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Headscratchers / Narbonic

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  • The main page says Caliban is Hollywood Tone-Deaf, and that his singing is so horrible it causes a head-asplodey Brown Note effect. My interpretation, given the winged-baby cherubs and the very scriptoral voice-bubble music, was that it was (literally) angelic, and everyone without headphones' heads blew up because it was so amazingly beautiful-wonderful (like how God is/was so awesome, in both senses of the word, that anyone who looked at him went blind and died... in whatever order). I haven't gotten anywhere near that far in the Director's Cut, so does anyone else have a clear answer about it?
  • Dave prime is not Dave. Mell and Artie are quite sure of that - he might have Dave's genes and his looks, and his clothing sense, but he's a completely different person in the way that really matters. Now, what does that mean? That Helen's madness cure switches off the person's personness. Which in turn would mean that the thing making you - you is entirely brain chemistry. Is that bleak or what?
