving him from the Man in Black and the two saying "I love you" to each other one last time before Jack heads off for his Heroic Sacrifice.
  • When Desmond tries to stop Jack from sacrificing himself, Jack tells Desmond that he's done enough, and to go home and be with his wife and son, preserving Desmond and Penny's true Happily Ever After. He also says he'll "see you in another life, brother." Best of all, the last part literally comes true when they reunite in the Flash-sideways.
  • In the Flash-sideways, Desmond reassures Eloise that he is not going to take her son away so that she can give him the life she always wanted to.
  • Towards the end of the episode, Hurley starts to worry about what to do now that he's the Protector of the Island which leads to this touching exchange.
    Hurley: (Tearfully) What the hell am I supposed to do?
    Ben: I think you do what you do best. Take care of people.
  • Hurley asking Ben to help him run the Island. An adorable moment between them anyway, but when you realize that Ben finally gets to be in a position of power, without hurting someone to get it, it gets even better. All Ben has ever wanted was to belong. His father never wanted him. The Dharma Initiative didn't want him. The Others only put him in power to use him and turned on him the moment someone better came along. Jacob flat out dismissed him. Hurley was the first person with power to offer Ben a place to be.
  • Kate does what she came back to the Island to do, and convinces Claire to come home so they can raise Aaron together. The two hold hands as the Ajira plane takes off, and then share a smile when they realize that they're in the air and they're going to make it home.
  • All of the Losties in the Flash-sideways remembering their past lives and being reunited, including:
    • The big grin on Hurley's face when he first sees Charlie. After all, they were very, very good friends on the Island until Charlie died. And this is the first time that Hurley has seen Charlie in possibly hundreds of years, given Hurley became the Island's protector. The look of joy on the big boy's face, restrained though it has to be, just gets the waterworks going.
    • Sayid and Shannon's meeting, arranged by Boone and Hurley. The fact that Boone, the survivor that knew everyone else the least since he died so soon, was part of the posse that made sure everyone was able to move on, even working with Desmond, a man he literally never met while he was alive, to make it happen. Especially the fact that he knew that Sayid and Shannon meeting would be their catalyst, and he still made it happen, almost saying that he approved of their relationship after he treated it with hostility in real life.
    • Jin and Sun remembering their past as they see their child's ultrasound, being fully reunited at last. They also give a nice knowing smile to Sawyer upon recognizing him, even though he has no idea who they are.
    • Sawyer and Juliet remembering their relationship upon holding hands, and embracing, practically shaking as they finally find each other again. Juliet can't stop crying, and Sawyer just holds her in his arms like he'll never let her go again. Cue The Big Damn Kiss.
      Juliet: Kiss me, James!
      Sawyer: You got it, Blondie.
    • Daniel and Charlotte's reunion is rather understated compared to many of these, as they don't remember their past lives, but is all the sweeter for it, as it's clear they'll get the chance to have a life together in the Flash-sideways that fate robbed from them in their real lives.
    • Kate and Claire remembering their past on the island by looking at each other and Aaron.
    • Apart from when he choked on the plane, Charlie didn’t have a single flash throughout the entirety of the Flash-sideways, but all it took was literally just touching Claire’s hand for him to remember everything instantly. Cue adorkable smile.
    • Locke's awakening occurs when Jack fixes his spine and he regains the ability to walk. First of all, there's the fact that despite being ideological rivals, Jack was the most important person to Locke who helped him regain his memories, a role that most other characters reserved for their Love Interest. Then there's Locke's little smile when Jack resists his old memories, as if he's thinking "same old stubborn Jack." Finally, there's Locke's line as Jack leaves.
      "I hope someone does for you what you just did for me."
    • Locke forgiving Ben outside the church, after he sincerely apologized for killing him. As Ben said, "It means more than I can say." Viewing the scene a second time also makes it clear that Ben will one day move on with the rest of them, it will just take a while.
    • Ben and Hurley's brief exchange, hinting at the great adventures they must have had together as the Island's protectors that will sadly remain (mostly) confined to the audience's imaginations.
      Hurley: You know, you were a real good number two, Ben.
      Ben: And you were a great number one, Hugo.
    • Jack and Kate. Kate gives Jack flashes by putting her hands on his face and saying, "I've missed you SO MUCH", but gives him his space when she sees he's overwhelmed. The two happily move on together when Jack finally remembers.
    • While most characters' awakenings are brought about by a single person, Jack sees visions of all the other survivors when he touches Christian's coffin. As The Leader of the survivors, it's only fitting that Jack would have a deep connection to everyone, not just Locke or Kate. As Christian puts it, he needed all of them and they needed him.
    • Jack finally being reunited with his father, who comforts him when he has a breakdown upon realizing that he's dead and acts as his and everyone elses guide in moving on. From Christian's point of view, it's also heartwarming that he gets to act as Spirit Advisor to all the Losties, in contrast to how the Man in Black took on his form to manipulate many of them on the Island.
    • In the same scene, pay attention to the stained glass window in the background. It depicts six different religious symbols, hinting that the afterlife doesn't care about your religion. Awww...
    • The scene in the church, where Jack and Locke finally meet with both their memories restored, is truly touching, even if it's just a moment and you can't hear what they say to each other, one has to assume Jack finally told Locke he was right, as Jack had earlier said he wished he could have done.
    • Locke telling him that "We’ve been waiting for you", while being a touching moment on its own as Jack embraces the survivors, almost adds to the Book Ends happening throughout this episode. The show begins with Jack running to the survivors trying to save as many as he can, and the show’s sideways timeline ends with Jack reuniting with the survivors, including those he failed to protect. This is most noticeable with Boone, since Jack lamented frequently about not being able to save his life. Boone, meanwhile, hugs Jack with a wide smile on his face that says it all: that everything's okay now. That everything was always okay, we just didn't know it.
    • Hurley gives Jack a big bear hug in the church.
    • And finally, everyone in the church following Christian's example and "moving on."
  • Despite being a Tear Jerker, there are still heartwarming aspects to the final moments of the series, the death of Jack Shephard.
    • Just as Jack is prepared to die alone, Walt's dog, Vincent, comes over to him and lies down next to him to comfort him before he dies.
    • Jack has a little laugh of relief as he sees the Ajira plane fly above him, confirming that his friends got off the Island safely.
    • A CMOH is found in, of all things, the script of the final scene. Here it is: "The plane clears frame, finally free of the Island. Jack Shephard has done what he came to this place to do. He has found his purpose. He has found love, and been loved. He has finally found a way to love himself. The bamboo sways across the blue sky, and Jack Shephard's eye closes one final time. He is gone. The end."
"The New Man in Charge" (Epilogue)
  • It's implied that the severance pay Hurley gives the two DHARMA workers for their trouble is very generous. Just as Ben said, Hurley's already using his new power to look after people.
  • Ben genuinely apologizes for having Walt kidnapped. He also tells him he needs him to help his father, implying that there's still hope that Michael can move on despite his absence from the Flash-sideways.
  • Walt is delighted to see Hurley again, and Hurley reassures him that he's not crazy. The trio happily heads home to the Island together.
