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Headscratchers / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders

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  • After Telence's defeat, what happens to his doll collection? Are they still suffering, offscreen? You'd think the Joestars would've Mercy Killed them, or something.
    • It's shown after Daniel's defeat that the souls he obtained by gambling were released (presumbly off to the afterlife) when Jotaro defeated him. Most likely the same thing happened to the souls Teelence stole, since he and his brother have nearly identical stands.
  • Why does Jotaro refer to his stand as an "evil spirit" when it's done nothing but protect him?
    • Possibly due to his pessimistic world view? And let's be honest, most people wouldn't consider a "ghost" that beat the ever loving headlights out of people a guardian angel.
    • He was confused about it. It's not everyday you wake up and suddenly have a magical apparition living inside you.
  • Speaking of Star Platinum, with a range that short, how did it steal all those things? There's no way there was just a department store that had all of that right next to the police station.
  • Since Stands are dangerous to their hosts unless they have the right amount of mental fortitude, how does someone like Alessi even have one to begin with? Guys like Steely Dan, J. Geil, and Rubber Soul are at least career criminals who presumably fight and kill regularly, but Alessi is shown to be such a snivelling, cowardly schoolyard bully of a man he'll only pick on small children, runs away whenever adults show up, and still gets the snot kicked out of him by kid Jotaro! Which raises another question: why did Dio think this whining little manchild worthy of his inner circle?
    • Dio got off on ‘offering’ a mother the opportunity to sacrifice herself if he didn’t touch the child...then laughed when she zombified and ate her own child. The dude’s a sadist and clicks with like-minded individuals, provided they don’t turn those urges in his direction, of course.
    • While that would explain why DIO took a liking to him, it doesn't how Alessi had enough of a backbone to survive gaining a Stand at all. He's established as a Dirty Coward who doesn't get his hands dirty except with children, so how did he have enough "fighting spirit" to manifest his powers at all?
      • Because he's willing to hurt people. Holly is not.
    • Stands are not solely based on a person's fighting spirit, the person's own psyche may also come into play; which is definitely the case here, and Alessi is strongly hinted to be a mercenary, and considering his twisted philosophy on life and his sadism he may not have as much of a shortage of skeletons in his closet as you might expect, which makes him not that different from Steely Dan or Rubber soul since all of them rely on their stands's abilities to do all the hard work for them while they just finish the job.

  • In his fight with Avdol, Polnareff uses Silver Chariot's armor to protect himself from Magician's Red's fire. We see that after the episode, his stand is wearing the armor again, yet enemies can still do damage to him as if it wasn't there. How come the armor stops being useful after one battle?
    • It might the type of attacks Avdol was using. Most of his fire was fairly broad blasts and streams, so the armor could soak it up. Hol Horse’s Emperor was packing heavy bullets that could punch through and keep going, and other Users had abilities that allowed them to go after Polnareff directly.
      • That brings up the question of why he has Chariot wear armor in the first place, seeing as it seems to be such a disadvantage to him. Also, what about the time Ebony Devil cut through the armor with an ordinary razor?
      • The razor was able to cut through a healthy chunk of a man's face(bones and all) like it was made out of butter, so the razor is anything but ordinary and since regular weapons normally shouldn't have an effect on stands the most logical conclusion is that similar to how the doll was possessed, the items it used were also affected by Ebony Devil's "curse" ; enhancing its effectiveness and allowing it to harm Silver Chariot in the first place,and we see Ebony Devil stab Silver Chariot with a broken bottle in the shoulder yet Polnareff is unaffected, meaning that the armour does offer protection.
  • There's so much nonsense not making any sense with this one. For example, how is it that these Stand users Dio keeps sending out keep instantly appearing beforehand at Jojo and company's location to kill them? It's not like they have some kind of instant teleportation ability to instantly teleport them from Egypt to where Jojo and company are. For example, when Enya the Hag decides that she needs to go herself and kill them with her Stand Justice, she is in Egypt where Dio is, but Jojo and company are in Pakistan. Then somehow in the next episode, Enya has already made it from Egypt to Pakistan and killed some guy, filled the town with fog and prepared this hotel to kill them in... ok? how? It has taken Jojo and the others weeks if not months just to get this far and yet somehow she was able to instantly travel from Egypt to Pakistan before they even made it from India to Pakistan after beating Wheel of Fortune. Yeah, that makes no sense. And its the same with all these other Stand users that keep popping up one after another, somehow they made it there instantly.
    • The reason Jotaro and the others are so slow is because of Dio's stand users. They wanted to use a plane but realized after fighting Gray Fly that it was too dangerous, and that they have to use slower but safer means of transport. Dio's stand users don't have that problem, and they just go where they need how they want with no one to slow them down.
    • You got to remember that DIO also has a Hermit Purple alike stand: he can know the crusaders location in the same way they detected him.
    • Not to mention stand users naturally attract each other. So if they're relatively close, one can expect them to meet eventually.
  • Iggy makes a clone of DIO that looks and sounds exactly like the original, so much so that Vanilla Ice's only complaint about it is that it appeared in a room with sunlight. How did Iggy manage to make a perfect replica of someone he'd never even seen? The only way would've been if Joseph showed him a photo, and dogs apparently don't possess the depth perception necessary to distinguish people in photos.
    • Maybe he used his Stand to see the photo, like Jotaro when he sees the fly.
    • Maybe Iggy's sense of smell was strong enough to get a profile of DIO in the mansion.
    • Iggy was no regular dog, he was a Stand-enhanced dog, it is entirely possible his physiology did't work exactly the same as that of a regular dog anymore, and he had the dept perception to distinguish details in photos.
  • So how did Jotaro manage to survive being set ablaze by ZZ? Yeah yeah, he tunneled into the ground with Star Platinum, but he was fully engulfed in the flames before then, and yet he doesn't have a single burn mark on him.
    • Even though we see Jotaro screaming as he burns up, what actually happened is that it was only his jacket that caught on fire, and Jotaro almost instantly took it off (perhaps by unconsciously using Star Platinum: The World) before the flames spread to his body. It could be that the scene of Jotaro on fire was only what the others thought they were seeing: they were actually looking at his jacket burning up, but their brains filled in the gaps and made them imagine the rest of Jotaro's body as well as his voice.
  • When Joseph, Jotaro, and Kakoyin get sucked down Terrence D'Arby's hole in Dio's mansion, he tells Avdol to burn down the mansion in 10 minutes if Jospeh and the other's can't escape in that time. Which begs the question; why didn't they just burn down the mansion in the first place?
    • #1: Jonathan tried that. Joseph knows that it didn't work then, and it might fail again. #2 If it worked, and Dio died, they'd have no way of knowing that he'd be really dead, since he'd be burned to ash by the fire from Avdol's stand. Yes, Holly's symptoms would disappear and Joseph probably wouldn't find new pictures with Hermit Purple, but they couldn't be certain that some part of Dio wouldn't still be alive. Remember, Dio got back from being just a head in a jar and Joseph saw Esidisi live on as only a brain. Unless they see ALL of Dio being burned to dust, they can't be certain he won't come back.
      • And even that didn't work since he'd already made a contingency just in case to ensure he would eventually return (barring his host getting murdered by a minor side character).
  • Why did Joseph say he had to smash a 30000 yen camera every time he wanted to make a spirit photo? What was stopping him from using a cheaper camera?
    • Stardust Crusaders takes place in 1989, so it is unlikely there were any cheaper cameras.
    • The quality of the photo is based on the quality of the camera smashed if he used a cheaper camera the photo quality would be terrible.
  • How did Jotaro get all that stuff into his cell at the start of Part 3 if Star Platinum has a range of only a few metres?
    • A plot hole, perhaps?
    • He probably stole stuff from the guards.
    • Since the guards said he could leave any time, it means he wasn't in jail just in the cell at the station; he could have taken it from anyone walking outside, the guards, the evidence area could have been near by.
      • No, they also say he never left. The wall of his cell is an external wall, and Star Platinum is grabbing things from people who walk by.
    • I always assumed that it could go further and two meters was just the range at which it's effective in combat.
      • It wouldn’t be a mystery then. While Star Platinum can go through walls, it can’t make other items go through walls (kinda like Caspar and the cola). If it floated them through the station itself, the officers would just see random crap floating off the ground towards Jotaro’s cell.
  • Why didn't Joseph become a vampire when he got the blood transfusion like Vanilla Ice did?
    • Most likely it doesn't work that way. Don't forget that vampires in JoJo are, in fact, humans with the 'secret potential' of their brains "unlocked": this is not some Dracula-curse or whatever — vampire transformation here must have something to do with Dio's cells — the ones that, remember, he can freely control (as it can be clearly seen on the battle against The Lovers or with Okuyasu's father). Vanilla Ice was transformed because Dio chose to do so, but as he was already dead at the time of the blood transfusion, he could not transform Joseph into one, as he would have to conciously do that.
      • In the first series, Dio tried to transform Jonathan into a vampire, which involved deliberately injecting a specific chemical into his target, which a skilled Hamon user can eject if it's in small enough a dose. An unconscious Dio that was not yet synched enough with his Joestar body to have full access to his vampiric abilities probably isn't too much of a danger to Joseph, especially since it was his own blood that he got back.
  • Why did Arabia Fats take orders from Dio even though Fats could have killed Dio using his Stand (The Sun)?
    • Dio is so overpowered, he would have found some way around it.
      • This assuming that The Sun would've worked on Dio as the, well, sun does. Sun-shaped or not, it was still just a Stand, not a trillion-kilometer orb of fiery fusion death.
      • Except I'm pretty sure it's just the Sunlight itself that kills Vampires. And The Sun was powerful enough to light up the sky even when it was nighttime. Stop underrating it.
      • Unfortunately for Arabia Fats, Dio has that canonical Kinsey-rackup effect. Every one of his male henchmen becomes gay for him. Steely Dan, N'doul — and he ALMOST gets Avdol, too. Seriously, man. A badass-yet-underrated stand Mr. Fats may have, but he doesn't have the Canonical Power of Overriding Sexy. Plus Brando is one diabolical cavalier bastard and he'd probably stop time and maul the poor bastard if Fats tried anything with The Sun.
      • Plus, Jonathan's "chivalry".
    • Perhaps either A) It generates heat and light, but no UV rays (which was stated in Part 2 to be what makes sunlight harmful to vampires) or B) He is gay for Dio like everybody else.
    • In addition to the above, there's also the possibility that he had a spore inserted into his brain which Dio could have had kill him at will unless he decided to expose his brain to UV light (which might make it auto kill him), or that he was just a sociopath that was in it for the money like several of the other 7 signs and had no real desire to kill someone who was offering to give him $100,000,000 for killing a teenager.
      • Or it could be that Dio was inside a building that was shielded from sunlight and surrounded by loyal fanatics with broken abilities and Fats' mirror trick would probably be useless in an urban setting with an intelligent hawk (which can easily generate car-sized hunks of ice, so good luck baking Dio out) looking for you, especially since the Sun has a relatively short range and needs to be within eyeshot to aim.
    • Dio had mind control, if the target was evil that is.
    • Sure, Arabia probably could have done it. For some reason, Dio didn't tell him "oh, hey, as a vampire, I am totally powerless against you." What an odd choice. Not a lot of people in the JoJoverse know how vampires work, or that they exist, or that Dio was one, and there's also the matter of nobody knowing how his Stand worked. Fats would have had every reason to be terrified of Dio, and never tried to fight him.
    • Another reason: why would he? Does he even knows DIO is a vampire at all? Also I'm sure DIO just promised him money just as he did with Steely Dan, what would he gain if he kills the man that contracted him?
    • Arabia Fats has to be concealed to protect himself from his own Stand. If he just plainly summons The Sun to kill Dio, he'll die too.
  • One irking thing is near the beginning of the third "series", it's pretty much made very obvious that The World is connected to the other Joestar stands (Dio uses the power of Purple Hermit himself once), but when he's explaining his power, that connection isn't stated, and he's somehow surprised that Jotaro could stop time too. Given Dio's intelligence in the first section, this development doesn't seem to be very in-character.
    • Maybe The World is Dio's stand while the vine-like Stand Dio was seen with earlier was Jonathan's?
      • That only raises more questions!
      • Maybe Dio thought, since his body was Jonathan's to begin with, that he also obtained a part of Jonathan's stand, which gave him the powers of the other living Joestar-stands. But since Jotaro never used Star Platinum's ability (since he didn't know about it), Dio probably thought, "So his power is Super-Strength and Speed. That makes my ability to stop time unique." So, it was a misunderstanding on his side. (Even Dio isn't without fail.)
    • Also, after turning into a vampire and spending a century underwater, Dio's personality might have changed somewhat.
    • To be fair, Dio does target Jotaro first, and complains once Jotaro stops time that he can only do it because Joseph told him it was possible. He might have been counting on killing Jotaro before Jotaro figured it out.
      • He's surprised Jotaro learned to stop time so quickly when he's only just discovered his stand and it took Dio months to master his own before he even discovered the ability (and when he did he could only stop time for one second, Jotaro immediately is able to stop it for three).
      • Another (unexplored) possibility is that Star Platinum's ability might have been to copy another stand's power, which then overwrites the original ability. In this case, Jotaro subconsciously chose to copy the timestop, which explains not only the fact that he wasn't able to do it before he learned about it, but also how he was able to catch up with DIO so quickly.
      • But Jotaro had always been using the Time Stop ability, albeit initially he was using it subconsciously, without being aware of it. In the first episode, when he's in jail and Star Platinum brings stuff to him while he's still in the cell — beer cans, books, cigarettes, the RC car, you name it — and then again in the poker match against the elder D'Arby. This ability (that to Jotaro and the readers it seems to be "magically bringing stuff out of nowhere to Jotaro") was just Star Platinum's Time Stop in subconscious form. Star Platinum was shown to act automatically to protect Jotaro, even when Jotaro himself didn't know about his Stand (when he stopped the bullet shot by Jotaro himself at his own head at almost pointblank range). What Star Platinum was doing in the jail cell and in the poker match against D'Arby was just stopping time, moving around, taking nearby things from others and bringing them to Jotaro, before resuming time. Jotaro didn't figure how the items came to him because he wasn't conscious during the time stop, because Jotaro was frozen in time, like everybody else. He didn't even know that there was a Stand ability able to stop time. He just always thought of it as "some bizarre Star Platinum power that just brings whatever thing I want to me". That is, until the battle with Dio, and Joseph makes it clear that Dio's Stand power is stopping time. Then Jotaro realizes The World and Star Platinum are similar Stands. Knowing this, and Star Platinum's seemingly weird power to bring him things, Jotaro puts all the puzzle pieces together in his head, and the rest is history.
  • What is Silver Chariot's Ability? (Note: this is ''not' ' referring to Silver Chariot Requiem.) It's understandable why the abilities of JJBA3: Stardust Crusader aren't as crazy and strange as the the ones of the other chapters (since Araki had to try things out). Hermit Purple has psychic visions in the form of pictures, Magician Red controls Fire while The Fool has sand. Heck, even Hierophant Green has a similar ability as Stone Free (Jolyne Kujo's Stand). Only Jotaro's stand had also no abilities besides its super strength (until the big fight with Dio). But Silver Chariot? He can ...stab ...things and lose its own armor in favor of speed. No reality warping abilities like the others... just WHY?
    • Silver Chariot is just very fast. It doesn't have much power, it doesn't have any real magical abilities, and its only long-range ability is shooting the rapier tip. However, the Stand can literally stab a beam of light when its armor is removed, and it is also very dexterous (like Star Platinum).
      • Ahaaaaaaaa... yes: In the fight with Avdol, Silver Chariot could even cut the flames of Magician Red. That was actually pretty awesome...but that doesn't make his Stand less lame. Well not much anyway...
    • Silver Chariot is also unique in regards to Stands because of its armour — it can be attacked, but if its armour isn't penetrated, Polnareff won't be hurt. This applies to its sword as well; notice, for instance, how Vanilla Ice's Cream swallows the sword's tip, but it doesn't hurt Polnareff's hands.
    • It was the beginning of stands so their powers were pretty mundane (or no power at all). You can't really introduce a new concept and instantly go King Crimson.
    • Silver Chariot is usually underrated but it's actually pretty strong. His greatest power is his speed, while Star Platnum couldn't even hit Tower of Gray, Polnareff managed to summon his stand and slash Hanged Man. It's one of the few stands that move faster than light (without time control), and if he takes off his armor he becomes so fast he actually multiplies. These copies are not illusions,he is moving so fast he becomes pratically untouchable and can attack from 8 spots at the same time! Too bad Polnareff rarely uses it since he is always at disavantage...
    • Star Platinum was pretty awesome before the time stop ability.
    • Silver Chariot's ability is to make a functioning clock out of fire by cutting it towards a table. He only ever used the ability once, so I suppose it's natural that you all forgot about it.
    • Since Stands are related to personality to some degree, well...Polnareff dedicated his life to avenging his sister, so his Stand is Inigo Montoya. (Prepare to Die.)
      • Or, in other words, his Stand's ability is incredible swordsmanship, plus the ability to go "I am not left-handed" if anyone ever manages to break the armor. Unfortunately for Polnareff, every enemy he ever faces just goes for him instead of his stand.
  • The way that Joseph lost the bet against D'arby the Gambler, which was based on not spilling water. When there's no evidence that Stand users can necessarily see the Ripple energy and one of the things he learned to do when he first started training in Hamon was how to make water keep its shape even if you turn the glass upside down or break it. Seems out of character.
    • And then there was the problem with the Lovers trying to implant a Dio spore into the body of a preternaturally talented Ripple user. Come to think of it, the entire dearth of Ripple usage on Joseph's part. Stands may be the only things that can harm other Stands, but normal objects can at least block and distract them and I can't help but think that Hamon'd be really useful when dealing with the users. Stuff like the Jojo Crackers could have really helped improve his offensive game and the various water tricks would have been really helpful against Dark Blue Moon, Geb, and D'Arby, as well as possibly shielding him from Justice. And if he learned his mother's Ripple Hypnotism, he would have a much less complicated method for interrogating any captured Stand users.
    • By his own admission, Joseph doesn't use Ripple much in Part 3 because he's out of practice.
      • Which doesn't really make sense since he has been hunting down a very dangerous opponent whose most easily exploitable weakness is the Ripple for the last three years, and he was using the Ripple even before he was trained and only took a few weeks of intense training to reach the level where he could fight a monster like Esidisi on relatively even grounds.
      • A few weeks of intense training using a magical pillar that might not even be standing any more.
      • Again, he had 3 years to practice, a good knowledge of the basics of the Ripple, and if necessary, the money needed to buy a submarine on short notice should be just fine for recreating the pillar of oil that had no notable magical properties. Especially since the Speedwagon Foundation is more than happy to help the Jojos in any way possible and know how to get in touch with the Ripple school.
      • He didn't need to eat, drink, or sleep when he was on the pillar of oil. It's magic.
      • Joseph and Caesar were kept alive by Hamon, presumably. they repeatedly reference that students have died in pillar and Caesar is visibly concerned of the possibility of Joseph starving to death.
    • It's bothersome. Regardless of in-character reasons, it was jarring seeing the man who defeated Esidisi and Wammu having such a hard time with some of the Stand users.
    • He had to be touching the water in some way to keep it from spilling; the water level was just so high that it was impossible to not spill on its own.
    • There's a headcanon that Cars' final battle with Joseph collapsed one of his lungs. If you assume that, the fact he can use even a weak Ripple becomes amazing, and the fact that he never uses a strong one ceases to be annoying.
      • Joseph lost a forearm in that fight. He'd be bound to take it easy afterwards. And he's never been all that strong.
    • Joseph, for all his badassery, is established to be naturally lazy. He wasn't particularly ambitious in terms of Ripple-use (he's never particularly powerful, even at his peak), and after the bullshit with the Pillar Men, huge recuperation time, and subsequent marriage, it's safe to assume that he was done with adventuring. Joseph as we see him in Stardust Crusaders still totes his sense of responsibility and competence that he learned in Battle Tendency, but he's still an old man reluctant to come out of retirement, even if he is pursuing Dio. He doesn't have to start being active until they reach Egypt.
    • It's important to note that the Pillar Men were a very different beast from Dio and the Stand users. The Pillar Men, barring Kars, were extremely honorable and all of them, including Kars, had exploitable personalities that Joseph was able to empathize with very well. He had no preparation for Dio's antics or henchmen, and never met Dio himself until the very end. Joseph never resorted to the Ripple as a first resort in the past, and always used it when manipulating the Pillar Men into openings. The Stands were too predatory and evasive for it. His very focused and opportunistic style likely just dulled inclination for the very disciplined Ripple in favor of the more fast and loose Hermit Purple.
    • Even if Joseph were still keeping up his Ripple training, it probably wouldn't have worked. If Joseph's Ripple is the only thing keeping the liquor in the glass, then it spills the moment he lets go. There's no way D'Arby would let his opponent hold the glass on his turn, and if it spills before D'Arby puts a coin in, that probably counts as Joseph's loss.
    • In Battle Tendency it was shown that a Ripple user must keep physical contact with the liquid, or at least with the glass or vessel containing it, to prevent it from spilling with the Ripple. In all instances of Ripple interacting with liquids (Caesar holding the water-filled glass upside down, Loggins keeping water shaped like a glass with his finger, Joseph himself popping bottles of soda that he has in his hands, and making a cactus explode on Donovan) it is shown that physical contact between the Ripple user, and the liquid, or the recipient containing it. So yes, Joseph would have had to keep holding the glass to not make it spill with his Ripple. Naturally, D'Arby would have called him out on doing that, and the moment Joseph lets go of the glass, the liquid spills, and it should count as Joseph's loss since he would've been the last guy who put a coin into it.
    • It also doesn't seem likely that Joseph sending Ripple energy through the table towards the glass with liquid would have worked. The table was a pretty big object made out of wood. It would probably have absorbed or wasted up Joseph's Ripple entirely, without him doing anything meaningful with it.
      • Why not use Caesar’s bubble trick and leave a trap for Darby on his turn? All Joseph would need is soap, and he could easily claim to need to take a piss and grab a drop from the restroom.
  • How come Jotaro's dad is never seen? Sadao Kujo is alive and well, at least during part 3. Even if he is on tour, you'd think he'd at least visit his comatose wife in the hospital.
    • Maybe he did visit her, just not on-panel.
    • Given Holly’s tendency to hide things to avoid making people worry about her, it’s also possible that she asked the others to not tell him.
  • How did Nena know that Joseph was about to use Hamon in their battle? He hadn't used it in decades, and there isn't a particularly significant number of Hamon users left in the world at this point. The only other person she could've learned this from is Dio, and even then he doesn't appear to have any reason to tell anyone about it since it's practically irrelevant.
    • Given that Nena/Empress also knew Joseph's stand by name and what it's ability was, it's pretty obvious DIO (or one of his followers) told her about all of Joseph's abilities. Keep in mind, even if Joseph couldn't hurt Empress with Hamon, it's still a dangerous utility he has acess to, so it was handy for her to know about it (even if it ultimately served no purpose in that fight).
  • Which of Dio's two stands in Part III is Johnathan's? The unnamed Hermit Purple-like one, or The World? If it's the Hermit Purple-like one, then it explains Joseph having it; if it's The World than it explains why Josuke's Crazy Diamond looks like it as well as Jotaro's time-stop ability and Star Platinum: The World. And the fact that Dio uses The World more doesn't count, because he is exactly the kind of person who would steal someone else's powers and justify it as being his (e.g. since Johnathan's body is now his body, his powers are now his).
    • The artbooks say that the Hermit Purple lookalike is Jonathan's stand. That said, the fact that Jotaro got Star Platinum would indicate that at least part of The World was also in the Joestar bloodline, so The World might have been fully brought out in combination with Dio's head and belong in part to both Jonathan and Dio.
    • Wait, so they share ZA WARUDO?
    • Pretty sure it is just a plot-hole. Something that wasn't really fleshed out ahead of time. That is to say that THE WORLD's abilities and appearance probably wouldn't decided at that early stage in the story. No explanation does a satisfactory job of explaining the situation. The best being that Dio was adopted into the Joestar family AND took the body of Jonathan, and as such gets two Joestar stands... or at least one stand with two Joestar powers.
    • There's this possibility: DIO was a head attached to Jonathan's Body, and he only obtained his stand once he used the arrow on himself, by that time (and for the last 100 years) he was using Jonathan's body, so because of the link of Jonathan with the Joestar bloodline he awakened the Joestar family stands, though The World is DIO's exclusive stand, it was activated while on Jonathan's body, and Jonathan's stand was the Hermit Purple. Here's the catch: There's the possibility, that because of DIO having Jonathan's body, would be the reason for Joseph having Hermit Purple, Holly that spine-like stand and Jotaro obtaining Star Platinum, which is said to be just like DIO's The World, and having the Time-Stop ability.
      • That's totally crazy
      • You could even say it's "bizarre".
    • Taking into account that part 7's Diego Brando from another universe is sort of a different universe counterpart of DIO also had THE WORLD as his stand it's a sure thing that The World is indeed DIO's stand.
      • Then why is Star Platinum so similar? They’re the same type of Stand, but Jotaro has no major connection to Dio aside from being the main character when Dio got free (unless the Stands are aware of the 4th Wall). There’s also the case that Jonathan is DEAD; we saw Joseph’s Hermit Purple shrivel up and die when Joseph croaked, so Jonathan’s Stand should’ve died with him.
      • Dio's blood was still powering Jonathan's body, keeping his connection to the Joestar descendants alive as well as his Hermit Purple.
  • Can Dio use the Ripple in Part 3, due to getting Jonathan (a very powerful Ripple user's) body?
    • It's possible, but due to the fact that Ripple is deadly to vampires, Dio might be unable to use it.
      • The Ripple is channeled through breathing and respiration; when Jonathan got attacked with Dio's Space Ripper Stingy Eyes technique, Jonathan's Ripple had gotten severely weakened and strained. So when Jonathan died from his respiratory system being damaged, the Ripple within him died out with him. I doubt that even if he could, Dio can't use the Ripple because by beheading Jonathan, there would be compatibility issues and complications with using Jonathan's now-broken respiratory system.
      • Dio never learnt to use Hamon, has no reason to use it, and doesn't have the same intuitive understanding knack that Joseph does (he didn't get formal training until later either). Plus he is dead. He doesn't even need to breathe at all.
      • There's no reason to assume Dio can't heal Jonathan's lungs like the rest of his body (and even then the damage was limited to a hole in Jonathan's neck that's clearly no longer there anymore). That being said, with Dio's head, Jonathan's body has the same properties as a vampire's (hence why Dio couldn't just wear a hat that shaded his head from the sun and walk around in the daytime), so given that he could somehow learn how to summon a ripple with the knowledge/muscle memory of Jonathan's body, he would destroy himself like Straits did at the beginning of Part 2. We've never seen someone who was weak to the ripple use the ripple offensively. The only one who came close was Kars, who wasn't weak to sunlight (and thus, no longer weak to the ripple) when he used it.
      • But why would there be a reason for Dio to repair Jonathan's lungs when Dio can survive without breathing when Dio was only just a head. Also even if Dio did repair Jonathan's lungs, the Ripple still wouldn't return back to Jonathan's body because in order for the Ripple to work, it needs the sun's energy absorbed from the user's body through breathing, both a necessity for living beings, which was gone when Jonathan died. Plus Dio is devoid of being alive because he's a lifeless vampire, an antithesis of a living human being.
      • I think that Hamon doesn't use the sun's energy absorbed via breathing, the body generates that energy naturally, at least that's what my manga says.
      • Dio has no idea how the Ripple works or how he would even begin to start practicing it, even if he wanted to (which he doesn't because doing so would almost certainly be fatal to him.) He knows enough about it to fight against it, but no more than that.
    • Besides all those points, it is proven that vampires cannot use Hamon because it harms them, Straizo, after becoming a vampire in part 2, performs Hamon-induced suicide simply by channeling some Hamon energy through his body, even if Dio could use Hamon because of Jonathan's body, he likely wouldn't want to.
    • Hamon is used when the user breathes in a specific way, and they need to focus into that energy, if DIO ever breathed in some way near that o fovused on using that, which I highly doubt, he would have at least noticed his body was wrong. His lungs on the other hand should be perfect, as Johnathan only got hurted in his traquea, and even then DIO would've got healed the moment he started to feed, because he started to turn JoJo's body into one of a vampire, and even more, DIO doesn't even need to breath at all because of being a vampire, and had a Stand, wich is way more useful and powerful than hamon.
  • Wouldn't it have been easier and (somewhat) safer to travel to Cairo using a private plane from the Speedwagon Foundation instead of going on a passenger flight? I mean, that's how they brought Iggy to them.
    • Dio was using the Hermit Purple-like Stand to track the movements of Joseph Joestar in particular. If they had tried to use a plane to travel to Egypt, Dio would send one of his followers to interfere like he did when they tried to take a regular airliner there. Every time they tried to ride in a vehicle, one of Dio's minions were able to get involved and stop them. The helicopter was able to make it to Egypt safely because the Speedwagon Foundation wasn't being tracked, and once the helicopter delivered Iggy and met with the group, it was attacked almost immediately after by N'Doul. Vehicles just weren't safe, especially planes that could be fatal if they crashed.
  • This may sound silly but...How does old Joseph mechanical hands always get fixed by the end of the episode? Especially funny when Jotaro takes one of his fingers in the first episode and a bit later his hand "regenerates". Is it some kind of Running Gag?
    • Given that Joseph had it for the past 50 years, and it is a very advanced prosthetic, he had to have been told how to fix it. But yeah, Rule of Funny is in play here for the Running Gag.
    • Jojo characters, whether made of meat or machinery, tend to have vanishing injuries. Big things like torso-rending slashes can frequently be survived with fast enough healing (long past the point where a real person would be dead), while little things like fingers or eyeballs (I'm looking at you, Anasui) just magically regenerate. Reason? Araki forgets... probably.
    • Joseph has had that hand for a long time. It would be weird if he didn't know how to fix it if anything ever happened to it.
  • During the Steely Dan arc, why didn't Jotaro do something like have Star Platinum dangle Steely Dan over a rooftop, in such a way that all of his limbs were unable to make contact with anything that would hurt his body, letting him just flail helplessly while they got rid of the Lovers in Joseph?
    • It seems to be that any physical sensation enacted upon Dan would be felt and amplified on Joseph. This would mean that restraining Dan like this would probably be quite painful to Joseph and possibly cause him injury (depending on how he's held up).
  • What happened to Koichi Hirose after the fight with Black Sabbath in Golden Wind? He just suddenly seems to drop out of the plot with no explanation given.
    • No he didn't. Jotaro told him to come back, and Koichi was sure Giorono wasn't evil like Dio, which is what Jotaro was concerned about.
    • That's Part 5. This Headscratchers panel is for Part 3.
  • How can an American man, a Middle Eastern man, a French man, and two Japanese teenagers all talk to each other with no problem?
    • It's only for the convenience of Japanese viewers/readers. It can be assumed all of them easily know a common language, which might be English.
    • So, Joseph obviously speaks English as his first language, and isn't all that likely to learn more than the basics of other languages to communicate because that's extra effort. Jotaro probably speaks English just as fluently as he does Japanese because his mother is a native speaker (and since his dad is hardly around..). Since Avdol met Joseph before the rest of the group, and Joseph had no real reason to learn his language (plus Avdol seems like a pretty worldy, smart guy), Avdol probably speaks English well enough. Kakyoin doesn't have a lot of reason to know English because he's apparently completely Japanese and always lived in Japan, but since he travelled with his parents to Egypt (when he met DIO and got possessed), maybe he's good enough at common international languages like English from travelling? Polnareff doesn't have any particular reason to know English, but since it's the most common language of the group and there's no reason for any of them to know French, he must know English, too.
      • Polnareff is French so it isn't hard to imagine he knows English like so many other Europeans.
      • Japanese schools do teach English classes and while most probably don't actually learn enough to become fluent, Kakyoin's a sharp tack.
  • When Hol Horse gets hits with his own bullets, those bullets pass through Boingo's Thoth comic book (thus fulfilling the prophecy since the bullets pass through a picture of Jotaro). Since the bullets passed through and damaged the comic, shouldn't Boingo have suffered damage, as well? Or is the comic considered the same as an independent Stand where damage to it doesn't affect the owner?
    • The JoJo Wiki's page of Special Stands has a section labeled "Uncontrollable Stand", where Thoth is listed as controlled by fate rather than its user. Could be that imposing one's will on their Stand creates the synchronization that also causes both to suffer the same damage — two sides of the same coin.
      • Thoth is also bound to a physical object, and stands that do that are almost always exempt from synchronization as well. The object the stand is possessing is what is damaged rather than the stand itself.
  • What are the rules behind Daniel D'Arby's stand? So, Jotaro was able to bet his own soul, Avdol's, Kakyoin's, and his own mother's. However, only one out of those three people was even present. So how does the stand decide what allows you to "bet" a soul?
    • Basically very loose; Jotaro stated to wager his mother's soul, which was all it needed to hear. Distance seems a non-issue.
      • Distance isn't the issue, it's ownership. The only souls that agreed to be wagered were Jotaro's and Avdol's (who expressly gave permission to Jotaro). But Kakyoin and Mrs. Holly weren't there. How does D'Arby's stand decide if you "own" a soul or not?
      • The Stand doesn't really care about the rightful ownership of the wagered souls, just that some manner of permission is given for the wagered object. D'arby states himself that a 'promisory note' is 'just as good as gold as far as my Stand's concerned'.
      • The Stand has to care to some extent, otherwise nothing would have stopped Jotaro from, say, betting Dio's soul.
      • Both Kakyoin and Holly would have been willing to let Jotaro bet their souls if asked, so he could bet their souls; all that's required is that the person be willing in that situation.
    • Jotaro asked Avdol for permission out of courtesy. Avdol gets upset when Jotaro agrees to bet Kakyoin's soul, but since D'Arby suggested it, it must be acceptable for the gamble. So Avdol's objection is because it's disrespectful, rather than being against some rule.
  • At the climax of the final fight between Jotaro and DIO, DIO stops time and drops a steamroller on Jotaro. Jotaro is forced to move and use his Stand to rapidly punch the bottom of the steamroller so that it doesn't crush him, while DIO counters by doing the same to the top. After it seems like DIO has finally beaten him, it is revealed that Jotaro had actually stopped time at the last second in order to escape. That leaves just one question: How was Jotaro able to stop time when he was already moving in stopped time in order to keep the steamroller from crushing him?
    • Moving in stopped time / stopping time. Jotaro was moving withing Dio's stopped time, but then stopped time for himself in order to escape. Think of it like Yu-Gi-Oh, where the last trap card activated in a chain goes first. Jotaro's timestop was seperate from DIO's, once Dio's stopped time ran out, Dio was 'frozen' since he didn't go to the normal world, but Jotaro's world of frozen time. The steamroller touching the groundwas from Dio's perspective, while to Jotaro, everything was stopped.
      • That's a stupid answer... If you move in stopped time you're actively using your stopping time ability. That's why sometimes Jotaro can only move 1 second inside of Dio's stopped time. He used up everything.
      • Jotaro stopped time in the 9th second of DIO's timestop, so they both used their ability, but once DIO's ended, Jotaro's were still going,meaning he obtained more time to use it and he activated it on the perfect moment, by pure sheer luck DIO's only exceeded his last mar by 2 seconds, sheer pure Joestar luck.
  • Was it really that hard for the group to figure out that The World stops time? Polnareff being unable to approach him was a clue, but Nukesaku being switched with DIO's position in the coffin when Joseph was watching the entire time should have been a dead giveaway. They already knew DIO's stand had some godlike power anyway, so why so long?
    • DIO went to great lengths to prevent the knowledge from being hinted at. Sure, we as the audience know that DIO was stopping time due to our POV, but think of it from in universe. Polareff walks up stairs, suddenly finds himself at the bottom of the stairs once more. No sensations, only his vision and hearing to rely on. Where else do we have something like that happen in reality? Perhaps a nightmare? For all they knew, Dio was capable of altering reality in a sort of nightmare world much like Death 13. It was only until Dio bypassed the tentacle trap 20 yard Radius Emerald Splash did Kakyoin reason that was the only way the vampire was able to do all that stuff. The Emerald Splash trap was set up so that any movement Dio made would be detected and punishable, so how could one nullify detection and punishment like that in the instant Kakyoin fired off the attack?
    • For all they knew, DIO's Stand could've been a Reality Warper. Or some sort of teleportation (both of himself and/or others within a particular range). Either of those would've explained what DIO had done so far. It was only when he was able to escape Kakyoin's Emerald Splash trap unharmed (yet also had to physically touch it in the process) that teleportation was ruled out. And Polnareff has no idea what it feels like to be teleported, so would've had no way to rule out that DIO had been using that to move him back down the stairs.
    • The stuff that he showed with his ability were also things that other Stand Users did, such as how Enya was able to change the car Joseph was gonna jump into with a spiky fence or the aforementioned Death 13. It's also likely that, if they were to guess it's time-based, they might think it'd be something like rewinding time or skipping time like what later villains had.
  • When Joseph and the others were in Egypt and going into the café, he warns the others to stay on guard because anything could potentially be a Stand-related trap. If he's so cautious about all this, why is he the one who, when he sees an electrical socket attached to a rock, impulsively decides to reach over and touch it? That's the most suspicious thing any of them see all day up to that point, and parents teach their little kids not to stick their fingers in a socket (which seems to be what Joseph attempts to do). Surely his refusal to use the outdoor toilet couldn't have clouded his thinking THAT much.
    • 1) Rule of Drama. 2) Joseph being old might not be that tech savvy (minus him knowing how to fix his robot hands, but to be fair, that's pretty vital). The enemy stando is fuelled by the logic of "If you saw an electrical socket attached to a rock, you would most likely want to check it out". It's just such a bizarre location to place a socket that it's hypnotizing. In other words, the Stand is a Curiosity Killed the Cast thing that runs on Schmuck Bait. It's also possible that the Stand itself hypnotizes people into touching it.
  • If Mariah's stand involves creating magnetism, then surely Avdol's flames would've been able to break the magnetic field around himself and Joseph. Magnetic fields break down over time when in 176*F (80*C) temperatures or higher, and a Stand like Magician's Red, being a Playing with Fire ability, would reasonably get hotter than that. It's especially jarring when the magnetism is *engulfed in his flames* when he and Joseph are stuck to the train rails, but they still end up clinging to one another.
    • Stand elements that emulate real world phenomenon are assumed to act differently. In Avdol's fight against Polnareff, he warns him against assuming that his flames act like those in nature. He has direct control of them, so they don't spread randomly to flammable materials, they burn without fuel (although they do seem to require oxygen), and they can burn in any direction he chooses. It's probably safe to assume that Mariah's magnetism is immune to normal magnetic weaknesses like heat.
  • If Holly's Stand disappeared with DIO's death, wouldn't Joseph and Jotaro's disappear as well, alongside the rest of the Joestars' Stands?
    • If the stand arrow is any indication, anyone can have a stand, it's just that the strain will kill weaker people. DIO was probably passively forcing Joestar stands to manifest, and killing him meant Holly and Josuke's stands weren't gone, but could be turned off.
    • Holly's Stand didn't disappear, it was simply turned off, something Holly lacked the mental fortitude to do on her own as long as Dio was alive(but Joseph and Jotaro did), she is still a Stand user after Dio's death, it is just that her Stand is underdeveloped due to her being(comparatively) mentally weak.
  • If time is stopped when D I O and Jotaro use The World, shouldn't they freeze to death because nothing is moving?
    • Time is stopped for everyone but the user of the time stop, so no.
    • Required Secondary Powers
    • Temperature is based on the velocity of molecules, and velocity is just change in position divided by time. During stopped time, both of those are affected equally, so the temperature of time-frozen things are still the same.
  • One un-adressed irritant: How can anyone see during stopped time at all? Knowing how light and vision work, in stopped time the user and anyone excepted from it's effects would see absolutely nothing, and moving forward would likely slowly give them extremely garbled 'visuals' of things that simply aren't there. The only way around this would be the user, in this case Dio, unfreezing the light simultaneous to himself without unfreezing everything else - but if that's the case, then Dio would be smart enough to only unfreeze light that would end up contacting his eyes, and leave the light that could be headed for, say, Jotaro's eyes frozen. The only way Jotaro would be able to get around it, with his similar abilities shown at the end of part 3, would be to unfreeze the light as well - but if he's somehow doing this, he could just stop the light headed to Dio's eyes instead in order to blind them or just unfreeze time in general. What gives?
    • Dio and Jotaro don't choose what they can unfreeze, the stand automatically do that on their own. So it's possible that they just don't freeze light.
    • Interesting thing about real life and relativity - light always moves at C speed. Normally, if two objects are moving away from each other at speed a, then each object's observation of the other object is "moving away at 2a speed". However light doesn't work like that. Even if you were moving at 0.5C speed, than any light you see would still appear to be travelling at speed C.
  • So where did Dio's 2nd coffin, the one fished out of the Canari Islands in Chapter 1, come from? Erina and Lisa Lisa surfed on on the one he originally occupied, and there's never a second coffin seen in the room, or loaded in the ship. Why WOULD Dio bring two coffins on board?
    • Dio didn't bring the coffins on board, his Chinese servant did. IE, there were two coffins because there were two vampires.
    • There weren't two coffins. Dio hid in the secret compartment of the coffin (remember that?) while Erina was on the top. When Erina was rescued, there was no reason why her rescuers would bring the coffin up too, so it sank into the sea. See this video for more info.
  • We've seen DIO isn't exactly afraid of displaying his Stand power to his servants. Knowing the Crusaders had not one, but two former servants of him, why don't they know anything about it prior to the battle against The World? Even if they didn't see one of his power displays, someone could've accidentally dropped that information. And don't say it's out of Undying Loyalty: Kakyoin despises himself for having accepted to join DIO's army, and Polnareff was just in for his sister anyway.
    • As mentioned in a head scratcher above this one, DIO’s power isn’t immediately obvious even when you directly see it used: one second he’s in front you, the next he’s behind you. There’s any number of different powers that can do something like that.
    • It isn't certain how much time Kakyoin and Polnareff spent around Dio while they were enslaved. Given how they didn't even know The World's name, either of them knowing its ability seems like a bit of a fat chance. Besides, Dio wasn't just showing his Stand's ability to just any of his servants, the ones who were confirmed to know it were very close to him, namely Enyaba.
  • So DIO has had Jonathan's body for over 100 years. I understand that DIO couldn't adjust to the body while he was in the coffin since he had no way to drink blood, but why did it take so long to recover once he was free? He's been free for four years, but apparently his neck wound didn't start healing until recently.
    • I don't think we can really make a judgement call on how easy it is for a vampire to undergo a head transplant...
    • To make an effort at a guess...maybe DIO was in REALLY bad shape after he was fished out. Even if he drank the 3 guys who fished him out, his head wasn’t healed enough with the neck to move his body more than a bit, and he had to zombify the salvage workers to get him back to the mainland, all during night as well. That alone would take quite a bit of time, especially since zombies aren’t exactly...competent at non-eating related tasks.
    • Keep in mind that DIO wasn't just attaching his head to the body some Joe Schmoe, he was attaching it to Jonathan Joestar, who through a combination of untapped psychic ability and lingering Hamon energy, was styming his recovery. DIO explains this to Hol Horse, telling him that this is why he can't fight the Joestars yet.
  • Related to the above question, why did Jotaro, Holly, and Josuke barely start manifesting their stands? Apparently their stands were awoken when DIO's own stand surfaced, but he's had it for about a year.
  • How did punching DIO (or at least The World) in the leg cause it to shoot up the body towards his face with cracks? Wouldn't Star Platinum have blown the leg off, considering that Jotaro heavily damaged DIO's legs earlier?
    • Jotaro was so pissed off that he gained enough strength to blow him up.
    • The left side of Jonathan's body was still rejecting Dio, so it could essentially be discerned as his weak point. Star Platinum punched The World's left leg, and after the pummeling Dio had been through, his healing factor was overtaxed, resulting in his death.
  • We are first introduced to the Stands in Egypt through nine cloaked figures, who are the size and shape of humans. The one with the cane is N'Doul, and the short one is Boingo. I'll give Anubis a pass as he may be possessing some random person, but how did Pet Shop wear a cloak and pass himself off as a human? He's a falcon.
    • Maybe one of them was Hol Horse?
      • Or Cool Ice?
  • When Polnareff gets hunted down by Alessi, Alessi's axe manages to harm Silver Chariot. How was he able to do that if a general rule among Stands is that only other Stands can harm them?
    • more then likely stands arent truly immune to damage, but simply so durable that 99% of mundane methods are useless, its implied anubus can be destroyed with mundane water rusting it, and the empress implied the only reason hamone/ripple dident work was because it was part of josephs body, silver chariot is simply immature at that point and thus lacks the usual durability of a stand
    • Doesn't he use his stand to summon the axe?
      • I don’t think that would change anything. Star Platinum was about to go ham on Magician’s Red with the prison bars, but Avdol claimed they would’ve done nothing. Unless the axe itself was part of his Stand (like Silver Chariot’s sword) it shouldn’t affect another Stand...then again, Dio was apparently able to break out of Hermit Purple with just his raw (vampiric) strength, so...
    • If you wanna get technical about it, the axe only broke Silver Chariot's rapier.
  • Why doesn't Joseph of Avdol suspect Forever is a stand user? They encountered Iggy prior to the story. As such, the two know that animals can be stand users.
  • Why is Dio in why Egypt? Wouldn't he prefer to go somewhere dark like northern Europe or Canada, instead of one of the sunniest places on Earth? There are stands expressly tied to the Egyptian gods, so maybe that's some sort of reason, but it does seem sort of like a random place for him to hang out.
    • He was under the sea for 100 years, he probably developed some kind of fear to water.
      • The World’s appearance (old style diving gear and oxygen tanks) would lend credence to that idea. Alternately, IIRC, a number of legends regarding vampires in desert regions claim that they’re active at high noon (when the sun’s at its highest). He might have believed that the local blood supply would see the desiccated remains and rely on [1]
    • That doesn't really check out as, (as far as I can gather hearing vague things about a Part I haven't read/watched), he went to America before going to Egypt. So Egypt was a decision on his part.
    • Because Dio released a song called Egypt.
  • How did J. Geil repel the rain on the night he killed Polnareff's Sister? His ability to do so is the reason Polnareff knew he was a Stand user, but Hanged Man doesn't really seem like it would be able to do that.
    • J. Geil probably covered himself with his Stand, much like Ghiacco does.
    • Hanged Man was bouncing off the raindrops falling around him (perhaps even slicing them apart while it was at it).
  • Why couldn't Polnareff harm Justice with Silver Chariot? He could skewer fire, so why not mist?
    • Fire and mist can't feel pain. As for Polnareff not being able to skewer Justice with Silver Chariot, Enya just... controlled the mist. What made Polnareff being able to skewer Avdol's fire was simply Avdol not bothering to control it at the time, and also likely because fire can melt metal, but Silver Chariot is magic metal.
    • Justice was completely invincible. Not even Star Platinum could harm it.
  • Where did that coffin labeled "DIO" come from that was fished up in the prologue? The one originally containing Dio that was carried onto the vessel at the end of Phantom Blood was not only different, but was also the one through which Irina secured herself and an infant Lisa. Dio was going to climb back into it after transplanting his head onto Jonathan, in order to shield himself from the explosion, and failed to accomplish either of those. Logically, he should have been Deader than Dead since those events, yet he was able to re-manifest as energy inside either the coffin he failed to retreat into or a different one altogether. What happened?
    • There were two vampires on the boat, assuming Dio's servant guy had any sort of foresight and self preservation, he would have packed two coffins.
  • When DIO throws the knives at Jotaro, why does Star Platinum need to deflect them? They're ordinary knives, which can't hurt a stand; SP could just mimic Jotaro's stance and just let the knives bounce off. The same logic can be applied to the road roller.
    • Same reason why Star Platinum catches the bullets in episode 1: Because of its position, they could hurt Jotaro directly.
    • As the above troper put it, and DIO didn’t just throw knives at Jotaro, he also froze time and made sure to get some knives coming in from almost every direction. Star Platinum literally couldn’t tank them all without deflecting them.
    • To answer your question about the steamroller, even if Star Platinum could just act as a barrier, Jotaro would still need to get out from under it rather than just be a sitting duck pinned under the damn thing.
  • Why did Avdol have Jotaro name Star Platinum using a random Tarot card... when every other name was already taken? And how did he happen to pick the right one?
    • Avdol's Tarot skills are just that good.
    • He dident want to tell the extremely buff dude with a powerful stand an an attitude issue "all the cool names were taken so you are getting whats left" so he had a deck entirely of The Star cards so he could make it seem like it was fate and the name had a cool origin story
    • It's not random. Fate is a real thing in that universe. Jotaro was fated to pick a Tarot card that describes his stand, personality, and/or eventual fate, that wasn't already picked by someone else.
  • How did Team Joestar know there weren't other stand users whose stands were also named after the star, the hermit, the fool and the magician?
    • Probably Joseph's and Avdol's fortune telling. Also, I don't think they would care even if they did know.
    • Avdol already seems to have outside knowledge of who holds which Stand cards. For instance, in the High Priestess arc, Avdol knows exactly what the Stand they’re fighting is, and is able to pick out that the user is indeed Midler before the fight gets rough. He also had prior knowledge of Devo and Ebony Devil, so I don’t find it too far fetched he knew about the other Stands as well.
  • What was Steely Dan's overall plan? He takes great delight in taunting Jotaro and making him perform demeaning tasks, secure in the knowledge that Jotaro can't hurt him without hurting Joseph even worse ... except Dan was upfront about the fact that the Lovers would kill Joseph within ten minutes, and then move on to one of the other heroes, taking them down one by one. So if it looks like they're not going to be able to save Joseph, doesn't that give Jotaro an incentive to kill Steely Dan now, before anyone else gets hurt? Even if they hold out hope for Joseph until it's too late, once more of them start suffering from the Lovers, inevitably they're going to make that Cold Equation. I don't see how Dan expected to get out of this situation alive.
    • Steely Dan's overall plan was to play mindgames; he was dealing with two Japanese highschool teenagers who avoid killing if possible, a somewhat bumbling french man, and Avdol was M.I.A. By taking control of the most experienced one, he exploited the party's youthful inexperience and resolve to save Joseph. Jotaro may also be an aloof anime teen, but he wouldn't want to kill his own grandpa.
  • What was stopping Daniel J. Darby from saying "I bet Hol Horse's soul" or any of the remaining servants of Dio in response to Jotaro's ultimate wager?
    • Because the value of the souls Jotaro was wagering was in how much they meant to him. D’Arby doesn’t give a fuck about his own brother, let alone Hol Horse, so it’d hardly be a fair exchange in comparison to Jotaro’s mother.
      • I think it's the other way around; the value of the exchange to your opponent. DIO's minions' souls are worthless to Jotaro. After getting Joseph's and Polnareff's souls on the tables, D'arby doesn't have anything Jotaro cares about except knowledge that would help defeat DIO (or possibly the rights to beat up D'arby after winning, but he already has that by default).
    • He probably didn't even think they were alive. If the Crusaders had made it all the way to him, he'd be justified in thinking his cohorts were dead, even if that wasn't entirely true, so betting the souls of the dead would've been worthless as it's implied it's out of Osiris's power.
  • Why was Yellow Temperance's Kakyoin copy able to use Hierophant Green that one time?
    • I’m guessing it was just an extension of Yellow Temperance itself, shapeshifted to look like Hierophant Green. If we had a better angle, we might have seen a cable or something connecting the two
  • It's been questioned already as to why Jotaro was able to kill DIO, but on a similar note, how was Star Platinum able to kill DIO for good, when he was able to brush off Hamon, his natural weakness, by having the vampiric ability of body reconstruction? Especially given how DIO had evolved from his previous state into something far stronger, what was stopping DIO from regenerating his body when it was splitting apart from Star Platinum's punch? And for that matter, to add onto the previous discussion of DIO's unsolved death, how was Jotaro's anger enough to surpass the energy of Hamon, when he never learned how to use it like Jonathan or Joseph did?
    • Ok, first of all, DIO didn't "brush Hamon off". He used The World to knock Joseph out before Joseph's Hamon-infused Hermit Purple tentacles could reach him.
      • OP here. To elaborate, when I was talking about DIO, "brushing it off," I wasn't referring to the fight with Joseph before sucking his blood. What I actually meant was him brushing off Hamon during the fight with Jonathan in Phantom Blood. Hamon is a vampire's natural weakness, so I fail to grasp how a single punch to a weakened limb from Star Platinum was able to outperform that.
      • Hamon isn't an insta kill for vampires, it still takes a bit of time to get the job done.
    • That being said, in the whole DIO vs Jotaro fight, DIO regenerates all the damage he takes (a hole in the stomach, a severed left leg, a hole in the left side of his skull, and some holes punched into his torso and shoulders). He is able to heal all this damage, by sucking the blood from two people (first a random unlucky woman's blood, which enables him to recover from the hole in the stomach and the severed leg, and then Joseph's blood which enables him to recover from the other injuries). Supposedly, Joseph's blood also gave him a considerable power boost. After sucking Joseph's blood, Star Platinum punches him in the right hand (i.e. the right side of his body, that we know it heals faster than his left side) and he heals that almost immediately, without sucking anyone's blood. And then, Jotaro stops time for the first time, and has both of DIO's legs broken. And DIO has difficulties trying to heal this last time. But after some seconds, he heals that, as well. Yeah, he heals both legs. Then, he squirts blood from his right knee onto Jotaro's eyes, and attempts to kick him to death with The World's left leg. Jotaro counters this by having SP punch him in the said left leg, which causes The World's left side to crumble apart, and in turn DIO's (aka Jonathan's) body to crumble apart on its left side, all the way up to his own head.
    • Now, my problem is not understanding all of the above, my problem is at understanding how DIO's head exploded at that point. DIO's head was always his own, it was his body from the neck down that was Jonathan's. I can buy that the left side of Jonathan's body regenerated slower, and that all the damage DIO suffered in the left side of Jonathan's body required him to suck a person's blood to regenerate it. But DIO's head was always his and his alone. I can understand Star Platinum punching The World's left leg translates to the left side of DIO's stolen body disintegrating, but I don't get how the disintegration creeps all the way up to HIS HEAD. If anything, DIO should have ended up as a disembodied head once again, but nope, his entire head explodes too.
      • Vampires don't leave corpses behind when they're killed, since physically, they're already dead.
    • Or is it possible that he no longer had the "left side of Jonathan's body regenerating slower" issue at this point, and that his entire body was basically his own, after sucking Joseph's blood? If so, how exactly is DIO killed? Star Platinum punches The World's left leg, not DIO's physical left leg. Jotaro is shown eye squinting when Star Platinum's right fist shatters, showing that he felt the pain of his right hand being broken, as well. Fine, I can understand this. But how is that The World's entire left side cracked apart instead of just his left leg? What was this, Jotaro's hatred for DIO or what? The way DIO is done for is nothing short of contrived, one would say.
    • The way the left side of his body explodes along with his head seems to indicate that he still had the problem with Jonathan's body regenerating slower on its left side, even after having sucked Joseph's blood. This, in turn, would mean that after DIO drained Joseph's blood, he BELIEVED his regeneration powers had gotten a boost, but that was actually NOT the case. Perhaps he deluded himself, when he took a punch from Star Platinum to his right hand, and he made it heal pretty quickly (all while gloating about it), without taking into account that it was the RIGHT side of his (Jonathan's) body the side of it that healed FASTER. Perhaps he tried to deceive Jotaro into thinking he had gotten a boost, in order to discourage him from continuing the fight. In any case, DIO fell into his former hammy behavior, as an indication that he had pretty much lost what little sanity he had, which may explain how he deluded himself into thinking his healing powers went up.
      • This still brings up the issue with DIO’s head vs body healing. If the left side is still healing slower, then DIO isn’t entirely sync-ed. Hell, why didn’t he just pop his head off like he did back in Part 1? He should still have complete control of his head, and it was still nighttime, so he could heal up and eyebeam Jotaro when he was asleep or something.
  • It's said that Polnareff, Avdol, and (especially) Kakyoin were born with their Stands, and in particular, Kakyoin spent a rough childhood due to the fact that nobody could actually see his Stand. However, leave it to Polnareff to directly contradict this. Based on what he says in Golden Wind, Stands were first discovered in 1978 when a scientist was exposed to a virus contained within a meteorite, which was then forged into the Stand Arrow by Enya. However, the three characters listed above just so happened to be born before 1978. Based on calculations, how was Kakyoin born with a Stand 7 years prior, Polnareff born with a Stand 12 years prior, and Avdol born with a Stand about 18 years prior to the first discovery of Stands?
    • According to the article on the "Bow and Arrow" on JoJo's Bizarre Wiki (a JJBA Wikia), the meteorite from which the arrowheads were forged was discovered in 1978, but it had crashed there (somewhere in Greenland) about 50,000 years ago. Just because it was discovered recently does not mean that Stands didn't exist much before than that (evidently then, the discovery of the meteorite in 1978 was not the actual first discovery of it, but rather, the first documented discovery of it). Also, the arrowheads were forged in ancient times, not by Enya but by an unknown man who wished "the power of the gods", several centuries before the actual discovery of the meteorite in 1978 (confirming that 1978 was not the actual first discovery of the meteorite, and that it had been found and used to forge arrowheads many centuries before that). Enya just happened to acquire five of those already forged arrows, six of which were discovered in 1986 by an investigation team (which included Diavolo) in the Egyptian desert. Diavolo then stole all six of those arrows and sold five of them to Enya, keeping the sixth for himself. There is no contradiction here: a weird meteorite fell on Earth 50 millenia ago, then centuries ago a random guy forged arrowheads out of that meteorite's shards, and then the meteorite was rediscovered (and studied) in 1978, and then in 1986 some of the arrowheads were found in Egypt, and those arrows would be used by various villains to awaken Stands on people in following years. Neither the meteorite nor the arrowheads' existence is limited to 1978 and 1986 respectively, but way, waaaay before that. Thus, it's not farfetched to conclude that the ancestors of Polnareff, Kakyoin and Avdol had awakened their Stands, which in turn awakened the Stands on their descendants just like how DIO awakened the Joestar bloodline's Stands.
  • This question would be rendered rather irrelevant to DIO's minor minions and those who are shown to be close to him in some fashion, but out of all of them, why are the Oingo Boingo brothers working for DIO? Sure, DIO could've seen potential in Boingo with him wielding Thoth, with Oingo tagging along because he's protective over his younger brother, but what do the two of them see in DIO that they'd go along with his commands of assassinating the Joestar Group? The two don't seem like they'd be interested in his charisma, given that they're two brothers fighting against the world who don't trust anybody but each other. (That last point being proven by Boingo's fear of Hol Horse, who was just another one of DIO's minions)
    • Although DIO has shown great contempt for weak people, he doesn't shy away from using them as their minions. DIO thought they would be able to apply some value, even if just a little bit, in slowing down the Joestar group.
      • Even so, if DIO only saw minor potential in them, why did he assign them as two of the Egypt 9 Glory Gods, his own personal bodyguards, if they served that little value to him? Kenny G and Vanilla Ice could've very well had their Stands be named Khnum and Thoth, while the Oingo Boingo brothers got generic Stand names, and nothing of value would be lost on DIO.
  • If Kenny G and Vanilla Ice didn't fall under the classification of Tarot Masters or the Egypt 9 Glory Gods, what would they be classified as? You could say DIO's bodyguards, but even so, the same thing applied to Telence and Nukesaku, with the former being a Glory God, and the latter not having a Stand whatsoever.
    • Since later parts introduce stands that don't represent neither of those, them not falling in any definition might be foreshadowing to stands not folowing this particular rule in later parts. In fact Both Part 4 and Part 6 reveal that DIO was aware of other stand users that didn't represent a tarot card neither an egiptian god, like Okuyasu's dad and Enrico Pucci. Even in this same part, Holly's stand and The Passion (Jonathan's stand) exist and don't fall into neither of those.
  • Given that she was the most devoted minion of DIO besides Pet Shop, Vanilla Ice, and Pucci, why exactly was Enya relegated to being only a Tarot Master as opposed to a Glory God or one of his bodyguards? Unlike Hol Horse, Enya never showed any signs of turning on DIO at any point, so if she was relegated to just staying in Egypt alongside him, there wouldn't be any need for DIO to implant spores in her that Steely Dan had to set off to keep her quiet.
    • I always considered timeline of events to dictate that Enya was one of the first to learn about Stands. She directly gave DIO his Stand, but we don’t exactly know how she got her Stand. It’s possible she followed the same fortune teller rules that Avdol did and drew the name of “Justice” from the Tarot on her own time, rather than having DIO do it. I then only really see the 9 Glory Gods as the FIRST Stand users they recruited, ones they didn’t have to give Stands, since they already had them for a long time. (I believe the D’Arby brothers had theirs for years before SC, and N’Doul used Geb as a way to live as a criminal. Plus, he cites Geb to be one of the origins of the Tarot in his death.) The 9 Glory Gods are possibly very unlikely to be DIO’s elite. (Because let’s be honest; he treated Mariah like all his other women, he belittled Telence D’Arby after his defeat, Vanilla Ice isn’t amongst the ranks... and let’s be honest, why would you put OINGO AND BOINGO in your ELITE GUARD?) Enya was probably masterminding the Tarot Masters, while DIO managed the Glory Gods, probably because nobody else COULD do it.
  • Why didn't the Speedwagon foundation provide Joseph with some ultraviolet flashlights like the one they used against the vampires at the end of Battle Tendency? Would have made dealing with Dio less of a headache to be sure.
    • Since the Speedwagon foundation didn’t have another problem with vampires in the last 50 years, it is likely that they had stopped the production of ultraviolet flashlights, and since saving Holly was the top priority, there wasn’t time to produce some. Additionally, it was the flashlights that caused Perfect Kars, so both the Speedwagon foundation and Joseph would have decided that the flashlights would have been useless if DIO learnt how to avoid it or take advantage from it, and since he was gone 100 years, he would likely have.
  • When Polnareff is facing off against Hol Horse for the first time, he's taken by surprise when the bullet maneuvers around Silver Chariot's sword. Thankfully, he's saved when Avdol pulls a a Big Damn Heroes and pushes him out of the way... wait, that bullet was clearly right in front of Polnareff's face, so how did Avdol manage to run all that distance in a fraction of a second? The way it's portrayed really makes it look like Avdol, who was several meters away, only started moving after the Emperor's bullet did the curve thingy. And if he really was somehow running that fast, wouldn't tackling someone at that speed cause some serious damage to the two of them?
  • Why does everyone including an actual doctor think mistake the Empress for a swelling or infected wound when it is clearly a tumor?
    • External tumors aren't veiny.
  • Boingo's Thoth is portrayed as being very powerful, but how does it grant the user any advantage whatsoever? Since all it does is predict future events with absolute certainty, it could predict "Oingo and Boingo try to attack, but are noticed by Jotaro and beaten horribly", and the brothers would have no choice but to accept their fate, since nothing they do can alter the prediction. When Hol Horse refused to kick a lady because of his principles, the prediction forced him to do so with some kind of inexplicable compulsion. This means that even if Oingo and Boingo knew for certain that they were about to lose the battle, they wouldn't be able to retreat or change strategies. Any information gained from Thoth's predictions is therefore functionally useless, which makes it strange that anyone would rely on Boingo's "help".
    • The predictions are usually vague enough to allow a bit of Prophecy Twist. They say that Boingo will do so and so, and that whatever will happen as a result, but it doesn't explain EXACTLY how Boingo will do that thing, or the precise circumstances of what the consequences will be. So presumably, Thoth would never actually make a prediction as exact as Oingo and Boingo failing and being beaten up.
  • Does everyone except Kakyoin believe they just never encountered the Death stand user? They know explicitly that there is one due to Rubber Soul telling Jotaro, but only Kakyoin remembers fighting Death 13 and, going by dialogue later on, he never told the rest of the group about it.
    • Kakyoin only remembers Death 13 because he brought his Stand into the dreamland with him, which was stipulated as the only way to remember the encounter. As far as the other Crusaders know, Death 13's user just never made it to them for one reason or another.
