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Headscratchers / Bluey

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Who's watchin' Muffin and Socks?

  • In "Handstand", Stripe and Trixie are seen at Bingo's party. But who's babysitting Muffin and Socks?
    • A babysitter?
    • A Twitter post reveals that they were there at the party, just not on-screen. They were watching Cat Squad with Lila.

Inconsistent Furry Reminders?

  • Socks, at around 1 year old, is shown to move and behave more like a real non-anthropomorphic puppy. But in "Baby Race" Bluey and the other babies still in diapers move like human babies. Why is this?
    • The creators admitted they forgot their own lore when writing Baby Race. A common fan interpretation is Socks representing children with autism.
      • Proportional Aging, rather, an inversion? See, 1-year old in this universe means, well, a toddler that isn't ready for potty training, so a puppy that's not ready to be housebroken in our universe.

Washing the clothes you don't wear?

  • The adults are often seen doing laundry, but they never wear clothes. Why do they have clothes, and why do they need to wash them if they never wear them?
    • Some characters wear clothes as work uniforms, so could it be that?
    • One exception to this is "Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound," in which they wear purple underpants. Why is Bandit taking his pair off considered gross when everyone walks around naked anyways?
      • Maybe fur is basically clothes?
    • Laundry isn’t purely clothing it’s also things like towels, wash cloths, blankets, etc.

Why not just put on a movie?

  • In "Sleepover", why not just put on a movie for the kids to fall asleep to?
    • They might want to see what happens in the movie instead of fall asleep to it.
      • Muffin might... but Bluey and Bingo wanted to stay up late. So they could indeed be allowed to see the movie through to the end while Muffin relaxes and falls asleep to it.

How can they afford that house?

  • Chili apparently is an airport security worker (I think?) whereas Bandit is an archaeologist. Archaeologists don't get paid much, especially not ones working for a university. Could just be an idealised portrayal wherein university professors and archaeologists are paid like football coaches? Or did they just inherit the house?
    • The average Australian archaeologist makes $90K a year. The average airport security officer makes 80K a year. Even in Dollarydoos, that's enough to afford a nice house, even if you don't consider the possibility of them having money from other sources like trust funds or parents.
      • Judging by Nana and Grandpa Heeler's swank beachfront condo on the Gold Coast and Stripe's large home with a pool, it's possible Bandit comes from money and may have resources beyond his earnings.
    • Many fan theories think Bandit and Chilli are in kahoots smuggling and selling artifacts on the black market, explaining why they could afford it.
    • Bluey takes place in an idealized world without many of realities problems. Among other things this means jobs are properly compensated such that people working jobs like airport security can afford housing.

Bathroom inconsistency

  • In "Easter", it's revealed that Bandit and Chilli have separate bathrooms, both of which contain toilets. But "Dunny" has Bingo waiting for the bathroom. What gives?
    • It was probably the closest bathroom she could get to in her conundrum or she's waitin' to use the family bathroom.

Regarding Ghost Bastet

  • So the Heelers have been planning a move, right? But why did they go out of their way to install a pond in their backyard if they're just leave it behind when they move out? Where was the pond in that episode anyway?
    • The way the episode was shot made it seem like the move was imminent, but it may really be not. The events of the episode may be set quite a bit far back. It was a flashback to when Bandit and Chilli first informed Bluey and Bingo about their plans to move out one day. And obviously they wouldn't like that, so the parents made a game to help the kids vent their feelings about the news and cope with it. They even might've convinced their parents to delay the move, as evidenced at how the real estate agent (played by Bandit) helped the Grannies (played by Bluey and Bingo) get their house back. But the agent informed the Grannies that he can't help them out forever. The kids might've conceived their parents to hold off the move for a while, long enough for their parents to decide to install a pond in their backyard. The pond itself may very well be something the parents did to convince themselves not to move. But they couldn't delay the inevitable forever. The ending was simply a flash forward to the present day when the parents finally begin going through with the move as they put the house up for sale.
    • Also, as shown in The Sign, the Heelers ended up not going through with the move out. So now the most likely option was that those episodes were set BEFORE when the Heelers had that pond installed. Perhaps the reason Chilli had it installed in the first place was that the experience gave her a new sense of belonging in the house, so she felt the desire to spruce it up a bit.
      • And you know what else is possible? The episode "Christmas Swim" is also set after the events of those episodes. Frisky is referred to as AUNT Frisky and she mentions how she's new to the Heeler family, likely meaning she had married Rad by the time of that episode, why they might've even been calling from their honeymoon or something.
