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Headscratchers / The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall

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  • Many questions, perhaps too many. Some parts of the main quest make no sense. For instance:
    • The level requirements. It makes sense to want a capable person to do your job...but if say, you're trapped in a tower by magic and someone who can move about freely just happens to find you...why would you refuse to let them help you until they're 'good enough'? Oh and speaking of Medora, why does she not move from her spot in the tower even after she's 'free'? This High Elf is REALLY inconvenient.
    • How does Mynisera not deduce that the throne had changed hands between the Emperor sending his letter, and Aubk-i receiving it? Tracking down the courier just felt pointless.
    • The Wayrest painting. Who made it, why does it exist, and why is it in the dungeon of Wayrest? Why does Akorith-i need to get it? Why is it never brought up again?
      • The painting depicts someone from the court of Wayrest (implied to be Lord Woodborne) backstabbing someone from the court of Daggerfall (implied to be King Lysandus), so it's probably being kept in the dungeon of Wayrest for portraying the kingdom in a negative light. Based on that, Akorith-i might want it to blackmail someone affiliated with Wayrest, foster anti-Wayrest sentiment, or some other sort of power play against the kingdom.
    • The Lich Soul that the King of Worms sends you to get. This is another plot point that goes nowhere. Like the Wayrest painting, it seems to only be a quest so that the player has to infiltrate the respective castle dungeons which are unused otherwise.
    • The Blades attack Woodborne Hall at some point...why? When did the attack take place? Before or after the player INFILTRATES THE HALL TO GET REVENGE ON WOODBORNE ANYWAYS? Wouldn't the player have seen the Totem if it was there? Speaking of the Totem, how did Woodborne get it anyhow?
      • Probably after, because if Woodborne was still alive and in his castle when the Blades attack, they probably would have killed him or found the dirt on him before the player did. As for why the player doesn't find the Totem in Woodborne Hall: while Uriel Septim VII's letter to the queen of Daggerfall says Lord Woodborne likely has the Totem, that was written months, maybe even years ago, so it's possible that it was moved to Castle Daggerfall in between when the letter was sent and when the player's/the Blades' attack on Woodborne Hall. How Woodborne got the Totem in the first place is as much a mystery to the player as it is to the emperor. Woodborne mentions in his diary that he has a huge spy network, so maybe he found out about it that way.
    • This one is incredibly minor, but there's a fourth Dark Elf in Wayrest castle - the court sorceress. She does absolutely nothing and has no related quests and nobody elaborates on why she's there. What? Is this another plot thread that was cut before the game was finished?
      • Maybe, maybe not. A lot of things in Daggerfall were dummied out or left unfinished, so it's plausible. But it could also just be an attempt to add a bit of personality, make it more unique.
  • Even if we take away and accept the nethack scale level of how the dungeons are, there's alot of design choices which make little sense compared to arena (and those dungeons were very simple tile-based ones). What even are daggerfall dungeons? There are alot of quests where you have to fetch an item within a ruined farmhouse or a desecrated temple, only to arrive to your location and end up searching a massive maze of corridors and random rooms. I can understand the thought process behind larger dungeons within the game and it's not a bad idea from a roguelike standpoint, but it doesn't make sense lore wise. Why is there a massive catacomb-like system within the ruins of a supposed farmstead?
