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Headscratchers / Immortal Hulk

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  • In the "Hulk in Hell" arc, it's revealed that the original gamma bomb experiment that created the Hulk opened up a gateway that allowed the One Below All to possess gamma-powered superheroes and villains. However, even with Comic-Book Time, by now it's been many years since the original experiment, and in the intervening years numerous different individuals have been given gamma powers. So why haven't they had visions of the "green door" before the events of this series? And why is the One Below All possessing them only now? Why didn't all this happen years ago?
    • Maybe it has something to do with Gamma Saturation? There are a lot of Gamma powered characters in play here, something that definitely wouldn't be the case if the One Below All decided to do all of this when the Hulk was first created. The series showcases Bruce Banner, Doc Sampson, Sasquatch, and eventually includes Betty, Rick, Abomination and the Leader with cameos from Amadeus Cho among other gamma mutates. That's a lot of gamma power, which seems to be intrinsic to the OBA's plans.
    • But almost all of those characters, except for Amadeus Cho, have been around for a long time... So it's not like various gamma-powered beings existing on Earth is a recent thing.
    • He had to wait for the appropriate time. Until VERY recently, everyone simply forgot the visions. Apparently, the situation that happened with the Avengers and some other things 'triggered' something.
    • Up until recently, Bruce Banner did not embrace the "Devil" side of himself - a cruel, horrific creature with apocalyptic ambitions, willing to kill and torture to achieve his ends. A Hulk whose patterns are so close to the One Below All's own, much more so than the raw, unfocused destruction of the Savage Hulk, the petty cruelties of Joe Fixit, the meticulous methods of the Professor or the 'genius' casualty-free destruction of the Green Scar. TOBA has never manifested himself to Banner before because until now, Banner never gave him something to work with.
