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Headscratchers / Forbidden Planet

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  • Morbius says that no physical representation of the Krell remains. Later he shows the Captain and the Doc a screen that can display the sum total knowledge of the Krell. So the Krell didn't study their own physiology or internal medicine or anything else that would require physical depictions of them?
    • The screen 'accesses' the sum total of all their knowledge. That doesn't mean that its organized in a way that Morbius can easily search, and he's only read through a tiny, tiny portion of it, and comprehended even less of that. Also Morbius means pictoral depictions of themselves, what if they were all blind or had different, alien ways of describing themselves? For all we know, Morbius might have stumbled across one of their anatomy charts and thought it was the blueprints to one of their public works projects instead. Or if the Krell were gaseous or blobs or liquids, Morbius would instead mistake such a description for the ingredients of some chemical experiment rather than the physiology of a living being.
  • The Krell doorways and equipment suggest they are short, squat and 2-3 times the width of a human. Yet the travel pod they ride in when touring the Krell machine is clearly sized for humans. And Morbius didn't build it. He wonders aloud how many times the Krell rode in this same pod.
    • Humans are capable of building structures such as a doorways and hallways that often much bigger than themselves. Also humans come in different heights and sizes. So would be the case the Krell. Maybe the travel pod was a ride for the Krell children? If an alien encounterd a playground, he would probably assume the beings that made it are all three feet tall. Also maybe the Kree might also have been blob-monsters, shapeshifters, or were otherwise flexible? Maybe they were gaseous or were otherwise were less limited by the size of the physical space compared to their physical space of their bodies. Maybe they could use different bodies on different occasions. Who knows?
  • The cook's DC station is with the command staff?
  • Does the C-57-D actually make it back to home port after losing 25% of it's crew (5 out of 19), including the chief engineer, the Executive Officer/astrogator and the doctor?
    • Why wouldn't it? Was the ship damaged? No, It wasn't. The ship probably flies itself, and the other crew members particularly the chief engineer probably has a second engineer along with an entire engineering department as is the case with most Navy vessels. The crew would have protocols for just that situation. Also they have Robby with them now, who is probably smarter and more capable than the entire crew's combined skill set.
  • Why did they send a linguist to space in the first place? Were they expecting to find the remains of an alien civilization on Altair? No disrespect to linguists, it's a fine profession and does show its usefulness in the movie, but it's not exactly what I would consider prime importance for a colonization, research or exploration mission like that.
    • Different people and times have different priorities. It made sense to someone in authority.
  • The first time the Id Monster enters the ship, it doesn't leave any sign of its passage. The second time it does so, after going through the force field, it not only leaves huge footprints, but damages the stairs by bending them. Why didn't it do this the first time it entered?
