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Headscratchers / Uncanny Avengers (2023)

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  • Is Captain America's newfound willingness to kill really acceptable for his character? It's true that Orchis are Neo-Nazi scum and don't deserve mercy of any kind, but Cap's supposed to be Marvel's Superman. Shouldn't he at least try to inspire his allies to be better?
    • Counterpoint: The man was a soldier in World War II. Of course he’s fine with killing some fascists; he did it before.
    • Captain America being fine with killing goes back to Ed Brubaker where Sharon Carter pointed out that Captain America was killing an unusually number of enemy combatants during the Winter Soldier arc.
  • How is Flag-Smasher's acquittal legally possible given the gravity of his crimes? I'm pretty sure most of Las Vegas would still want to see him hang.
    • An immediate assumption is that the legal defence focused more on casting reasonable doubt on the situation, particularly when him going into action as "Captain Krakoa" means that certain people could argue that there's no way to know who was actually in the suit. They may have been able to create the impression that Flag-Smasher was basically infiltrating the MLF to try and stop them, particularly when so many people were receptive to his original "message" during his initial takeover.
      • Okay, but what about the atrocities he committed as the Hydra Supreme?
      • "Las Vegas is back! What crime!"
